The UU Open I - Round 1

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Subs are in. New matchups are as follows:

soviet vs Smurf.
Matrulz25 vs -Rockstar-
mien vs Admin Miror B
NidokingKing vs xtrashine
WhiteQueen vs Fantasy
idiotfrommars vs complete legitimacy
Ignis vs Level 51
srk1214 vs SoulWind
Double01 vs Amarillo
Ningildo vs Ginku
tikidude vs HBK
kokoloko vs Pesadilla
Mr. XYZ vs SJCrew
HellPowna vs BKC
Lowgock vs zdrup15
Foster vs NirvanaR
Solace vs MikeDecIsHere
Pako vs Scimjara
ThisMysteriousGuy vs FruitSeller
[K12] The Madchine vs cim
Explorer vs AkHolic
ThatsMyLatios vs Private
Basti vs MOET
Maxim vs Brotom
Marshall.Law vs Nelson-X
Limitless vs Bluewind
Masterclass vs Leftiez
Bad Ass vs Imanalt
Pedrock vs Ojama
Espo vs ShadowFC
fairytale vs Quantum Mechanics

Deadline is the same so contact your opponents ASAP. Onus is on the subs to get these matches done in time.
Sorry, but I have to pull out. Me and Eustatic have had trouble getting our matches done, and I don't think that we will actually get them done so I'm pulling out. GL to Eustatic though!
Grimmjow UU: fuck yuou
I love you <333
I beat masterclasss with a crit useless (y) , I had won even without crit, youre just pathétic man.(First Game) He is afk for the other game.
Last Activity: Jul 24th, 2012 11:15:26 AM

Thats not bad but yea I will do my best to get this battle done when he comes online sometime.
Game 1- Won in a very close and good game
game 2- Lost cause i forgot imposter on ditto which couldve made the difference xd
game 3- Won because of a last turn speed tie. 3 very close games and had a lot of fun playin amarillo
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