
Honestly, I think DD or Agility Feraligatr is gonna be more useful than SD sets like this. Feraligatr needs speed more than power now with Encourage and whatnot, IMO.
Because it isn't legal by breeding yet. Ice Punch is an egg move and Encourage is a Dream world ability. You'd need a Female with the Dream World ability which hasn't been found yet (if ever).

Feraligatr isn't released yet at all, male or no. There is really very little point in theorymonning about what egg moves it will and won't have.
Honestly, I think DD or Agility Feraligatr is gonna be more useful than SD sets like this. Feraligatr needs speed more than power now with Encourage and whatnot, IMO.
Well having tried this out and faced a few Agility and DDGatr's, SDGatr will usually beat them 1v1, SD'd Crunch usually brings enemy Gatr's to low enough health for Aqua Jet to finish them off. Gatr himself will usually shrug off +1 Crunches or EQ's from himself too, (in EQ's case it only guarantees the kill because of LO recoil) I think best way to think of the SD set is as a anti-bulky water Gatr that still has some capability of sweeping.

You'd be surprised often how even with Swords Dance Gatr still lacks abit of power on some vital kills but it certainly gives enough damage to make some think twice. DDGatr is more general purpose sweep and AgilityGatr I haven't been impressed with at all for the reason I just stated about power. AgilityGatr is pretty lackluster in a metagame with other ridiculous speed boosting sweepers like Blaziken, dragons in general, Ulgamoth, Cloyster etc.
theres a reason DD gyara isnt as dominating as previous gen and why ST gyara work better and this apply on gatr. If gatr cant break nattrei, hes done for. but gatr's massive power seems to say different thing. But his 80 speed is rather disapointing. If he lack crunch, stall mew and deo-D cripple him. if he lack some way to beat nattrei that im not sure seeing i havent calc the damage,
he gets whipped
DD Encourage Gatr is a fucking amazing sweeper, and is definitely superior to Gyarados in almost every way now thanks to its ability and better typing. It's a shame it can't really beat Nattorei, and Rotom-w 100% walls you if you run Waterfall/Ice Punch/Earthquake, but even so it's been great for me so far. The only problem I find is that it isn't quite fast enough with or without a boost, so you really need to make sure scarfers are gone before you even begin to sweep. Luckily Gatr is bulky enough to take a priority move and hit back, so unless you're really worn down you should be fine against most priority.
I wouldn't say Water is completely superior to Water/Flying. I mean Gyarados has Intimidate which helps let it set up, plus it resists Fighting and Bug and it is immune to Ground, while being neutral to Grass. But Feraligatr's Waterfall is significantly stronger and it doesn't have the same issues with residual damage. Definitely run this guy with Magnezone.
With a spinner the fighting, bug, and ground resistance/immunity make up way more than grass neutrality, rock weak, and lower stats. Gyarados is hands down better with a spinner. SR keeps Gyara in check a ton, the thing is a beast.
Speaking of all these Feraligatrs vs Gyrados talks, I've been using them in turns to battle, taking note of how they performed in each alternating battle. My female Feraligatr (I'm very compulsive of genders, believing certain Pokemon should be of a certain gender... don't ask me why >.<) runs a set of DD/Ice Fang/Earthquake/Waterfall while my male Intimidate Gyrados runs a set of DD/Aqua Tail/Earthquake/Stone Edge. Comparing an equal number of battles where the opponent didn't suck like crap, I generally found my Feraligatr to be the more effective sweeper, and intend to switch over to her completely if Gyrados doesn't perform better soon.
I'm not saying that Gyrados is now the inferior Water type, I'm just saying that I've had more success with Feraligatr than Gyrados. It's probably something very situational of course, but I've been comparing up to 50 battles of each by now (100 in total) and Feraligatr had successfully swept in 32 of them, while my Gyrados has only managed to successfully sweep in 13.
Of course. Gyara need waterfall more than aqua tail alot. 10 power is useless. Also gyara has more different and effective variants such as DD Bulky Gyara, and Sleep talk which in this gen is his probably best set
DD Encourage Gatr is a fucking amazing sweeper, and is definitely superior to Gyarados in almost every way now thanks to its ability and better typing. It's a shame it can't really beat Nattorei, and Rotom-w 100% walls you if you run Waterfall/Ice Punch/Earthquake, but even so it's been great for me so far. The only problem I find is that it isn't quite fast enough with or without a boost, so you really need to make sure scarfers are gone before you even begin to sweep. Luckily Gatr is bulky enough to take a priority move and hit back, so unless you're really worn down you should be fine against most priority.

It's not like Feraligator doesn't have, oh I don't know, SUPERPOWER, if it was that essential for you to beat Nattorei with it or that with +1, Crunch can ohko min/min Rotom W (well, the more defensive ones survive) with Stealth Rock.

Well +2 Super Power ALWAYS ohkoes even max hp/max def Nattorei. Although on the Dragon Dance set yeah, you probably want something else cause you don't want to be neutralizing your attack bonus. But Crunch>Earthquake in almost every situation. It can hit Rankurusu.
Superpower is detrimental to DDGatr's sweep, though. I can see it being used on Band sets maybe, but seriously, who's going to use Band when you get DD to give you simultaneous (approximate) Band+Scarf+ability to choose between moves? Superpower has trouble fitting into the set, anyway. (Waterfall+Ice Punch+Superpower? Ew) It might be an option with Waterfall+Crunch, since Water/Dark get decent coverage in this metagame... but missing out on hitting Grassers with Ice Punch kind of sucks.
But then your speed is unboosted and you're at -1 Defense. To me, that's just begging Techniloom with Mach Punch (or anyone else who resists Aqua Jet and has priority / is faster than Gatr) to come in and revenge-kill him.
But then your speed is unboosted and you're at -1 Defense. To me, that's just begging Techniloom with Mach Punch (or anyone else who resists Aqua Jet and has priority / is faster than Gatr) to come in and revenge-kill him.

