The Art of Lorak's Oasis

Did one in a vaguely Pokemon Ranch form, but I'll try to get a normalish one in... And done.

Happy Darkrai is creepy. xD You think that's weird? I'm soft resetting on a Jolly Hoppip in XD to catch in a Dive Ball.

Nice, I'll might use it in some sort of banner if it's okay with you :O
could i get an avatar of that Regice you drew? Just Regice by itself without all the others in there.

Could you draw a Jirachi? Or maybe a Porygon2?? OR OMG A JIRACHI RIDING A PORYGON2??? :o

Porygon2 and I are not fond of each other. Could do a Jirachi, perhaps.

Lorak,Mister Shringator my cousin,wants you to teach him how you,u inspire him <.<
Not sure if I can help much there... .__.
Could you draw a cool pose for Metagross (I'll use it as an avatar, and will give you credit of course) please?
i know i've asked before, and probably been rejected, and i know you hate quadropeds, but i'd really appreciate a Heatran, if you don't wanna do it, its cool.

(Seeming as its not an avvie, i'll ask, can i use your sableye pic with the sableye in my thread?)
i know i've asked before, and probably been rejected, and i know you hate quadropeds, but i'd really appreciate a Heatran, if you don't wanna do it, its cool.

(Seeming as its not an avvie, i'll ask, can i use your sableye pic with the sableye in my thread?)
Sure, just a little credit my way...

great art ^^

if you dont have a lot of other work to do could you please do Milotic?
Stilll have quite a few others to do, but I'll put you on the list.
Metagross is different enough that I could still probably do it. And I've been meaning to do an Empoleon for a while, so likely, yes.
Metagross is more important, so if you could do it I'd really appreciate it :) ^^..if not Empoleon is fine as well :).