The Next Type (Current Types: Dinosaur, Light, and Space)

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B... but grass outright absorbs light. IMHO, ice could resist it, but remember, sunlight won't melt chlorophyll.

Besides which, I can think of lots of other things Ice could resist or be immune to... like a Space/gravity type. Or others, I'll definitely wax on about those as they come.

Actually, excuse the potential pun, but my light type is... polarizing

Yes that is 6 SE hits, Water, Steel, Dragon, Ghost, Dark AND Fairy, but it's also two types immune to it with grass and psychic (who are beyond enlightenment.)
Pokemon that should have Light type:
-Volbeat & Illumise (Light/Bug)
-Manaphy (Light/Water) access to Tail Glow
-Ampharos (Light/Electric) with Mega possibly Light/Dragon or Light/Electric
-Lanturn (Water/Light) literally "the light pokemon"
-Starmie (Water/Light) but not that sure tbh
-Luxray(Light or Light/Electric)
Here's what I think should also be light type.
Sunflora & Bellossom: Grass-Light
Victini: Fire/Light
Jirachi: Light/Psychic or Steel/Light

As for a new type, I was thinking a Cat type. Yeah, that sounds weird, but hear me out. The Japanese names of Assist and Fake Out are Cat's Hand and Cat's Deception respectively, so there's a bit of a running theme going on somewhere.
Cat type attacks are super-effective against Water and Flying (because cats like to eat birds and fish). I can't think of others right now. Cat attacks do no damage to Grass types (Because cats love catnip) and are resisted by Dark, Psychic, and Steel.
Cat types are weak to Grass, Psychic, and Dark. They resist Water, Bug, Normal, Fighting, and Flying attacks.

Here are some pokemon that will change type:
Meowth family: Cat
Skitty family: Normal/Cat
Purrloin: Dark/Cat
Mew: Cat
Litleo: Fire/Cat
Sneasel: Cat/Ice

These moves are now cat type: Assist, Fake Out, Crush Claw, Snarl. Other new Cat moves can be added for STAB.
Jirachi should be space type and space should be immune to flying. Space=gravity and flight during gravity... Screw you pinsir, talonflame and starraptor, you have new counters in Jirachi, Clefable, and Beheyem (who'd probably be single type space.)

To sweeten the deal, I can easily see space resist fight, ground and fire and be super effective against flying, and oddly, normal (aliens tend to conquer the normal people.)
Gonna have two more days of type submission ideas, and then me and the council will get to discussion on type alignments.
Space didn't win any votes yet, and I don't think it's going to. Deoxys, Palkia, and the Elgyem line are the only Pokemon that can really be made into Space-types, and Spacial Rend and maybe the Rooms are the only possible Space-type moves. It's just too sparse to really justify making it a type.
Space didn't win any votes yet, and I don't think it's going to. Deoxys, Palkia, and the Elgyem line are the only Pokemon that can really be made into Space-types, and Spacial Rend and maybe the Rooms are the only possible Space-type moves. It's just too sparse to really justify making it a type.
There is also Solrock, Lunatone and maybe Jirachi
I'm not really for Space Type, but these should be Space Type, if it becomes a thing.

I loved the Light Type and Sound Type rumors before XY was released. In that vein, I will suggest some mechanics:

Light Type


2x Dark, Ghost, Fighting, Psychic
1/2x Light, Grass, Ice
0x Steel


1/2x Ghost, Light, Fighting
2x Dark, Poison, Steel

Tail Glow, Dazzling Gleam, Flash, Aurora Beam (Dual Light-Ice Typing), Solar Beam (Dual Light-Grass Typing), Light Screen, Reflect, Glare etc., are some examples of Light Type moves.

I'll try to complete Light Type and do Sound Type when I return to this thread.
Light Type

X2 Dark, Fighting, Ghost
X1/2 Light, Bug, Ice, Steel
X0 Grass
X2 Dark, Bug, Dragon, Steel
X1/2 Light, Fighting, Fairy, Ghost
X0 None

Light Pulse- 90 power, special, 10 PP, 100% accuracy, 10% to lower target's speed.
Ray Slash- 80 power, physical, 20 pp, 100% accuracy, 20% to flinch.
Photon Smash- 40 power, physical, 30 PP, 100% accuracy, +1 priority.
Gamma Blast- 110 power, special, 5 PP, 85% accuracy, no effect.
Neon Charge- status, 20 PP, raises the speed and special attack of the user by one stage.
Fluorescence- status, 30 PP, lowers target's attack and special attack by one stage, but raises it's speed and accuracy by one stage.

