Artwork for Tournaments Thread #3

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beep boop
is a Top Artist Alumnus
approved by Bummer

[The original Artwork for Tournaments Thread]
[Artwork for Tournaments Thread #2]


This is the Artwork for Tournaments Thread. Refer to previous threads for original OP's and examples of excellent work. ITT people request art for the myriad of tournaments happening around Smogon and you, Smeargle's Studio, are the ones we rely on to draw for them.

Here's a few things I'm NOT looking for:

- You do not need to be a pro artist or anything close to that. That said, this artwork will be used to represent the site. Lots of people join our tournaments without an understanding of what Smogon is or what we do. Tournaments, for many users, are a gateway into our community. Let's do our best to make a good first impression.

- You do NOT need to do logos to help (but they are certainly welcome).

- You do not need to be a typography ace to help. You do not need to use typography or lettering AT ALL. Cool images are more than enough. If a tournament absolutely needs some cool typography to go on top of an image you've made and typography is not your thing, post your WIP and look for help from another Smeargle's Studio member. Images are way more important.

- You also do not need to finish work to post it in this thread. PLEASE flood this thread with WIPs, sketches, scribbles, discussion, helpful critique for others, and feedback if you can. The goal is that we have cool stuff when all is said and done, and we are in this together. No need to spend a million hours refining something you're unsure of. When in doubt, share early, share often.

- Following that, you do not need to work alone. If you'd like to collaborate with another artist or artists (doing lines, colors, effects, or anything else) you are invited to do so as long as everyone involved is cool with it. Artists who would like help, please feel free to link to your documents in this thread.

You do not even need to do your own artwork. Read this section carefully.

Smogon has a lot of committed and lovely artists who have done a lot of excellent work over the years. If you've got some photoshop skills and want to marry some of that work to some cool typography or effects, you have my blessings and encouragement.

HOWEVER, pay attention, because there are a crapload of rules for artists not using original work:

- Official pokemon artwork (sugimori) may be used without permission, but must be credited as such.

- Art that has been uploaded to Smogon's main site-- Either in a Smogon article or artwork done for the Smog-- may be used without permission if full credit is given to the original artist(s). Link to the page that this artwork originally appeared on, if possible. Artists have the right to remove or prohibit the use of their work from being used in this way.

- If you are using any artwork made by anyone else from anywhere, you must have the permission of the original artist. If this permission was expressed somewhere on the internet, you must link to that, if possible. Full credit must also be given to the original artist. If it is discovered that artwork has been used from another site without artist permission, you will likely receive a forum warning or infraction, and may possibly face a forum ban.

- You will be held to completely different standards when it comes to the possibility of being badged. To receive an art badge in this way, the quantity of contributed work will far exceed artists who instead contribute original work.

There WILL be rewards for helping out. If your work is of good quality, the artist badge can be rewarded for contributinmg to this thread. If you put in good effort but still struggle with some art related problems, you may still be eligible for the Community Contributor badge for the studio. That also includes contributing thoughtful, consistent, and experienced critique that can help our artists improve (both in this thread and elsewhere in the studio).

If you already have a badge, consider that most tournament threads get hundreds if not thousands of views. Talk to me and we'll see if we can't promote your work further in some way.

If you do work that we end up using, expect me to treat you like a champion. Your name will be emblazoned in gold letters in this thread forever. We will collectively be one step closer to Zracknel not crying himself to sleep at night.

- Art direction is NEVER set in stone; if you have a better idea than what's listed, you are encouraged to do that instead.

- That said, keep in mind the tournament's organizer is going to have a voice when it comes to selecting artwork in the case of multiple submissions. The other voices will consist of me and other willing studio mods and tournament directors who wish to participate. We'll be choosing among any pieces submitted, and we may very well use multiple pieces of art that are submitted!

- Deadlines on these are wild, unpredictable beasts. Tournaments go up after other tournaments end. Tournaments end when people play their matches. People play their matches when they feel like it. A lot of these tasks have no concrete due date but will include some kind of estimate for when work is needed by.

- If you want to help, please do whatever you want to do, but just keep in mind I'll be sweating bullets and freaking out when I see urgent assignments not getting done, so if you feel like it, please consider starting there.


Tournament name:
Projected Deadline:
Tournament Rules:
Art Direction:
Time will tell if these are good rules. I'll change them if they aren't working out.

- Don't reserve stuff. If you want to do something, do it. You are encouraged to post sketches and roughs, so please share as many as you want to.

- If someone did something and you think you can do better, do it. You aren't a dick for doing this. There are no hard feelings. Our ultimate goal is cool tournament images, and literally every effort helps, even if it doesn't feel that way.

- The judging committee (if you can call it that) will pick artwork judged to be best at the deadline in the case of multiple submissions. It is definitely possible for more than one piece of artwork to be chosen to represent a tournament!

