Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

But if Broken is checking Broken per this description, shouldn't that be more reason to vote ban on Volcarona who you already said you'd want to see go if not for checking Kyurem, which you also think is bad? Like if we're at a hypothetical deadlock of busted mons checking other busted mons, removing one would theoretically lead to a much stronger case for the ones they were checking in the subsequent meta (EX: If we remove Volc, Kyurem loses a common check and suddenly that 58% becomes a 70%).

Some people have this logic for checking mons that they think are extremely strong but not banworthy (like Kingambit as a Ghost check for Gholdengo and Dragapult), but if you think Volc and Kyurem are both unhealthy, it follows to remove Volc even if you think it's the less pressing of the two.

I think you make a good point and I would say yes, but 1) I don’t believe the council will test Kyurem again 2) that assumes top players agree with me. Which they don’t.

I think realistically if Volc goes, Kyurem would just be more broken and nothing would be done about it.
What would everyone’s thoughts be on a Hazards Clause? Wherein only a single unit, of a single hazard can be up at a time. So, a choice between Rocks, a layer of Spikes, a layer of Toxic Spikes, or Webs. This would be implemented within the team builder, so outright preventing a team from running different Hazard setting moves, but allow multiple copies of, in this instance, Spikes for team members to use. In that example, Glimmorra would have to run Corrosion if the team already had Spikes, Stealth Rocks, or Webs. Same for Ceaseless Edge and Stone Axe, okay if the team already is running Spikes or Rocks respectively, restricted otherwise if not.

I’d argue that the hazards metagame isn’t so much unbalanced or uncompetitive, as it is unhealthy. Defensive Pokemon are naturally punished more by hazards because of the flat HP cost, and especially in such a power crept metagame like SV. You are constantly repositioning and addressing environmental changes like Speed Booster altering a game‘s Speed Tier, adapting to an unorthodox set, or really Tera but that is it’s own can of worms. We have spoken before at the ease of setting Hazards, and the subsequent difficulty in, not so much removing the Hazards themselves, but finding a solid core that can consistently address whatever Hazard setter, in whatever team composition, etc. Moving into DLC2, we aren‘t as hard pressed to deny hazard setting with Lando-T Taunt, or just outright obliterating whatever is right in front of you thanks to even more power creep.

Hazards aren’t less potent or fundamental to the average SV game despite this however. I argue most teams are exaggerated, either using pivots that do not care or Regen (or both), or creating team compositions that rely less on positioning and more on sheer brute force a la Arch Rain, Kyruem, whatever else we find honestly.

Interested in people’s thoughts and would appreciate any criticism. I think dropping Ubers is better as a last resort, and I felt that looking towards more fundamental aspects of the metagame and engaging with them would lead to more constructive conversation.
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can we add chien pao to the list pretty please???

Is the council trolling after several pages of “unban x” discussion or are they genuinely considering unbanning one of these Ubers? If its the latter, then dear god no.

For those who keep bringing these ubers up, I have to ask.
What would these mons add that we are lacking?

Lets take a look at two unbans. DPP Latias and BW Excadrill. DPP Latias provides the tier with a strong Dragon boasting an incredible defensive profile with its bulk, Spikes immunity, and utility. BW was being overrun by Reuniclus Spikes, with no good spinners outside of Rain, the tier was in a bad spot, Drill improved it by being a spinner that can 2HKO Jellicent while having a strong offensive/defensive profile.

The tier, even in its current state is fine, and we can resolve the issues within the meta without dumping ubers.

Could you imagine how braindead I’d be to have Solgaleo clicking Knock and Teleport to bring in a big wallbreaker. With Mola its at least exploitable and a bit passive. You are not one-shotting the 137/107/89 bulk pivot with Knock Off and reliable recovery. I’ve witnessed the Gen 8 Clef meta. We don’t need another bulky Steel, the ones we have are perfectly fine. We don’t need more Knock Off, every OU team has at least 1 or 2.

Or how bout Giratina? How the fuck are you keeping hazards off with this thing around? With Ghold you have a strong spinner that can beat it via Knock and STAB Headlong Rush. Giratina is bulky enough to live a fucking +2 hit from Chien-Pao, Tusk ain’t getting past this shit. Also no you can’t Defog cause Pressure lets you out stall its pp long-term. We don’t need this.

Don’t even get me started on Chi-Yu. Why would we want this? We got several ways to break Balance. Specs Tera Fire Overheat has no switch ins and all it would do is make people run HO or SpD Dachsbun. Can we stop crying about Balance being good rn?

I’m not going to tell people to stop with the discussions, but consider that the tier doesn’t need an unban and some of them might make the meta even worse like Giratina. If you wanna mess around with mid Ubers, there’s a tier called UUubers you can play right now.
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What would everyone’s thoughts be on a Hazards Clause? Wherein only a single unit, of a single hazard can be up at a time. So, a choice between Rocks, a layer of Spikes, a layer of Toxic Spikes, or Webs.

Hazards aren't a problem in a meta with tusk, boots, and lower ghold usage with stuff like ace, hatt, treads, maus and corv too. This restriction is also very arbitrary, if hazards are broken they should be banned, if not then nothing should be done.

Defensive Pokemon are naturally punished more by hazards because of the flat HP cost, and especially in such a power crept metagame like SV.

Hazards are some of the only counterplay to playstyles like Sun for these defensive teams, limiting monsters like CB Gouging Fire that otherwise claim 6 kills and are only beaten with hazards+positioning.

You are constantly repositioning and addressing environmental changes like Speed Booster altering a game‘s Speed Tier, adapting to an unorthodox set, or really Tera but that is it’s own can of worms.

I'd argue this is more of a point against hazard clause if anything, hazards are one of the easiest forms of universal counterplay and help vs all of these things. Limiting hazards restricts the counterplay to the majority of Pokemon.
Its just a worse ZamaH/Physical Iron Valiant that has a useless moveslot and secondary typing that requires a turn to even exist.
I've used meloetta, and meloetta-p isn't bad. Sure, it requires a turn to setup, but with the 20% chance to get a sleep proc, it can be threatening. Then you have a 128/128 monster that can cc so much of the tier. In that regard, its cc is better than zama. Going full physical or special on meleotta I think is a waste of time. However, going mixed is really good on it and allows it to decimate some teams.
More Innovations & Concepts in SV OU

Note that a concept is something with promising feats on paper but not yet executed in a major ladder/tour game while innovations are proven to work.

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Alomomola (Alomomola) @ Heavy-Duty Boots/Red Card
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 144 HP / 112 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Wish
- Mirror Coat

Mirror Coat lures stuff like Darkrai, Hexpult, Kyurem, Enamorus, Deoxys, Moth, and Volcanion. Most of these matchup well vs Balance/Stall.
The spread allows Mola to tank one Specs Freeze Dry from Kyurem which is fucking absurd.

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 144 HP / 252 SpD Alomomola: 428-506 (84.4 - 99.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It also lets you Flip Turn on Prima clicking CM or Sub to get in Encore Grasspon for example. This does hinder Mola’s ability to check physical threats and also can’t scout with Protect, but it does improve Mola’s weaker matchups.

