Metagame Terastallization Tiering Discussion, Part II [CLOSED FOR DLC]

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It's even not wholly a Gambit buff because Gambit has a lot of fun with Tera Blast Fairy. Giving it one less option makes it more bearable
True, though IMO the net loss to Gambit is lower because it has access to several other options to lure its checks like Grass Knot, Tera Psychic Zen Headbutt (this is probably a meme) & Low Kick compared to the various Stored Power Sweepers which need Tera Blast to get past Gambit.

Volcarona coming back would be mixed since it will have to run bulky sets with Will-O-Wisp to beat it, which won't be as meta because of Heatran.
I would have to argue that it would care, because Tera Blast Fairy and Flying are both common to beat common switch-ins like Tusk.
Yup I smoked a Tusk with TB Fairy in a game last night. Guy never saw it coming, though maybe he should have given that I chose to set up SD while tusk was still healthy

This team utilizes it quite well been a huge fan of tera blast since early gen 9, mainly on set up mons. Often times being able to combine defensive mobility and either getting a surprise kill/ losing their switch in is pretty obviously amazing. But tera blast mainly lately can feel very predictable with its abuser to the point where my main issue is just I have to either predict or make mid grounds if there are any which kingambit, iron moth, gmolt all abuse having little mid ground answers. But there are huge draw backs to it. It forces tera earlier than wanted a lot of games which shocks is notable for doing. And it makes you very attached to tera on the user. While good tera blast users can make this less of a factor or make it so little it barely applies (kingambit), most unique "surprise" users dont have this and fall into mu cheese, niche, or just bad category. And to me tera blast is either predictable on its users, or just slightly better than the actual tera mechanic itself with just mu fishing and surprise factor. A team preview option would help with tera blast, but the issue with tera is not tera blast. It is always the issue of what and when. What tera is the most huge and can feel objectively dumb on multiple pokemon right now with : Kingambit, Baxcalibur, Garganacl, Tusk, Moth, Zama, Valiant, and Sneasler being the biggest variants with everything else still doing this to a lesser degree. When right now is also huge. Watch wcop, play ladder, watch youtube, or whatever else and you will see late games scenarios revolving around someone assuming a tera and having to predict when it will tera. While preview alleviated the what question, it worsens the when question. I am always up for any action around tera due to unrestricted tera being really against the competitveness of 6v6 pokemon, but preview to me is a mixed bag with fixing one issue but worsening the other. been a huge fan of tera blast since early gen 9, mainly on set up mons. Often times being able to combine defensive mobility and either getting a surprise kill/ losing their switch in is pretty obviously amazing. But tera blast mainly lately can feel very predictable with its abuser to the point where my main issue is just I have to either predict or make mid grounds if there are any which kingambit, iron moth, gmolt all abuse having little mid ground answers. But there are huge draw backs to it. It forces tera earlier than wanted a lot of games which shocks is notable for doing. And it makes you very attached to tera on the user. While good tera blast users can make this less of a factor or make it so little it barely applies (kingambit), most unique "surprise" users dont have this and fall into mu cheese, niche, or just bad category. And to me tera blast is either predictable on its users, or just slightly better than the actual tera mechanic itself with just mu fishing and surprise factor. A team preview option would help with tera blast, but the issue with tera is not tera blast. It is always the issue of what and when. What tera is the most huge and can feel objectively dumb on multiple pokemon right now with : Kingambit, Baxcalibur, Garganacl, Tusk, Moth, Zama, Valiant, and Sneasler being the biggest variants with everything else still doing this to a lesser degree. When right now is also huge. Watch wcop, play ladder, watch youtube, or whatever else and you will see late games scenarios revolving around someone assuming a tera and having to predict when it will tera. While preview alleviated the what question, it worsens the when question. I am always up for any action around tera due to unrestricted tera being really against the competitveness of 6v6 pokemon, but preview to me is a mixed bag with fixing one issue but worsening the other.
how do you figure tera preview will worsen the "when" question? the way i see it, it's equally as much a guessing game as to when your opponent will tera either way. when i play randbats, i can look up my opponent's mons' potential tera types. if they only have a single one they can generate with, i know with confidence that mon is definitely a certain tera type, which is effectively the same as having tera preview on that mon. that doesn't make me less confident when i try and figure out when my opponent is planning to tera; in fact, it actually makes me more confident in my predictions sometimes.
how do you figure tera preview will worsen the "when" question? the way i see it, it's equally as much a guessing game as to when your opponent will tera either way. when i play randbats, where you can look up any mon's potential tera types, i can reasonably deduce sometimes that a certain mon is definitely a certain tera type. that doesn't make me less confident when i try and figure out when my opponent is planning to tera; in fact, it actually makes me more confident in my predictions sometimes.
if you knew what tera they can become, you both have a mutual understanding. That leads to one player knowing that this turn they can turn into a type to resist the se move here and take a kill or set up or gain momentum. The other side knows that for sure too. So then they could predict use a neutral, or super effective move to get the damage needed for late game calcs or kill. But the otherside knows this too. So does the other side neglect usng tera this time and hard pivot, set up, or take the kill predicting their predict. It is just common prediction
if you knew what tera they can become, you both have a mutual understanding. That leads to one player knowing that this turn they can turn into a type to resist the se move here and take a kill or set up or gain momentum. The other side knows that for sure too. So then they could predict use a neutral, or super effective move to get the damage needed for late game calcs or kill. But the otherside knows this too. So does the other side neglect usng tera this time and hard pivot, set up, or take the kill predicting their predict. It is just common prediction
and this is somehow worse than our current meta, where every turn features that same scenario iterated 18 different times instead of only 1?
and this is somehow worse than our current meta, where every turn features that same scenario iterated 18 different times instead of only 1?

