CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 11 (Attacking Moves Poll)

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That's not a mistake. They need to be between two and six. That means that if you have three competitive moves in your level-up list, you must limit your competitive egg moves to three, not four. And if you have four competitive moves in your egg moves list, you must limit your competitive level-up moves to two, not three.

HOWEVER... the guide to create a Pokemon movepool is just that... a guide. It means that if we deem that we should make exceptions, we can. We might have to make an exception for this CAP... although I'd say to try to keep within those guidelines if possible.

I just realized Heart Scale moves count towards competitiveness. Oops. There has to be an exception for this one because it's going to be more nerfed than it already is.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

I don't think sweeping should be as easy as it is becoming for our "utility" poke. Use HP over the beams, ice beam doesn't make sense and seams tacked on, CC is overpowered, wouldn't really mind cross chop, pursuit seems sensible. The new poison move seems like it disrupts current mechanics too much and it feels like a new move should only be created to further the original concept: UTILITY. There's already limited space here.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

I think that Icy Wind could be valuabe, especially due to the speed loss of the opponent, it could mess teams up pretty bad if used correctly, and could help set up a slower Pokemon or something.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No


I really like X-Act's move, but I think we could do something like it on a later pokemon. I listed No, but if there is indeed extra room it is the first thing on the list I would allow. Maybe with a different name though.
Icy Wind isn't all that useful considering the low damage output, easily counterable effect, and the fact it already could outspeed some potent Pokemon.

I been noticing weird things within a few people's votes. When one votes "yes" for Flamethrower, they always seem to vote no for IB/TB. When one votes for IB, they vote no for TB/FT and when one votes for TB, FT and IB are crossed out. This also goes in reverse. No connection what so ever but it's odd they're a certain pattern within them.
I also noticed that. I also noticed IB and Pursuit are pretty popular. I don't even want to think about Icy Wind because it's not very good. IB is great for taking out dragons, but I just can't get with it flavor-wise. I think Pursuit is going to work very well because if you switch into this guy, they're going to bring out their sweepers before you can set up too much, and you have a good shot at crippling a wall/support type.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/no
Icy Wind - Yes/no
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/NoPursuit - Yes/no
"BlindingMire" - Yes/no
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No (For Cross Chop)
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No: I'm okay with breaking flavor a little to do more to garchomp.
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No: I don't really see why not. Moveslots might be an issue, but I can't vote against a potential problem. It just isn't an issue right now.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

I'm pretty sure whatever I would say has been said.
That's not a mistake. They need to be between two and six. That means that if you have three competitive moves in your level-up list, you must limit your competitive egg moves to three, not four. And if you have four competitive moves in your egg moves list, you must limit your competitive level-up moves to two, not three.

HOWEVER... the guide to create a Pokemon movepool is just that... a guide. It means that if we deem that we should make exceptions, we can. We might have to make an exception for this CAP... although I'd say to try to keep within those guidelines if possible.

I just realized Heart Scale moves count towards competitiveness. Oops. There has to be an exception for this one because it's going to be more nerfed than it already is.

At the moment it looks like there's going to be an exception in the defenition of "Competitive". If someone was to, say give this Pokemon the 3 elemental punches as lv. 0 moves. On some Pokemon these would count towards it's useable movepool (Machamp, for example). On this Pokemon the calcs are looking so dismal that it's easy to wright off the Elemental Punches as "Non-Competitive).

Most of the moves we're giving it are... obscure to say the least (In fact, that's the reason we're giving them to him). How many other Pokemon include Gravity on their list of Competitive Moves? ...Ha! (to borrow the expression). It's none. The same goes for Tailwind. Now as we attempt to make these kinds of moves competitivly viable we run into the problem of not having enough space on it's movepool, which is only natural if we expect to make these competitivly viable while also keeping a decent number of offencive options. My advice? This Pokemon could get everything it needs offencivly via TMs. Maybe a few filler Level Up moves like, say, Earth Power. After that we resort to either going overboard on Competitive Moves or not getting everything we want. We need to strike a balance, and I believe our collective intelligence has the power to do this! Tonight, I will kick off the Movepool thread with a submission of my own. This will serve to demonstrate not only what a good movepool should look like, but also that it is possible to give this Pokemon everything it needs without breaking any of the regular limitations on a Pokemon's movepool. After that it will be up to the rest of the CAP community to perfect the art, and I have 100% faith that we can do it.
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat - Yes/No
Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No

Ok, I have to split up CC and CC because I believe that Close Combat doesn't suit him as my view on "Handyman", I don't believe he is one for reckless fighting, or see's the need to fight (and thus the no for Pursuit), I do believe however that will all those hands he needs a Fighting Move, and I think Cross Chop fits that perfectly.