Edit: Mirror Coat doesn’t work on Darkrai because its a Psychic type move. My bad.

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Clefable (Clefable) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Moonblast
- Knock Off/Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave
- Wish/Moonlight
- Protect/Knock Off/Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave/Ice Beam/Encore

SpD Clef is one of the best Kyurem checks on Balance. If you played early Gen 8 OU, you’d know this. Its avoids a 2HKO from Specs Ice Beam after Lefties.

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 169-201 (42.8 - 51%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Boots (i.e the good Kyurem set) cannot even 3HKO Clef without Terastilizing.

252 SpA Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 114-135 (28.9 - 34.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

It also helps check other threats like Specs Pult, Deo-S, Mixed Val, AoA Darkrai, etc. Wishtect is preferable on this since you have more longevity vs Balance/Stall while its recovery doesn’t get nuked by Glowking’s Chilly Reception. Since its Clef, you can customize it to fill whatever other role. Knock, Rocks, T-Wave, etc. It performs worse as a Knock absorber, but that can be compensated with partners like Corv or Mola.

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Darkrai (Darkrai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots/Focus Sash/Leftovers
Ability: Bad Dreams
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam
- Will-O-Wisp

Huge fan of Wisp on Darkrai. The best check to it is Zama who gets destroyed by burn while Wisp also cripples most of the same targets as Focus Miss. Drifting made a really cool Balance rmt featuring Amoonguss and Wisp Rai you can check out. The set variety on it is huge. There’s a million ways to build Darkrai. I’ve even toyed with shit like Tera Steel Sub-CM Wisp to further fuck with Balance teams.

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Garganacl (Garganacl) @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Water/Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Salt Cure
- Recover
- Protect

What this set lacks as a special wall, it gets as a fat asf physical wall. Garg does have 100/130 physical bulk after all. Without Tera, this eats an unboosted Tera Water Wogre Cudgel after rocks, allowing you to trade and get off a Salt Cure more easily.

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Garganacl: 296-352 (73.2 - 87.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

This set also improves your matchups with Moon, Gambit, Tusk, Gliscor, etc. Pre-Tera it doesn’t beat these outright, but it has an easier time landing a Salt Cure on them. With Tera it can 1v1 them, surviving even a +2 SO boosted Kowtow after rocks.

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Gliscor (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Water/Fairy/Grass/Steel
EVs: 244 HP / 36 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Toxic
- Knock Off
- Protect
- Taunt

The first concept I’ll be showcasing. The idea with this set is it allows you to Knock or Toxic Fast Lando. Taunt shuts down Corv/Skarm and prevents Recovery or setup. This set might be a bit wack due to its worse bulk, but I believe Taunt should be explored more on Gliscor. It complements Gliscor’s gameplan of setting hazards, breaking down Balance with SD, or forcing progress with Knock + Toxic while stopping Clef/Skarm/Corv from clicking their recovery moves.

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Iron Crown (Iron Crown) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Tachyon Cutter
- Future Sight/Psyshock/Psychic Noise
- Focus Blast
- Volt Switch

Fun set that lets you pick off kills on teams expecting the standard AV sets. Tera Steel nukes everything besides Blissey with a 3HKO or 2HKO.

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 224-268 (48.3 - 57.8%) -- approx. 94.5% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 244 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 272-324 (77.2 - 92%) -- approx. 2HKO after Poison Heal

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Skeledirge: 136-162 (33 - 39.4%) -- approx. 99.9% chance to 3HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 200-236 (38.9 - 45.9%) -- approx. 3HKO after 1 layer of Spikes and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Slowking-Galar: 216-256 (54.8 - 64.9%) -- approx. 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 180-212 (44.6 - 52.6%) -- approx. 82.4% chance to 2HKO after 1 layer of Spikes and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 224 HP / 0 SpD Cinderace: 200-236 (56 - 66.1%) -- approx. 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 0 HP / 252 SpD Alomomola: 196-232 (41.6 - 49.2%) -- approx. 3HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gholdengo: 170-202 (44.9 - 53.4%) -- approx. 31.3% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Volcarona: 150-178 (40.1 - 47.5%) -- approx. 3HKO

You could force Glowking to Tera Water, which opens up Raging Bolt, Primarina, or SD Valiant.

Outside of spamming Tachyon, Psychic Noise rips apart Corv, 2HKOs Volc, 2HKOs Mola, 1v1s Dirge, and acts as a turn 1 Taunt that only prevents healing moves. Psyshock 2HKOs Blissey and Glowking, forcing the former to Tera Dark. Volt Switch trucks Corv while letting it pivot. I find that it pairs incredibly well with other breakers like Primarina or cleaners like Bolt, Pult, or Volc.

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Iron Treads (Iron Treads) @ Booster Energy/Focus Sash
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Endeavor
- Ice Spinner/Stealth Rock

Endeavor allows Treads to cripple something before dying. It good for avoiding being a sitting duck vs Balance or Stall.

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Kingambit (Kingambit) @ Black Glasses
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Kowtow Cleave
- Sucker Punch
- Thunder Wave

Gimmicky, but T-Wave can cripple checks like Samu, Corv, Dozo, and Zama. With support to lure or cripple Tusk like Future Sight, it might work, but I see no reason not to just run standard sets with Future Sight.

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Landorus (Landorus-Therian) @ Leftovers/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison/Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- U-turn

Setsu posted a team from me on TotW featuring Thundy and also SpD Lando, with a spread built to outrun Modest Bolt and Volcanion. SpD Lando is a SS OU classic that has some merit in this meta while still checking physical threats thanks to Intimidate, but I decided to go full SpD. It avoids a 2HKO from Val Moonblast at full, avoid an OHKO from +1 Rbolt Pulse after rocks, lives Specs Pult’s Draco after rocks, and even Prima’s Surf after rocks. Rock Tomb is a nice midground for Moon while threatening an OHKO on Volc and removing Valiant’s speed boost. The big appeal with this set however is its ability to check the moths. Fiery Dance from Iron Moth is a 4HKO with max SpD, and Lando threatens with either EQ or Rock Tomb while surviving the second Fiery Dance after a boost. As for Volc, EQ does huge damage to offensive sets or threatens an OHKO with Rock Tomb. EQ also 2HKOs Bulkarona while avoiding a 2HKO from +1 Fiery Dance after rocks. Tera Water makes it a more consistent check. The only sets it doesn’t beat are Tera Grass and Wisp Volc which can be handled by its teammates. I still think Volc is broken, but SpD Lando is one way to deal with it.

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Ogerpon (Ogerpon) (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 132 Atk / 120 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Knock Off
- Encore/Spikes
- U-turn

The EV spread outspeeds Kyurem while 132+ Atk is the same as max Atk Jolly. The 120 Dfse EVs allows Grasspon to tank any hit from +5 SO Gambit at full besides Black Glasses or Tera Dark, making it Gambit endgame easier with Encore.

