Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

Aw come on QWARTZ, that "close your eyes and mash buttons" condition is so UNcreative.

I mean, i used it on Faelnirv first, then continued it on with many other challenges (the most recent of which being Scynesta)... some creativity...

*wishes he could copyright the novel idea of forcing people to randomly select moves*
Aw come on QWARTZ, that "close your eyes and mash buttons" condition is so UNcreative.

I mean, i used it on Faelnirv first, then continued it on with many other challenges (the most recent of which being Scynesta)... some creativity...

*wishes he could copyright the novel idea of forcing people to randomly select moves*

My creativity is on holiday for a long time, i have had no chance for creativness today between exams and copying out 5 pages of a text book as punishment for not doing my homework.

Any way you should be glad that you inspire others, they say repetition is the greatest form of admiration.
KS, that was awsome your writing style is brilliant at suggest what the pokemon world would be like through the eyes of a ten year old. Bravo
It's been a while ago, but I decided I want to pick up another Scramble Challenge. I will be playing HeartGold. I don't really have any requirements, as long as it won't be too difficult or tedious (so preferably no Nature-specific challenges, or ''solo an E4-member with Struggle'', as Treadshot has in his signature). I prefer to have three Pokémon by before the 4th gym. Trading is impossible, and I won't go into difficult breeding processes. I will try to give updates from time to time, if I find the time.

- HeartGold Scramble
- Not too difficult or tedious (though, of course, some challenge is welcome)
- Preferable three Pokémon before the 4th gym
- No trading or breeding

Alright, give it your best shot! Thanks in advance to anyone setting the challenge for me :)
Cowbell, take BullHardy the Tarous.

This stubborn bull must be caught before entering the burned tower and must be the first ne that you capture. This fellow is so stubborn that it will ALWAYS learn the next level up move despite your best efforts. This guy also believes that stats are for wimps and learns Blizzard ASAP. BullHardy is a master Bull and believes that none are stronger. As such, BullHardy must solo Chuck's entire gym. After doing that, he feels arogaunt enough to solo the route that leads to the Safaire Zone. Solo Lance's weaker 2 Dragonites to prove your worth.

Now, as macho as BullHardy is, he has some weaknesses:
1). he cannot swim. he cannot learn Surf and cannot be used while surfing.
2). he has it for the ladies. he cannot battle female pokemon that have hooves.
3). If his nature is Hardy, remove weakness 1. If not, forget about this one weakness.

For gods sake, I can't decide what challenge to give you from my backlog...
OH, ok, time for some improvisation.

Take Indecisive the Nidoking!
As you know, Nidoking has a great, diverse movepool, and stats to match. Only problem is, he is very indecisive. very, VERY indecisive. As in, he won't know whether to keep the awesome moves he has learned, or to use other great moves, or to use them against that pokemon because it's super effective even though it would be weaker or switch to give someone else experience or.... ARGH SO MANY CHOICES. Hence, after you catch him, you have to raise his confidence in his choices. Therefore, here are your restrictions:

Moveset Restrictions.

Indecisive's moveset cannot have more than one move at 80BP or over.

His moveset must change by at least 2 moves after each gym.

Indecisive must have one attack in his movepool that is super effective against the upcoming gym.

If one of his attacks is super effective on an opponent, he can only use it every other turn.

If he cannot attack the opposing pokemon for super effective damage, he is under the effects of torment.

However, to raise his confidence in move selection, have him solo 2 Gym Leaders. After each solo, you are allowed to drop two of the above restrictions.
Also, to make a later restriction possible, he is not allowed to be taught move tutor moves.

Switching Restrictions.
He is not allowed to switch into a Pokemon if they have used a move that is super effective against him.

He cannot switch out to a Pokemon that the opponent is super effective against, or has a super effective move against.

If he is switched out, then he cannot switch back in for the rest of the battle.

When he is switched in, he must stay in for three turns before being allowed to switch back out.

If your opponents pokemon has a type disadvantage to one of your other pokemon and Indecisive is still your active pokemon, he must be switched out to the pokemon with the type advantage.

