The date is May 16, 2012, approximately four days after my victory over the Scramblocke killer, Gardenia. Most of my slacking is due to my obsession with Skyrim, but other causes include two consecutive exam days (the first for AP French and the second for Microsoft Access), the page 200 Scramble Awards coming up, excessive history assignments, and just a flat-out lack of motivation. Anyway, I have no more than 30 minutes left of this day as it is, so I'll be brief.
First up, I sadly don't obtain Dice yet. I first have to conquer the Galactic building in Eterna, and I can do so now that I have the gym badge and Cinco's Cut!
(cuts a tree and accidentally heads in without stopping to get any items)
(sees Looker disguised as a Grunt)
Looker: Hello! It is me! Me! Hahaha! I have startled you, yes?
Honestly, if people's names didn't show up when said people started talking, I would
not have known that that was Looker. Gladly, however, that is not the case.
(he takes off his disguise)
Why would you do that...? You're still in Galactic terrain, you know.
Looker: ...Incidentally, you are a first-rate Trainer. Of that, I am very aware.
Okay, but despite that, you don't realize that a Galactic member is staring right at us...?
Looker: But the crooks of Team Galactic, they do not appear, how shall I say, smart.
You can say that again.
Looker: There should be an easy way to tell the stairs apart!
...Did you just rhyme? I wonder if Gamefreak intended that...
(Looker once again assumes his Galactic disguise)
Sure, right after you take it off. What, do you think time stopped around us as we were talking? Come on, now, that would
never happen! (stares at Gamefreak)
Galactic member at the counter: As a group, Team Galactic has its sights set on the stars, not on this world!
No wonder you people are so naïve; you always have your head in the clouds. That also partially explains why you didn't see that Galactic member over there...(awkward change of subject) Oh, yeah, I should probably get that item that I was supposed to get before I entered the dubious electronic sliding door.
(it's TM46 Thief)
Curses. Cinco can't learn it (40 BP, 100 Acc, 10 PP). No use for it, then.
Sign beside the first staircase on the right: The path you chose leads to glory.
If you say so. I'll just avoid it, then.
(fights an easy double battle that unfortunately causes neither Cinco nor AFive to level up)
No, I'm not underleveled; the major battles are just overleveled! That's the problem! Wait...problem? That's actually a nice addition now that I think about it.
(finds that the path with the sign was actually the right path)
Well... When Looker said that Team Galactic wasn't smart, he wasn't kidding. Mind you, I was not stupid to fall for it; I was just being overanalytical. Besides, it's always worthwhile to explore every corner, whether it contains anything useful or not.
(at the top of the wrong staircase, I am three spaces away from a Galactic Grunt facing my direction who nonetheless fails to see me)
Geez, are you blind?
(I tap him on the shoulder and then he willingly battles me)
Seriously. Do I have to let out a shrill cry like Rowan did two chapters ago just to get your attention?
(After battling the blind guy, Cinco wants to learn Fury Swipes!)
With 15 PP? Yes, please. I mean, it's better than Scratch at least 66% of the time...well, in B/W mechanics, anyway; I don't know how it went in 4th gen.
Galactic Grunt on top of the correct staircase: Team Galactic is working hard to find new energy sources for the future!
You know, the real-life economy, especially that of the United States, could really use those energy sources, whatever they are. Still, if they pertain to the evolution of Pokémon, then there's really nothing we can do about that, huh? Well...unless there were some way we could mutate animals into Pokémon. But, there are enough animals in the world as it is, so usage of these mutations is superfluous. Plus, Pokémon is just a myth, so why bother applying it to real life in the first place? Ah, I love rants that end with a self-contradictory statement.
(sees another two staircases, one with a sign, the other without)
Oh, great. Let's see what the sign says this time. Oh,'s 11 o'clock already. Crap. I guess I'll have to end my May 16 entry. Until tomorrow, guys.
