Yilx first place artist

Goodness this guy was really hard to draw and it was even harder to make him look cool.

Oh well.



avatar please? :D


Both Numel AND Sunflora are amazing! (and yes...seeing it, there IS something resembling the true final boss of Sonic Colors DS.)

Could I have Numel in 100*100 size?

For the request that's amazing Yilx, I can see how it would be difficult because it's difficult to make Klinkklang have any impressive pose.
Man, for a while I've been trying to figure out what your pictures reminded me of, and I finally have--the coolest black velvet paintings I've never seen! Can you imagine some of this stuff, 4' tall and framed in gold on a wall? It'd be pretty sick.

Anyway, I really like the understated cool of the Numel you did recently. Nice work.
Holy bejesus these are cool. You art style is so rough, yet refined, and every picture just makes the subject look badass, cute, or whatever it intends to be :P

I have a request, but I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for. Basically I'm designing a fakemon, and whilst I have all of the competitive stuff sorted I'm not yet sure about how its going to look. If you're interested in helping me flesh out the idea then I'll post some more specifics. It should be a pretty fun mon to draw. :)
Holy bejesus these are cool. You art style is so rough, yet refined, and every picture just makes the subject look badass, cute, or whatever it intends to be :P

I have a request, but I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for. Basically I'm designing a fakemon, and whilst I have all of the competitive stuff sorted I'm not yet sure about how its going to look. If you're interested in helping me flesh out the idea then I'll post some more specifics. It should be a pretty fun mon to draw. :)

I'll probably end up drawing a lolimon lol, unless that's what you're after...
Ohhhhhhhhhhh...that Sunflora is so creepy! It's spine-tinglingly awesome! I love it! SOOOOO MUCH THANKS! Yilx, your art is beautifully rendered! I'm considering putting it up as my avatar. Thanks again, it's beyond what I could have imagined! ^_^
Yilx, can I request a challenge? Shaymin Land Forme, avatar-sized, as badass as possible. Aw, if you can do a badass KLINKLANG then Shaymin would be easy.
I've been seeing your exquisite works of art for quite sometime. I'm truly impressed how detailed and stunning you make your drawings. A fresh sight to the eyes. Really. When you get the chance-no need to rush-, I would like to request a picture of Skitty being entangled in Tangla's vines as if Skitty thinks Tangla's vines were strands of yarn to play with. Thank you a lot in advance if and when you do this. :3.
Dear god, sorry about the lack of updates, I was working stuff for the smog, handling... issues and drawing my own stuff...

can i get the same lucario avatar but in 150x150? =P



Oops, shoulda checked. In which case can you make that avvysized ?



That is insane! I love this!

Do you think you can get a good headshot in avatar format?

Could I have a Larvesta? Your art is amazing and I would like to see my favourite Pokemon rendered in your style. There's no rush, but I'd really appreciate it if you could take up my request!