Moves that will be retyped:
Light Screen
Tail Glow
Dazzling Gleam
Flash Cannon (Dual type maybe?)
Morning Sun
Techno Blast (Without Drive)
Maybe something else :D

Pokemon that shold get retyped:
Clefable- Fairy/Light
Rapidash- Fire/Light
Lanturn- Water/Light
Ampharos- Elecrtic/Light
Sunflore- Grass/Light
Dunsparce- Light
Masquerain- Bug/Light
Volbeat & Illumise- Light
Altaria- Light/Flying
Lunatone & Solrock- Rock/Light
Jirachi- Steel/Light
More pokemon after the 3rd gen (got bored :D)

Well that's it for the light type rundown.
As for the 3rd new type you are looking for, Sound or Space is your best bets.

SPACE type for the third type. I even suggested it at the beginning.
Solrock/Lunatone: Rock/Space
Jirachi: Steel/Space
Deoxys: Space (or Psychic/Space)
Clefable family: Fairy/Space
Beeheeyem family: Space (or Space/Psychic)
Palkia: Space/Dragon
Porygon-Z: Normal/Space

Trick Room
Teleport (it has no use but it makes sense)

Light type Suggestions:

Volbeat/Illumise: Bug/Light
Manaphy: Water/Light
Ampharos: Electric/Light
Sunflora: Grass/Light
Swablu: Normal/Light
Altaria: Dragon/Light

Tail Glow
Light Screen
Morning Sun
Mirror Coat

(Dazzling Gleam may seem like a good light type option, but I will not recommnend it becuase of other pokemon who get Dazzling Gleam, but not Moonblast, for a fairy move)
(Flash Cannon is somewhat the same reason, except it is technically the only special steel type move)
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I nominate bomb type. I hope the reactionisn't like the shit at ganefaqs where some says this:
"Yeah, put bombs in a game for kids. Maybe it should have a move called terrorism, which is only super effective against large groups of buildings".
So really, how is this type chart:

Resist: Ground, Fighting, Grass, Fairy, and Dinos
Immune: Poison, Fire
S.E: Water shorts bombs out, Electric Messes them up, and Bug Infiltrate them. Then Dark cheats through them. DONT ASK ABOUT THE LAST TWO.

S.E: Poison, Fire, Fairy, Dino, and Steel
Resist: Electric , Grass, Ice, Dark
Immune: BUG. WE NEED BUG BUFFS OK!?!? THEY'RE TOO SMALL TO BE AFFECTED(lol thats terrible logic but still)

New Bomb Type Moves:
Atom Blast: OHKO after 2 turns. 40% accuracy that ignores any sort of boost, but not drops. Hit chance is determined when used, but not revealed for 2 turns.

Egg Bomb is retyped.

Explosion is converted to Bomb type. Screw ghost resist. Lol at Bug resist.

Aimed Blast: 60 Power, 20 PP, won't miss.

Missle Rain : 30 Power, 2-5 Multi hit, 85% accuracy. 20 PP

Radiate: 20 power, Trapping move. 90%.

Rocket Lance: Extremespeed. BEcause it has S.E, 1/4 recoil.

Atomic Burst: Special Priority

Blast: 100 Power, 50% Paralyze chance. PP is whatever Sacred Fire is.

Shell Shock: Fake out clone.

Mortar(NEEDS A NEW NAME.): Blows up their whole team. 40 BP with guaranteed crits and 30% flinch. 5PP or 10PP

Thunderclap: Bomb/Electric. Sound move. 100 BP and 10PP. 30% flinch.

Surge: Special Shift Gear. Electrode exclusive

Arming: Raises Attack and Defense by 1. Forretress exclusive. Rises by 1 if statused or low on hp.

Land Mines: hazard: 3 layers, base dmgvalues are half of those of SR. however, dmg increases by 100% of the base value per layer, to the point where Breloom is OHKOed. Lasts for 2 mons, then loses a layer.

MultiCannon: Forretress exclusive. 2-5 hits, 10PP, 25 damage.

Here i go, still sucking with names.

Pokemon Retypes:
Weezing and Koffing:Poison/Bomb
Magmortar: Fire/Bomb
Electrode: Electric/Bomb
Forretress: Bug/Bomb for Pineco's sake, but it should be Bomb/Steel
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Mythic for 3rd type
basically, mythic would be related to ancient/mythical civilization/creatures

Golurk: Mythic/Ghost
Cofarigus: Mythic/Ghost
Claydol: Mythic/Ground
Clefairy: Mythic/Fairy
Ninetails: Fire/Mythic
Xatu: Flying/Mythic
Altaria: Dragon/Mythic
Persian: Normal/Mythic
maybe some more? I can't think of any others atm

while on that note, I would like to say that evolutionists/atheists have no solid proof that men evolved from apes OR that early civilization was less intelligent than modern civilization.
Mythic for 3rd type
basically, mythic would be related to ancient/mythical civilization/creatures

Golurk: Mythic/Ghost
Cofarigus: Mythic/Ghost
Claydol: Mythic/Ground
Clefairy: Mythic/Fairy
Ninetails: Fire/Mythic
Xatu: Flying/Mythic
Altaria: Dragon/Mythic
Persian: Normal/Mythic
maybe some more? I can't think of any others atm

while on that note, I would like to say that evolutionists/atheists have no solid proof that men evolved from apes OR that early civilization was less intelligent than modern civilization.