Again, to raise his confidence in switching, He must switch out, and let the next active pokemon take an NFE (to them) hit, 25 times. Then you can drop 2 of the switching restrictions.

And now, to make you a bit indecisive. There are 24 Moves in Nidoking's Movepool with a BP over 80 (Not counting breeding and Tutoring). You have 10 restrictions. If you don't like a restriction, you can choose to ignore it. However, you must RNG 2 numbers between 1 and 24. The two numbers called are the moves you are forbidden to learn. Think of it as buying out a restriction. If you call an already banned move, you must redo the random selection. There shall be no loophole abuse. If the banned moves make any other restriction impossible, tough luck, because you then must buy out that restriction too. That's what you get for trying to be decisive.

So, an Indecisive Nidoking, irritating restrictions, and a clause that makes it all better. Or all worse. What do you do?
Reserving for More Cowbell.

Also, lol @ the Harry Potter reference in KS's update. Nice work!

EDIT: @KS: I was basically obsessed with Harry Potter for 4 years of my life, so I've got it all :).

@More Cowbell: Take a Totodile as your starter, and name it whatever you want. Since I'm too lazy to give you a real challange, I'm just going to use the Arceustar format.

The only requirements:

-Your Totodile must carry all 3 water HMs and be your only pokemon that may have them. (So Gyarados can't have Surf or Waterfall or Whirlpool, sorry).
-Your Totodile must solo a gym leader to evolve into Croconaw, and this gym leader may not be Falkner.
-Your Totodile must solo your rival's starter whenever it does not interfere with another challange.

Have fun!
I feel really special with everyone reserving for me :) By the way, King Serperior, thanks for BullHardy!

Edit: with EndQuote, that makes for 4 reservations and 1 definite entry. 1 spot left!

Another edit: damn lugiowns, I'm impressed! Thanks for giving me a Nidoking, I love Nidoking. Still, I'm not really sure what moves to use and what to buy out... Sigh. Thanks to EndQuote for the Gyarados too!

So far: BullHardy the Tauros, Indecisive the Nidoking, and Riptide the Gyarados
Cowbell, catch the shiny Gyarados at the Lake of Rage and name him Riptide.
This Gyarados hates you for making him leave his home, so he vows to never change.
His moveset, when you catch him, is his final moveset.

He is fiercely homesick, so he must always hold an item you found near the Lake of Rage.

He must solo four Pokemon in the elite four.

After these soloes, he relents somewhat.
He can now learn any move whose TM is found at the Lake of Rage. (Hidden Power or Secret Power)

He must solo one gym leader in Kanto.

Good luck!

(If you don't want to use the shiny, I can change this, just let me know)
I have decided to update my Platinum 5th Day 5th Month Scramble after every gym leader and update 1 is complete! This is my first legit prose update using my own personal format and contains more than 3,000 words. To those who care: feel free to take a look.

WARNING: May contain content inappropriate to younger viewers.
"It’ll be the Era of Jim!! The Jimera!!" he said.

You did not just go there. I bet you named your rival "Jim" JUST to make that damn joke XD.

@Mygavolt Sorry but this just bothered me; you used the word "impetus" like a dozen times and not ONCE did you use it correctly. An impetus is the motivation or push that gets you to do something, and being impetuous is being impulsive and hasty. Barry might fit impetuous, but using the first the way you did just didn't make any sense.

But yeah, other than that, fine updates you two :DDDDD

(seriously KS, why did you name Barry after me? XD)
You did not just go there. I bet you named your rival "Jim" JUST to make that damn joke XD.

@Mygavolt Sorry but this just bothered me; you used the word "impetus" like a dozen times and not ONCE did you use it correctly. An impetus is the motivation or push that gets you to do something, and being impetuous is being impulsive and hasty. Barry might fit impetuous, but using the first the way you did just didn't make any sense.

But yeah, other than that, fine updates you two :DDDDD

(seriously KS, why did you name Barry after me? XD)






Yes :P

I named my rival you because you are my unofficial Scramble rival.

Anyway, did anything, good or bad, stand out besides the joke?
Sorry; I thought impetus was a form of impetuous.
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Edited to replace all instances of "impetus" with "being impetuous." Better?
Reserving for Mandibuzz, a Budew.