The good news is assuming only about 1 Life Orb or 1 Life Orb+Stealth Rock, Breloom wouldn't have killed him with Mach Punch and you kill back. And it would still take an extremely strong physical attack to finish you off even at -1 Def if you still have 90% of your health. It could survive non Life Orb Garchomps unboosted Earthquake with -1 Def with 90% (but falls to Outrage).

But the 4 moveslot is a problem cause you want Swords Dance, Super Power, Waterfall, Crunch, and Aqua Jet and Aqua Jet is a major reason to even use Swords Dance Feraligator (Life Orb Recoilless Encourage Waterfall/Crunch another). I would have even went without Aqua Jet (wince) or Crunch.
But then your speed is unboosted and you're at -1 Defense. To me, that's just begging Techniloom with Mach Punch (or anyone else who resists Aqua Jet and has priority / is faster than Gatr) to come in and revenge-kill him.


why not switch? and it's not like there aren't techniloom counters...

ideal set seems to be Waterfall/Crunch/Superpower/DD. Powerful STAB and coverage + the best setup move in the game seems good.
Why not switch? You'd have to keep setting it up every time, wouldn't you? :0 I mean, unless you're using it with a setup Poke like Shadow Tag LolitaVoir (if that's even released, I dunno that it is), Gatr's gonna have a lot of trouble repeatedly setting up.

Understand this, I don't completely hate the idea, I'm just a little skeptical is all. It seems all right in theory, but I have my doubts that it'll actually perform in practice. Given, it'd be a fantastic way to deal with DDGatr's number one counter, so that alone could warrant its usage, I suppose.
Tbh I'd rather use anything else that can beat Nattorei than run Superpower Feraligatr since you really only want to be setting up once, and Superpower doesn't let you (I'm talking DD here btw). I'm really not so hot on Crunch since Earthquake is that amazing coverage move and means you can beat most other Steels (although I suppose you can still beat them with STAB Waterfall most of the time). If you use Superpower on Nattorei you also have to take Iron Barbs damage which isn't too nice.
I think a DD set with Superpower would be good actually, its an OHKO on nattorei that dont invest in absolute Max Def (most also invest in SpD) but it doesn't destroy your sweep either.

First it will only ever be used againt Nattorei, so you're not going to use it every turn.
Also, it doesn't stop you either, Gatr has 100 base def and resists Bullet Punch, and he can damage stuff with Encourage Waterfall even at +0, especially when the opponent's main Water resist is gone.
I think a DD set with Superpower would be good actually, its an OHKO on nattorei that dont invest in absolute Max Def (most also invest in SpD) but it doesn't destroy your sweep either.

First it will only ever be used againt Nattorei, so you're not going to use it every turn.
Also, it doesn't stop you either, Gatr has 100 base def and resists Bullet Punch, and he can damage stuff with Encourage Waterfall even at +0, especially when the opponent's main Water resist is gone.

Oh, didn't realize that. It can work on Dragon Dance. I was thinking on Swords Dancer (to get rid of all variants of Nattorei) but since most do seem to run max hp/special defense, +1 is still an ohko which gives reason to use it right there since Nattorei is a big annoyance to the Gator otherwise when it tries to beat the crap out of people.
oh somebody realize this.
Starter event mon are having high chance of male only

Gyarados lover starting to cry if they also love frealigatr like me (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Dragon Dancer
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Encourage
EVs 4 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPE
Item: Life Orb
-Dragon Dance
-Ice Punch/Aqua Jet.
-Rock Slide/Crunch/Ice Fang

Aqua jet, DD and Ice Punch together are Illegal. If you opt to choose aqua jet, then you could use Ice Fang that get Encourage boost.

and here's my attempt to one possible Feraligatr set
Mixed DD
Nature: Rash
Ability: Encourage
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Speed
Item: LO
~Dragon Dance
~Boiling Water/Waterfall
~Ice Beam
~Crunch/Earthquake/Aqua Jet

All of the moves get Encourage boost, with DD you get +1 on speed and attack that makes you hit with physical attacks and for the last slot you get Crunch for ghost and psychic, Earthquake for Steel or aqua jet for priority
is DD will be legit in the first place ? you can say this to power whip venusaur too. So since it wont be likely to happen dont get our hopes up just yet.
Mixed DD
Nature: Rash
Ability: Encourage
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Speed
Item: LO
~Dragon Dance
~Boiling Water/Waterfall
~Ice Beam
~Crunch/Earthquake/Aqua Jet

Hm...with the current spread you have, you're getting 2HKOs left and right. Though, I'm confused--what's Ice Beam for? Not Skarmory, I hope--with your spread, Ice Beam is better, but Adamant +1 Waterfall 2HKOs very cleanly. Or Ferrothorn, who lols regardless and only cries at Superpower. If you're boosting Attack, you'd be doing more by going the traditional DDgatr route to be honest. :/

See, the thing with Mixed Gatr is that...it doesn't work so well when you're boosting strength. All of his physical options become superior--Ice Fang outpowers Ice Beam by quite a bit after a Dragon Dance, comparing them side-by-side with optimal natures to each. The only reason you should be using his special options is if you're going with Agiligatr (the accuracy and base power win over Ice Fang and Punch and is the best weapon against Skarmory), Specsgatr (lol), or all-out attacks Gatr. Or if you're worried about burns.
Rumors keep going around that we banned Feraligatr. We need to get things straightened out before this keeps spreading.