Smeargle's Studio General Thread: Spriting and Banners go here!

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In the mean time........
Oh hey, I know we got a few people from here at the last PS, so here you go :D

Change of plans, I'll be hosting first, Twitch second. Happy Hour will still happen as normal.

written by Twitch, made forum-compatible by me

Pocket Spriter #8: Pokemon Black and Sprite! Now with worse puns!

We return to the scene of the crime with intrepid reporterspriters Involuntary Twitch and Medical Meccanica! It's a grisly scene: Pokemon fans and wanna be spriters alike, sprawled in uncomfortable positions, their fingers still clenched around their Nintendo DSes where, only an hour or so ago, the sheer elation of finally being able to play Pokemon Black and White caused massive cranial hemorrhaging. It's quite a shame, really, but who cares it's time for Pocket Spriter!!!

Coinciding with the North American release date of Pokemon B/W, we bring you the latest installment of the Pocket Spriter livestream! As usual, we will be talking at great length about the do's and dont's of fakemon spriting, while entertaining viewer suggestions, answering questions, and inviting anyone who has Skype to join in! It's going to be at 5:00PM EST on Sunday, March 6th, so grab your DS and let's gooooooo!

Panels are as follows:

Hosted by Twitch: 5:00-7:30
15 years of style: We look back on how Pokemon sprite style has changed over the years, and sprite something in B/W style!
Beekeeping tips: Another one of our _____ tips panels; this time, we'll bee looking at the diverse and very awesome bug type!
Sprite critique: A recurring favorite; we'll take a look at viewer submitted sprites and suggest improvements.

Hosted by Seika: 7:30-10:00 & Happy Hour
Make it move!: We take a look at how to animate fakemon like in B/W!
Fakedex Primer: What goes into a fakedex? How do you ensure balance and diversity? We'll make several linearts and flat-colored sprites in this block!
Happy Hour: par-tayyyyy (or go to bed early because tomorrow's Monday, after all)

As always, the link to the stream is here: Pocket Spriter! Make sure to drop by (you don't need to register for anything), and tell your friends!
Pretty good. A few things:
1. I love how you were creative enough to use Regirock hands for the feet, but you just made a spriting crime by flipping it for the other side. If you do that, you have to alter the shape a little bit for perspective's sake, and re-shade it so the light comes from the top-left (all pokemon sprites have their light from top-left, FYI).
2. Escavalier/Shubarugo's whole arm looks pretty awkward on it, try keeping Golurk's shoulder back on and editing the spear onto its arm.
3. Last thing, and this is pretty deep for starters: Golurk has a lighter outline, so if you're fusing stuff on, try and make it like Golurk.
That's all! Good sprite anyway, keep it up!
Pretty good. A few things:
1. I love how you were creative enough to use Regirock hands for the feet, but you just made a spriting crime by flipping it for the other side. If you do that, you have to alter the shape a little bit for perspective's sake, and re-shade it so the light comes from the top-left (all pokemon sprites have their light from top-left, FYI).
2. Escavalier/Shubarugo's whole arm looks pretty awkward on it, try keeping Golurk's shoulder back on and editing the spear onto its arm.
3. Last thing, and this is pretty deep for starters: Golurk has a lighter outline, so if you're fusing stuff on, try and make it like Golurk.
That's all! Good sprite anyway, keep it up!

I can't edit for sh** when it comes to stuff like altering D:
I'll see what I can do with they arm too:)
The spike on the chest seems off center, and there are a few stray pixels that were there to transition between the white and grey on Starly but aren't needed in the all blue pallete. The placement of the eyes and tail look good.
This is all of my Pokemon spriting (so basically just about every sprite I've ever done XD):







All were done in MSPaint
Could somebody avatar-size (120 x 120 px) me this with a black and fiery background and the name "Lord of the Fireflies" on it please? It would be really awesome.

I know here the avatar is 100 x 100 pixel but i want it for another so yeah. 120x120
Forgive if I'm too harsh, I'm really a good guy :)
Decent, and with humor at it. But there are really obvious dents at the top of the feet. And then some missing pixels at the hands. Cheek missing parts from slapped-on-and-cloned eyes. The more I look the more problems I see, but overall this is a good one.

