The Workshop

Requester: Tuthur
Tournament name: ZeroUsed Swiss
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): Signups are already live and I forgot to request an art.
Art Direction: ZU mons. Tier Shifts might take us away some stuffs like Piloswine, Gligar, and Sneasel, as well as potential quickbans that may happen afterwards. So I'd prefer if you could talk to me about the mons you plan to use.
Requester: Rarelyme
For: RU Cup
Deadline: Sunday 24th (before players signups)
Art Direction: Would be cool to have a cup and two Pokemon pulling each side to try and grab it, few ideas for the two mons: bellibolt, krookodile, slither wing, typhlosion-hisui and flamigo could fit well. It would be great to have "ru cup" written somewhere as well. Thanks a lot guys ^^
bumping this here hoping someone will take it soon :wo:
Requester: AyushKr_1109
For: SV OU Good Cores
Art Direction: The art idea is derived from a popular post DLC core in Alolan-Ninetales + Manaphy! Both of them being magnificent by themselves probably makes them a great subject for banner!

The idea is quite simple, just need to include both of them together. Maybe a Manaphy happily riding Alolan-Ninetales (both of them should be happy :-D). SV OU: Good Cores should be written somewhere! Any other addition is welcomed!
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Requester: R8
For: National Dex Other Tiers Spotlight League (NDOTSL)
Deadline: Sunday next week (before players signups)
Art Direction: two Pokemon (or more) under a spotlight!

These Pokemon should be among the top tiers of the metagames guaranteed to be featured, here are examples for each:

LC: Vullaby, Mienfoo, Pawniard
AAA: Great Tusk, Gholdengo, Corv
NFE: Electabuzz, Piloswine
STABmons: Toxapex, Latios, Porygon-Z, Blacephalon
Balanced Hackmons: Chansey, Zacian-C, Primal Groudon

Sorry if this is too vague / if I fucked up something in this post <@_@> I don't really have much ideas on what to ask, and this is also the first time I'm posting here. If you have ideas feel free to take liberties

We spoke about this in DMs and I'm taking one for the team.

Artwork's half-done already, just needs touch ups and colouring in (the fun part...).
Requester: SergioRules
For: ADV PU Resources
Art Direction: ADV PU mons. I'd like to have at least Minun, Mawile, and Marshtomp for sure but feel free to take from the higher ranks of our Viability Rankings in this post where you can also find our old art (avoid Swalot, there's a small possibility of tiering action). Any other design choices are totally up to the artist!

Our existing art was done many years ago by HotFuzzBall and I still like it but the tier has changed a lot so I think our art should have a more updated look as well.
Requester: SergioRules
For: ADV PU Resources
Art Direction: ADV PU mons. I'd like to have at least Minun, Mawile, and Marshtomp for sure but feel free to take from the higher ranks of our Viability Rankings in this post where you can also find our old art (avoid Swalot, there's a small possibility of tiering action). Any other design choices are totally up to the artist!

Our existing art was done many years ago by HotFuzzBall and I still like it but the tier has changed a lot so I think our art should have a more updated look as well.
Can take this one
Requester: berry
For: Other Metagames Livetour Circuit
Art Direction: Breaking News Broadcast-type art with a Garchomp acting as the news reporter. Please include "OM Livetours" in one of the main headings.
Request made: September 5th
being worked on by:
If nobody is working on this i'll also take this one
Requester: Tuthur
Tournament name: ZeroUsed Swiss
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): Signups are already live and I forgot to request an art.
Art Direction: ZU mons. Tier Shifts might take us away some stuffs like Piloswine, Gligar, and Sneasel, as well as potential quickbans that may happen afterwards. So I'd prefer if you could talk to me about the mons you plan to use.
I don't see anyone who claimed this!! (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Requester: Rarelyme
For: RU Cup
Deadline: Sunday 24th (before players signups)
Art Direction: Would be cool to have a cup and two Pokemon pulling each side to try and grab it, few ideas for the two mons: bellibolt, krookodile, slither wing, typhlosion-hisui and flamigo could fit well. It would be great to have "ru cup" written somewhere as well. Thanks a lot guys ^^
Requester: Tuthur
Tournament name: ZeroUsed Swiss
Projected Deadline (Sign-Up thread goes live): Signups are already live and I forgot to request an art.
Art Direction: ZU mons. Tier Shifts might take us away some stuffs like Piloswine, Gligar, and Sneasel, as well as potential quickbans that may happen afterwards. So I'd prefer if you could talk to me about the mons you plan to use.

I love ZU
Requester: Akiak
For: Orre Singles (Bring6Pick3 ADV singles, inspired by the ruleset in Pokemon Colosseum & XD)
Art Direction: Just Salamence and Metagross fighting each other, with no text and no background.
Requester: AyushKr_1109
For: SV OU Next Best Thing
Art Direction:
The art concept should be the same as that of the last gen.
This gen, I want Rotom-Wash :Rotom-Wash: to hold our poster. Rotom-Wash holds a T-Shirt in his hands, on which "The Next Best Thing" is written. Any other additions by the artist it welcomed.

Also, since we'll be resuming the project (after pausing it for 2 weeks) on October 1st, so if possible, I'd like to have it before that, though delay is totally fine & no need to hurry for this.
Request made: September 7th
being worked on by:

Is someone working on this?
Requester: AyushKr_1109
For: SV OU Good Cores
Art Direction: The art idea is derived from a popular post DLC core in Alolan-Ninetales + Manaphy! Both of them being magnificent by themselves probably makes them a great subject for banner!

The idea is quite simple, just need to include both of them together. Maybe a Manaphy happily riding Alolan-Ninetales (both of them should be happy :-D). SV OU: Good Cores should be written somewhere! Any other addition is welcomed!
Gonna take this btw
Requester: Fener
For: Topic about Shiftry Competitivity across the gens
Art Direction: Just Shiftry holding something, any other additions by the artist it welcomed.