Hello. This is the future me of the past. The date is May 17, 2012, and I am once again 30 minutes away from my curfew. My Skyrim obsession kicked in again, which is why my time is so short. I just joined the Imperial Legion and the pertinent quests are so addicting. One more thing: veggie straws are awesome. Now, back to the update.
So, when the present me of the past last left off, he was getting ready to read the sign. Its inscription is as follows:
Let us make progress together!
Team Galactic
Pretty suspicious. Anyway, let's follow the staircase that
isn't marked by this sign!
(upon entry, sees a woman four tiles away from me facing my direction who, despite these circumstances, still doesn't see me)
You guys seriously need to get your eyes checked...or at least stop looking at the sky.
That same Galactic Grunt: We love it when people come to us to donate their Pokémon!
I didn't come to donate my Pokémon; I came to tell you that you need to get your eyes checked.
The Galactic Grunt (after defeat): You can catch Pokémon anywhere. What's so special about them?
Well...they're a vital part of your research, for one thing. In fact, if you can really catch Pokémon anywhere, as you say, why are you so happy about other people's donating to you? That sounds like hypocrisy to me, but I digress. Hey, look, another sign! Let's see what
this one says!
Question not and follow this path! The road to success!
Well, you know what? I strayed from the path and got both a Blue Shard and a Revive, so...well, maybe you're right. What's more is that I saw Jupiter up there. Get ready for a major battle!
(one easy Zubat KO by AFive later, out comes Cryst)
And now for this chapter's Slogan Moment!
Slogan Moment #2: Cryst vs. Skuntank
Cryst gets sent out - "It's a small world after all!"
Cryst uses Taunt - "You spin me right round, baby, right round like a record, baby, right round, round, round!"
Cryst uses Flame Wheel (which is a 4HKO) - "Checks and balances: because obviously, one body can't control everything."
Cryst uses Flame wheel again - "Heroscape: the battle of all time."
(insert Sitrus recovery here)
Cryst uses Flame Wheel yet again - "Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend..."
Cryst uses the critical Flame Wheel to rule them all - "There's never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever a show like Veggietales!"
Boy, I hope I don't get sued for using these slogans. Anyway, that concludes this chapter's obligatory Slogan Moment. Now, let's see what Jupiter has to say about her humiliating defeat to a critical.
Jupiter: I suggest you keep out of Team Galactic's affairs from now on.
Yeah...not happening. If you're threatening the good of innocent people all around Sinnoh, I won't hesitate to stop you! Now, I've hit my curfew for today, so I'll cease progress for now. Tomorrow, I'll get Dice onto the team; I promise!
Hello. This is the future me of the past's future. The date is now May 18, 2012. Today is Friday, so I don't have to worry about my curfew and am only limited by my own sleepiness. The page 200 Scramble Awards have just been given out yesterday, and though I didn't win anything, I'm surprised that I was even nominated...and Guitar Hero ended up being runner-up for Most Creative Challange (GG Fourthwall). Also, before you ask, no, I did not vote for myself.
Anyway, at long last, it's time to receive Dice's egg from Cynthia!
(does so)
(gets a Bicycle for free)
While I'm at it, I think I'll do Cryst's sitcom restriction.
(in the process of hatching Dice, I find the first episode of Home Improvement on Youtube and watch it, laughing at every joke, no matter how lame)
Okay, I watched the first part, and now I have to soft-reset because my first Togepi hatched with Hustle! At least the egg in question only takes about 2000 steps to hatch. Also, I won't be watching the next two parts until tomorrow, since apparently my Wii has something against the buffering of Youtube videos. See you then!
Hello. This is the...all right, you all get it. Nobody cares what days through which I build upon my updates. Anyway, time to receive Dice egg number 2 while watching part 2 of the first episode of Home Improvement while attempting to laugh at all the jokes, funny or not.
(second Dice egg ends up having Serene Grace)
Hooray! Unfortunately, it only has Growl and Charm, so it can only be switch-trained. While I do that, I'll watch the final part of the sitcom episode.
