Challenge The Scramble Challange

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Are you joking? The hardest thing in my challenge is soloing a Ghost-type Gym Leader's Pokemon with a Magikarp. Easy as pie.
@Texas: OK, so remember that RNG you used to determine who got to challenge? Time to fire it up again.

Randomly pick a number from 1 to 20. This is how many Johto Gym Leader Pokemon Troll the Sunkern must solo before evolving. (Note: If you generate a number less than 10, solo an E4 member of your choice in addition to the GLP. Less than 5, solo 2.) Sounds fairly easy, right? Well, now try it without using any healing items on it. Ever. Only Pokemon centers are allowed, as well as those random heals you get from NPCs; even then, only three per town when Troll is in your party. No soft-resetting, either; it has to do all this on its first try. Also, it may only use non-STAB except Seed Bomb, which it must learn via level-up before evolving. If for some reason Troll fails to complete any of these requirements, it may never evolve, unless it solos Blue in Kanto.

tl;dr: Troll the Sunkern, must solo 1-20 GLP (and an E4 member if less than 10, 2 if less than 5), must never use healing items, only Pokecenters, only STAB must be Seed Bomb via level-up before evolving; if any requirement is failed, solo Blue in Viridian to evolve.

Good luck, and remember to save!
Umm, soloingvBlue isn`t actually possible as Pidgey already has to. I think Blaine is also taken. Mybe change it to Sabrina?

The biggest obstacle here will be the sheer amount of grinding involved. Lets recap the pokes for amoment. Pidgey with four gym solos. Magikarp which must solo a Ghost pokemon (If Gastly knows Curse...), Ampharos with annoying moves (Another Ampharos? Really?), and a Sunkern (...I knew this was coming...). I`m going to need someone to let me know where to find Sunkern.

Anyway regardless of the difficulty I applaud your ingenuity. These are truly terrifying.

(And I`ll make sure not to cheat by Pal Parking Rare Candies into my SoulSilver)
Phone=more double posting.

Anyway I`m feeling a little bit better about this now, I got some luck and got 3 heads out of my 5 coinflips meaning pokemon number 5 is Valence the Starmie. Second I noticed a way to exploit Athenos soloing a Ghost pokemon, that being grind against wild pokemon until Krap runs out of PP then KO his Gastly. Hooray for legal (and reasonable) loopholes.
I'm looking to mix it up now, with a scramble for... Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness! Alright, I'm not a big Scrambler like Texas here, who has cojones of steel, so I don't want you to give me anything too ridiculous, and I doubt I'll have too much time to grind, so I don't want to have too much of that. Thanks.
Umm, soloingvBlue isn`t actually possible as Pidgey already has to. I think Blaine is also taken. Mybe change it to Sabrina?

Fine, Sabrina works, I guess.

I'm going to need someone to let me know where to find Sunkern.

National Park at all times, except during the Bug-Catching Contest.

@Shadoo: Your Eevee must evolve into Flareon, and it may never know STAB. That is all, since I'm not familiar with XD.

Yay for being creative and doing a scramble on a different game!
You must go on a RNG and get a number between 1 and 6

When you first encounter the six Cipher brothers, you must snag the shadow pokemon from the color you got and use that pokemon. Then, you must solo 5 Cipher Admin Pokemon with that pokemon.

Best of Luck!
Another double post? Really?

First, I still need and answer to my question on the previous page regarding my Ivysaur/Weezing conundrum.

Second, since Dummy never responded I`m going to open up his spot to anyone on the original list I posted. If you don`t think I`d want you to give a challenge don`t post (as a general baseline you must have given me at least two challenges and have at least 25 posts in this thread.)
@Texas: NO! I will edit this post within five minutes with a challenge.

EDIT: You don't have a starter yet! Your starter is dependent on when you want the greatest difficulty: early-game (Johto), late-game (Kanto), or all the time.

If early-game, you get Gatorade the Totodile. It loves Gatorade so much that it may never use Water moves for fear of spitting out some of its beloved Gatorade. It is also hyper-competitive, so it must learn and may never forget Rage. It must solo a Johto Gym Leader. Gatorade must have a moveset consisting of Rage, Bite, Swords Dance, and a non-Water physical move of your choice by the Johto E4. Have it solo six Pokemon there with that moveset. That must be Gatorade's moveset until you beat Red. And it must solo a minimum of 3 Gym Leaders (including the aforementioned solo). As if this wasn't hard enough (which it wasn't), you may ONLY EVER HEAL IT USING ITEMS. And it must hold some type of berry (as soon as they are available) to use anything other than Rage.