I mentioned in my original post that any action is better, my view is though is that preview won’t make the metagame or gameplay good to the extent stable non Tera Ou tiers have been in terms of competiveness. Of course it’s hard to get any objective evidence to back my view up so I’m up for a preview metagame. And also fully reasonable for me to possibly be wrong. But my opinion is that
Just dont let the tera ban apply to lower tiers unless they vote to ban it themselves.

That way in case there is another Tera suspect, we can have a fair and balanced vote without the swarm of lower tier players getting reqs so Tera isnt banned down there, as what happened during the first Tera suspect.
Actually, the very fact that Tera is supposedly balanced in lower tiers indicates that it's Pokemon that abuse it are the problem. It can't be broken at its core if it's balanced with a different pool of Pokemon.
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I wouldn’t stop playing. Yes I believe it would lower my enjoyment. I don’t see it having a huge effect on how competitive OU is. You can still choose to Tera or not. It doesn’t change much about the strongest Tera Pokémon, as I can see it anyway.
I just don’t think it would be as fun, and I also don’t think it would help as much as people think.
Tera is never getting full banned. People can rage all they want, never gonna happen. Making a half ass compromise won’t solve anything in my humble opinion.
This all started with a simple rejection of the assumption that EVERYONE wants preview.

What are the problems it won't solve?

Actually, the very fact that Tera is supposedly balanced in lower tiers indicates that it's Pokemon that abuse it are the problem. It can't be broken at it's core if it's balanced with a different pool of Pokemon.
Incorrect, 2 Lilligants just got banned from 2 tiers for matchup fishing and using Tera blast for amazing stab coverage and sweeping, Goltres is under a lot of scrutiny in UU, and furthermore, Tera can make every threat way worse as a rule so looking at specific threats only is futile as what rises above the rest will simply trickle down
A few times, actually. Normal Types especially like it.
Normal types still use Tera Blast for Tera, they are just more versatile users of the move than most. Otherwise, with Tera or TB banned, they just revert to using Hyper Voice
several, actually. i ran it on h-zoro for a bit as an experiment because i thought it might be a good way to keep the illusion mindgame going—my hypothesis was that people would think "hah, this idiot forgot to tera" instead of "wait a minute, roaring moon can't use hyper voice". turned out to not be as great as i anticipated, but specs tera blast is still kinda neat because you effectively get to switch moves while choice-locked (though only once)
This post for example is describing a use of Tera Blast on Hisuian Zoroark to break out of choice lock, that is, taking advantage of Tera.

