think he meant kyu-bWhy is Zekrom Ice type?
think he meant kyu-bWhy is Zekrom Ice type?
Normal Genesect should just stay Normal IMO, but it would be great for its formes to change type.100%, though I'm considering making Bug take neutral damage from Rock for that exact reason.
Also I haven't added these to the OP yet, but I'm wanting to include them:
Zeral has done something similar with Genesect in his pet mod Gen-NEXT, so you could probably steal some code from him if you felt like it.
- Genesect: Bug/Steel/Normal (With normal changing to match its held Drive, Mega Launcher as the ability on regular Gene, Download as the ability on its Alternate Forms, and Water Pulse added to its movepool)
- Rotom-N: Ghost/Electric/Normal
- Zekrom: Dragon/Ice/Electric
- Aerodactyl: Rock/Flying/Dragon
- Garchomp: Dragon/Ground/Water
- Hippowdon: Ground/Water
- Siesmitoad: Water/Ground/Poison
Whoops, I meant Kyurem-B, because it's Kyruem mixed with Zekrom.Why is Zekrom Ice type?
Fun Fact: Despite it's Pokedex entries, Girafarig can't learn Bite.Some ideas:
Girafarig- Normal/Psychic/Dark
Justification: It has a dark colored tail that bites people who gets near (Bite is a dark type move)
That's compleatly legitimate reasoning, but I already made it Grass/Fighting/Fairy because it's in the Fairy Egg Group FSR, so I'm just gonna stick with that, since I use egg groups as my justifications for most things.Breloom- Grass/Fighting/Poison
Justification: Pokedex entries tells us Breloom uses toxic spores. He is also a mushroom :3
Good enough for me.Gastrodon- Water/Ground/Poison
Justification: He is slugish and sprays purple haze when fleeing from a battle. Also he is in the Amorphous Egg group which contains other slugish poison pokemon (Grimer, Gulpin)
I remember thinking of this a long time ago, and then deciding not to because I didn't want to make the only thing x4 weak to Psychic immune to Psychic, but that's a stupid reason. Gonna add to the OP.Toxicroak- Poison/Fighting/Dark
Justification: Learns variaty of dark moves. Used by team galactic, which is evil :3
Alright, more people support Flying, so I'll go with Dragon/Ground/Flying. Accrobatics and Air Slash included.I support making Garchomp Dragon/Ground/Flying. It has those huge wing things and Pokedex entries talk about it. It should get Acrobatics and Air Slash as well. Mega Garchomp should stay Dragon/Ground though.
This one actually makes sense, unlike other people's suggestions for Steel types, since the cannons are actually made out of metal.Blastoise and Mega Blastoise should be Water/Steel because of the cannons mostly. It has Flash Cannon, Iron Tail and Gyro Ball to use already and it gets Iron Defense too.
Dodrio is based on a flightless bird as well, yet it is flying type. I gave in on Garchomp, but I am sticking to my guns on Empoleon and Blaziken, although no one has complained about the latter. Water/Steel/Flying is actually competitively viable, and it still matches flavor standards set by GameFreak. (Also some penguins live in warmer climates)I also think that Empoleon should be Water/Steel/Ice because penguin's can't fly and penguins live in icy regions.
With a very strong relation to the night, I'll give Noivern Dark typing.Noivern could be Flying/Dragon/Dark for essentially the same reason as Crobat: being nocturnal and living in caves.
will volcarona take 75% or 100% from stealth rock now?
100%, though I'm considering making Bug take neutral damage from Rock for that exact reason.
Also I haven't added these to the OP yet, but I'm wanting to include them:
Zeral has done something similar with Genesect in his pet mod Gen-NEXT, so you could probably steal some code from him if you felt like it.
- Genesect: Bug/Steel/Normal (With normal changing to match its held Drive, Mega Launcher as the ability on regular Gene, Download as the ability on its Alternate Forms, and Water Pulse added to its movepool)
- Rotom-N: Ghost/Electric/Normal
- Zekrom: Dragon/Ice/Electric
- Aerodactyl: Rock/Flying/Dragon
- Garchomp: Dragon/Ground/Water
- Hippowdon: Ground/Water
- Siesmitoad: Water/Ground/Poison
will volcarona take 75% or 100% from stealth rock now?
he meant kyurem-blackWhy is Zekrom Ice type?
I already suggested gastrodon.Some ideas:
Girafarig- Normal/Psychic/Dark
Justification: It has a dark colored tail that bites people who gets near (Bite is a dark type move)
Breloom- Grass/Fighting/Poison
Justification: Pokedex entries tells us Breloom uses toxic spores. He is also a mushroom :3
Gastrodon- Water/Ground/Poison
Justification: He is slugish and sprays purple haze when fleeing from a battle. Also he is in the Amorphous Egg group which contains other slugish poison pokemon (Grimer, Gulpin)
Toxicroak- Poison/Fighting/Dark
Justification: Learns variaty of dark moves. Used by team galactic, which is evil :3
Thats all that i see you don't have here :3
You're giving hippowdown the water type but not krookodile?100%, though I'm considering making Bug take neutral damage from Rock for that exact reason.
