Hobbies What was it like to have your first video game?

Sick thread.

The first game system I ever had to myself was a Playstation 2. I played this game called Socom US Navy SEALS. Absolutely sucked at the game, but i loved it too. And another game i played the crap outta was NFL Street. Back when EA BIG was still a thing.
I can't possibly remember what my first video game actually was. I know my family's first systems were three Game Boy Advance SPs, one for each sibling, and my brother's PS2, both of which I had a lot of fun with. My first "individual" platform, so to speak, was my DS Lite, a pickup so influential for me that it's indirectly the reason I ever became a fan of anything in video games beyond that.
I had a Gameboy Color when I was like 5. The Gameboy/DS handhelds were the only consoles I ever owned personally, although now that I'm well into my adult years I don't much care for consoles anyways. I started playing PC games around 2005ish, at first on the family computer and eventually on my own computers, so the majority of the games I've played have been on PC.

First game system I remember having was a VSmile that my sister and I used to play with when we were really young. It only had educational games primarily with licensed properties (Winnie The Pooh and Cinderella are the two I distinctly remember, I think Cars might have been another one but I'm not so sure on that one) and another game called Alphabet Park which I remember being really fun. The games were for sure simple as hell but I had lots of fun when I was young playing them and I ook back on them fondly.

If we're talking first actual game system (ie. not for educational games only) then it would have to be a GameBoy Color that one of my cousins gave to me when I was like four or five years old that also came with a copy of Pokemon Yellow. I had tons of fun playing it even though I was stupid as hell and couldn't get past Brock without trading with my neighbour for a level 100 Snorlax. I still have it to this day and despite Gen 1 being far from my favourite generation it's the one I enjoy replaying the most since it's so simple and quick to play through.
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For me it was 3DS and I thought it was a cool system
I feel like the 3DS is a great starter system too particularly because it felt like it could do anything, even without having any games for it. You had the back of the box and huge manual showing all these features, like the camera with all its effects and photography tips, the sound to record and listen to music if you had anything to read SD cards, Mii Maker to make your own characters, Face Raiders and AR cards for built in games that you could integrate in real life, StreetPass and the step tracker + activity log to incentivize going outside with it, and even DS compatibility allows for Download Play and the eShop had demos and random free things, as well as the internet browser and Miiverse also existing later on. Also it was even in 3D which was like the least of its selling points in retrospect but it worked for the name.
My first game was King Neodude. I play King Neodude. Not games.

My first video game console was the Wii, a classic. The first game I played on it was none other than Wii Sports, another classic. After that, I eventually got a 3DS and a copy of Pokemon White for Christmas one year. That one Christmas gift ended up with me getting hooked on Pokemon lol
my first console i had was a ds it kinda looked like this


i was prob like 4 years old so this is one of the first pieces of technology i ever interacted with and i was amazed. before i even started playing my first game (Pokémon Platinum) i was just enamored with simple silly stuff like the photo editor and the one where u could mess with voice files

after like 2 days of just that i got around to platinum and got my first mon ever, a Piplup which i affectionately named Pengwin and my favorite mon Bidoof which i thought what just the cutest thing ever

i dont remember much else about the playthrough but i do know i enjoyed it a lot and its definitely what birthed my love for this series c:
If we're talking about game consoles that I bought with my own money then my first was a DS lite, which I bought alongside Pokemon White 2 (at the time I was saving up for a 2DS and Pokemon Sun/Moon, and decided to splurge a little at my local gameshop.)
Needless to say I am a Gen 5 advocator through and through.
My first game was Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly on the PS2 and IDK if any of you ever played that game but it had a gamebreaking bug that meant you could very easily get locked out of ever completing the game on a save file.

Between that and me erasing save files over and over again because I didn't know what "erase" meant I think I had fun with it. I think if I were to go back to it I'd probably fucking hate it tho it's pretty dogshit.

It was mostly a stepping stone for a Robot Wars game that I actually wanted instead either way lol.
I think the first time I played a video game was at my older cousin who emulated Mario 64 and, weirdly enough, I played it with some joystick kinda thing. It was very fascinating. My cousin's in jail now for robbing a sports bar

Later I got a GBA SP in tribal design. My parents didn't have money for a DS. I played Emerald on it. I couldn't read at the time, it was very interesting. I remember I had a Blaziken with Earthquake, a Linoone that was my surfer and a Machoke. Don't remember the rest of the team. I always wanted to trade with my classmates, but I didn't have a link cable and everyone else had DSes
I think the first time I played a video game was at my older cousin who emulated Mario 64 and, weirdly enough, I played it with some joystick kinda thing. It was very fascinating. My cousin's in jail now for robbing a sports bar

Later I got a GBA SP in tribal design. My parents didn't have money for a DS. I played Emerald on it. I couldn't read at the time, it was very interesting. I remember I had a Blaziken with Earthquake, a Linoone that was my surfer and a Machoke. Don't remember the rest of the team. I always wanted to trade with my classmates, but I didn't have a link cable and everyone else had DSes

when I was a teen, I was obsessed with this so much. It was such a clean built handheld console, mainly how it was white with a clear gloss finishing, I had a friend who'd I'd hang around with and he essentially made me OCD about fingerprints because of the glossy finish, so every time I was finished using it I would get a cloth wipe and clean it every single time so it would look new. heavy shoutout to the DS lite best handheld console ever prob next to the PSP
dk if it was my first game but i have very fond memories of playing a (probably quite crap, in retrospect, bc i have never heard anyone else mention it ever) ps1 game called crisisbeat with my neighbour. i was very bad at it i suspect.
The first system that I could call "mine" was one of those super old brick Game Boys with a second hand copy of Pokemon Red. I think I was in Kindergarten at the time. Good ol days before the Game Boy Color came along and you couldn't play the system outside because of the screen glare lol, not a great recess toy as I had hoped.

Otherwise I grew up on the NES before my dad got the PS1. I have pretty fond memories of playing Duck Hunt, Mario, TMNT (never beat the dam level) and Mega Man 3 (could only ever beat Heavy Man and Snake Man). Also the Olympic Game mat

My first video game system was the Nintendo Wii and the first games I played on that gem were Wii sports and Wii resort. I miss that console, it introduced me to the world of gaming as a whole and it was my first ever console. One of my greatest regrets in my life was ever selling that gem in the first place.
My first console was a nintendo 3ds.

And two games: Pokémon Sun and Zelda A Link Between Worlds. Pokémon Sun started my Pokémon obsession and I would go on to play every other mainline Pokémon game, dlc and some remakes.
And yeah Zelda BOTW is my fav game oat. So both of these games really influenced my future.
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Tsssk, you uncultured folk and your mainstream garbage, my 5 year old self was vibing out with the Leapster:


I remember dumping what must've been dozens of hours into "Spongebob Squarepants Saves the Day", "Learning with Leap", "Dora The Explorer: Wildlife Rescue" and "Star Wars the Clone Wars: Jedi Math".

I mean yeah it was an educative system but it was fun as fuck
This wasn't my first game (that was ORAS), but I vividly remember playing Disney Planes: Fire and Rescue. I think it was a mediocre game at best, but I distinctly remember the game and even the gameplay (you had to put out fires around the map).
No, I am not messing with you, this was a real game. I still have the box of it.

I had other weird games, such as moshi monsters: monster park and the trash pack game, but that's for another time.