Take Eigen, the Budew. Or actually, Eigen the army of Budews. See, catching one Budew is stupid, it's More likely than not to have crap IVs. So you caught a bunch of them. And you'll keep catching more as you need them.

The thing is, each Budew (Eigen1, Eigen2 and so on) isn't too happy that it has to compete with other Budews for your love. So, each one wants to be unique and make itself as special as possible. To do this, each of your Budews that you catch must have one TM taught to it. Also, choose TWO moves in Budew's moves, and those two moves all your Budews may have. The last move must be unique to each Budew (so that's two shared moves, one TM move and one unique level up move).

First, use one of the Eigens to solo Wake, as a Budew. There is no need to solo the gym trainers as well, but you can if you want.

After that, the other Eigens get jealous, thinking you like this Eigen more than you like them. So they decide to team up. With a party of two Eigens, you must solo one of the battles against a Galactic Admin (Mars, Jupiter, etc).

Then other Eigens get even more jealous, and so with a team of three other Eigens (and only those Eigens, the other slots should be empty), you must solo the Distortion World in its entirety (you may evolve these Eigens beforehand if you deem it necessary).

Finally, the first Eigen gets annoyed that others are stealing it's spotlight and have even evolved. So it's got to smash through Sunyshore Gym (trainers and leader) by itself, and it must have evolved before the battle.

Finally, solo the entirety of Victory Road with a team of all your Eigens (you should have six by now).

By now, they've reconciled, so they decide that frankly since you've shown no love for them at all, they'll show you no love either. They take away all your items just as you entire the E4's chambers, and refuse to even be in your party. Thus, you have to beat the E4 with your other five Pokemon and with NO ITEMS. And you must do it in such a way that you end up using Struggle on your Pokemon to beat 3 of the Champion's Pokemon. You can use however many Pokemon you want, but they must use only Struggle to beat three of the Champion's Pokemon.

Just.. Wow. I have no words for how sadistic this Challange is, I'm getting a good turnout. First off, Swimmer the Ponyta has to solo Wake. Second, 3 of Cynthia's Pokèmon with Struggle? I definitely dug myself a hole with this Challange. ._. I'm so going to regret doing this, but accepted. Also, am I disallowed to evolve Eigen1 into a Roserade?

@QWATZZ: This is a pretty interesting Challange, but I want to have a plethora of types and personalities for my Pokèmon. I wants a Water type. :0

@ASOP: I just realized that Swimmer's solos of TreadA1's Fire and Water Pokèmon at the League clashes with A1 Inc.'s solo of the rival every time. Can you make an exception for the waterlogged fire-pony?
Posting as a reminder that I still need 4 Pokes. Also, I've been wondering, would it be okay if I use the Submissions that I accepted from my abandoned Scramble if/when submissions stop coming up, just adding Soloes here and there and making some of the restrictions a bit harsher? Anyway, I like KS's approach, and Mygavolt did a good job too. I've updated the rules a bit, by the way.
Hilarious update, Myga!
I like that Afive is being awesome, this is the first time one of my pokemon was useful from the start. Remember, you are allowed to find loopholes in his restrictions that can break them wide open, and if you can't find them, you are free to ask me for them.
Reserving last mon for More Cowbell.


More Cowbell, take Comatose the Scyther. Catch it in the Bug-Catching Contest.

As soon as this Scyther woke up this morning, it got encountered by a trainer, stuffed into a ball smaller than the size of its head and trooped off for show. It won first prize, but, well, its day wasn't off to a really good start.

Ever since that morning, this Scyther has developed an irrational fear for balls.

All balls.

*start Challange*

Hence, while it is out in battle, you cannot throw any balls. Also, it refuses to be placed into a Ball while it is still conscious and hence must always be the walking Pokemon with you and cannot be recalled unless it is asleep or has fainted. And, every time it faints, it gets kinda pissed off. Evidently, since you don't care enough about it to keep it conscious, it doesn't need to care about you. Why should it learn the moves you want to teach it?

