Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

Reserving for LockDown.
EDIT: Purchase Indebted the _____ (more on that later) from the Game Corner. Indebted is grateful that you purchased it, and as such feels that it should pay off all of the money you spent to purchase it. (Quick reminder: 50 coins equal 2000 Poke-Yen.) Indebted cannot use or hold items (or fully Evolve) until its "debt" is paid off. Solo Pokemon to pay off the "debt". (Do whatever you want with the money that you earn, by the way.) If said Pokemon is a Trainer, then you must Solo his/her entire team, and the money earned to pay off the "debt" for that battle is multiplied by how many Pokemon the Trainer has. Also, if said Trainer is a Gym Leader, Giovanni, or your Rival, then multiply THAT by 2. The Pokemon you purchase also determines which moves it can't use, as well as who he/she MUST Solo (the necessary Solo can be done before OR after the "debt" is paid off.) After it's "debt" is paid off, change its nickname to whatever you like.
Can't use: Psychic, Recover
Must Solo: Sabrina
Can't use: Meteor Mash, Moonlight
Must Solo: Giovanni (below Game Corner)
Must Solo: Fighting Dojo (Entirely)
Must Solo: Any Elite Four Member
Good luck!
EDIT2: I forgot to mention how much the "debt" would be paid off if Indebted Soloed a wild Pokemon, so here's the formula:
The base is the level of the wild Pokemon multiplied by the level of Indebted*. Subtract one-fifth of the base for every turn the battle took (not counting the first).
*Does not apply to wild Pokemon more than 5 levels below Indebted, but if you DO Solo it, then just multiply the wild Pokemon's level by itself.
My submission:

, the key in any solo run is to keep things fresh.
As such, take a Bulbasaur and name him Thorn.
This Bulbasaur has decided that your run will be full of twists and turns, so it makes a decision to constantly mix things up.
From level 10 onward...
1) If it has an odd number of health remaining, it can only use STAB moves.
2) If it has an even number of health remaining, it cannot use direct STAB attacks.
3) If it is in Overgrow range, ignore restrictions 1 and 2 and use only Grass-type direct attacks.

If you have an even number of gym badges, no potions or other HP-restoring items can be used.

If you have an odd number of gym badges, no status-healing or stat-boosting items can be used.

Finally, each time you battle your rival, whether or not Thorn can hold an item is flipped on or off. (You decide how the item restriction starts, but it flips every time. Think ahead!)

Good luck!
Just posting to say my updates will be a while coming for a month or so, as apperntly even though my sister has a laptop i still cant go on the computor while she is in the room, i swear im the only nice person in my family

Lockdown, the key in any solo run is to keep things fresh.
As such, take a Bulbasaur and name him Thorn.
This Bulbasaur has decided that your run will be full of twists and turns, so it makes a decision to constantly mix things up.
From level 10 onward...
1) If it has an odd number of health remaining, it can only use STAB moves.
2) If it has an even number of health remaining, it cannot use direct STAB attacks.
3) If it is in Overgrow range, ignore restrictions 1 and 2 and use only Grass-type direct attacks.

If you have an even number of gym badges, no potions or other HP-restoring items can be used.

If you have an odd number of gym badges, no status-healing or stat-boosting items can be used.

Finally, each time you battle your rival, whether or not Thorn can hold an item is flipped on or off. (You decide how the item restriction starts, but it flips every time. Think ahead!)

Beaten Brock, Vine whip's 10 PP is really annoying, though, as well as opposing 'mons that can only deal an even number of damage.
Cleaned up the S.S. Anne, Razor Leaf is amazing compared to Vine Whip. One white-out so far, against a Bug Catcher who para-fusioned me to death with a Butterfree.
I'll take one for you, LockDown.

Edit: Alright, LockDown, my entry to your tournament is Fury the Mankey.

Fury is introduced to you when you first get your Poké Balls and innocently wander onto Route 22. As soon as you stepped foot into that long grass, he descended upon you and hurt your poor starter Pokémon beyond repair. You were left with no choice but to capture Fury, as your starter was never again up to anything more than being an HM slave. This essentially amounts to: you must capture Fury on Route 22.

