Sorry got a question, set seems pretty cool, but does calc include pre-mega rocks damage?
This should be on the Flying PressAlright I've been noticing this about how people seem to express their feelings to these specific megas so I might as well take the time to showcase them with a little glitz and glamor!
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to UU's Most Hated!
(Disclaimer: I do not intend for this to be an actual series)
Episode 1: The Mosted Hated Megas!
Mega Evolutions have been considered to be a core mechanic to competitive battling since its opening in XY and it has stayed that way in USUM as it has breathed life into many Pokémon that would otherwise never see the light of day again. This tier is filled with megas that didn't quite make the cut to be worthy of the glorious OverUsed. However, there obviously cannot be an equal balance among all the viable megas in the tier and there is an apparent difference between the top ones like Mega Aerodactyl, Slowbro, and Altaria and the far more niche or role-specific ones. However the megas that are below the top ones are often given a sort of inferiority by the community itself and they seem to exhibit a specific hatred to these megas. So how about we delve into the abyss of viability and discover the true potential that lies beneath these illustrious mega evolutions!
Mega #1: Mega Beedrill
My Thoughts: I'm not going to lie folks, this is probably the most hated mega of them all in the UnderUsed metagame even more hated than poor Mega Sceptile. I think a lot of the hate that's directed at Mega Beedrill is much more due to a lack of experience with it. Mega Beedrill is obviously never going to manually switch into anything on its own unless it is absolutely necessary that you must sack it to win the game. Mega Beedrill will often be paired with VoltTurn to give it an easier time to switch-in. Whenever I run into a Mega Beedrill on the ladder, the opponent will often lead with it and it has become quite predictable at this point. Outside of the first turn however, it can be pretty agonizing to find a switch-in to this Pokémon because even when it pivots out with U-Turn, Adaptability can be a bitch to resists as well. Mega Beedrill will usually threaten switches because of this and that allows it to utilize moves such as Toxic Spikes and Pursuit. Overall, this Pokémon is a glass cannon and it will always be a glass cannon and nothing more but its role as one is fairly unique compared to others.Mega Beedrill is weak to Stealth Rocks and it is hard to justify a slot for this Pokémon. It is also rather inferior compared to Scizor and dies to whatever it might have to switch into.
Mega #2: Mega Pidgeot
My Thoughts: Unfortunately Mega Pidgeot has dramatically fell off in viability but that doesn't mean it's completely worthless compared to its competition. For starters, sitting at a speed tier above Latias is automatically a positive. Secondly, No Guard is obviously a borked ability to give you those 100% accurate Hurricanes which means its Flying STAB is reliable. Overall having a far more consistent Hurricane just makes you realize how easy it is to spam it, and Heat Wave means its got the same annoying Fire/Flying coverage that makes Moltres such a bitch to fight against if you aren't trying to aggressively keep your rocks up. I also still am a fan of the Work Up Stallbreaker set due to it often being a neat surprise if the opponent expects it to be the standard attacker+kinda pivot. I think the rarity of Mega Pidgeot only plays into its favor as it can sometimes surprisingly chip its opposing checks a lot easier than Moltres because of it. I'm still a little on the fence if it should actually drop in viability since it doesn't seem to have enough going for it but it fits the criteria of overhated so I gotta talk about it.Mega Pidgeot has a mediocre damage output and is inferior compared to the consistency of Moltres and Togekiss. Mega Pidgeot also hates the upward usage of Rotom-H
Mega #3: Mega Sceptile
My Thoughts: Mega Altaria having a resurgence kinda sucks but any team that doesn't have it is going to have an annoying time against Mega Sceptile. I swear I keep forgetting that this Pokémon has Lightning Rod and that really fucked me over one match when I thought I could safely pivot out with Mega Manectric. But with Mega Sceptile's speed tier and its moves and coverage, its another Pokémon that's hard as fuck to find a safe switch-in to. It's a rather match-up dependent Pokémon and it definitely isn't a sweeper (I tried to use SD Mega Scept and its unfortunately pretty mediocre) but people need to cut it some slack because when it delivers, it DELIVERS.Mega Sceptile despises all of the Fairy-types roaming around especially Togekiss. It is often outclassed as an offensive Grass-type and as a Dragon-type.
Mega #4: Mega Absol
My Thoughts: Let's be real about this, when was the last time you have seen a serious Mega Absol? Exactly, you probably haven't but that doesn't mean that Mega Absol is completely terrible. It's not gameshaking in any sort of way but Mega Absol does have some miniscule niches that makes it somewhat unique. For starters, its Knock Off has a strong chance to OHKO Z-Move Latias after rocks damage unlike Scarf Krook who will only 2HKO it unless it is running Crunch which is usually inferior to Stone Edge. Mega Absol also isn't locked into a move by a choice item and has an ok pre-mega ability, Justified, to handle Dark spam. Not being locked into a Dark-type move is far more beneficial in this metagame due to its access to Superpower to handle the Fighting-types and Hydra. Finally, Sucker Punch can be decently effective at being some priority to surprise Mega Aerodactyl and Zeraora and picking them off once they've been weakened. Despite its paper thin defenses, sporting a 150 base attack along with what's mentioned above makes Mega Absol a passable Pokémon in UU despite what the contrary may think of it.Mega Absol is simply an atrocious Pokémon because it is outclassed by other offensive Dark-types. It also fails to be a Pursuit trapper compared to others that outclass it such as Mega Aerodactyl and Scarfed Krookodile.
