Reserving for Dragon. Will edit later on. Going to make you RAGE. ;)
I am going to hate myself for doing this but:
-Pokemon Platinum
- Extremly hard
- Nicknames
- No access to other games
- All Pokemon must reach final evolution
- No Ralts
I am going to hate myself for doing this but:
-Pokemon Platinum
- Extremly hard
- Nicknames
- No access to other games
- All Pokemon must reach final evolution
- No Ralts
I am going to hate myself for doing this but:
-Pokemon Platinum
- Extremly hard
- Nicknames
- No access to other games
- All Pokemon must reach final evolution
- No Ralts
Can I ask for a scramble for a Hack, such as Raptor EX?
If so, asking for a Scramble of Raptor EX. Medium (3-6), no trades, would like a starter, or early pokemon. Location of Pokemon here. I also reserve the right to reject any nearly impossible challanges, because I am terrible at these things.
I realize that this challange is weird. Here is some more info.
Cannot switch between defeating pokemon.
4th gen based.
Any other questions that I know will be answered here.
I am going to hate myself for doing this but:
-Pokemon Platinum
- Extremly hard
- Nicknames
- No access to other games
- All Pokemon must reach final evolution
- No Ralts
Enjoy. And yes, i did just make you solo an E4 member with Struggle.
My mons that I have chosen to keep:
5). Shiny's annoying Ralts (Note that the issues with this will make it wind up as LVP due to the time-based restrictions. I would like to have a non-destroying items challenge. Shiny, if you want this used, it should be usable.)
I will begin when finals are over.
Submitting my first mon for King Serperior.
KS, take a Ralts, and nickname it whatever you want. I would tell you that it must be female, since it's wearing a dress, but I know they're really rare and I'm not that sadistic.
Unfortunately for you, Gardevoir can see the future, so your Ralts' mother was able to see your Ralts' eventual fate. At some point in the distant future, you will (accidentally I hope) pull a Ninetales tail, forcing your Ralts (in Gardevoir form) to block the curse for you. We all know how that turns out, right? Your Ralts knows its eventual fate, but it won't tell you.
Your Ralts, however, has developed an evolution related disability from knowing its fate. Each time it evolves, it recognizes that it is getting closer to its fate. When it evolves to Kirlia, it realizes that it will only live once, barring some ridiculous revival by Dialga. Whenever it faints, it may not battle for 24 REAL LIFE HOURS (as in, wait a day IRL instead of playing for 24 more hours before you can use it again). In addition, it must learn Calm Mind, which it must use at least once every 3 battles to keep itself calm and able to fight for you. If you fail to follow this restriction for any reason, then it temporarily loses its mental control,preventing it from attacking in battle and destroying 5 items in your bagapplying Taunt and Torment to it until it solos 2 trainers.
When it evolves to Gardevoir, it knows that its time is coming soon, but it still doesn't know when.You may drop the previous restrictions, but you also must teach Gardevoir Future Sight, which it may never forget.Finally, every 5 IN GAME HOURS, it has another Future Sight enabled Flash Forward, preventing it from being used for 1 IN GAME HOUR.
^ I have never used the Gardi line ingame.........ever >_>