(gets Dice to level 6, causing it to learn
Metronome and obtains an Exp Share soon after)
Well, I guess I didn't need to switch-train. In fact, I don't think switch-training's an option at this point, since it just learned Metronome. Furthermore, I don't like to exploit such cowardly means as an Exp Share. The fun in doing a Scramble Challenge is using what you have without complaining about what you don't have. Anyway, I finished the episode of Home Improvement, so I sincerely hope that Cryst is happy about it. Now, the next portion of this saga will be dedicated to grinding (or rather, attempting to grind) Dice up to speed.
(against a level 11 Shellos, Dice calls upon a critical Thunder and finishes with Payback before dying)
That, my compatriots, is an example of what I call good luck.
(next battle, he calls upon U-turn at 1 HP)
Geez... Dice may just be finding a needle in a haystack, but he really knows what he's doing.
(the battle after that, he calls upon Seed Flare, but
Oh, of all the dumb luck. Third time's a charm, my foot. In other news, I would like to extend a thank-you to Cinco for cleaning up when Dice fails to get the job done. You guys are a legit duo.
(Dice learned Sweet Kiss!)
Finally! Metronome is no longer my only method of dealing damage! Nonetheless, I am aware that Metronome still has to be used at the start of every battle. Furthermore, Sweet Kiss is unreliable, as it has a paltry 75 accuracy and confusion is just...haxy.
(in the battle after that, Dice dies to a critical Water Pulse)
Screw you, Shellos.
(a few battles later...)
The wild HOOTHOOT took the Doom Desire attack!
But it failed!
(a vein pops in my forehead) Don't you screw with me...
(first invocation of Present heals its opponent)
Boy, I can't wait to have a reliable attack on this thing. All this hax is really taking its toll on me. Oh, on an unrelated note, I've had something on my mind since after beating Gardenia...
(teaches Cryst Grass Knot over Fury Swipes)
Now it can
much better cope with the likes of Onix.
(in other hax-related news, Dice calls upon Pin Missile against a Chingling and
misses. Ironically, soon after, it's freed from Wrap at
1 HP)
Wow...funny how good luck ends up canceling out bad luck.
(Dice consecutively gets hit by a critical and calls upon Healing Wish)
Well, shut my mouth. All right, I really want to advance the plot (or lack thereof), so I'll start grinding Dice against Trainers instead of wild Pokémon on Route 211. On another note, AFive got heads for Routes 206 and 207. oh, and one more thing: I considered AFive eligible to fight in the Galactic Building in Eterna without a coin flip. Why, you may ask? It was still in Eterna, for which AFive already had heads. In other words, theoretically, the restriction says, and I quote:
1. If he is in your party during the first time you enter a new area (basically, a new route or town)...
Buildings are not specified. To further support my argument, the building is still in Eterna City, so when I entered the building, I wasn't entering a new area (side note: this logic also applies to gyms, explaining why they don't have a separate coin flip either). That being said, the coin flip shouldn't apply in that situation. Even though the restriction didn't mention caves, either, I personally consider caves to be new areas, which explains the separate coin flips for such places as Oreburgh Gate and Ravaged Path. Anyway, enough about AFive; let's move on.
(many grueling Trainer battles later, finds a PP Up on Route 206)
Awesome! Guess whom I'm going to use it on? If you really don't know, you'll find out later in the update (though it should be pretty obvious). In other news, AFive got heads for Mount Coronet as well! That won't matter much, though, since I've been using her much more seldom due to Dice's inauguration as a team member. Anyway, blah, blah, blah...I pass through Mount Coronet...Cyrus gives a boring one ear, out the other... Coin toss for Route 208!
Black Belt Kyle: This karate man's going to pulverize you!