Mega #5: Mega Glalie
My Thoughts: Mega Glaile is probably the most interesting mega out of all of these. It was advocated by many to be ranked months ago due to it not already being ranked and once it did, it pretty much became ignored for a while until some complaints started to pop up that denounced and questioned the legitimacy of Mega Glaile. Mega Glaile is a much more interesting case because this Pokémon would probably be far better if it didn't take up a mega slot. Mega Glaile has honestly flown under the radar and people really underestimate how strong this Pokémon is with Refrigerate. In a way, it combines Mamoswine's offensive prowess and Froslass's utility while also suiciding after doing its job quite well. This is just one of those megas that people seriously are surprised to see when it is played and let me tell you, you do NOT want to be hit by a Refrigerate boosted Explosion. Mega Glalie overall requires some more experimentation because this Pokémon can seriously shred the opposing team early in the game while setting up hazards if played correctly.This Pokémon is currently being outshined by its sister Froslass. Mega Glaile is rather awkward to fit on teams and really doesn't have any sort of niche. It also hates the brutal metagame that's full of Fighting-types.
That's all folks! Glad to see you all tune into UU's Most Hated! These are often some of the most overlooked Mega evolutions of the tier so shedding some light onto these Pokémon could possibly help and even encourage newer players to take a look at them and play around with these Megas! Now that's the end of my show! Farewell folks!
135 special attack isn't a mediocre damage output. Also how is Mega Pidgeot less consistent than Moltres or Togekiss when it's faster, stronger, and literally can't miss. We probably have different meaning of consistency here. What you should be hitting at is how Togekiss and Moltres actually have defensive utility which make them nicer to use on bulky offense and balance teams. Also Heatom isn't what's holding Mega Pidge back. 252 SpA Pidgeot-Mega Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-Heat: 87-103 (28.6 - 33.8%) -- 1.1% chance to 3HKO. Hurricane does over 1/4 of it's health if it is max hp which isn't every Heatom. With rocks up it's only switching into Pidge once which is nothing. Mega Pidgeot is concerned Mega Manectric who is still very good, Zeraora, Pursuit trap which has always been very popular in UU, Nihilego, Mega Aero, Blissey, Empoleon, as well as Scizor and all the other speed control which can consistently RKO it since it doesn't have spectacular stats. Mega Pidgeot belongs in B-. The other birds may be better but Mega Pidge has undeniable utility.Mega Pidgeot has a mediocre damage output and is inferior compared to the consistency of Moltres and Togekiss. Mega Pidgeot also hates the upward usage of Rotom-H
If you're going to run Mega Sceptile you should run physical or pair it with Scizor. Iron Tail has a 25% chance to miss but its a fairly consistent way of allowing Mega Sceptile to punish Fairy-types. Mega Sceptile is honestly so much better than special or mixed. You can still hit Grass-types hard with Leaf Blade and Earthquake makes it harder for Empoleon to start the Toxic Protect cycle.Mega Sceptile despises all of the Fairy-types roaming around especially Togekiss. It is often outclassed as an offensive Grass-type and as a Dragon-type.
This first part of that sentence is really not true. A mixed set is better instead of physical sets considering Mega Sceptile needs to boost before dealing meaningful damage compared to its regular sets. On the other hand Iron tail mixed Sceptile can actually grab a 2hko on Togekiss with a prediction on its part.If you're going to run Mega Sceptile you should run physical or pair it with Scizor.
Gastrodon isn't UU it is actually PU now since that was the initial tier that it rose from to OU. But hey, we got no drops for once!Uhh gastro is back in UU!
Gastrodon isn't UU it is actually PU now since that was the initial tier that it rose from to OU. But hey, we got no drops for once!
What would we even get from that ban? Not like people are suddenly gonna stop using TangrowthExpect new drops during the next cycle, since Zygarde was banned too late in this one to see any notable OU drops or rises occur.
I could see Amoonguss getting usage up in OU land againWhat would we even get from that ban? Not like people are suddenly gonna stop using Tangrowth
I could see Amoonguss getting usage up in OU land again
Since it's no longer damning to be a grass w/o ground resist
As for what they'd give us I'm not sure
I doubt Gliscor will fall off. It still offers a fairly consistent Heatran Check, as well as a defogger that, once more, beats Heatran. Maybe we'll get lucky and get some good drops like Keldeo and Mew.If anything MVenu got better but the passive nature of Amoong and its reliancy to spore doesnt make it a great mon considering how much electric terrain is common. I dont see many mons dropping anytime soon anymore. Maybe Gliscor lost its niche and will lose usage in ladder play even though its still good in tours.
I remember forretres using custap berry with explosionWhat mons/sets do you guys think could benefit from the berries' release?
There's also Shuckle. I believe in Gen 6 its Custap Berry set got it banned from RUI remember forretres using custap berry with explosion
This part of your statement actually got me curious.Zoroark is fundamentally a lure, and I think its biggest problem is the UU usage statistics. Among the first 30, only 3 - Latias, Gengar and Celebi - are weak to dark. Of those, Latias and Gengar outspeed Zoroark. On the other hand resistances to dark are very common..
I'd argue it's not. Latias and Gengar are big threats so one slip-up can easily go for the illusion player. Gengar already runs focus blast (mainly for krook) so it does force Bisharp to go for Sucker. Latias is a big threat that can KO with not too much chip and hazards. Also, z-earth power from Celebi KOs too. It's a heavy 50-50 that can make or break the game.While zoroark hits decently hard and all, it’s honestly a sub-par lure as it’s rather apparent when it’s zoroark with aggressive play.