If late-game, you get Autumn the Chikorita. It has no restrictions until Kanto. None. Except that it may not be used in battle once you get Mareep. Once you arrive in Kanto, however, it realizes how much of its life it's wasted. It decides to get back on track by soloing four Kanto Gym Leaders in the autumn of its life. It wants to be peaceful, however, so it must solo them with kindness (which means its entire moveset must be status moves). It must be your lead against Red and must also be out against him when you defeat him.

If all the time, you get BlazBlue the Cyndaquil. It is a pyromaniac, so it may only use Fire-typed moves. EVER. Before it learns a Fire-typed move, it may not attack. It also thinks it has Flash Fire, so it must solo any wild Fire-types you encounter (even if they have Flash Fire). It may only learn a single non-Fire typed move, and that is only if you solo thirty Gym Trainers with it. It must then always use that move until it runs out of PP.

Oh, and these Pokemon may not evolve until Level 30, then again at Level 45. Good luck.
@Shadoo: Your Eevee must evolve into Flareon, and it may never know STAB. That is all, since I'm not familiar with XD.

Accepted. Shouldn't be too bad, still gives me Shadow Ball, etc... Can I use non-damaging Fire moves though, like Will-o-Wisp? I can't recall whether it has access to any, but, just to be sure.


Yay for being creative and doing a scramble on a different game!
You must go on a RNG and get a number between 1 and 6

When you first encounter the six Cipher brothers, you must snag the shadow pokemon from the color you got and use that pokemon. Then, you must solo 5 Cipher Admin Pokemon with that pokemon.

Best of Luck!

Thank you. Just felt like playing XD again lol. My RNG gave me a 4, so that means I get Baltoy. Sweet, I love that little guy.

Texas Cloverleaf, AKA, MAN!
SoS, take Zaprong the Elekid. However since its so awesome you can`t evolve it.
Zaprong, eh? Is that the one with the three elemental punches and Cross Chop? If so, the coverage should get me through ok. If not... Well, fuck. Accepted.

I need three more, people!
For the XD Scramble, take a Lunatone. It must never use the same move twice in a row, and it must always use attacking moves. Basically, you're always under Taunt and Torment.
@Texas: I know, I just felt like giving you one.

@Shadoo: I love XD, so I'll be nice. You get Zook's Zangoose. Its moveset must be all attacking moves ASAP, and at least two of them must be STAB. It must solo Gorigan's Lairon/Aggron every time you fight him. Its exact level when you begin the fight with Greevil must be 45+1 for every time Zangoose faints while in your possession. Name it RkiTkiTavi.
For the XD Scramble, take a Lunatone. It must never use the same move twice in a row, and it must always use attacking moves. Basically, you're always under Taunt and Torment.

Accepted. Can't quite remember what moves Lunatone can learn in XD, but Psychic, Rock Tomb and Ice Beam will probably do fine. If there's a fourth, great!

@Shadoo: I love XD, so I'll be nice. You get Zook's Zangoose. Its moveset must be all attacking moves ASAP, and at least two of them must be STAB. It must solo Gorigan's Lairon/Aggron every time you fight him. Its exact level when you begin the fight with Greevil must be 45+1 for every time Zangoose faints while in your possession. Name it RkiTkiTavi.

Haha, funny that, Zangoose is an absolute staple of my XD team every time. So, I'm thinking... Return/Crush Claw/Brick Break/Filler? Better keep a tally handy when I play, I WILL forget how much it faints.

- Flareon
- Baltoy
- Elekid
- Lunatone
- Zangoose
And Galladiator, Dummy and locat all get in by the RNG picking numbers corresponding to their quadrants (sections out of the default 100)

So. Here it is. The pinnacle of Scrambling. The champ of challenges. The Sultan of Swat. This is. The HARDEST SCRAMBLE CHALLENGE EVER. Ever. This is intended to be the most rediculous, ass backward, rude, mean, retarded and infuriating challenge ever. The challenges are insane, nigh impossible. And it is here.

I have only two rules for sheer personal irritation.
~ You may not, under any circumstance, issue a challenge that will require me to start over if x is not done.
~ You may not, under any circumstance force a pokemon to use x move everytime it is sent in (a la BiGGiE`s Solrock), or force me to use moves ina certain order (a la Igg`s Octillery). Something along the lines of Timmy the Poliwag is fine.