252+ Atk Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Kingambit Kowtow Cleave vs. 0 HP / 120 Def Ogerpon: 237-279 (78.7 - 92.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This spread also lives any hit from Wogre after a Swords Dance.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 120 Def Ogerpon: 249-294 (82.7 - 97.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Spikes is a cute option with Ghold to block Corv Defog. I am interested in seeing how this set will do in practice.

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Raging Bolt (Raging Bolt) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Thunderclap
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Draco Meteor

Specs Bolt is cool. Turning it from a cleaner to a breaker. This set was used on a team hand crafted by vkhss and Fusien that’s also a sample. Draco becomes an absolute nuke. OHKOs Lando, Tusk, and Gliscor. It even 2HKOs Clod and Glowking. Only Ting-Lu and Blissey survive a 2HKO, but the former is easy to wear down while the latter is exclusive to Stall. It might be prediction reliant vs Fairy + Ground cores, especially if Glowking or Tect spam is involved, but they could be played around.

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Rillaboom (Rillaboom) @ Life Orb/Lum Berry
Ability: Grassy Surge
Tera Type: Grass/Fire
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off/Tera Blast
- Drain Punch/Wood Hammer/High Horsepower

Rillaboom is one of my favorite mons rn and I’ll make a post about it in the future. It provides amazing speed control, and makes progress with Knock, U-Turn, and Wood Hammer while providing the team with passive recovery. SD Rilla is gas. +2 LO Glide with Tera has a shot at OHKOing offensive Cinder and Pult. Tera Grass LO Wood Hammer + Glide also outright wins vs Ironpress Zama as it switches in which is kinda cracked.

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Tera Grass Rillaboom Wood Hammer vs. +3 84 HP / 252 Def Zamazenta in Grassy Terrain: 273-322 (78.9 - 93%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Tera Grass Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. +3 84 HP / 252 Def Zamazenta in Grassy Terrain: 127-151 (36.7 - 43.6%) -- 99.5% chance to 3HKO after 1 layer of Spikes, Leftovers recovery, and Grassy Terrain recovery

Tera Fire Blast is an option to nuke Corv who’s often the only Rilla check on Balance while also avoiding burns and flipping the Kyu/Weav/Volc matchup. Considering you hit every Ground and Water type with your busted Grass STAB, this is a good trade off. If Heatran is annoying you, you could tech Drain Punch or High Horsepower. Lum Berry also beats Pult leads and lets you setup SD on Gliscor.

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Samurott (Samurott-Hisui) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Water/Dark/Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Razor Shell
- Swords Dance
- Encore/Sucker Punch/Aqua Jet

I fell in love with SD Samu recently which is great at setting Spikes and keeping them up. It directly beats Tusk since most of them these days are dropping CC for other options like Knock, Bulk Up, Rocks, etc.

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Lum is particularly brutal vs Balance. Lets you get off Spikes or an SD in front of Mola without worrying about a burn. It also punishes assholes like Gliscor who love to randomly stay in on Samu and click Toxic or punish Wisp from Pult, Dirge, Cinder. Encore is broken on this and also Wogre. It punishes Dozo from clicking Curse or Rest and punishes Skarm/Corv for clicking ID or Roost. Also its Gambit insurane.

Alternatively, Aqua Jet or Sucker can be run to pick off faster threats like Darkrai, Valiant, Pult, Wogre, Weavile and Kyurem. Aqua Jet also prevents Cinderace from removing your hardwork with Court Change. You could pick any one of these Teras. Tera Water to one-shot Clef after an SD and eliminate your BP weakness, Tera Dark to guarantee a 2HKO on Mola and allow +2 Sucker to OHKO Wogre and Rilla after rocks. Tera Ghost lets it spinblock while Encoring Zama and Corv.

Wogre is the better offensive Water, but Samu is better at breaking Balance/Stall. Fat teams are teching Tera Grass, Sinistcha, or Amoonguss to handle Wogre. There’s no Tera to handle Samu Water/Dark STAB has no resists besides Prim who eats big damage from Spikes, frail ahh Meow who only switches in once, and Wo-Chien who’s Stall exclusive. Plus Samu can tech items like Boots to negate hazard damage or Lum for status. Samu enables other threats like Rilla, Zama, and Gambit on BO.

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Serperior (Serperior) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Fire/Steel
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Knock Off
- Glare
- Endure

Serperiorr shared this cool set. The original team and Dpulse on Serp, but I prefer Knock to remove Boots from Blissey or Glowking. Custap + Endure allows Serp to trade 1-to-1 with offense for a Glare or cheeky kill. This is similar to how Thundy-I plays, with less offensive oomph but with the ability to para everything that isn’t Ghold, Garg, or Gliscor.

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Scizor (Scizor) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Water/Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Atk / 100 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Tera Blast/Close Combat/Dual Wingbeat
- U-turn

I mentioned this set before. In a nutshell, it allows BO builds to pivot around Fairies, Ghold, Darkrai, Kyurem, Prima, and Ghold while providing utility with priority, Knock, and U-Turn. Tera Water is an option to flip the matchup with Fire types and bulky Grounds while letting it 2HKO them with Tera Blast. Pretty neat if your gameplan revolves around eliminating/luring them. Tera Steel jacks up Bullet Punch. Close Combat smacks Gambit and Heatran. Dual Wingbeat with Technician is a base 120 Flying move that 2HKOs Tusk and the rare Amoonguss. I and I am considering just going max Attack Adamant.

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Tyranitar (Tyranitar) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake/Low Kick

First of all, I’m not a believer in Sand. I’d rather use Ttar for its wallbreaking potential than to run it with Drill. Adamant CB Ttar boasts the strongest Knock Off in OU, only eclipsed by CB Moon under Sun.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 186-220 (46.5 - 55%) -- 66.8% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Choice Band Protosynthesis Roaring Moon Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 226-267 (56.5 - 66.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I think there is no better time for CB Ttar to find its footing rn. Balance is one of the best styles rn and Ttar can still break them. Slow pivots like Mola and Glowking can easily bring it in. Plus the Sand chip helps further with chipping down non-Ground/Rock/Steel types, especially Zama who hates eating Knock + Sand chip. The classic combo Future Sight + CB Tar also punishes Gliscor without needing to predict with Ice Punch. Tera Rock Stone Edge 2HKOs Mola/Dozo, no hazards needed.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Rock Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 240-284 (47.6 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Rock Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 306-360 (57.3 - 67.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

Ttar’s 61 Speed tier comes in clutch with outpacing Primarina and Gambit, which is important as it threatens a KO on both.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Primarina: 352-415 (109.6 - 129.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 212 HP / 0 Def Kingambit: 628-740 (159.3 - 187.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Imo this pairs well with Gambit despite the stacked weaknesses since it cripples many of Gambit’s checks. The Fighting and Ground weaknesses can be circumvented with any solid Ground immune or Fairy like Enamorus who’s also a Ground immune.

