Reserving for LockDown.
EDIT: Purchase Indebted the _____ (more on that later) from the Game Corner. Indebted is grateful that you purchased it, and as such feels that it should pay off all of the money you spent to purchase it. (Quick reminder: 50 coins equal 2000 Poke-Yen.) Indebted cannot use or hold items (or fully Evolve) until its "debt" is paid off. Solo Pokemon to pay off the "debt". (Do whatever you want with the money that you earn, by the way.) If said Pokemon is a Trainer, then you must Solo his/her entire team, and the money earned to pay off the "debt" for that battle is multiplied by how many Pokemon the Trainer has. Also, if said Trainer is a Gym Leader, Giovanni, or your Rival, then multiply THAT by 2. The Pokemon you purchase also determines which moves it can't use, as well as who he/she MUST Solo (the necessary Solo can be done before OR after the "debt" is paid off.) After it's "debt" is paid off, change its nickname to whatever you like.
Good luck!
EDIT2: I forgot to mention how much the "debt" would be paid off if Indebted Soloed a wild Pokemon, so here's the formula:
EDIT: Purchase Indebted the _____ (more on that later) from the Game Corner. Indebted is grateful that you purchased it, and as such feels that it should pay off all of the money you spent to purchase it. (Quick reminder: 50 coins equal 2000 Poke-Yen.) Indebted cannot use or hold items (or fully Evolve) until its "debt" is paid off. Solo Pokemon to pay off the "debt". (Do whatever you want with the money that you earn, by the way.) If said Pokemon is a Trainer, then you must Solo his/her entire team, and the money earned to pay off the "debt" for that battle is multiplied by how many Pokemon the Trainer has. Also, if said Trainer is a Gym Leader, Giovanni, or your Rival, then multiply THAT by 2. The Pokemon you purchase also determines which moves it can't use, as well as who he/she MUST Solo (the necessary Solo can be done before OR after the "debt" is paid off.) After it's "debt" is paid off, change its nickname to whatever you like.
Can't use: Psychic, Recover
Must Solo: Sabrina
Can't use: Psychic, Recover
Must Solo: Sabrina
Can't use: Meteor Mash, Moonlight
Must Solo: Giovanni (below Game Corner)
Can't use: Meteor Mash, Moonlight
Must Solo: Giovanni (below Game Corner)
Must Solo: Fighting Dojo (Entirely)
Must Solo: Fighting Dojo (Entirely)
Must Solo: Any Elite Four Member
Must Solo: Any Elite Four Member
EDIT2: I forgot to mention how much the "debt" would be paid off if Indebted Soloed a wild Pokemon, so here's the formula:
The base is the level of the wild Pokemon multiplied by the level of Indebted*. Subtract one-fifth of the base for every turn the battle took (not counting the first).
*Does not apply to wild Pokemon more than 5 levels below Indebted, but if you DO Solo it, then just multiply the wild Pokemon's level by itself.
*Does not apply to wild Pokemon more than 5 levels below Indebted, but if you DO Solo it, then just multiply the wild Pokemon's level by itself.