To find a Pokémon using Tera Blast out of necessity because it has no access to other Normal type moves you need to go all the way down to LC with Hisuian Zorua.
Incorrect, 2 Lilligants just got banned from 2 tiers for matchup fishing and using Tera blast for amazing stab coverage and sweeping, Goltres is under a lot of scrutiny in UU, and furthermore, Tera can make every threat way worse as a rule so looking at specific threats only is futile as what rises above the rest will simply trickle down
lilligant is a setup sweeper with a sleep move, of course it's gonna be a matchup fish in whatever tier it lands in. it got booted from pu in gen 7 too. oh yeah, and galarian moltres got kicked out of uu last gen. hisuian lilligant is harder to argue because it never existed before, but if it had, it probably would have gotten banned from something too. the issues you're looking at were present before tera. and the only thing that will trickle down is tears down kingambit's face when we fucking ban his chess-playing ass
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There is no NEED to ban tera , it isn't unhealthy for the metagame. I think that even tera blast shouldn't be banned , cuz not only can it be used as stab on normal type it can also be used to dish out damage on fat teams which will help the metagame not become ss 2.0 (there was no way to defeat bulky mons without using supereffective stab). It's a rather interesting topic cuz a suspect vote has taken place in the past and since there was no change to tera itself , I doubt there is anything make it broken. Now there WAS a change to the mons that abuse tera , but that just means that we shld focus on banning the mons instead of banning or restricting tera. I am also completely against any sort of restriction cuz that is kinda removing the purpose of having to tera.
Terastallization is easily the most polarizing and controversial topic in the history of competitive Pokemon. It’s important that we get this right.

For me personally, it’s been pretty humbling being in charge of the format with so much on the line, but it’s also a big responsibility that I take really seriously. Given that, I think I owe the community my thoughts and full transparency on the process, Tera itself, and recent developments.

Tera is unique and has evoked a wide array of responses. You have talented and long-tenured players on both extremes saying the game is ruined by the mere presence of Tera and that the game would be ruined by the removal of Tera. As a councilmen and leader, you have to throw all of your people-pleasing instincts out the window and just find out what’s best for your metagame. I think our approach in finding that has gotten better over the last couple of generations (obviously always room for improvement though).

Historically council decisions have been determined internally with the council deciding on early quickbans and the subjects of suspects without much external consultation. This isn’t a shot at 10+ years of councils, including the first 3-4 years I was a councilmen, but just how Smogon was. Since I took over and TDK came up with surveys during the middle of last generation, we have transitioned to a data-driven approach fueled by our playerbase with surveys. We also have tried to be as transparent and communicative with any parts of the process that have to be handled quickly or internally during this time as well. It certainly hasn’t been perfect and as recently as the Volcarona ban, there have been controversies and learning experiences galore, but we are trying to make this a tier by the players and for the players.

And to me, it seems like many players want to keep Tera around. In particular, the vast majority of posts in the PR thread indicate a desire to keep it around while a smaller, but still clear, majority of the points made in OU discussion thread reflect the same. Of course, there are still a lot of reasons to keep Tera discussions going such as its survey response and the ardent expressions of anti-Tera sentiment in the other posts. In all honesty, you can justify a suspect on Tera now in various formats right now and it is entirely on the table. However, you can also justify pushing the envelope a bit longer be it in a matter of weeks or looking again after DLC and then tackling Kingambit first with a suspect. The council has been discussing these options and will continue to. I do not expect a verdict today or tomorrow, but likely next week as we ramp up in the coming days.

Personally I think Tera is pretty complicated. It is a whole mechanic, so looking at it in the same exact way as a Pokemon is tough and that is our normal approach for suspects, so we have to be careful here. With this in mind, over time you can draw conclusions about how it impacts the balancing of our metagame and the competitiveness/skillfulness of the format through the lens of the Pokemon throughout the format. Obviously there is the whole debate of aggressively tiering Pokemon impacted by Tera (i.e: what we have done) vs touching Tera, and I do not think it is a super linear argument as there is so much makeup behind both, but in going to a suspect, we would essentially give the community a chance to determine if the current approach is optimal or of the fundamentals need to be altered to maximize this generation's potential.

I think that Tera itself offers a lot of skillful interactions to our metagame. For starters, it rewards a lot of playing experience/knowledge as to what does what as there are so many nuisances to Tera. In addition, sequencing and the risk-reward to Tera'ing at a certain point, using a Tera offensively or defensively, etc. offers great strategic merit. There is no denying that there are more decisions made by players throughout games with Tera than without. However, it is also true that not every single decision is a balanced one and not every inference can be viewed equally as some have certain confidence and intuition behind them while others a bit less so. It's hard not to look at it a bit through the scope of how many Pokemon have been impacted by Tera to the point that they have been deemed banworthy, which you can likely say applies to Regieleki, Espathra, Volcarona, and Annihilape. It is not a perfect or really relevant (to the current metagame) to largely go off of things already banned though -- if anything, this just opens up discussion on Tera Blast, which caused 3 of those things to be broken arguably. I think all things considered: if we are looking for the most balanced metagame that results in fewer bans and aligns with the norms of prior generations, then Tera may not have as much of a place. However, if we are looking for the most skillful and completitive metagame with layers of strategy that still has potential for balancing, then Tera very much has a place. While my historic tiering insight makes me feel the former is important and we should do something on Tera, it seems like a lot of the community embraces Tera and aligns more with the latter. I take no issue with that myself.

