I'll give this a shot. I totally should be writing, as people have expressed interest in reading my updates (okay, just one person recently xD), but whatever.
KS, take a Kricketot, and name it whatever you like.
This Kricketot is a master percussionist, and knows how to create the best grooves. Share your grooves with the world by soloing ten trainers, including one battle of gym trainer or greater importance, in order to evolve to Kricketune.
After evolving, your pokemon has branched out from its origins as a percussionist into the more melodic string instruments, but it has not forgotten its roots. Choose one move it learned as a Kricketot to keep forever.
Now that it has evolved, it wants to compose varied and unique melodies. Learn moves of four different types, to represent four different notes. Because the lines composed by this pokemon are so varied, you may never use the same melody (or pattern of moves) twice in a row. The easiest way to avoid this is to never lead against a new pokemon with the same move as you led against the last pokemon with. (If this part is a bit confusing, ask for clarification.)
Now, you must share your melodies with the world. Solo as many Kricketot, Kricketune, and musically-themed Trainers as possible that you encounter on your adventure, to share your songs with the world. If a solo conflicts, don't do it. It's that simple.
Finally, this Kricketune's goal is to bring the team together through the beauty of music. Solo one gym leader of your choice as a Kricketune, as well as at least one of Cyrus' Distortion World pokemon to show team loyalty.
Optionally, whenever one of your pokemon faints, you must switch to Kricketune, and get off at least one attack before switching, in the interest of team support and unity.