The Challengers
~Obsidian Ranger

Hit me with your best shot.

EDIT: Ironic how after all the hype I neglect to mention the version. This will be on HeartGold.

Texas Cloverleaf, have a coin nearby? Because you're going to play Heads or Tails. Flip a coin 5 times...

If you get 5 heads, 0 tails, you get Flydra the Cheri Berry Yanma. It must hold a Cheri Berry to fight, if it loses it mid-battle, it must switch out, no SRing, must save game after the battle. Also, it must have a moveset of Pursuit/SonicBoom/AncientPower/U-Turn, obtained ASAP. You must solo at least 15 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon, & you must solo Will, Lt. Surge, & a Kanto Gym leader of your choice on first try, failure results in it loses it losing one of its moves permanently, SonicBoom may not be picked.

If you get 4 heads, 1 tails, you get Trunkie the Phanpy. It's only attacking move is Rollout, & it must solo either Erika or Misty to evolve. It may never be the lowest leveled Pokemon on your team.

If you get 3 heads, 2 tails, you get Valence the Starmie. If you keep it below Lv40 against E4, it must have Surf & BoltBeam. Otherwise, it must know Surf, but it can't learn BoltBeam. It must be the highest leveled Pokemon on your team.

If you get 2 heads, 3 tails, you get Troll the Gastly. It may not evolve past Haunter, & it must be one before you take on the Ecruteak Gym. It must solo every Ghost Type you encounter excluding those owned by trainers that you have to solo with another Pokemon, & it can only use moves with a base power of 79.9999999...or less (Trollolololol...). Must stay within 3 levels of the highest leveled Pokemon on your team.

If you get 1 heads, 4 tails, you get Wabufet! the Wobbufett. You must catch said Pokemon as a Wobbufett, & it must stay within 5 levels of the highest leveled Pokemon on your team. Have it solo 5 E4 Pokemon.

If you get 0 heads, 5 tails, you get F U Random the LPF (Low Power Farfetch'd). It may only use moves with a Base Power of 30 or less in battle & it may never be the lowest leveled Pokemon on your team. To be more of an arse, it may not hold an Exp. Share or be raised in the Daycare. Have it solo 5 Gym Leader/E4 Pokemon.

Have fun.

The Pokemon? Pidgey. It must be the first Pidgey you see on the first route you can find it on. It must have Keen Eye. Currently, this is an easy challenge.

Next, you may only evolve this Pidgey once, into Pidgeotto. This is now a medium challenge.

This Pokemon may only learn one move with greater than 40 Base Power. This is now a hard challenge. It's nowhere near where we're getting.

It will solo Clair and Karen. This is a very hard challenge. We're about halfway there.

It will solo Blaine and Blue. This is an insane challenge. Have fun. But we're not done.

It must never know a non-attacking move with the exception of Sand-attack. Holy shit no Roost or Featherdance. But wait, there's more!

It can only have items used on it per battle equal to the number of items the opponent uses. For example, if you face Karen, you get four items, one for each full restore, and one for the sitrus berry.

This is fucking impossible. You will cry having to solo Blue with a Pidgeotto who will probably only know Twister, Quick Attack, Gust, and Steel Wing. He has a Rhydon. That Rhydon will fuck your shit backwards. I think he has a GYarados too. That Gyarados has Intimidate, making it that much easier for Rhydon to fuck your shit backwards. If you complete this challenge, though, you will be undoubtedly the greatest Scrambler ever.

Most challenges lose their difficulty by giving the opponent options, like "You don't have to do this but then you can't evolve". This challenge gives you but one option: Whether to piss or shit yourself.

Four Solos. One Pidgeotto. One good move.

I wish you luck.

@Texas, take Mumbo the Ampharos
This must be the first Ampharos you find. It must evolve straight away, when possible. It's nature will decide it's fate:
Adamant Tackle
Bashful Thundershock
Bold Thunderpunch
Brave Discharge
Calm Signal Beam
Careful Power Gem
Docile Thunder

Now, you must learn these moves, in this order until you get to the move that your nature represents, and it can only use the move it is currently on (eg. Careful nature. Can only use tackle. Learns Thundershock, can only use thundershock. Learns Thunderpunch can then only use thunderpunch..... learns Power Gem, and only use power gem for the rest of the game.)