(his sole Machop gets "pulverized" by the combined effort of Dice and AFive)
In other news, AFive's heads streak ends at Hearthome, which is unfortunate because I was hoping it could combat Haunter in the battle against Fantina. Furthermore, Cinco doesn't have any Dark STAB (or
any STAB for that matter) or even the slightest method of hitting Ghost-types, and Sad the Scyther is out of my reach until I can get to Solaceon. I guess that means I'll have to rely on Dice's immunity to Ghost and natural bulk, as well as Cryst's raw power and speed, for this gym battle...not to mention sheer luck...and a hoard of items. Anyway, I enter Hearthome, a Buneary bumps into me, and I meet its owner and my in-game mom in the Contest Hall, where I have to talk to Fantina before challenging her.
Fantina: Ah, oui, Contests you are here for?
No, I came in here to get your purple-garmented butt out of the Contest Hall and into your gym!
Fantina: Mmm, let me see... You also seem to be très strong.
strong? Vraiment? You know, Gamefreak, if I were you, I would've used the term "puissant," which can be used to an equal effect in English and in French. I know "puissant" is not that well suited for children, but, well, it's an early lesson in SAT vocabulary, so all the better for the general public, right? It also annoys me how you bother to put the accents in "très" and "Pokémon," yet you don't bother to put the accent over the "i" in "naïve."
Guy with sunglasses in front of the gym: If you cast a light on one, or they catch you in the light, the battle's on!
(sigh) Again with the pronoun-antecedent agreement issues. Seriously, does
anybody in the world know or care about this grammatical concept?
(inside the gym, through 11 Metronome PP and 3 Super Potions, Gym Trainer solo #1 GET)
For that victory, above all else, I have Sacred Fire to thank. 100% Burn chance due to Serene Grace? Yes, please. How unfortunate that I couldn't record the progress of that battle. I will for some others, though. However, there's a problem: stupid Molly and her Haxdreavus. Seriously, I had to soft-reset
three times because of those jerks!
Lv.20 Dice vs. Lv.23 Misdreavus (aka Haxdreavus)
Turn 1: Misdreavus uses Pain Split and loses HP! Dice calls upon Stealth Rock. What a great start, huh?
Turn 2: Misdreavus uses Pain Split again, while Dice calls upon
Poisonpowder!!! Yes!!! I may just have a chance here!
Turn 3: Misdreavus uses Confuse Ray, but Dice fortunately maneuvers his way out and attacks with
Night Slash! Unfortunately, it didn't do that much, leaving Misdreavus at about 1/3 HP.
Turn 4: Misdreavus uses Pain Split, bringing it back up to 2/3 HP. Dice pulls
Crunch and gets a useless defense drop. This combined effort with poison damage leaves Misdreavus hanging at about 1/5 HP.
Turn 5: Misdreavus uses Pain Split in hopes of causing rage...and it's working pretty well. Dice finally snaps out of confusion, but pulls Force Palm... Well, you really can't get lucky four consecutive times, can you?
Turn 6: Misdreavus uses Pain Split again, demonstrating the prime example of a troll. Dice pulls Giga Drain, reducing Misdreavus to the point where poison damage can OHKO.
Turn 7: Misdreavus uses Confuse Ray again. Fortunately, Dice maneuvers its way out of that one, too, but unfortunately pulls a useless Hyper Beam. Past that, Misdreavus dies to poison damage, matter.
Gym Trainer solo #2 GET! It took quite a while, but it will surely be worth my time. I mean, since Dice and Cryst are my only functional members at the moment, Dice's evolution would be golden at this point. Anyway, that hard-earned solo of Misdreavus is the only one that I'll record, as I have a
really annoying time with Metronome and other haxy things like Confuse ray and Minimize.
(Dice soloes a Gastly that was almost helpless (had a set of Confuse Ray/Hypnosis/Sucker Punch/Night Shade) after pulling Zap Cannon and actually
hitting. Solo #3 GET! Now I can evolve Dice!)
Sweet! Unfortunately, it can't
physically evolve due to happiness issues. Still, though, I actually learned something from this: the reason why I though evolving by happiness was because the last thing I evolved by happiness was a Riolu, which had a frightfully hasty evolution. Then again, I meticulously bred and EV trained the thing, so I know where the quick evolution comes from. It's because of the vitamins, I tell you! They have drugs in them that cause Pokémon to go crazy!!!