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Volcarona (Volcarona) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Water/Steel/Ground
EVs: 160 HP / 196 Def / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Whirlwind
- Morning Sun

Idk if it was me or Tio Chico who came up with this, but this set takes a page out of Roar Zama’s book by potentially letting you beat opposing CM sweepers besides Hatt and Volc while racking up Spikes damage. Whirlwind also prevents Dnite from 1v1ing you and beats Ting-Lu. I’m being looking to test it, but I’ve been having trouble fitting it plus Spikes. The lack of coverage hurts as well.
I've used t-wave Gambit, so I'll talk about it.
T-wave Gambit
I used this all the way back in the gliscor meta, and also more recently, and its a pretty darn good set. It does cripple a lot of mons, but losing kowtow hurts. However, this set does have a lot more midgame utility, and it can be suprising. One thing I would reccommend is don't immediately t-wave. That is going to not work well, especially if they have tusk. If there gambit answer is a ground type, just don't click the move, it won't do anything. Even if it isn't a ground type, then not clicking it allows you to see how they respond to gambit. Next time gambit threatens a sweep in their eyes, click t-wave. That will absolutely destroy the counter and make them have to deal with gambit much more immediately. Anything below about 320 speed will be outsped if you use max speed. A good partner to this set is hex ghold. Ghold and gambit do share a lot of the same checks/counters, and gambit t-waving them boosts ghold's hex to extreme levels. This also means that ghold itself doesn't have to run t-wave, allowing it to fit a coverage move in more easily. I would say this isn't gimmicky, its a genuinelly good set.

But I do like the other sets, I might try out AV Scizor some time.
What would everyone’s thoughts be on a Hazards Clause? Wherein only a single unit, of a single hazard can be up at a time. So, a choice between Rocks, a layer of Spikes, a layer of Toxic Spikes, or Webs. This would be implemented within the team builder, so outright preventing a team from running different Hazard setting moves, but allow multiple copies of, in this instance, Spikes for team members to use. In that example, Glimmorra would have to run Corrosion if the team already had Spikes, Stealth Rocks, or Webs. Same for Ceaseless Edge and Stone Axe, okay if the team already is running Spikes or Rocks respectively, restricted otherwise if not.

I’d argue that the hazards metagame isn’t so much unbalanced or uncompetitive, as it is unhealthy. Defensive Pokemon are naturally punished more by hazards because of the flat HP cost, and especially in such a power crept metagame like SV. You are constantly repositioning and addressing environmental changes like Speed Booster altering a game‘s Speed Tier, adapting to an unorthodox set, or really Tera but that is it’s own can of worms. We have spoken before at the ease of setting Hazards, and the subsequent difficulty in, not so much removing the Hazards themselves, but finding a solid core that can consistently address whatever Hazard setter, in whatever team composition, etc. Moving into DLC2, we aren‘t as hard pressed to deny hazard setting with Lando-T Taunt, or just outright obliterating whatever is right in front of you thanks to even more power creep.

Hazards aren’t less potent or fundamental to the average SV game despite this however. I argue most teams are exaggerated, either using pivots that do not care or Regen (or both), or creating team compositions that rely less on positioning and more on sheer brute force a la Arch Rain, Kyruem, whatever else we find honestly.

I recommend reading this guide on dealing with Spikes.

Not only is this clause a bad idea, but also unnecessary. Removing hazards is not hard and playing around them ain’t either. If you let them get 3 Spikes up, that’s a teambuilding or skill issue. Tusk is incredibly consistent at spinning. Cinder shuts down offensive hazard stack while Hatt shits on many bulky hazard stacking builds. Corv is another option. Even in the Ghold matchup, you U-Turn and punish them with a switch to Darkrai, Hoopa-U, or Samu, especially if its Ghold Balance. Some of the good teams you see don’t even run hazard removal or spam Boots. Its a matter of not playing passively so they have less chances of actually getting hazards up.

Hazards are important from stopping monsters like Wogre or Specs Kyurem from getting free switch ins.
I recommend reading this guide on dealing with Spikes.

Not only is this clause a bad idea, but also unnecessary. Removing hazards is not hard and playing around them ain’t either. If you let them get 3 Spikes up, that’s a teambuilding or skill issue. Tusk is incredibly consistent at spinning. Cinder shuts down offensive hazard stack while Hatt shits on many bulky hazard stacking builds. Corv is another option. Even in the Ghold matchup, you U-Turn and punish them with a switch to Darkrai, Hoopa-U, or Samu, especially if its Ghold Balance. Some of the good teams you see don’t even run hazard removal or spam Boots. Its a matter of not playing passively so they have less chances of actually getting hazards up.

Hazards are important from stopping monsters like Wogre or Specs Kyurem from getting free switch ins.
it's important to note that some playstyles require a more aggressive approach to hazard control than the guide makes note of. weather teams, for example, tend to hinge on a mon that's weak to rocks (atales, torkoal, or pelipper) getting multiple switch-ins over the course of a game while not holding boots, and often employ breakers that also don't use boots. i personally get around this by stacking hazard control—for example, on a sun team you might see me running both tusk and hatterene and putting rapid spin on the torkoal for good measure
I recommend reading this guide on dealing with Spikes.

Not only is this clause a bad idea, but also unnecessary. Removing hazards is not hard and playing around them ain’t either. If you let them get 3 Spikes up, that’s a teambuilding or skill issue. Tusk is incredibly consistent at spinning. Cinder shuts down offensive hazard stack while Hatt shits on many bulky hazard stacking builds. Corv is another option. Even in the Ghold matchup, you U-Turn and punish them with a switch to Darkrai, Hoopa-U, or Samu, especially if its Ghold Balance. Some of the good teams you see don’t even run hazard removal or spam Boots. Its a matter of not playing passively so they have less chances of actually getting hazards up.

Hazards are important from stopping monsters like Wogre or Specs Kyurem from getting free switch ins.
My man, you can‘t just assume someone doesn’t understand or is incapable of recognizing solutions to a problem, that is absurdly patronizing. I know people go to the forums and parrot rhetoric because they didn’t understand something on the ladder, you can’t always assume that.

I am speaking from the perspective from alleviating strain on defensive backbones. The metagame is extremely centralized and not exactly in a pleasant place for creative or interesting defensive innovations. I pointed out in my post the inherent flat HP cost with Hazards, there’s an argument that lowering by restricting Hazards allows for more longevity, explicitly with forgoing Boots for Leftovers if deemed necessary. Moreover, if the main way of addressing threats like Gouging Fire and Waterpon is obstructing their progress via hazards, then aren’t the Pokemon themselves an issue? If anything, aren’t they reinforcing because they encourage using hazards to address them?

That’s my point, it feels like Hazards are a catch-all solution that ends up constricting the meta and encouraging these exaggerated, explosive playstyles that are exhausting the player base. If I am wrong, please confront that rather than giving me a guide.
my criticism is that you're incredibly brave to come out here with a proposal like this and announce you're accepting "any criticism"
Thank you for the non-post. I specifically stated that because I am potentially wrong, and would like to be challenged and have my perspective changed. Even if it’s patiently false through discussion, at least it leads to constructive and efficacious output.