Fury is intent on destroying everything around him, so he may only use damaging moves. He's fully aware of the power of his STAB attacks and wants to accentuate this, so his highest BP attack must be Fighting type. He loves using this move, sometimes refusing to listen to you upon being commanded to act otherwise. Therefore, if Fury has even HP or is in red HP, he may only use his highest BP attack. Have fun against Ghost types.

Fury will evolve as soon as possible, learning Rage in the process. If you thought you couldn't control Fury before, now he's even more awkward to work with. As a Primeape, the HP restriction from before changes. If he is in green and even HP, or in yellow HP, he may only use his highest BP attack. If he is in red HP, he may only use Rage.

Upon certain milestones, Fury realises that you may actually be worthy of his respect, and calms down a little. After any of the following milestones, you may apply ONE of the alterations listed below.

- You defeat Sabrina.
- You defeat Giovanni.
- Fury reaches level 50.
- Fury may use any attack while in green HP, even or otherwise.
- Fury may drop Rage, but now you must use his highest BP attack if he is in yellow or worse HP.
- Fury's highest BP attack may be any type.
- Fury may use one non-damaging move.

On my own Scramble, I finally got the chance to start off, and the blackouts are coming thick and fast already. I'm keeping a count of those, because this run is going to be absolutely hilarious.
Er, quick question. Error404 the Patrat has a restriction where if he battles in water or grass, he has to solo 50 wild Pokémon as punishment. I'm a little confused about how I'm supposed to carry this out without incurring 2,500 punishment battles... >.>

In any case, I'd be battling a wild Pokémon for extra XP after getting anything I could from Trainers, so soloing stuff with the Patrat seems counterproductive for that restriction. :p
Er, quick question. Error404 the Patrat has a restriction where if he battles in water or grass, he has to solo 50 wild Pokémon as punishment. I'm a little confused about how I'm supposed to carry this out without incurring 2,500 punishment battles... >.>

In any case, I'd be battling a wild Pokémon for extra XP after getting anything I could from Trainers, so soloing stuff with the Patrat seems counterproductive for that restriction. :p

Caves. Duh.
This post will be


i'll edit it in in a moment

Pokemon Platinum Easy Scramble
Ouch the Piplup
- Piplup named Ouch
- Solo Roark's lackeys
- Then, hack Flash onto it/Won't do this, I'll use water sport instead
- Always use Flash before hitting super-effectively
- No Surf, Blizzard, or Earthquake/ Changed to, no SE Surf, or EQ/Blizzard

Scythes the Scyther
-Solo all Bug type Pokemon
-Always have a Scythe Move
-Sell all Metal Coats until Iron Island
-Refuses to fight until 6th Gym
-Must solo 1 pokemon of Byron/I might do all, depends on if it's to hard or not

Rayquaza the Beldum
-Hack in with Jolly, Air Lock, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Overheat, and Earthquake
-Solo Gardenia
-Solo Byron's Trainer's
-Solo Lucian
-Can only use Outrage as Beldum
-Can use everything except for Earthquake as Metang
-Can use everything as Metagross

Since Beldum evolves a lvl 20, i'll evolve when it get's there

TropiOUs the Tropius

-Solo 20 pokemon in DPP OU
-Solo Rival twice
-Solo Ice gym barring Candice
-Solo Aaron, barring Heracross
-No TM's
-4 Moves, 4 different Types
-Must know HP, and Toxic

Villain the Skarmory
-Must know Swords Dance
-Move's that can be hacked in, depends on when it is hacked in, 30BP for every Gym

MEP the Kadabra
-Choose an EV/HP, i'll grind Bidoof
-Can only fight pokemon with that EV til maxed out
I'll give LockDown something.

EDIT: Take Elemental the Hitmonchan.

Hitmonchan believes that the elemental punches are a blessing for it, so it must learn all of them, and never replace them. Since all those moves are Special, your fourth move must also be Special. Use as many of the Vitamin that boosts Special Attack as you can on it, then have it solo Sabrina without any of the elemental punches. Congrats. You now get to forget ONE of your elemental punches, and you are now allowed to have ONE Physical move.
Sorry, as Wob was the first person to give my Starter Im going to have to decline,
which means I have 1 more space guys.
LockDown, take a Caterpie. Name it whatever you want.