Could we not, I literally just walked away from a Facebook forum for this argument.

Sounds like a pretty good type in general though, I like it better than light type or cosmic type.
I won't argue ancient people were stupid, it's more that there was less knowledge and technology. Either way, this isn't the thread for it.

Tbh, I feel the best types are the ones with multifaceted applications. Light for instance could be a paladin or a glow bug. Fairy itself is somewhat beyond the mythical definition unless perfume is recorded in some mythology... Or ice-cream.

Even things like ghost can be not quite ethereal spirits, like Sableye the gremlin.
[...] space should be immune to flying. Space=gravity and flight during gravity
No, just no. Gravity is caused by Mass, and space is a lack of mass. While space could be immune to flying becaues birds can't fly in space (but then again, animals can't move in space, so then basically it should be immune to everything.), its really hard to make a type that's literally based of of nothing. I think Alien type would make more sense, since they're foreign creatures that we're retyping.
I won't argue ancient people were stupid, it's more that there was less knowledge and technology. Either way, this isn't the thread for it.

Tbh, I feel the best types are the ones with multifaceted applications. Light for instance could be a paladin or a glow bug. Fairy itself is somewhat beyond the mythical definition unless perfume is recorded in some mythology... Or ice-cream.

Even things like ghost can be not quite ethereal spirits, like Sableye the gremlin.
sorry about that, I guess this is the wring place/time to bring up an arguement
Alright, so I've decided on choosing the Space-type! Now me and the council will discuss the type alignments, then I'll post the results after we reach a conclusion.
Approved by Arcticblast

Inspired by the Create-A-Pokemon project, I present to you, "The Next Type"! In this metagame, we introduce a whole new type, retype some Pokemon with it, and see if it can become competitively viable. As per request of Hollywood, our first subject will be the Dinosaur-type. The Dinosaur-type is a rather unique type that provides convenient resistances, unique coverage, and a whole new spin on old Pokemon. The Dinosaur's type alignment is being worked on as a community right now, with the following type changes:

Attacking: Steel-types resist, and Electric-types are weak.
Defending: Dinosaur resists Fire and Electric, and are weak to Ice and Poison.

The following Pokemon receive a type change:

Tyrantrum, Tyranitar, and Rampardos- Rock/Dinosaur

Aerodactyl - Dinosaur/Flying

Nidoking and Nidoqueen - Poison/Dinosaur

Meganium, Tropius, and Sceptile - Grass/Dinosaur

Feraligatr and Slowbro - Water/Dinosaur

Garchomp and Marowak - Ground/Dinosaur

Druddigon and Haxorus - Dinosaur

Kyurem - Dinosaur/Ice

Aurorus - Dinosaur/Ice

Aggron and Bastiodon - Steel/Dinosaur

But some people don't see the point in having a new type without having new moves of that type. Not a problem! Here are new moves to compliment this new type:

Dino Jaw (Tyrantrum family's signature move) - 80 power, physical, direct contact, 15 PP, 100% accuracy, 20% chance of flinching, powered up by Strong Jaw

Dino Tail - 120 power, physical, direct contact, 10 PP, 85% accuracy, no effect

Dino Claw - 90 power, physical, direct contact, 15 PP, 100% accuracy, no effect

Dino Blast - 90 power, special, 15 PP, 100% accuracy, no effect

Dino Charge - 40 power, physical, direct contact, 30 PP, 100% accuracy, +1 priority

Dino Roar - status, 20 PP, never misses, -6 priority, forces out the target and lowers the defense of the incoming target by 1 stage

Pump Up - status, 25 PP, raises attack, defense, and special defense by one stage

Ancient Screech - 40 power, special, 10 PP, 100% accuracy, 100% flinch chance, only works on first turn the user is in battle, +3 priority

Smash - 150 power, physical, direct contact, 5 PP, 80% accuracy, 1/2 recoil.

Super Charge: 150 power, physical, direct contact, 5 PP, 90% accuracy, recharge after use

Hibernate: Rest clone.

*Note that all Dinosaur-types get these moves.

Ancientpower becomes Dinosaur-type (for flavor)

So now that that's settled, let's give a warm welcome to the Dinosaur-type!

I don't really understand the logic behind the Dinosaur-type's weaknesses and resistances. Being resisted by Steel makes sense, but hitting Electric supereffectively, that really confuses me. Resisting fire and electric also seems rather strange as fire would burn a dinosaur to death while lightning would electrocute a dinosaur
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