Not thanks for being brave???? why post????
My man, you can‘t just assume someone doesn’t understand or is incapable of recognizing solutions to a problem, that is absurdly patronizing. I know people go to the forums and parrot rhetoric because they didn’t understand something on the ladder, you can’t always assume that.

I am speaking from the perspective from alleviating strain on defensive backbones. The metagame is extremely centralized and not exactly in a pleasant place for creative or interesting defensive innovations. I pointed out in my post the inherent flat HP cost with Hazards, there’s an argument that lowering by restricting Hazards allows for more longevity, explicitly with forgoing Boots for Leftovers if deemed necessary. Moreover, if the main way of addressing threats like Gouging Fire and Waterpon is obstructing their progress via hazards, then aren’t the Pokemon themselves an issue? If anything, aren’t they reinforcing because they encourage using hazards to address them?

That’s my point, it feels like Hazards are a catch-all solution that ends up constricting the meta and encouraging these exaggerated, explosive playstyles that are exhausting the player base. If I am wrong, please confront that rather than giving me a guide.
He gave you a good response and listed reasons why a hazard clause would not be a good idea.
Defensive mons are not impacted more by a hazards metagame, in fact I would say it benefits them. Offensive mons are more limited due to the fact they have less opportunities to break a defensive core or have to use HDB in order to not cut down on their HP, thus reducing their damage. If we look on the defensive side of things, while yes, a few defensive mons do have to run HDB, lots don't. We can see this with ting-lu, who while it does appreciate not being chipped, prefers lefties over them. Most defensive mons also have recovery, even if hazards weren't around not having recovery means you are a worse defensive mon. Thus, defensive mons can afford to not run HDB.
While yes, these mons are potentially overpowered, it stops general offensive structures from overwhelming the meta. Let's look at weavile, a mon that is not overpowered. With this hazard clause, it could run another boosting item such as life orb a lot easier. This would make it a lot more threatening. Hazards are the easiest way to threaten offensive teams. Again, as 658Greninja said, hazard removal is not hard. Tusk is one of the best hazard removers in the tier, and an amazing defensive mon. Teams don't have to go out of their way to use it.
It feels like you're not looking at the defensive side of hazards, they are a catch all solution to offensive teams. Defensive teams can deal with hazards a lot easier.
I would also like to add, but what if you get encored into spikes? Would you just lose the game since you got 2 layers up? This feels like the sleep discussion again, trying to find a compromise when one isn't needed.
Thank you for the non-post. I specifically stated that because I am potentially wrong, and would like to be challenged and have my perspective changed. Even if it’s patiently false through discussion, at least it leads to constructive and efficacious output.

Not thanks for being brave???? why post????
saying you're taking any criticism instead of just constructive criticism is the internet equivalent of taping a "kick me" sign to your own back
What would everyone’s thoughts be on a Hazards Clause? Wherein only a single unit, of a single hazard can be up at a time. So, a choice between Rocks, a layer of Spikes, a layer of Toxic Spikes, or Webs. This would be implemented within the team builder, so outright preventing a team from running different Hazard setting moves, but allow multiple copies of, in this instance, Spikes for team members to use. In that example, Glimmorra would have to run Corrosion if the team already had Spikes, Stealth Rocks, or Webs. Same for Ceaseless Edge and Stone Axe, okay if the team already is running Spikes or Rocks respectively, restricted otherwise if not.

I’d argue that the hazards metagame isn’t so much unbalanced or uncompetitive, as it is unhealthy. Defensive Pokemon are naturally punished more by hazards because of the flat HP cost, and especially in such a power crept metagame like SV. You are constantly repositioning and addressing environmental changes like Speed Booster altering a game‘s Speed Tier, adapting to an unorthodox set, or really Tera but that is it’s own can of worms. We have spoken before at the ease of setting Hazards, and the subsequent difficulty in, not so much removing the Hazards themselves, but finding a solid core that can consistently address whatever Hazard setter, in whatever team composition, etc. Moving into DLC2, we aren‘t as hard pressed to deny hazard setting with Lando-T Taunt, or just outright obliterating whatever is right in front of you thanks to even more power creep.

Hazards aren’t less potent or fundamental to the average SV game despite this however. I argue most teams are exaggerated, either using pivots that do not care or Regen (or both), or creating team compositions that rely less on positioning and more on sheer brute force a la Arch Rain, Kyruem, whatever else we find honestly.

Interested in people’s thoughts and would appreciate any criticism. I think dropping Ubers is better as a last resort, and I felt that looking towards more fundamental aspects of the metagame and engaging with them would lead to more constructive conversation.
A hazards clause would be a massive violation of tiering policy (unless you ban all hazards, in which case why). It's an even bigger violation of cart accuracy, and you don't even have some archaic side Pokemon game to justify its existence. Sleep Clause was finally axed, and hazards aren't that big of an issue in the tier right now. If it does rise to be an issue, we can examine its setters (Gliscor in DLC 1) or their enablers (Gholdengo since... forever), but a blanket hazards clause is never going to be implemented no matter the state of the metagame.
That’s my point, it feels like Hazards are a catch-all solution that ends up constricting the meta and encouraging these exaggerated, explosive playstyles that are exhausting the player base. If I am wrong, please confront that rather than giving me a guide.
Gee, hazards sure have been suddenly constraining and powerful in gen 9 out of the blue. If only there was a reliable way to remove them...
My man, you can‘t just assume someone doesn’t understand or is incapable of recognizing solutions to a problem, that is absurdly patronizing. I know people go to the forums and parrot rhetoric because they didn’t understand something on the ladder, you can’t always assume that.

I am speaking from the perspective from alleviating strain on defensive backbones. The metagame is extremely centralized and not exactly in a pleasant place for creative or interesting defensive innovations. I pointed out in my post the inherent flat HP cost with Hazards, there’s an argument that lowering by restricting Hazards allows for more longevity, explicitly with forgoing Boots for Leftovers if deemed necessary. Moreover, if the main way of addressing threats like Gouging Fire and Waterpon is obstructing their progress via hazards, then aren’t the Pokemon themselves an issue? If anything, aren’t they reinforcing because they encourage using hazards to address them?

That’s my point, it feels like Hazards are a catch-all solution that ends up constricting the meta and encouraging these exaggerated, explosive playstyles that are exhausting the player base. If I am wrong, please confront that rather than giving me a guide.

My main argument was that hazards are not a problem in tier and that counterplay to it is not limited, hence why I posted the guide. Most teams in SV OU are built to keep hazards out or minimize the effects of hazards. This isn’t even unique to Gen 9. There have been several teams from Gen 3 to Gen 6 simply don’t have removal, yet find success, and its not just HO.

Balance structures are doing great rn, better than ever. Players have remembered that Tusk is a really consistent form of hazard control and great mon in general, they started branching out from the standard Boots Spam Balances to more diverse Balance teams. Again, Corv as a Defogger is fine, as long as you pair it with good breakers that exploit Ghold it should be fine.