A lot is up in the air and I hope to update people more formally next week, but the council is discussing a lot internally, including the contents/vibe of this thread, and I will do my best to keep you updated. Formal testing on Tera still remains an option, but so does pivoting to something else like a Kingambit test and potentially looking into this down the road.
Very well said. Thanks for all the work that you and the council are providing, by the way. It doesn’t go unnoticed :blobthumbsup:
I was thinking and even though often it doesnt result in anything, this time i think i came up with an interesting point (that i havent seen anyone give yet, scream at me if im wrong)

The other mechanics that are brought up often are: Megas, ZMoves and DMax

Megas and ZMoves were fine while dyna wasnt, what could be the reason for that? In my opinion it boils down to two factors:
With Megas and ZMoves the user had to choose their respective pokemon before or they at least had to put some kind of dedication to the pokemon they wanted it possible with, i think you know what i mean: You needed the respective item. Would megas be overbearing if they didnt need an item? (No im not bringing up mega-ray, dont worry)

I would never want to fight a life orb or boots mega chary or a life orb mega zam, choice scarf mega medi or mvoir, leftovers or helmet mega sableye, Scarf/band/lorb/lefties/ebelt/subsalac mega heracross and so on, on their own they are fine and balanced in their own way but give them an item and good night, thats why you would rarely see two possible megas with stones on the same team (like gyara and ttarfor example) because items are so important in pokemon and if you give it up for something, it should be good
ZMoves as well, kommo o is okay with its z-move but give it a life orb or something similar and nothing wants to fight in, Magearna with a ZMove and shuca/lorb/lefties/av, weavile with ZMove and choice band/boots would be stupid

Dynamax took away the dedication needed to use an item or make your choice on which pokemon to use it on in the tb because you could use it always and it even stacked with some items (Looking at you, life orb and weakpol) and guess which gimmick was the first to be overwhelmingly overbearing? The one where you could use it at any time in the game to just start winning because you feel like it, no matter the pokemon and its item, so i ask the question: would Tera be fair if you werent allowed to have an item on the pokemon you want to tera? (Or make an unknockable and untrickable item like ZStones and Mega stones were)

I myself am a terahater or at least i was until i asked myself this question and with many items being actually quickly obvious, be it by lefties, lorb, balloon, booster or boots being seeable very quickly or by knock and trick existing or by just calcing for ebelt/mystic water and similar items, it would make for both the possibility of "weaker" pokemon being usable with tera while the most broken pokemon using tera would become weaker (no item on kingambit makes quite a big difference, same goes for tusk, valiant, garg, ...) and pokemon like volc that were reliant on tera to break through their checks can still do that but at a cost, just like lure sets were used in older gens as well. If you want all your six pokemon to be able to use their tera then it is possible, however you then have to pay the price of not being able to use an item so no tera normal boots dnite, no booster tera dark/ghost val, no lefties tera water/fairy garg

That would make tera an option and keep it in the tier for all the terafans out there while still making tera way more balanced since it cant as easily be used out of nowhere to just setup and win like how dynamax was used in gen 8 before the ban, also it would still keep the "Tera makes the tier more about informationmanagement and more skillfull" argument alive, because the information on the item becomes even more important and with the limited amount of knock off and the "freeness" of being able to click trick, it would make getting the information sometimes quite punishing if you want to mindlessly trick the amoonguss with your gholdengo, just for it to be a terapokemon or with a terapokemon switching in to punish this trick like how it was done in gens 6 and 7

Tl;Dr: Tera is broken because of no opportunity cost and the ability to use an item on your terapokemon, if we make it so you can only use tera on a pokemon with a special (new) item like how zmoves and megas were, it would create the opportunity cost and make information management more important -> the tier more skillfull