Now, if you dont have any of those natures, then look at this list here:

Gentle Hyper Beam
Hardy Frustration
Hasty Thunderbolt
Impish Thunder
Jolly Return
Lax Facade
Lonely Focus Blast
Mild Charge Beam
Modest Natural Gift
Naive Strength
Naughty Focus Punch
Quiet Iron Tail
Quirky Hidden Power
Rash Secret Power
Relaxed Brick Break
Sassy Shock Wave
Serious Giga Impact
Timid Fling

Now, im sure this will sound confusing, but i want to make sure you understand how this works. Lets say you get a Naughty nature, this is what your moveset will be like (pretend that you have a lv.16 Flaaffy right once you get into GoldenRod):
Natural Gift
Focus Punch
So you can only use tackle until it learns Thundershock. Can only use thundershock until you get to goldenrod, then you MUST teach it Natural Gift. Why natural gift? Well out of that chunk from Hyper Beam to Natural Gift, all of those tms are obtainable in GoldenRod, and i figured that natural gift would be the most annoying to use. Then you must get Strength as soon as possible and it can only use strength. Then you must beat Chuck before Jasmine (no matter what nature), and teach it Focus Punch and it can only use focus punch for the rest of the game.

Please tell me if you don't understand how this works or if it's not hard enough. Remember, you can only ever be using one move at a time.

Hopefully i didnt forget anything, good luck.
*I'm going to make this a Scramble pokemon of mine or whatever you call it, so no stealing and giving to anyone else!

Texas, I'll edit one in. And I apologise in advance.

EDIT: Oh, and I reserve Magikarp. Yes, it is going to be fun. I also reserve Morty.

Double EDIT:
Okay. Firstly, get yourself a Magikarp, called Magikrap, which can only be changed after it evolves, at which point it can be whatever you want because I think you will need some concession. You catch this Magikarp as soon as you can, because you will want to train it as much as possible. Specifically, you will want to train it until it can solo one of Morty's Pokemon (Struggle can hit Ghosts, if you're interested). On the way, though, it has to be the only Pokemon you use on the way through Union Cave to train it up, and you must defeat every Pokemon you get to. If it faints, you must go straight back to the Pokemon Centre without passing go and try again.

Eventually you will beat Morty, with one of his Pokemon soloed by Magikrap. After this, you must head West along the storyline, and can ignore Magikrap for a bit, unless you feel like soling Jasmine (No, not compulsory, just fun). Eventually, you will meet the Red Gyarados, and to prove that it is not too Magikrap it must solo this as well. It must finish Gyarados using Flail. Then you will go up against Pryce, against whom Magikrap must Splash five times, at which point it must solo a Pokemon again, and then do the same thing again. Finally, it can finish off its Johto travels by finishing half of Lance's Pokemon. At this point, it can evolve. Lucky you. Just in time for some fresh horror in the Kanto region. You will be allowed to learn more than Splash, Tackle and Flail soon, I promise.

Congratulations, first of all. Johto wasn't fun. To celebrate, you only have to solo every trainer in the Electric-type gym without going to the Pokemon centre. If you fail... well we'll go into that later. Then you can continue on your adventure, until you get to the Fire-type gym. Here, you must use Splash again for every Fire-type move the trainers use to compensate for the resistance. You have to solo every trainer again. You may NOW, regardles of success in the gym, delete Tackle or Flail, but never Splash, and replace it with a Water-type move.

Now we get to near the end of your travels. After the last badge, you can replace the two moveslots that are not the Water-type move and Splash. They are now Thunder and Fire Blast, assuming you succeeded at beating those trainers. If not, you can only have the one that you did succeed in, and the first move you must delete is the one which is not Tackle. You must solo three Pokemon belonging to Red, but you can only use each of the moves over 50 base power once each. You must also use Splash against Pikachu.

There. That should be just about it. Do you think that looks hard? I think so. But it isn't impossible, so can't use items. Have fun.

@Texas: OK, so remember that RNG you used to determine who got to challenge? Time to fire it up again.