Also I want to state that I didn’t mean that hazards were the only ways of dealing with breakers like Wogre and Kyu, but hazards are often the best ways at dealing with them for Balance. Its been like that since the inception of hazards. A hazard clause would unironically nerf fat structures for no good reason because they often bank on chip damage to make progress, especially Stall.

SV OU is not an HO-infested meta like how GSC isn’t all Stall, but if you play overly passive, you’re going to play punish. Balancing safe and aggressive plays is important. Spikes incentivizes this, and I don’t see a problem with that.
More Innovations & Concepts in SV OU

Note that a concept is something with promising feats on paper but not yet executed in a major ladder/tour game while innovations are proven to work.

View attachment 623883
Alomomola (Alomomola) @ Heavy-Duty Boots/Red Card
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 144 HP / 112 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Wish
- Mirror Coat

Mirror Coat lures stuff like Darkrai, Hexpult, Kyurem, Enamorus, Deoxys, Moth, and Volcanion. Most of these matchup well vs Balance/Stall.
The spread allows Mola to tank one Specs Freeze Dry from Kyurem which is fucking absurd.

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 144 HP / 252 SpD Alomomola: 428-506 (84.4 - 99.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It also lets you Flip Turn on Prima clicking CM or Sub to get in Encore Grasspon for example. This does hinder Mola’s ability to check physical threats and also can’t scout with Protect, but it does improve Mola’s weaker matchups.

Edit: Mirror Coat doesn’t work on Darkrai because its a Psychic type move. My bad.

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Clefable (Clefable) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Moonblast
- Knock Off/Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave
- Wish/Moonlight
- Protect/Knock Off/Stealth Rock/Thunder Wave/Ice Beam/Encore

SpD Clef is one of the best Kyurem checks on Balance. If you played early Gen 8 OU, you’d know this. Its avoids a 2HKO from Specs Ice Beam after Lefties.

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 169-201 (42.8 - 51%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Boots (i.e the good Kyurem set) cannot even 3HKO Clef without Terastilizing.

252 SpA Kyurem Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Clefable: 114-135 (28.9 - 34.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

It also helps check other threats like Specs Pult, Deo-S, Mixed Val, AoA Darkrai, etc. Wishtect is preferable on this since you have more longevity vs Balance/Stall while its recovery doesn’t get nuked by Glowking’s Chilly Reception. Since its Clef, you can customize it to fill whatever other role. Knock, Rocks, T-Wave, etc. It performs worse as a Knock absorber, but that can be compensated with partners like Corv or Mola.

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Darkrai (Darkrai) @ Heavy-Duty Boots/Focus Sash/Leftovers
Ability: Bad Dreams
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam
- Will-O-Wisp

Huge fan of Wisp on Darkrai. The best check to it is Zama who gets destroyed by burn while Wisp also cripples most of the same targets as Focus Miss. Drifting made a really cool Balance rmt featuring Amoonguss and Wisp Rai you can check out. The set variety on it is huge. There’s a million ways to build Darkrai. I’ve even toyed with shit like Tera Steel Sub-CM Wisp to further fuck with Balance teams.

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Garganacl (Garganacl) @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Water/Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Salt Cure
- Recover
- Protect

What this set lacks as a special wall, it gets as a fat asf physical wall. Garg does have 100/130 physical bulk after all. Without Tera, this eats an unboosted Tera Water Wogre Cudgel after rocks, allowing you to trade and get off a Salt Cure more easily.

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Garganacl: 296-352 (73.2 - 87.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

This set also improves your matchups with Moon, Gambit, Tusk, Gliscor, etc. Pre-Tera it doesn’t beat these outright, but it has an easier time landing a Salt Cure on them. With Tera it can 1v1 them, surviving even a +2 SO boosted Kowtow after rocks.

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Gliscor (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Tera Type: Water/Fairy/Grass/Steel
EVs: 244 HP / 36 SpD / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Toxic
- Knock Off
- Protect
- Taunt

The first concept I’ll be showcasing. The idea with this set is it allows you to Knock or Toxic Fast Lando. Taunt shuts down Corv/Skarm and prevents Recovery or setup. This set might be a bit wack due to its worse bulk, but I believe Taunt should be explored more on Gliscor. It complements Gliscor’s gameplan of setting hazards, breaking down Balance with SD, or forcing progress with Knock + Toxic while stopping Clef/Skarm/Corv from clicking their recovery moves.

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Iron Crown (Iron Crown) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Tachyon Cutter
- Future Sight/Psyshock/Psychic Noise
- Focus Blast
- Volt Switch

Fun set that lets you pick off kills on teams expecting the standard AV sets. Tera Steel nukes everything besides Blissey with a 3HKO or 2HKO.

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Clodsire: 224-268 (48.3 - 57.8%) -- approx. 94.5% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 244 HP / 252+ SpD Gliscor: 272-324 (77.2 - 92%) -- approx. 2HKO after Poison Heal

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Skeledirge: 136-162 (33 - 39.4%) -- approx. 99.9% chance to 3HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 200-236 (38.9 - 45.9%) -- approx. 3HKO after 1 layer of Spikes and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 240+ SpD Slowking-Galar: 216-256 (54.8 - 64.9%) -- approx. 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 180-212 (44.6 - 52.6%) -- approx. 82.4% chance to 2HKO after 1 layer of Spikes and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 224 HP / 0 SpD Cinderace: 200-236 (56 - 66.1%) -- approx. 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 0 HP / 252 SpD Alomomola: 196-232 (41.6 - 49.2%) -- approx. 3HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gholdengo: 170-202 (44.9 - 53.4%) -- approx. 31.3% chance to 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Steel Iron Crown Tachyon Cutter (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Volcarona: 150-178 (40.1 - 47.5%) -- approx. 3HKO

You could force Glowking to Tera Water, which opens up Raging Bolt, Primarina, or SD Valiant.

Outside of spamming Tachyon, Psychic Noise rips apart Corv, 2HKOs Volc, 2HKOs Mola, 1v1s Dirge, and acts as a turn 1 Taunt that only prevents healing moves. Psyshock 2HKOs Blissey and Glowking, forcing the former to Tera Dark. Volt Switch trucks Corv while letting it pivot. I find that it pairs incredibly well with other breakers like Primarina or cleaners like Bolt, Pult, or Volc.

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Iron Treads (Iron Treads) @ Booster Energy/Focus Sash
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Endeavor
- Ice Spinner/Stealth Rock

Endeavor allows Treads to cripple something before dying. It good for avoiding being a sitting duck vs Balance or Stall.

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Kingambit (Kingambit) @ Black Glasses
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Kowtow Cleave
- Sucker Punch
- Thunder Wave

Gimmicky, but T-Wave can cripple checks like Samu, Corv, Dozo, and Zama. With support to lure or cripple Tusk like Future Sight, it might work, but I see no reason not to just run standard sets with Future Sight.