(There are already tera shards of types that are important for changing tera types in game so why not insert them into showdown and make them unknockable and the item you need to tera into the certain type (so you need a tera shard water on your garg to tera into water with it) so we dont need the information on which tera type to choose next to the gender and happiness)
I was thinking and even though often it doesnt result in anything, this time i think i came up with an interesting point (that i havent seen anyone give yet, scream at me if im wrong)

The other mechanics that are brought up often are: Megas, ZMoves and DMax

Megas and ZMoves were fine while dyna wasnt, what could be the reason for that? In my opinion it boils down to two factors:
With Megas and ZMoves the user had to choose their respective pokemon before or they at least had to put some kind of dedication to the pokemon they wanted it possible with, i think you know what i mean: You needed the respective item. Would megas be overbearing if they didnt need an item? (No im not bringing up mega-ray, dont worry)

I would never want to fight a life orb or boots mega chary or a life orb mega zam, choice scarf mega medi or mvoir, leftovers or helmet mega sableye, Scarf/band/lorb/lefties/ebelt/subsalac mega heracross and so on, on their own they are fine and balanced in their own way but give them an item and good night, thats why you would rarely see two possible megas with stones on the same team (like gyara and ttarfor example) because items are so important in pokemon and if you give it up for something, it should be good
ZMoves as well, kommo o is okay with its z-move but give it a life orb or something similar and nothing wants to fight in, Magearna with a ZMove and shuca/lorb/lefties/av, weavile with ZMove and choice band/boots would be stupid

Dynamax took away the dedication needed to use an item or make your choice on which pokemon to use it on in the tb because you could use it always and it even stacked with some items (Looking at you, life orb and weakpol) and guess which gimmick was the first to be overwhelmingly overbearing? The one where you could use it at any time in the game to just start winning because you feel like it, no matter the pokemon and its item, so i ask the question: would Tera be fair if you werent allowed to have an item on the pokemon you want to tera? (Or make an unknockable and untrickable item like ZStones and Mega stones were)

I myself am a terahater or at least i was until i asked myself this question and with many items being actually quickly obvious, be it by lefties, lorb, balloon, booster or boots being seeable very quickly or by knock and trick existing or by just calcing for ebelt/mystic water and similar items, it would make for both the possibility of "weaker" pokemon being usable with tera while the most broken pokemon using tera would become weaker (no item on kingambit makes quite a big difference, same goes for tusk, valiant, garg, ...) and pokemon like volc that were reliant on tera to break through their checks can still do that but at a cost, just like lure sets were used in older gens as well. If you want all your six pokemon to be able to use their tera then it is possible, however you then have to pay the price of not being able to use an item so no tera normal boots dnite, no booster tera dark/ghost val, no lefties tera water/fairy garg

That would make tera an option and keep it in the tier for all the terafans out there while still making tera way more balanced since it cant as easily be used out of nowhere to just setup and win like how dynamax was used in gen 8 before the ban, also it would still keep the "Tera makes the tier more about informationmanagement and more skillfull" argument alive, because the information on the item becomes even more important and with the limited amount of knock off and the "freeness" of being able to click trick, it would make getting the information sometimes quite punishing if you want to mindlessly trick the amoonguss with your gholdengo, just for it to be a terapokemon or with a terapokemon switching in to punish this trick like how it was done in gens 6 and 7

Tl;Dr: Tera is broken because of no opportunity cost and the ability to use an item on your terapokemon, if we make it so you can only use tera on a pokemon with a special (new) item like how zmoves and megas were, it would create the opportunity cost and make information management more important -> the tier more skillfull

(There are already tera shards of types that are important for changing tera types in game so why not insert them into showdown and make them unknockable and the item you need to tera into the certain type (so you need a tera shard water on your garg to tera into water with it) so we dont need the information on which tera type to choose next to the gender and happiness)
This would be a mod, rather than a restriction, which are extremely frowned upon and screw over cartridge players.

speaking of which, can we just ban sleep moves instead of whatever this arbitrary clause is
I can't think of many restrictions barring Tera Preview or Tera Blast ban that would be worthwhile to consider. The Tera captain idea was pretty good imo, but that got shot down. Another one could be making it so that your Tera types is limited to one of the 4 moveslots in your moveset, but that would still wind up killing Hundreeds of strategies and restrict teambuildimg by removal staple options like Tera Water Garg, in addition to being a complex solution.