- If, on the other hand, nobody does artwork we can use for a tournament, that tournament doesn't get to have artwork. Smogon's attack stats will decrease. Zracknel will cry himself to sleep another night.

- Participate as much as you want to. If you want to do artwork for every single tournament, then you're insane, but you're also my hero.

- Ask questions in this thread if you have them. Either I or someone else will answer them.

Thank you for reading! My deepest thanks to anyone who participates in this project!​
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The most urgent assignments are listed first. The other assignments are listed in the order that I received them.
"Format" Refers to the basic format of the tournament, but please read the tournament rules for details!
1. Tournament name: DPP NU Tournament
Host: Oglemi
Projected Deadline: Couple months from Sep 24
Format: Standard DPP NU
Tournament Rules: Standard DPP NU
Art Direction: A Charizard doing something neat like breathing fire around a big "DPP NU Tournament" (preferably not the cliche Charizard spouting fire into the air slightly to the right pose though)
by frenzyplant

by justinjiaxinghu

2. Tournament name: Level 1 Tourney
Host: Oglemi
Projected Deadline: Couple months from Sep 24
Format: 6v6
Tournament Rules: All Pokemon must be level 1, SonicBoom/DragonRage banned, anything else goes
Art Direction: Something with baby fully-evolved Pokemon like a baby Kangaskhan, baby Lapras, baby Mawile, or baby Scizor w/e ur feeling doing something cute next to a big Level 1 Tourney.

by Cerib

3. Tournament name: Gods Among Us, LC edition
Host: The Quasar
Projected Deadline: Couple months
Format: XY LC (*)
Tournament Rules: That's a standard XY LC tour but players can use just one LC Uber pokemon is allowed. This specific pokemon will be paired each Round.
Art Direction: An idea could be a LC Uber pokemon (I suggest one between Gligar, Swirlix, Tangela, Yanma, Meditite, Murkrow and Misdreavus) surrounded by usual LC pokemon with a question mark on over their head. But it's just an idea, you could create what you are thinking it's better.

4. Tournament name: Any Tier Tournament
Host: munchyoshi
Projected Deadline: a month or so?
Format: Any Tier
Tournament Rules: Basically the players get 5 random tiers to play a Bo5 match
Art Direction: I would like a couple easily recognizable staples from some tiers, make sure it's obvious which tiers are being represented though, also the words any tier tournament

5. Tournament name: ORAS RU Tournament
Host: me
Projected Deadline: A good month
Format: Standard ORAS RU
Tournament Rules: Standard ORAS RU
Art Direction: Popular RU Pokemon such as Moltres and Cresselia, Megas suit for this are Pidgeot and Sceptile

6. Tournament name: The Walkthrough Tournament - ORAS Edition​
Host: Vinc2612
Projected Deadline: End of the month
Format: ORAS OU
Tournament Rules: Each round takes place at another spot in the Hoenn Region - You have to play only with Pokemons available at that point in the story (with level and items restrictions)
Art Direction: I really loved Scepticallistic's work from past years but he can't do it this time. But the idea is still awesome and I think an ORAS adaptation would be perfect with Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip and the Hoenn Pokemon League.


I want to keep track of everyone who has made a completed submission so far, and everyone who has had a victorious submission!

Victory points are awarded to artists whose work is used for a tournament!
Submission points are awarded to any artist that makes a completed, non-WIP submission for a tournament!
In the case of collabs, all artists involved share victory and submission points.
Scores are henceforth updated whenever submissions are closed for a tournament.


We've finished some projects and done some cool stuff! Listed below are our finished assignments and all completed submissions to each project!

Ultra thanks to everyone who submitted artwork!

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Got 2 Requests! Andrew tbh the Format and Tournament Rules criteria are redundant.

Tournament name: DPP NU Tournament
Host: ME
Projected Deadline: Couple months
Format: Standard DPP NU
Tournament Rules: Standard DPP NU
Art Direction: A Charizard doing something neat like breathing fire around a big "DPP NU Tournament" (preferably not the cliche Charizard spouting fire into the air slightly to the right pose though)

Tournament name: Level 1 Tourney
Host: ME
Projected Deadline: Couple months
Format: 6v6
Tournament Rules: All Pokemon must be level 1, SonicBoom/DragonRage banned, anything else goes
Art Direction: Something with baby fully-evolved Pokemon like a baby Kangaskhan, baby Lapras, baby Mawile, or baby Scizor w/e ur feeling doing something cute next to a big Level 1 Tourney.
Oglemi The Tournament Rules are there just in case there's something extra the artist may need to know such as banlists etc, or more general information such as this example:
Tournament Name:The Ghosting Tournament
Host: FireMage Ginku (If he comes back)
Project priority: High - in progress
Tournament Rules: The tournament allows teams of three to battle one another and "ghost" (give advice/make moves) their team mates
Art Direction: Maybe a Trio of ghost types, two whispering into the thirds "ear".
For straightforward tournaments it may end up being redundant, I just want the artists to have as much information as possible at their disposal.
Tournament name: Gods Among Us, LC edition
Host: The Quasar
Projected Deadline: Couple months
Format: XY LC (*)
Tournament Rules: That's a standard XY LC tour but players can use just one LC Uber pokemon is allowed. This specific pokemon will be paired each Round.
Art Direction: An idea could be a LC Uber pokemon (I suggest one between Gligar, Swirlix, Tangela, Yanma, Meditite, Murkrow and Misdreavus) surrounded by usual LC pokemon with a question mark on over their head. But it's just an idea, you could create what you are thinking it's better.