Randomly pick a number from 1 to 20. This is how many Johto Gym Leader Pokemon Troll the Sunkern must solo before evolving. (Note: If you generate a number less than 10, solo an E4 member of your choice in addition to the GLP. Less than 5, solo 2.) Sounds fairly easy, right? Well, now try it without using any healing items on it. Ever. Only Pokemon centers are allowed, as well as those random heals you get from NPCs; even then, only three per town when Troll is in your party. No soft-resetting, either; it has to do all this on its first try. Also, it may only use non-STAB except Seed Bomb, which it must learn via level-up before evolving. If for some reason Troll fails to complete any of these requirements, it may never evolve, unless it solos Blue in Kanto.

tl;dr: Troll the Sunkern, must solo 1-20 GLP (and an E4 member if less than 10, 2 if less than 5), must never use healing items, only Pokecenters, only STAB must be Seed Bomb via level-up before evolving; if any requirement is failed, solo Blue in Viridian to evolve.

Good luck, and remember to save!

@Texas: NO! I will edit this post within five minutes with a challenge.

EDIT: You don't have a starter yet! Your starter is dependent on when you want the greatest difficulty: early-game (Johto), late-game (Kanto), or all the time.

If early-game, you get Gatorade the Totodile. It loves Gatorade so much that it may never use Water moves for fear of spitting out some of its beloved Gatorade. It is also hyper-competitive, so it must learn and may never forget Rage. It must solo a Johto Gym Leader. Gatorade must have a moveset consisting of Rage, Bite, Swords Dance, and a non-Water physical move of your choice by the Johto E4. Have it solo six Pokemon there with that moveset. That must be Gatorade's moveset until you beat Red. And it must solo a minimum of 3 Gym Leaders (including the aforementioned solo). As if this wasn't hard enough (which it wasn't), you may ONLY EVER HEAL IT USING ITEMS. And it must hold some type of berry (as soon as they are available) to use anything other than Rage.

If late-game, you get Autumn the Chikorita. It has no restrictions until Kanto. None. Except that it may not be used in battle once you get Mareep. Once you arrive in Kanto, however, it realizes how much of its life it's wasted. It decides to get back on track by soloing four Kanto Gym Leaders in the autumn of its life. It wants to be peaceful, however, so it must solo them with kindness (which means its entire moveset must be status moves). It must be your lead against Red and must also be out against him when you defeat him.

If all the time, you get BlazBlue the Cyndaquil. It is a pyromaniac, so it may only use Fire-typed moves. EVER. Before it learns a Fire-typed move, it may not attack. It also thinks it has Flash Fire, so it must solo any wild Fire-types you encounter (even if they have Flash Fire). It may only learn a single non-Fire typed move, and that is only if you solo thirty Gym Trainers with it. It must then always use that move until it runs out of PP.

Oh, and these Pokemon may not evolve until Level 30, then again at Level 45. Good luck.

Here we go. The hardest Scramble Challenge in history. Naturally I have a bit of apprehension but i think I'm ready for the insane grinding to follow. My only request is an optional decision for Atheno and Lolcat and that is to allow item usage on the Pidgey and Magikarp. Completely optional. So here we go.
@Shadoo: It can only learn Sunny Day in the way of non-damaging moves, which is OK since it can't learn SolarBeam.

Also, Texas' epic Scramble pretty much cements him as Top Scrambler for the page 300 awards, methinks.
I'll tell you what. You can use hold items on Magikarp, just so that you can use Wacan to survive Pikachu's Thunderbolt.
Reserved for Shadoo.

EDIT: Okay, you get the Paras from Cipher Key Lair. In order to evolve it must hit opponents with Effect Spore 10 times.
Nickname it STATUS.
I will be doing a White Scramble Challange in March.

- BE CREATIVE. If I see something like "take a munna it cant evolve and has to solo grimsley hurrdurr," I will reject it.

- My starter will be Tepig. I will name it "AngryBacon." You may take it from there.

- Trading is possible, but keep it to a minimum.
Bring a Tynamo named Special Ed.
There are no evolution restrictions on when he (Ed, boys name) evolves but Ed may only learn 3 moves as an Eelektrik and none as an Eelektross. Additionally, Ed must be an Eelektrik for exactly 5 levels (whichever 5 you choose) and Ed must be an Eelektross before you face the elite 4 for the first time.
@Neil: pokemon white, huh?
then you get venom the have to catch the first one you find in the evo restrictions apart from one:
must evolve before e4...also:
-if ability is compoundeyes then it must know at least one attack with imperfect accuracy and one non attacking move...
-if ability is unnerve, then it must learn and keep sucker punch as well as at least two special moves...have fun...
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