(one tussle with Fantina's cronies later, Dice finally evolves!!!)
...and there goes 5-10% of my powerlessness. Finally, it's time to affront Fantina with my two-'mon band!
Dice vs. Duskull
I start with Metronome as per the restrictions and come up with Smog, which luckily poisons! Duskull retaliates with Future Sight. Next, I miss with Sweet Kiss and bite the Will-o-wisp, which I promptly heal. Duskull uses Pursuit for some random reason. Combine that with Future Sight and you've got a Togetic down 20 HP. Sweet Kiss actually hits on the next turn, but Duskull doesn't hurt itself and uses Future Sight again. The next Metronome turns up with
Aeroblast, which annihilates the Duskull where it stands.
Dice vs. Haunter
At this point, I decide to go for my GLP solo with only Metronome, though I should have done that earlier, as Duskull was powerless against Dice. Anyway, Haunter starts with Hypnosis while Future Sight hits for paltry damage. Haunter then uses Confuse Ray. Initially, I would get angry at these haxy moves, but then I realize: what else can it do when its other moves are Sucker Punch and Shadow Claw? (side note: lol @ physical Haunter) Finally, Dice manages to be able to use Metronome, but calls upon Magnet Bomb, a 7HKO at a rough estimate. Sucker Punch fails and Metronome calls upon a useless Imprison. Haunter finally misses with Hypnosis and Dice calls upon Power Gem, reducing Haunter to half health. This time, Haunter once again succeeds in hitting with Hypnosis and Zs appear out of thin air. Guess what ensues: another Confuse Ray. Past that, more sleeping and more failed Sucker Punches ensue. Dice hurts itself for the first time in the entire battle. Haunter uses Hypnosis
again (as if Dice hadn't slept enough) and uselessly attempts to use Confuse Ray due to Sucker Punch's being out of commission and Shadow Claw's...well, you now. Dice finally wakes up and guess what? It hurts itself again. Thankfully, though, Hypnosis misses and Dice manages to get a Metronome in. However, as if to be hax's method of retribution, Dice
misses with the Fire Blast upon which he called. Fortunately, Hypnosis misses again and the next Metronome calls upon Tailwind. The Metronome after that calls upon Energy Ball, which know what? Here's an abridged version: Haunter spams Confuse Ray and Hypnosis, while Dice struggles to get anything good with Metronome. finally, good luck balances out bad luck and Dice calls upon a Fire Blast, which actually
hits this time, thank goodness! Finally, Dice is eligible to evolve into Togekiss!
Dice vs. Mismagius
The final adversary presents itself as an ethereal, limbless sorceress dressed entirely in purple: Mismagius. It leads with Confuse Ray, but Dice maneuvers out of it and hits with Sweet Kiss, giving the sorceress a taste of her own medicine. Ironically, Mismagius doesn't hurt itself in confusion, yet Dice does. Next turn, Mismagius still doesn't hurt itself, but this time, neither does Dice as it calls upon
Sky Attack. Fortunately, Mismagius finally decides to hurt itself in confusion. Unfortunately,
so did Dice, rendering Sky Attack useless. After this, Psybeam reduces Dice to 9 HP. Dice, in return, uses a useless Acid Armor before I go to heal. Now, a lack of health isn't my only problem; Dice seems to be out of Metronome PP! Thankfully, I've been keeping an Ether in handy since God-knows-when. The next Metronome calls upon Amnesia, which is just what I need in a situation like this. Curse you, Psybeam, and your doing over 10 damage each turn. Now, it only does 6. Next turn, Mismagius once again uses Confuse Ray. It was until this very moment that I thought Acid Armor was useless; Dice hurts itself in confusion and, instead of the usual 5, it does a negligible 3 damage. During the confused turns, Dice actually calls upon something useful: Fly. Unfortunately, it's only a 3HKO on the sorceress. I go to heal due to Mismagius' just so happening to have inflicted a critical with Psybeam. The next Metronome calls upon Flare Blitz, which does just about as much as Fly but, due to Sitrus recovery, seems to have done nothing. Next Metronome: Sand Tomb. Whoop-dee-doo. After that: Knock Off. Just in time, huh? Dice hurts itself in confusion next turn. Dice gets a Yawn in, Mismagius gets another crit, and a Sweet Kiss ensues. After another healing session, Mismagius
instantly wakes up and hits through confusion. Fortunately, Dice, too, hits through confusion and gets Fire Spin, which
would be a useful tool if Fantina didn't care to use items like the Galactic admins. Speaking of items, Mismagius drops down to healing range. Mismagius finally hurts itself in confusion and Dice calls upon...Magnet Rise. Yep, you read that right: one of the most useless moves upon which Togetic could possibly call. Fortunately, past that, I get some actually useful moves like Aqua Ring and...Vine Whip. Unfortunately, Dice seems to be out of Metronome PP. Cryst, your talents are needed!
