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nina how tall are you?

i am a GIANT among men

or among children, its personal preference.

no but seriously, i'm only 5' 6. v_v

also wow shade, i hope you were talking length because those are JUST RIGHT. if i went any smaller i'd be entering the skinny jeans/tight fit realms, and with the massive skinny jeans fan base on smogon, well, its just not happening

EDIT: dont take the above as a stab at skinny jean lovers, i have no problem with skinny jeans. /looks at Mathew smoking a cig, then turns around and looks at Glen and Evan sipping their hipster coffee at hipster Starbucks while admiring each others tight jeans and colorful scarfs
Nah man, I feel you could go with a bit slimmer. I would recommend Levi 514s for starters since they're easily accessible, and pretty cheap (in America anyways). Just try one on in the fitting room.
when you weigh yourself and wonder "how did i put on 5-20 pounds over the past year?", short periods of situations like "a game coming out and you basically doing nothing but PLAYING and EATING" are to blame, or summer breaks, etc etc. point is, your weight is actually pretty steady most of the year and you don't put on those 5-20 pounds fast enough to notice the weight gain. It is when we lose ourselves and do nothing for a few weeks that we put on most of that weight. also summer is coming up, this is basically the worst time to put on even 5 pounds (you'd be surprised how much 5 pounds of fat can look like)

i am so guilty of this but luckily i didn't put on weight. when i finally started skyrim i literally played for like 12 hours one day and then a few hours at least every day for like 3 weeks. thankfully i didn't forget to eat some good eats and honestly i'll probably just go back to playing skyrim now that i'm back from my vacation ;-;


my luggage


this picture makes me feel really small though and also he stole my hairband and was checking out his reflection in the glass

how sickeningly adorable am i right
i am a GIANT among men

or among children, its personal preference.

no but seriously, i'm only 5' 6. v_v

also wow shade, i hope you were talking length because those are JUST RIGHT. if i went any smaller i'd be entering the skinny jeans/tight fit realms, and with the massive skinny jeans fan base on smogon, well, its just not happening

EDIT: dont take the above as a stab at skinny jean lovers, i have no problem with skinny jeans. /looks at Mathew smoking a cig, then turns around and looks at Glen and Evan sipping their hipster coffee at hipster Starbucks while admiring each others tight jeans and colorful scarfs

5,6? 5,6?! Damn I always thought you were way taller than me.. I'm 6,3. Me and my sister are giants among my family..

This is a pic of me 4 years ago.. 4.. me and my cousins and sisters were almost the same size... I now hover over them.

i may be 5'7..........i need to stand straight more/improve my posture. also i haven't measured in a very, very long time v_v.

and about the jeans thing. i guess i cant ignore it if other users instead of just shade say i should go slimmer, especially Eraddd.

But i swear if this somehow leads to me starting to wear skinny jeans, and turns into my "how i fell in love with skinny jeans" story, i am hunting you all down starting with Eraddd.
I can't wear skinny jeans... they're too baggy.. in other news I have a hole in my chest


I swear I didn't do it while doing this pic..
Darkaxis said:
5,6? 5,6?! Damn I always thought you were way taller than me.. I'm 6,3.

what aspect of him led you to believe he had gigantism?

also jesus, don't sweat it. 5'7 is in fact the best height.

Don't dance in darkness - you may stumble and you're sure to fall
Don't write in starlight 'cause the words may come out real
Don't talk to strangers 'cause they're only there to make you sad
Don't dream of women 'cause they'll only bring you down!!! Yeah!
rrrrrg you look really familiar and i can't work out if it is like smogon familiar or celebrity familiar
