Sunfishy Sprites

Alright. I was actually worried I was TOO nuantic, to the point of annoyance.


If there's anything wrong with it, I'll be happy to fix it :)
I never figured out how you wanted his hairstyle, so I just chose one that seemed to match his "look"
Not bad, I like it. If I were to change anything, though, I would switch the hair from yellow to more flaxen-blond, like in real life, but it's not that big of a deal.

now to get the ability to have custom avatars on PS!, I wanna use it there ;_;
More fakemon!
Hedgeko --> Florecko --> Sentecko
Peacoo --> Fantastock --> Marfowlous Male/Female
Squift --> Seanobi
The squids are probably my favorite out of the bunch. The birds are really low quality as well, so I'll retouch them later!
Also, have a Drasna sprite c:
These are honestly my favorite things I ever sprited ;;

A single-staged fairy line that has stats somewhat like chansey/audino, but acts much more like a utility, rather than a staller.
The color is completely aesthetic. There's nothing special about having a specific color other than showing you being a hipster and going for the black one.


3-staged pure poison line that sorta has no real advantages over any other poison type.
Think of it like dex fodder just for a generic evil team to use, or something
more stuff!

Region Map

Rock/Flying Bats
Normal typed cat, which evolves into other "classes"
The above's "Cleric" evolution, being a Fairy type.
Magistrum's cut CAP19 concept art, but in sprite form :D
Finally, a request from a user to make a a person with a labcoat, with Dendenne in tow :)
The Dendenne is actually from the sprite project, just shrunk and editted a tad to keep it in a nice scale
hi there, i saw you were taking requests. I want a male tennis player sprite for pokemon showdown. If you could make this happen that would be amazing. thanks n_n
Oh sure! Is there a specific pose, or anything, you want to see in it? OTherwise I can just pic one that fits the tennis girl sprite :)
Oh sure! Is there a specific pose, or anything, you want to see in it? OTherwise I can just pic one that fits the tennis girl sprite :)

yea one that fits the girl one is fine. Thanks so much for responding so quickly and agreeing to do it. im very excited n_n
Not sure if you're taking any requests atm, but a trainer duo sprite of Daft Punk would make my day :)

Really like the prevo of that rock bat, enjoying the stalactice-like head (stalagmite? idk)
Yeah if you are taking requests atm a Shulk sprite (with the Monado) would be great. You can find me on PS or leave me a VM if you got any questions but no rush at all. A lot of these look great, keep up the good work!
Oh sure! I'll add you both to a queue of sorts :)

Instead of leaving this empty, here's a random screenshot of what the art room is slowly working on:

Just a little test of a custom battle script for Essentials.
(That's not its backsprite, and it's not supposed to be floating :P)
Thanks FD!

Finished Spydreigon 's sprite!

If there's anything you want changed, feel free to suggest changes :)
Also, the colors are picked directly from his art, so if it seems a bit too dark, I can try to brighten them!

EDIT: added a "finalized" version of shulk and another request:
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Wow some of these are fantastic, I particularly liked Spydreigons avatar above, looks both crisp and detailed :D

If you ever consider taking requests again, could I request a Jak and Daxter avi? Jak's renegade outfit from the second game would be cool
oh dang, haven't checked out this thread in a long time ;;

Freeroamer if you still want a jak and daxter avi, I can try to fit it into my list of avi's to finish, but I have no time frame as to when I can get it done, unfortunately :(
Also, to everyone, I'm not going to accept any more requests until I finish all of the ones I have. Sorry!

Here's some stuff I managed to finish while on vacation:

A little fakemon based on cuddling and warm feelings and bug scarves
Snuddle -> Snugglee -> Snugglomp
All Bug typed, which becomes Bug/Fairy upon its Cosby Sweater evolution


Another request.
No clue if it's good enough yet!
Made more sprites, and some that were old but never posted

Strout and Sailmon
Water/Flying, common encounter


Minatlas and Thornatlas
Bug type, which is a sort of counterpart to Drapion.


Ghost/Fire, with a "indirect" moveset, which involves dealing damage through means other than directly attacking the opponent.


Normal/Psychic, with the unique ability "Sleepyhead", which heals it 1/8th of its health every turn it is asleep, but adds an extra turn of it sleeping.
had an arting spree, and did these fakemon in one day:

Made Fanshee's evo, "Reveram"


Frounder, Sunfoon, and Moonsoon.
Water Type and are based on Sunfish and Spaceships.


Phillow, Dollost, and Haunton.
Ghost Type based on dolls and chimaeras.

Also, made some avatars, and seemingly close to finishing my log of requestees.

This was made with some edits by apt-get!


and Nia from TTGL!
Fanshee and Reveram looks terribly cute, just as if they were official Pokémons <3
Since you're not taking requests atm, do you know about some other shop where i could ask for something like this?

Request: A Back & Front in 64x64 Max, and an Icon in 16x32 Max (1 frame is all what's needed) from a Fakemon.
Misc: This is the Fakemon itself, Squeesel.

Aanyway, sorry if i troubled you a bit and thanks in advance for reading, keep with your hard work :D
Fanshee and Reveram looks terribly cute, just as if they were official Pokémons <3
Since you're not taking requests atm, do you know about some other shop where i could ask for something like this?

Request: A Back & Front in 64x64 Max, and an Icon in 16x32 Max (1 frame is all what's needed) from a Fakemon.
Misc: This is the Fakemon itself, Squeesel.

Aanyway, sorry if i troubled you a bit and thanks in advance for reading, keep with your hard work :D

Considering how simple it looks, I can do it :)
I need a bit more info though, such as the style,(I'm assuming gen 4), and if it requires indexed colors,(in the case this is for a romhack).

Also, adding in some recent work:

Halloween contest

Ononoki from Bakemonogatari

Considering on opening requests again, since I've been virtually done for a while now. What I'm scared of is the fiasco that happened in the summer where I sorta disappeared for a few months, which can happen again at any moment :(
Considering how simple it looks, I can do it :)
I need a bit more info though, such as the style,(I'm assuming gen 4), and if it requires indexed colors,(in the case this is for a romhack).

Ononoki from Bakemonogatari

Considering on opening requests again, since I've been virtually done for a while now. What I'm scared of is the fiasco that happened in the summer where I sorta disappeared for a few months, which can happen again at any moment :(

YOTSUGI! Oh my god!
It's so cute! <3333
About the extra information, for the style i would certainly love the Gen 4.
About the colors, don't worry too much, Wichu's Advanced Series Tool index the image automatically if i'm not wrong xD
Thank you so much <3