Data Usage-Based Tier Update for June 2017 (Jul @ #71) (Aug @ #82)

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Seriously, thanks to Antar for processing the stats and to the rest of you for laddering.
Also, why is DNU right below DUU with no DRU in between?
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Haha, just kidding about that Doubles tier update... I was comparing Gen 7 tier lists with Gen 6...

It should be right now, though.

This happens to me all the time as well because for some reason gen 6 tiers are the only ones that don't have the gen numer in their name, maybe you can rename them so they have more consistency with the rest? Like it goes gen1ou, gen2ou, gen3ou, gen4ou, gen5ou, ou, gen7ou. I don't know how much effort that would be but if it's only a little effort it might be useful.
It's the three-month tiering change, so any data from March (before Pheromosa was banned) still counts on this. The same goes for Mega-Metagross.

As for Smeargle's rise, it's on the back of the popularity of njnp webs that it rose (also responsible for the rise in Bisharp)
Interesting how nobody up till page 3 pointed out Landorus-Therian's usage. So many gens later and it's still OU's finest, most present Pokemon.
Interesting how nobody up till page 3 pointed out Landorus-Therian's usage. So many gens later and it's still OU's finest, most present Pokemon.
I've said it before, I'll say it now, and I will continue saying it: Landorus-T is a Pokemon that will be at least average in absolutely standard every format it is legal in and top tier in any without cover legends. Not only does its design leave it with very few flaws, all of which can be built or played around, but it is also perhaps the best check to itself, which bumps its usage up even further.

edit: clarity
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It's pretty bad in Anything Goes and Hackmons.
let's redefine my post as "standard format, with standard clauses or cartridge rules, that is officially supported by Smogon or TPCI"

neither Anything Goes nor any OM fit under that umbrella
Why is DNU right below DUU with no DRU in between?
The DUU ladder itself already ded. Playing DUU mean u are waiting like 3~5 min for a game. Imagine if DRU and DNU become a thing, u may take 15 min for a game (This def not answer ur question) :v
E: I meant, there are very few dubs player. We never have enough ppl to make new tier. If DRU comes out, shit ppl may ask for DNU and so on.
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let's redefine my post as "standard format, with standard clauses or cartridge rules, that is officially supported by Smogon or TPCI"

neither Anything Goes nor any OM fit under that umbrella
So you literally mean just OU, DOU, Ubers, and BSS.
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So you literally mean just OU, DOU, Ubers, and BSS.
and VGC 2013, and VGC 2015, and VGC 2016, and every single GBU or Battle Spot format it's been permitted in that didn't change game mechanics (Inverse, basically; I don't recall it being good there, but it did hit Grass super effective so idk)
Stats for the month are now up, but we won't be doing quick-changes using them. Why? Because the stats only cover up to the 23rd (PS stopped saving logs on the 23rd and only resumed on July 3), and tiers didn't update until like the 8th. Thus, the stats are much more heavily influenced by pre-tier-shift usages. Don't worry, we'll do another set of quick-changes in August.
So in other words, no tier changes this month?
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