So, after Scyther faints once, it will refuse to learn any HMs you try to teach it.

After it faints twice or more, it's had it. It's enough to fall into a life-threatening coma once, but twice? Great Arceus' Balls! (Oh no not balls please nooooo) At this point, Scyther will reject any moves you try to teach it whose base power is above 40. Before you think you can get away with Technician boosts, you should know that this Scyther failed its vocational training degree. So Technician is out. Sorry.

Move tutors are somewhat better; they don't leave it to die when it encounters a giant flaming bird of death. So, it can learn move tutor moves, but only those adhering to the above restrictions (depending on how many times Scyther has died fallen into a coma).

By the time it reaches Kanto, it's had enough of you humans. Every time it faints from now on, it will subsequently sneak into your backpack and toss out the first TM it finds. After a while, it realises it's run out of TMs to toss. If you ever run out of TMs to toss, toss out five items from your main compartment. And, of course, it won't go near the ball compartment.

When it finally reaches Blue, it goes all out and spares no expense to annoy you. It will only use moves which are resisted by the opponent, just to piss you off. If it doesn't have any moves resisted by the opponent, it will choose to use False Swipe, because it doesn't want other Pokemon to share the same fate as it has, fainting over and over and over again.

Ever since it won the prize in the Bug-Catching Contest, it can never forget the glory of being number one. As such, it must always be the highest level Pokemon in your party.

Good luck; you'll need it.
Excellent updates, KS and Myga :)

KS: I'll have to agree with Jimera; you weren't fooling anybody with that Harry Potter reference. Certainly not myself, at any rate, having immediately thought of Kingsley after you mentioned "Mr. Shacklebolt". Honestly, I'd pick up on almost every HP reference ever, so... :p

I'll also say that I facepalmed at the Jimera gag, but I couldn't stop laughing for a good ten minutes afterwards. In general your update gives off a very humorous vibe, with just the right amount of seriousness to go with it. I especially enjoyed the following paragraph...
The first thing that I see as I walk through the doors is the Shorts kid trying to coax a Rattata into a small pair of shorts. He was failing horribly. As I walk away as fast as I can, I run into a little girl that is crying because a Chatot nipped her finger as she was feeding it. I hear a ruckus coming from around the corner and see two people arguing about whether Barboach or Shroomish are bigger. I try to ignore them and head off in another direction. I don’t go further than five steps when, suddenly, my friend Jim runs straight into me. I fall to the ground as I wonder if a Rhyhorn just tackled me.
...which really painted a vivid picture of what this place is like and the excitement that any young child would feel upon receiving their first Pokémon. The idea of a Rattata wearing shorts is oddly heartwarming.

Myga: I've gotta say, I love the slogan thing, though I can tell it must be rather tricky to come up with enough, especially when you needed eleven Scratches to win the first battle :p so I suppose there's no issue with omitting them from the updates themselves. Perhaps sneak in the odd one here and there? :D

In general, I'm very impressed. You provide a nice overview of the general insanity of the Pokémon universe and the pitfalls of preprogrammed text. And for some reason I found the grammar thing to be particularly amusing. Yes, I deliberately began that sentence with a conjunction. All I can say is, keep it up, and I look forward to Cinco destroying the Pokémon universe, five steps at a time. :)
Just.. Wow. I have no words for how sadistic this Challange is, I'm getting a good turnout. First off, Swimmer the Ponyta has to solo Wake. Second, 3 of Cynthia's Pokèmon with Struggle? I definitely dug myself a hole with this Challange. ._. I'm so going to regret doing this, but accepted. Also, am I disallowed to evolve Eigen1 into a Roserade?

@QWATZZ: This is a pretty interesting Challange, but I want to have a plethora of types and personalities for my Pokèmon. I wants a Water type. :0

@ASOP: I just realized that Swimmer's solos of TreadA1's Fire and Water Pokèmon at the League clashes with A1 Inc.'s solo of the rival every time. Can you make an exception for the waterlogged fire-pony?

How is Eigen (or more accurately, how are the Eigens) sadistic? I toned it way way way down for those guys...

.....except for the Struggle bit. :P