Also I haven't added these to the OP yet, but I'm wanting to include them:
Zeral has done something similar with Genesect in his pet mod Gen-NEXT, so you could probably steal some code from him if you felt like it.
- Genesect: Bug/Steel/Normal (With normal changing to match its held Drive, Mega Launcher as the ability on regular Gene, Download as the ability on its Alternate Forms, and Water Pulse added to its movepool)
- Rotom-N: Ghost/Electric/Normal
- Zekrom: Dragon/Ice/Electric
- Aerodactyl: Rock/Flying/Dragon
- Garchomp: Dragon/Ground/Water
- Hippowdon: Ground/Water
- Siesmitoad: Water/Ground/Poison
Dark-Psychic. Justification: dreams involve mind, mirrors Cresselia.
Dark-Fighting-Dragon. Justification: a lizard, learns a lot of Dragon moves. Movepool: +Draco Meteor
Dark-Dragon-Flying. Justification: flies. Movepool: +Hurricane, +Air Slash. New ability is Sheer Force.
I suppose ground typing could work well too? It gives off this 'protecting the land' kind of feeling to me. I haven't played any of the main games though.Fairy-Rock. Justification: Gems on its horns. Movepool: +Power Gem
Hippowdon actually has mud around it, which is a direct connection to water since dirt/sand + water = mud. Krookodile has no connection to water other than being a crocodile and only really has a connection to dry sand. Besides, we have Feraligatr. :)You're giving hippowdown the water type but not krookodile?
These are things that I already meant to add to the OP, but hadn't because I was too lazy to look for the sprites last night, so thanks for grabbing the sprites for me. :)Water-Steel. Justification: Steel cannons, learns several steel moves.
Rock-Flying-Dragon. Justification: Dragon like, and iirc it is considered the ancestor of Dragons by Lance, but I could be wrong. Movepool: +Draco Meteor
Bug-Ground-Ghost. Justification: retains Ground from Nincada. Movepool: +Earthquake
Bug-Steel-[drive type]. Justification: gives drives a niche, and, well, makes sense.
These are the ones I'm accepting.Normal-Fairy. Justification: retains its old normal type. Since normal was removed completely, and it's much more Fairy than Normal, I'll stick with Pure Fairy. It's not like their is a shortage of Normal/Fairys in here lol.
Poison-Flying. Justification: based on air pollution. Now has the ability Aftermath. Movepool: +Air Slash, +Hurricane, +Defog I may turn around on this, but I don't really want to replace Levitate with Flying subtype.
Fire-Psychic-Ghost. Justification: based on kitsunes, learns many Psychic and Ghost type moves. Movepool: +Shadow Ball. I changed my mind on this 3 or 4 times while writing this response lol.
Eeveelutions [type]-Normal. Justification: retain Normal from Eevee. On the fence about this.
Normal-Dragon-Fying. Justification: retains Normal from Swablu. I'm eventually gonna add a LC/NFE section, but in this mod Swablu is Normal/Flying/Fairy, and Altaria is retaining the Fairy type.
Grass-Fairy-Flying. Based on a cotton ball, learns bloody Hurricane. ...How the hell? No, this is pushing in on Jumpluff's turf too much.
Poison-Ground. Justification: based on land pollution. Movepool: +Earthquake, +Earth Power Made out of trash, not ground.
Dark-Fighting-Dragon. Justification: a lizard, learns a lot of Dragon moves. Movepool: +Draco Meteor I feel like we'll need some sort of clearer distinction of what Reptilians are and aren't Dragons. Once I figure one out, I'll revisit this.
Dark-Dragon-Flying. Justification: flies. Movepool: +Hurricane, +Air Slash. New ability is Sheer Force. See Weezing.
Fairy-Poison. Justification: based on plague doctors. Movepool: +Sludge Bomb, +Sludge Wave. That's a fun fact if I ever heard one. But, doctors attempt to cure things,
Dragon-Poison-Water. Justification: what others said. Perhaps I should put this up for vote.
Psychic-Flying-Water. Justification: c'mon, are u srs. I'll add this if I add Ubers
Dark-Psychic. Justification: dreams involve mind, mirrors Cresselia. I'll add this if I add Ubers
Fairy-Rock. Justification: Gems on its horns. Movepool: +Power Gem I might add this if I add Ubers
Dark-Flying-Poison. Justification: based on death, and according to some, even on the Yersina Pestis bacteria. Movepool: +Sludge Bomb, +Sludge Wave, +Gunk Shot. I'll add this if I add Ubers.