Don't think that Bolt/Beam/Thrower suits him, but I believe that if he gets tail wind then Icy Wind should also be allowed.

Bindingmire, I believe is too overpowered being base 75 w/ STAB, Although the Low PP would normally compensate for this, How many times does a WW&Roar, get used in match, less than 5.
So...Sunday, are you saying that this poll is coming to an end soon? If so, then I like to say that judging by the total votes count, two out of eight have made it, which is kinda sad to me :c
Thunderbolt - Yes/No
Flamethrower - Yes/No
Ice Beam - Yes/No
Icy Wind - Yes/No
Close Combat / Cross Chop - Yes/No
Pursuit - Yes/No
"BlindingMire" - Yes/No
IB is great for taking out dragons, but I just can't get with it flavor-wise.

Please, please, please read the thread. This thing needs ice beam. And as said before, look at some of the crap with ice beam. Ice beam doesn't need to make sense. It also doesn't matter in the whole limiting usable moves area either because its a TM.
At the moment it looks like there's going to be an exception in the defenition of "Competitive". If someone was to, say give this Pokemon the 3 elemental punches as lv. 0 moves. On some Pokemon these would count towards it's useable movepool (Machamp, for example). On this Pokemon the calcs are looking so dismal that it's easy to wright off the Elemental Punches as "Non-Competitive).
Coughmecough. That just made my life a ton easier.

Most of the moves we're giving it are... obscure to say the least (In fact, that's the reason we're giving them to him). How many other Pokemon include Gravity on their list of Competitive Moves? ...Ha! (to borrow the expression). It's none. The same goes for Tailwind. Now as we attempt to make these kinds of moves competitivly viable we run into the problem of not having enough space on it's movepool, which is only natural if we expect to make these competitivly viable while also keeping a decent number of offencive options. My advice? This Pokemon could get everything it needs offencivly via TMs. Maybe a few filler Level Up moves like, say, Earth Power. After that we resort to either going overboard on Competitive Moves or not getting everything we want. We need to strike a balance, and I believe our collective intelligence has the power to do this! Tonight, I will kick off the Movepool thread with a submission of my own. This will serve to demonstrate not only what a good movepool should look like, but also that it is possible to give this Pokemon everything it needs without breaking any of the regular limitations on a Pokemon's movepool. After that it will be up to the rest of the CAP community to perfect the art, and I have 100% faith that we can do it.

I can't wait to see what you thought of, I gave up on the egg moves and made it compatible with Smeargle =X And for all you Ice Beam junkies, it really won't do that much to Garchump, so what's the point? When are you going to use it?
At the moment it looks like there's going to be an exception in the defenition of "Competitive". If someone was to, say give this Pokemon the 3 elemental punches as lv. 0 moves. On some Pokemon these would count towards it's useable movepool (Machamp, for example). On this Pokemon the calcs are looking so dismal that it's easy to wright off the Elemental Punches as "Non-Competitive).

Yeah, so, tennis and I love you. :)
So...Sunday, are you saying that this poll is coming to an end soon? If so, then I like to say that judging by the total votes count, two out of eight have made it, which is kinda sad to me :c
I agree entirely. Also, I voted for all 3 beams, disproving your point!

But still, this is by far the most conservative CAP so far. (Even though we are pending giving it a new move and ability, what a contradiction.)
And for all you Ice Beam junkies, it really won't do that much to Garchump, so what's the point? When are you going to use it?
Same could be said for HP Ice. Neither one of those moves will OHKO Chomp him 100% if you haven got any SpA ev on it though Ice Beam has a better chance of 2HKOing Yache-Chomp and OHKOing any other Chomp. With 46 ev into SpA Ice Beam has a 33% chance of OHKO the beast compare to HP Ice inability to do so.
Yeah, so, tennis and I love you. :)

Damn straight.

Same could be said for HP Ice. Neither one of those moves will OHKO Chomp him 100% if you haven got any SpA ev on it though Ice Beam has a better chance of 2HKOing Yache-Chomp and OHKOing any other Chomp.

I've mentioned Hp Ice a couple times, but never said it was going to be used on a set. I highly doubt that.
I now regret picking Sunday as a Topic Leader.... Aussie night is not US night... I really want to see the next thread before I go to bed.
I now regret picking Sunday as a Topic Leader.... Aussie night is not US night... I really want to see the next thread before I go to bed.
Same here :c

Before the complete movepool thread appears, here's a quick question. When the thread get started and people start making movepools, would it be wise to make it like it had a pre-evo form already or make it like it was a single stage? This is asked because of X_Presumption's idea involving a ballooning spider pre-evo and I was wondering if that would affect one's movepool construction.
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