Unrelated but I do wonder if Eleki would still be better than in Gen 8 if Tera Blast was banned. A key advantage I noticed when it was legal was that it was extremely good at punishing bad Teras from Lando-T / Great Tusks. It's control over the Tera game due to its speed made it pretty strong.
Actually, the very fact that Tera is supposedly balanced in lower tiers indicates that it's Pokemon that abuse it are the problem. It can't be broken at its core if it's balanced with a different pool of Pokemon.

Incorrect, 2 Lilligants just got banned from 2 tiers for matchup fishing and using Tera blast for amazing stab coverage and sweeping, Goltres is under a lot of scrutiny in UU, and furthermore, Tera can make every threat way worse as a rule so looking at specific threats only is futile as what rises above the rest will simply trickle down

Does this not prove his point? The lilligants and goltres are the problem pokemon, abusing tera blast to match up fish. This should be another reason why tera blast itself should be banned because of how you can essentially use any pokemon as a lure.
Actually, the very fact that Tera is supposedly balanced in lower tiers indicates that it's Pokemon that abuse it are the problem. It can't be broken at it's core if it's balanced with a different pool of Pokemon.
Does this not prove his point? The lilligants and goltres are the problem pokemon, abusing tera blast to match up fish. This should be another reason why tera blast itself should be banned because of how you can essentially use any pokemon as a lure.

the Lilligants and Goltres are the FIRST problem Pokémon. Soon we will see the Pokémon they kept in check rise up as the biggest threats
Unrelated but I do wonder if Eleki would still be better than in Gen 8 if Tera Blast was banned. A key advantage I noticed when it was legal was that it was extremely good at punishing bad Teras from Lando-T / Great Tusks. It's control over the Tera game due to its speed made it pretty strong.

the Lilligants and Goltres are the FIRST problem Pokémon. Soon we will see the Pokémon they kept in check rise up as the biggest threats
(was literally writing this when you replied so I'm going to add it into my statement lol)

This is why we should ban Tera Blast because then it brings back threats that were pushed over the edge by the move, and avoid them from being outclassed in the tiers above. As well as bringing them back to check certain threats (main example is Volcarona Checking Gambit with Flame Body) Along side the overwhelming positive of banning the move by and restricting movepools again. This way you can't actively match up fish unless the move already exists in a move set.
Dynamax took away the dedication needed to use an item or make your choice on which pokemon to use it on in the tb because you could use it always and it even stacked with some items (Looking at you, life orb and weakpol) and guess which gimmick was the first to be overwhelmingly overbearing? The one where you could use it at any time in the game to just start winning because you feel like it, no matter the pokemon and its item, so i ask the question: would Tera be fair if you werent allowed to have an item on the pokemon you want to tera? (Or make an unknockable and untrickable item like ZStones and Mega stones were)
The problem with this argument is that your trying to compare Dynamax to Tera based soley off the fact that both can use items. The problem is the power difference between the two is night and day.

Dynamax would still be broken if the user couldn't use items because: 1) The user doubles it's health 2) The user gets 3-4 different Mini Z moves 3) said Mini z moves created terrains, boosted stats, set weather, and other effects like setting rocks or "super firespin" and 4) various immunities such as to weight based moves, phasing, and flinching.

Tera by comparison 1) changes a mons type without any stat boosts, 2) boosts damage of a singular type while retaining STAB of other types and 3) Boosts less than 60 BP moves to BP of said Tera type.

Dynamax was overbearing because it enabled mons that weren't set up sweepers to become set up sweepers, weakness policy sets ran rampant because the added bulk let them stay in and set up by being slower, and basically invalidated multiple aspects of the game mechanics that existed while also facilitating abilities like Swift Swim and Unburden.

Tera however doesn't change game mechanics or make exceptions to rules while also not directly boosting stats, it only changes type match ups within the confines of game mechanics. It's power is confined to the type it becomes, including strengths and weaknesses.

This long winded explanation on the basics of both mechanics is to touch on your question regarding items. Dynamax could not be balanced with or without items because it warped the terrain/weather and doubled base HP, allowing for specific EV's to be managed in a way that sweepers could survive multiple hits while also boosting power and speed.

Due to tera's unique mechanic, there is no actual boost in power that doesn't directly relate to the type they turn into. I would even argue Tera is more akin to Z moves than Dynamax. I would argue that Tera is balanced and there are simply powerful mons that make it appear more unbalanced than it is. If my Charizard with no stat boosts becomes Tera grass, it didn't actually get stronger. Disallowing items on said mon for a situational type change that may not even be feasible for the match is just flat out bad.
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