Cryst vs. Mismagius
Mismagius still sleeps, fortunately. The last thing Cryst would want is a Psybeam to the face. Unfortunately, Flame Wheel is a 3HKO. Fortunately, and I mean
very fortunately, Mismagius carelessly uses Confuse Ray and Cryst maneuvers past the confusion with a Flame Wheel! Relic Badge GET!!!
Wow... The one time Dice finally decides to join the team, it actually becomes my greatest asset soon after. On an unrelated note, Shadow Claw has 15 PP and Cinco can learn it! This way, it's not completely useless against Ghost-types! Sadly, though, it's just one gym battle too late. Speaking of gym battles, tune in next time when I'll be inaugurating my fifth and final member, Sad the Scyther!
AFive the female Mr. Mime (Lv.24)
Rash, Filter
- Confusion
- Encore
- Light Screen
- Reflect
Same Mr. Mime, same moveset, same old restrictions. How unfortunate that it couldn't fight in Hearthome Gym; I could've used the Psychic STAB against all the Gastly and Haunter roaming around.
Cinco the male Sneasel (Lv.24)
Hasty, Keen Eye
- Shadow Claw
- Screech
- Cut
- Rock Smash
For this chapter, Cinco remains STABless, yet it actually got something worth mentioning: Shadow Claw. With this, Cinco is no longer helpless against Ghosts like it used to be. I'll admit that before it had Shadow Claw, it actually did become useful as heal fodder when Cryst was fainted and Dice wasn't in the best position, seeing how he was out of Metronome PP. What I did was I spammed Screech and hoped that the remaining Haunter would kill itself in confusion...and it did. I can't wait until level 28, though...
Cryst the male Monferno (Lv.27)
Rash, Blaze
- Grass Knot
- Mach Punch
- Flame Wheel
- Taunt
Unlike the other veterans, Cryst actually got a huge advancement: Grass Knot. With this tool, it no longer has to suffer 2HKOing Rock-types but annihilating them where they stand (or, in the case of Onix...well, I don't know what a snake does instead of standing). That aside, I hope he's happy that I did the sitcom thing because I might just be scarred for life by that ending. With that out of the way, all that's left is this: 1) make a bonfire out of 15 items, and 2) win 3 Pokémon Contests with one Pokémon (I can't believe I forgot about that restriction until the middle of writing this update).
Dice the male Togetic (Lv.24)
Bashful, Serene Grace
- Yawn
- Charm
- Metronome (PP Up'd)
- Sweet Kiss
And the award for most useful newcomer goes to...Dice! Seriously, when I hatched this thing at level 1, I thought it would
never catch up with the rest of my team, yet, based on its actions, it seems to have provided an example for the rest of the team. Honestly, if not for Dice, I would have been totally screwed against Fantina. Even though Metronome has its drawbacks, it can be deadly when used in the right hands, and those hands belong to Togetic.