I gotta leave for now, but when I get time today I will add all the needed changes to the OP.Poison-Water. Justification: based on water pollution. Movepool: +Aqua Jet, +Waterfall, +Surf Muk is made out of a liquid sludge, so I'll give this a pass. Also +10 to all stats
Normal-Fairy-Fighting. Justification: Normal is its old typing. Fighting because bulldogs were originally fighting dogs, as shown also by Close Combat in its movepool. Unlike Clefable, I feel like Normal is still a good fit here. Fighting was suggested before, but you gave a better justification, so I'll accept it this time. Also +10 to all stats, +Drain Punch.
Ghost-Normal-Dark. Justification: in search of venegance. It is pretty vengefull. Also, +Play Rough, because doll and such.
Psychic-Poison. Justification: a virus. Movepool: +Sludge Bomb, +Sludge Wave. I'm a sucker for unique types. Sure.
Fighting-Steel-Psychic. Justification: psychic powers.
Grass-Fairy. Justification: pixie. Meant to include this in the first place.
Grass-Flying-Fairy. Justification: ^ Ability change to Natural Cure.
Grass-Fairy. Justification: looks a lot like a fairy. Movepool +Moonblast. So many Grass/Fairys.
Electric-Poison-Water. Justification: based on a lamprey. Movepool: +Surf, +Hydro Pump, +Scald This makes is a lot like Rotom-W, except Poison instead of Ghost, and bulkier with a better movepool.
Normal-Flying-Fighting. Justification: brave Pokémon which fights for FREEDOM.
Fire-Steel. Justification: based on a motor. Movepool: +Iron Head, +Flash Cannon.
Rock-Water-Bug. Justification: based on a marine arthropode.
Rock-Water-Fighting. Justification: savage Pokémon, most of its foregin names refers to its violent nature. +Drain Punch
Also no Water-Ground Hippowdon plox. it may be based on a water animal, but the Pokémon itself has nothing to do with Water, that thing coming outside of its body is sand, not mud. Same for Krookodile.
Electric-Poison-Water. Justification: based on a lamprey. Movepool: +Surf, +Hydro Pump, +Scald
Dark-Psychic. Justification: dreams involve mind, mirrors Cresselia.
Except Eelektross actually lives near and inside water.
You're suggesting that we do exactly that with Eelektross. Make up your mind, man. (Also, y no Waterfall)
If I had taken a moment to look at its Bulbapedia page, I would have approved it the first time, lol.Well, I'm trying to give better arguments for some of the ones that you are iffy about it.
Since you are basing most retypes also on egg groups, Scrafty actually belongs to the Dragon egg group. Movepool is also an indication, and Scafty learns more dragon moves than any of the dragon retypings on this mod, only second to Charizard. So, look wise it kinda fits, being a reptile, egg-group wise it certainly fits, and movepool wise it also arguably fits. Don't see why not.
I'm gonna give flying only to Birds, Bugs and Dragons. Speaking of which...You could ask why this is Flying type and stuff like Bronzong is not. The point is that Weezing is made of air, and reflects air pollution, and thus, since there is no Air type, Flying is the closest fit, as shown by Rayquaza and Tornadus-Incarnate. i can understand you fear to make Weezing defensively worse, tho. If you will be convinced about this, I would like also to see ground type Garbodor, if only to fit the theme, but it can also be argued that chemical sludges and crap like that are enough for a Ground type.
Yeah, you're right, Levitate is a stand in for Flying type on him. This is also true for Lati@s, so I'll make them Dragon/Psychic/Flying.Flying type on Hydreigon certainly makes sense, no need to explain why, and while a mixed bag defensively, it is unarguably only helpful offensively, even fixing the issue of its dreaded Fairy allergia to an extent as as even SDef Clefable is 2HKOed by Hurricane after SR, and that's WHITOUT Sheer Force. It certainly isn't gamebreaking, but is a really appreciated buff to a mon fallen from grace. And, if levitate is your concern, I'm pretty sure it has it only because it can't be Dark-Dragon-Flying in the actual game.
Except Eelektross actually lives near and inside water.
"They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean." As you said, this may be inaccurate.Since when? The entire evolutionary line has only been found on land in caves. Only Eelektross's Dex entries mention living in water, but Dex entries are known for inaccuracy anyway. They're also not in any of the three Water Egg Groups.
how about telepathy? (i'd suggest natural cure for latias and regenerator for latios, but that might be a little to much seeing as lati@s are already in OU)What abilities should replace Levitate on Latios and Latias?
Maybe instead give them defensive/offensive abilities respectivelyhow about telepathy? (i'd suggest natural cure for latias and regenerator for latios, but that might be a little to much seeing as lati@s are already in OU)
ffs mate. If we're gonna start nit picking that much:Hippowdon actually has mud around it, which is a direct connection to water since dirt/sand + water = mud. Krookodile has no connection to water other than being a crocodile and only really has a connection to dry sand. Besides, we have Feraligatr. :)