Caterpie being Caterpie, there are no restrictions as a Caterpie/Metapod. Once it turns into Butterfree, however, things get interesting. Whatever moves Butterfree has at the time of evolution, including Confusion, it is stuck with for now. To teach Butterfree a move, you cannot just do it normally, you must do it through the use of Move Counters. Butterfree starts with 0 Move Counters. Each time you solo a Trainer non-Vs. Seekered, Butterfree gains 1 Move Counter. There is no limit to the # Move Counters Butterfree can hold. To buy/teach Butterfree a new move, Butterfree must pay (45-(PP of new move)) Move Counters. Finally, just to increase the difficulty of this run you have 10 lives. Lose them all, you lose the Scramble. Under no circumstance are you to soft reset.

Have fun.

Also, I'd like to welcome the Scramble Challange to it's new home in Orange Islands. Thanks to Synre & the admin crew for this new ingame-based forum, much appreciated. :)
Orange Islands??!?!

Sounds much less impressive than DST :(

Looks like I have a ton to get used to........

It looks like there'll be an issue of attracting new scramblers now that the Orange Islands is so low to the bottom D:
Orange Islands??!?!

Sounds much less impressive than DST :(

Looks like I have a ton to get used to........

It looks like there'll be an issue of attracting new scramblers now that the Orange Islands is so low to the bottom D:

Actually itll be easier to attract more scramblers cause it'll often be the latest post but the name sucks
Great, now i need a freaking Lapras just to get in to this thread.

And i would just like to point out: Whoever chose Orange Islands as the name for the in game, pokemon video game forum is an idiot, mainly because there has been no pokemon game ever produced that has featured the Orange Islands. Choose a location which has at least appeared in a game, for Arceus' sake. Hell, even calling it the PokePark would've been a better choice, and that's saying something.

Now, back on topic:

LockDown, you said three more and i count two (some crappy Hitmonchan and Caterpie, apparently). I guess i'll fill in the last one. Take "Collusion" the ______. Fill in the blank with a pokemon of your choice. The only restriction is that it must always use its second, fourth, sixth (and so on) turns to help its teammates. That means it can attack on odd numbered turns, switch, etc., but on even numbered turns you must aid your teammates in some way. Either use an item one on of them, or utilise a status move on the opponent (you must switch to another pokemon afterwards if you use a status move, so it can take advantage of Collusion's status inducing move).

Collusion may evolve when he/she/it has managed to stay in one battle for 15 turns or longer, against a pokemon equal to or higher than it's own level, that has an SE move against it, without using any healing items on itself (you can still use items on other pokemon every other turn), and while not holding any items either. Do note that if you switch out, the 15 turns is reset. You must stay in for 15 turns or longer in one go.
Hello, Scramble Challenge! I don't know how many of you know me, but I'm Birkal, one of the people overseeing Orange Islands. I was a DST moderator in the past and viewed this thread occasionally, so I do have a bit of background knowledge on what goes on here. I wanted to stop in and personally welcome all of you to OI. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas, my PM box and VM wall are always open. Feel free to drop me a line; I won't bite =)

And i would just like to point out: Whoever chose Orange Islands as the name for the in game, pokemon video game forum is an idiot, mainly because there has been no pokemon game ever produced that has featured the Orange Islands. Choose a location which has at least appeared in a game, for Arceus' sake. Hell, even calling it the PokePark would've been a better choice, and that's saying something.

First of all, please don't call people idiots. That doesn't solve anything, haha. Here is the post that decided the name of this forum:

I'd like to suggest Orange Islands for the off topic forum. While it's still Pokemon, there's less of a focus on battling and more of a focus on other pokemon related activities (IE surfing contest, sledding, shooting cans..)

If you're really feeling anxious about the current name, drop me a PM or a VM with a suggestion that you think is better. I'm not completely sold on the name either, but I think it captures the light-hearted vibe of this forum well. This is an non-competitive forum and a fun name suits us better, in my opinion! Also, the order of forums is not yet set in stone completely, so keep on the lookout for changes in that regard.

Again, if you guys need anything, don't be afraid to ask. Have fun with your grand adventures!