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Landorus (Landorus-Therian) @ Leftovers/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Poison/Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- U-turn

Setsu posted a team from me on TotW featuring Thundy and also SpD Lando, with a spread built to outrun Modest Bolt and Volcanion. SpD Lando is a SS OU classic that has some merit in this meta while still checking physical threats thanks to Intimidate, but I decided to go full SpD. It avoids a 2HKO from Val Moonblast at full, avoid an OHKO from +1 Rbolt Pulse after rocks, lives Specs Pult’s Draco after rocks, and even Prima’s Surf after rocks. Rock Tomb is a nice midground for Moon while threatening an OHKO on Volc and removing Valiant’s speed boost. The big appeal with this set however is its ability to check the moths. Fiery Dance from Iron Moth is a 4HKO with max SpD, and Lando threatens with either EQ or Rock Tomb while surviving the second Fiery Dance after a boost. As for Volc, EQ does huge damage to offensive sets or threatens an OHKO with Rock Tomb. EQ also 2HKOs Bulkarona while avoiding a 2HKO from +1 Fiery Dance after rocks. Tera Water makes it a more consistent check. The only sets it doesn’t beat are Tera Grass and Wisp Volc which can be handled by its teammates. I still think Volc is broken, but SpD Lando is one way to deal with it.

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Ogerpon (Ogerpon) (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 132 Atk / 120 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Knock Off
- Encore/Spikes
- U-turn

The EV spread outspeeds Kyurem while 132+ Atk is the same as max Atk Jolly. The 120 Dfse EVs allows Grasspon to tank any hit from +5 SO Gambit at full besides Black Glasses or Tera Dark, making it Gambit endgame easier with Encore.

252+ Atk Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Kingambit Kowtow Cleave vs. 0 HP / 120 Def Ogerpon: 237-279 (78.7 - 92.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This spread also lives any hit from Wogre after a Swords Dance.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 120 Def Ogerpon: 249-294 (82.7 - 97.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Spikes is a cute option with Ghold to block Corv Defog. I am interested in seeing how this set will do in practice.

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Raging Bolt (Raging Bolt) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Thunderclap
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Draco Meteor

Specs Bolt is cool. Turning it from a cleaner to a breaker. This set was used on a team hand crafted by vkhss and Fusien that’s also a sample. Draco becomes an absolute nuke. OHKOs Lando, Tusk, and Gliscor. It even 2HKOs Clod and Glowking. Only Ting-Lu and Blissey survive a 2HKO, but the former is easy to wear down while the latter is exclusive to Stall. It might be prediction reliant vs Fairy + Ground cores, especially if Glowking or Tect spam is involved, but they could be played around.

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Rillaboom (Rillaboom) @ Life Orb/Lum Berry
Ability: Grassy Surge
Tera Type: Grass/Fire
EVs: 72 HP / 252 Atk / 184 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Grassy Glide
- Knock Off/Tera Blast
- Drain Punch/Wood Hammer/High Horsepower

Rillaboom is one of my favorite mons rn and I’ll make a post about it in the future. It provides amazing speed control, and makes progress with Knock, U-Turn, and Wood Hammer while providing the team with passive recovery. SD Rilla is gas. +2 LO Glide with Tera has a shot at OHKOing offensive Cinder and Pult. Tera Grass LO Wood Hammer + Glide also outright wins vs Ironpress Zama as it switches in which is kinda cracked.

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Tera Grass Rillaboom Wood Hammer vs. +3 84 HP / 252 Def Zamazenta in Grassy Terrain: 273-322 (78.9 - 93%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes

+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Tera Grass Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. +3 84 HP / 252 Def Zamazenta in Grassy Terrain: 127-151 (36.7 - 43.6%) -- 99.5% chance to 3HKO after 1 layer of Spikes, Leftovers recovery, and Grassy Terrain recovery

Tera Fire Blast is an option to nuke Corv who’s often the only Rilla check on Balance while also avoiding burns and flipping the Kyu/Weav/Volc matchup. Considering you hit every Ground and Water type with your busted Grass STAB, this is a good trade off. If Heatran is annoying you, you could tech Drain Punch or High Horsepower. Lum Berry also beats Pult leads and lets you setup SD on Gliscor.

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Samurott (Samurott-Hisui) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Water/Dark/Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Razor Shell
- Swords Dance
- Encore/Sucker Punch/Aqua Jet

I fell in love with SD Samu recently which is great at setting Spikes and keeping them up. It directly beats Tusk since most of them these days are dropping CC for other options like Knock, Bulk Up, Rocks, etc.

View attachment 623901

Lum is particularly brutal vs Balance. Lets you get off Spikes or an SD in front of Mola without worrying about a burn. It also punishes assholes like Gliscor who love to randomly stay in on Samu and click Toxic or punish Wisp from Pult, Dirge, Cinder. Encore is broken on this and also Wogre. It punishes Dozo from clicking Curse or Rest and punishes Skarm/Corv for clicking ID or Roost. Also its Gambit insurane.

Alternatively, Aqua Jet or Sucker can be run to pick off faster threats like Darkrai, Valiant, Pult, Wogre, Weavile and Kyurem. Aqua Jet also prevents Cinderace from removing your hardwork with Court Change. You could pick any one of these Teras. Tera Water to one-shot Clef after an SD and eliminate your BP weakness, Tera Dark to guarantee a 2HKO on Mola and allow +2 Sucker to OHKO Wogre and Rilla after rocks. Tera Ghost lets it spinblock while Encoring Zama and Corv.

Wogre is the better offensive Water, but Samu is better at breaking Balance/Stall. Fat teams are teching Tera Grass, Sinistcha, or Amoonguss to handle Wogre. There’s no Tera to handle Samu Water/Dark STAB has no resists besides Prim who eats big damage from Spikes, frail ahh Meow who only switches in once, and Wo-Chien who’s Stall exclusive. Plus Samu can tech items like Boots to negate hazard damage or Lum for status. Samu enables other threats like Rilla, Zama, and Gambit on BO.

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Serperior (Serperior) @ Custap Berry
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Fire/Steel
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Knock Off
- Glare
- Endure

Serperiorr shared this cool set. The original team and Dpulse on Serp, but I prefer Knock to remove Boots from Blissey or Glowking. Custap + Endure allows Serp to trade 1-to-1 with offense for a Glare or cheeky kill. This is similar to how Thundy-I plays, with less offensive oomph but with the ability to para everything that isn’t Ghold, Garg, or Gliscor.

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Scizor (Scizor) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Water/Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Atk / 100 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Knock Off
- Tera Blast/Close Combat/Dual Wingbeat
- U-turn

I mentioned this set before. In a nutshell, it allows BO builds to pivot around Fairies, Ghold, Darkrai, Kyurem, Prima, and Ghold while providing utility with priority, Knock, and U-Turn. Tera Water is an option to flip the matchup with Fire types and bulky Grounds while letting it 2HKO them with Tera Blast. Pretty neat if your gameplan revolves around eliminating/luring them. Tera Steel jacks up Bullet Punch. Close Combat smacks Gambit and Heatran. Dual Wingbeat with Technician is a base 120 Flying move that 2HKOs Tusk and the rare Amoonguss. I and I am considering just going max Attack Adamant.