Please do not flip that other ear. The transition of ear-to-head has some stray pixels too. And you could put less horns on the arms. But I love the feet.

Don't flip the tail...The shading would come out wrong...

I think the feet have a problem.


The whole thing looks 2-D (it's facing the wrong way) and the head and hands have a very severe case of thick pixels. I recommend having someone professional to draw out your scratch ideas, you scan it in, shrink it to 80x80 and open a new MSpaint window and use it as a guideline.

cheers :)

All were done in MSPaint

My problem with this sprite is the colors and outline, most of all.

The colors' contrast, coupled with the fact that every scale is shaded pretty much the same way, has a negative effect on my eyes. I would tone the lightest green shade a bit (I would get someone else's opinion as well though, it may just be me). There is currently too much of it on the scales, and if that is going to happen then it should be a little bit darker. On the hands, tone down the dark shade (even if it is part of his aesthetics) because it makes the hands look chubby and the same as the outline. I also don't see why dithering is needed on the tongue, as the colors are already in enough contrast.

The line-art isn't exactly smooth either, such as the head, hands, tongue, and scales. You might want to reduce and eliminate some of the unnecessary pixels, for example, on his head that make it appear thicker.

However, great job on your scratch sprite. Based on your other work, it's good that you have ventured out to make your own customs even though you are relatively new. Good luck. :)
Hey guys, Im new here and I'm wondering if one of you could resize this picture to Avatar size. Sadly I am limited by my archaic art skills and I dont have photoshop :(


Thanks a ton!
Pretty good revamp, Doominic. It only needs less black outline.
elementalheroshadow up there, your sprites are incredible - they're all in perfect shape - but you seem to have a tendency to add single black pixels to your lines. They stick out very messily. Just don't add the black and it will be fine.

Electric/Fighting toy robot coming soon, in an edit of this post!

EDIT: And shiny!

A wild COMBOT appeared!
This thing looks more like a toy by itself than a pokemon...Help me...
So I made my own sprites for Ekans and Arbok both of which will be used for the hack that I've been slowly (did I say slowly? I meant as slow as Molases on a sloth slow!) making. so please, can you give me some constructive critisism?

So I made my own sprites for Ekans and Arbok both of which will be used for the hack that I've been slowly (did I say slowly? I meant as slow as Molases on a sloth slow!) making. so please, can you give me some constructive critisism?

Why am I a reviewer now? Where's Toast and the others?
Anyway...These are about perfect. 1. But just what are those odd spots on the body? They just make them look very sick...
2. Also, there seems to be...different placements of black pixels especially in the back sprites. It's a style, but makes them jagged and a bit uncomfortable to look at.
3. Arbok's backsprite hood also seems smaller (refer to D/P/Pt backsprite).
Other wise, these are perfect reposes with perfect coloring. Love them.

P.S. C+C on mine if you will :naughty:

EDIT: Alright, so it's constructive criticism we're talking about.
1. After seeing your 'mons, I see that the dots are part of your style. Alright then.
2. I see that you're doing 64x64 so I assume you're doing like R/S/E/FR/LG. Well, third gen sprites do use black pixels ("Reverse Dots") to smoothen their sprites - but never overdosing them. Here, you add black pixels around all half-shaded lines of your sprites. They make them jagged. Compare:

Subtle difference, but one that is important for perfectionists.
3. It's not DPP I guess, but it's still evident in 3rd gen sprites that Arbok's hood goes all the way up to its scalp. Like so:

There you go. Hope it helped!
Wow, thanks. It's true that spriting isn't my thing, and I suppose that there are a lot off things that I missed. Oh well, maybe I'll get better as time wears on. Anyways, I've done another custom. I made it before I saw any of your posts, so it'll likely have many of the same issues, but I think it's at least better than my other custom.

I'm making it into a Fakemon HERE on the off chance you'd like to know any more about it.
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