Thanks in advance. Send me an alert for suggestion or what you want to know.
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Andrew and Oglemi: I assume the Level 1 Tourney is focused on the Standard meta, hence the mention of fully-evolved Pokemon, right? I'm not entirely sure. If so, I'd like to help, since I love drawing chibi-style things.

Edit: Did it already take place? I just overlooked the date at which Oglemi posted...

Edit 2: Here's a chibi Lapras, as an example of a fully-evolved Pokemon. I guess I could work on a Scizor as well, if you want.
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The Revenant

It has been brought to my attention that two of those Pokemon used are not from the official Pokemon art, but rather than two other artists.If you have not received permission to use their art in this piece, I'm afraid you need to replace them with official art of Misdreavus and Pawniard. And if you used the above rules more closely, the only art you're supposed to be using is the one found in these forums, and not dA:

- If you're pulling images of pokemon from anywhere, they gotta be from here. Only artists who have made an art thread in Smeargle's Studio are elligible for you to pull from. Additionally, any pieces in question must have been posted here on our forums (so no pulling from other sites or any of that). When you post work like this, you MUST link to the post(s) your source image(s) came from. If you don't, I promise I will punch you. If I find out you don't have permission, your post is getting deleted and you risk an infraction. I'm serious, don't do it.

As for the piece itself, I am not entirely sure what function the scribbled white lines fulfill, as they're practically everywhere. The title text above should not be affected too much by it, or not at all, where the first G and last N letter are hardly visible. The lines could add some rugged texture if used right, but if it's used everywhere, then its effect won't be as appealing.
Bummer, why is it not allowed to use Pokemons from other sites, i don't know where to find pawniard and misdreavus in here
Zracknel made these rules to begin with, and since he's one who's actually doing work within the image industry, I'll be more inclined to take his word for it. But even disregarding that rule, using the art of others without their permission is a clear no-go. You've used official art for the other three mons, so I don't see why you could use official art for the remaining two so that the art style will at least be more consistent.

Edit: Upon examining the rules further: Art from these forums can be taken without permission, but must be credited and linked to the artist here. Art taken outside the forums must have permission from the artist who made it.
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The Revenant Just a suggestion, I would have the 'mons looking at Misdreavus as to put more emphasis on it because as of right now the focus seems a little bit scattered all over the piece.

The whole point of the tournament are the "gods" of the LC tier (LC uber mons) so it would make sense as to draw the viewer's attention to that LC uber mon rather than have their eyes jumping around the art.
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Tournament name: Any Tier Tournament
Host: munchyoshi
Projected Deadline: a month or so?
Format: Any Tier
Tournament Rules: Basically the players get 5 random tiers to play a Bo5 match
Art Direction: I would like a couple easily recognizable staples from some tiers, make sure it's obvious which tiers are being represented though, also the words any tier tournament
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Tournament name: DPP NU Tournament
Host: ME
Projected Deadline: Couple months
Format: Standard DPP NU
Tournament Rules: Standard DPP NU
Art Direction: A Charizard doing something neat like breathing fire around a big "DPP NU Tournament" (preferably not the cliche Charizard spouting fire into the air slightly to the right pose though)


I saw nothing had been made for this one, so I tried my hand at it. Let me know if this isn't what you wanted or you want me to change something :)
Tournament name: Any Tier Tournament
Host: munchyoshi
Projected Deadline: a month or so?
Format: Any Tier
Tournament Rules: Basically the players get 5 random tiers to play a Bo5 match
Art Direction: I would like a couple easily recognizable staples from some tiers, make sure it's obvious which tiers are being represented though, also the words any tier tournament

I can make art for your tournament and is it ORAS?And what tiers are going to be in it?
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The Revenant Just a suggestion, I would have the 'mons looking at Misdreavus as to put more emphasis on it because as of right now the focus seems a little bit scattered all over the piece.

The whole point of the tournament are the "gods" of the LC tier (LC uber mons) so it would make sense as to draw the viewer's attention to that LC uber mon rather than have their eyes jumping around the art.
I like what you are talking about, it could be perfect for me. Thanks to Tikitik too..I like it.
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