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Tyranitar (Tyranitar) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Atk / 248 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake/Low Kick

First of all, I’m not a believer in Sand. I’d rather use Ttar for its wallbreaking potential than to run it with Drill. Adamant CB Ttar boasts the strongest Knock Off in OU, only eclipsed by CB Moon under Sun.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 186-220 (46.5 - 55%) -- 66.8% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Choice Band Protosynthesis Roaring Moon Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 226-267 (56.5 - 66.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

I think there is no better time for CB Ttar to find its footing rn. Balance is one of the best styles rn and Ttar can still break them. Slow pivots like Mola and Glowking can easily bring it in. Plus the Sand chip helps further with chipping down non-Ground/Rock/Steel types, especially Zama who hates eating Knock + Sand chip. The classic combo Future Sight + CB Tar also punishes Gliscor without needing to predict with Ice Punch. Tera Rock Stone Edge 2HKOs Mola/Dozo, no hazards needed.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Rock Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 240-284 (47.6 - 56.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

252+ Atk Choice Band Tera Rock Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Alomomola: 306-360 (57.3 - 67.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

Ttar’s 61 Speed tier comes in clutch with outpacing Primarina and Gambit, which is important as it threatens a KO on both.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 80 HP / 0 Def Primarina: 352-415 (109.6 - 129.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 212 HP / 0 Def Kingambit: 628-740 (159.3 - 187.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Imo this pairs well with Gambit despite the stacked weaknesses since it cripples many of Gambit’s checks. The Fighting and Ground weaknesses can be circumvented with any solid Ground immune or Fairy like Enamorus who’s also a Ground immune.

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Volcarona (Volcarona) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
Tera Type: Water/Steel/Ground
EVs: 160 HP / 196 Def / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Whirlwind
- Morning Sun

Idk if it was me or Tio Chico who came up with this, but this set takes a page out of Roar Zama’s book by potentially letting you beat opposing CM sweepers besides Hatt and Volc while racking up Spikes damage. Whirlwind also prevents Dnite from 1v1ing you and beats Ting-Lu. I’m being looking to test it, but I’ve been having trouble fitting it plus Spikes. The lack of coverage hurts as well.
I don't want this to come off as creepy or anything but in the absence of Morkal, need my intake of creativity once in a while. "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned." I am a fiend for this shit bro that's why I'm still in this forum. Also, you got a history of posts like this every so often so I ask you:

MAKE THIS A SERIES. I NEED Innovations & Concepts in OU as my alternative to Morkal posts. Where is he? Dunno, but, please do this for the sake of good forum content. A really, really long time ago in DLC 2 beginnings, I theorycrafted Mirror Coat Alomomola. It's an interesting option since mola is typically not very specially bulky. Except I also used Light Screen because Volcarona was really annoying. Though, this was just me personally

Good post. Will like :blobthumbsup:
tested quite a bit with this. Any reqs for dealing with Garg? Feels like it 6-0’s the team. Especially Tera fairy defensive
There are a few ways to deal with it from what I could see.
Firstly, alomomola can take a salt cure for the team and regen the damage off. If it comes into something that is not salt cure, it can get a wish off.
Secondly, hoopa-u threatens Garg a lot. Knock + psychic noise destroys Garg, which will get chipped and destroyed. Aggressively use hoopa against it (though playing against Garg you always should be aggressive)
Finally, ogerpon can encore Garg into a useless move such as Id. From there you can either reposition or start fishing for ivy cudgel crits.
Of course, this is not as easy as it seems. You do need to play around it, but the team can deal with it decently well. It's just a bit of a difficult matchup.
There are a few ways to deal with it from what I could see.
Firstly, alomomola can take a salt cure for the team and regen the damage off. If it comes into something that is not salt cure, it can get a wish off.
Secondly, hoopa-u threatens Garg a lot. Knock + psychic noise destroys Garg, which will get chipped and destroyed. Aggressively use hoopa against it (though playing against Garg you always should be aggressive)
Finally, ogerpon can encore Garg into a useless move such as Id. From there you can either reposition or start fishing for ivy cudgel crits.
Of course, this is not as easy as it seems. You do need to play around it, but the team can deal with it decently well. It's just a bit of a difficult matchup.
also, if you can bait tera on something else and double into it, tusk can just click headlong rush and it can't set up or recoverspam fast enough to win the interaction
There are a few ways to deal with it from what I could see.
Firstly, alomomola can take a salt cure for the team and regen the damage off. If it comes into something that is not salt cure, it can get a wish off.
Secondly, hoopa-u threatens Garg a lot. Knock + psychic noise destroys Garg, which will get chipped and destroyed. Aggressively use hoopa against it (though playing against Garg you always should be aggressive)
Finally, ogerpon can encore Garg into a useless move such as Id. From there you can either reposition or start fishing for ivy cudgel crits.
Of course, this is not as easy as it seems. You do need to play around it, but the team can deal with it decently well. It's just a bit of a difficult matchup.

Yeah I found mola makes like negative progress and Ogerpon doesn’t do enough damage against defensive Garg. My problem is typically that Hoopa works but gets chipped very easily by salt cure+hazards.
Yeah I found mola makes like negative progress and Ogerpon doesn’t do enough damage against defensive Garg. My problem is typically that Hoopa works but gets chipped very easily by salt cure+hazards.
Mola can usually stall it out a decent amount. It's not aiming to beat it purely, just take damage so teammates can do the damage without being chipped. Ogerpon can at least try to do some damage, but it's main deal is to lock Garg into something it doesn't want to. For example, if you chip Garg down into recover range, that is free entry for ogerpon as it can waste recover pp, forcing a switch.
This team looks like it doesn't directly deal with Garg, that is a weakness of it, but moreso by forcing it to be in situations it doesn't want to. I'd say a general scenario for that would be chip it down with tusk, and then when it gets into recover range, switch to ogerpon. As stated above, Garg struggles a bit with tusk.
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But on garg, its an alright mon. I did underestimate it a bit, but I still believe that when facing it, you just hit it. Don't be scared of the salt cure damage, just switch into your attacker that can deal with garg and do damage. Most likely, the garg user will either have to take the hit, thus saccing the garg, if they don't have another mon that can take the hit, or be forced to switch out, meaning something else will have to take it. I know in the past I said 'don't be passive' but this is what I meant by that. I do disagree with the stall part though, garg can be a nightmare for stall. Clef while immune to salt cure chip, can't do much to it in return. It gets overwhelmed by either curse garg or id bp garg. The main answer on stall is dondozo, who was to get lucky with sleep talk turns and has to not get crit multiple times. Most of the time, you are able to deal with garg, but its difficult for stall. Also, knock off the lefties with gliscor first, that's a necessity otherwise it will win.
Clef sometimes runs knock too on stall.