CAP 4 CAP 4 - Name Discussion

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God Bless Nintys Incompetence :*)
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I was discussing my foreboding of this thread with the people on the CAP server this morning and we decided we should try somethign just a tad different. Usually the way this thread works is people throw shitty piles of "whatever comes into their head at the time of posting", and hope it sticks onto the great big wall we call "What we will name this Pokemon". It's not going to work that way this time. We want intelligent submissions. Submissions that mean something, and that the OP has put a lot of thought into before saying something. We don't want a whole bunch of spammy names. For that reason;
you are allowed to suggest two names in this thread, and two names only.
Much like the Concept poll, you are restricted in the number of submissions you may make. Love it or Hate it, I believe it can only produce a better result in the end. Plus it cuts down on spam and makes the thread way more manageable.

Pure Utility Pokemon
Description: There is a serious lack of Gravity, Rapid Spin, Wish, non Dark weak Trick Room, OU viable Heal Bell / Aromatherapy, Encore, Memento, Non Dark weak Perish Song, Psycho Shift, Safeguard, Magic Coat, Me First, Snatch, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Tailwind and Haze Pokemon in our lovely Metagame. I don't know what type, what stat distribution or even what kind of Pokemon would effectively use all those, but I want to build a utility Pokemon for the useful yet less used utility moves. If I had to narrow the field a bit, I would emphasize Tailwind, Gravity, non Dark weak Trick Room, Rapid Spin, Wish and Encore. The normal utility moves like Reflect and Light Screen go without saying.
Primary Typing: Poison
Secondary Typing: Ground
Style Bias: Mixed, Between -5 and -10 -- Slightly towards defence
Build Bias: Between 5 and 10 -- Slightly towards physical
Base Stat Rating: 300 to 419 -- Very Good
Base Stat Spread: 95 / 76 / 109 / 90 / 80 / 105 = 555 Speed Last.
Primary Ability: Persistant
Secondary Ability: Vital Spirit
Araphol ( Arachnida and Pholcidae)

Arachnida = The "class" of the Daddy Long Leg
Pholcidae = The "family" it belongs to

Insom ( insolitus and venom )

insolitus = latin for weird.. i think ddl looks kinda weird o_O
venom = yeah, we all now what this is

I liek the first one more though. I fits better imo.
I only have one submission, but it's a good'un.

Opilipalms (Opiliones and Palms)

Opiliones = The order of spiders that the Daddy Long Legs belongs in.
Palms = ...The center of your hands.

Hope you guys like it.
This one is really corny, but...


I think it's pretty obvious where the name comes from, but in case you can't tell, it's from the English hand and daddy long legs.

Short, sweet, and to the point, no?
Octopilion and Phalandigit

Can't really go wrong with that. Octo + Opiliones obviously. Phalandigit is intended to be Phalangid + Digit, though it also has Dig and Phalanx.

Also, harvestmen are not spiders more than scorpions are.
I think i've gone a simpler route than most of the above. I've never seen so many complex latin Pokemon names ever. ;p


A corruption of the word handy and the word ending of octagon for eight. I didn't want any of the octa/octo in the word because people will tend to associate that with octopuses. This name shows it's helpful nature in full.


A short name derived from dexterous, which this will certainly be, and toxin. They fit together well and the name is short and easy to say.

Since ground is it's secondary typing I didn't follow any ground/dirt based names and since its utility role is so prevalent through its hands I wanted to show that somewhere in the name. I'm a fan of simple names so I rarely dig deep into Latin unless I can justify it.
I honestly loved the name DLL, it just seemed to suit it, especially as its an all out utility pokemon.
Insom sounds like insomnia, and Opilipalms has a nice ring to it.

Lanxtrous = phalanx (Greek for 'fingers', or the phalanx bones) + dextrous

Opolipom/-palm = a combination of opiliones, poly and palm. Pom is a corruption of palm, similar to Ambipom. Got this by combining Opilipalm and Polypalm, based on the other's ideas.

I think this suits DLL in so many ways. Name was formed by the words Toxic, Opiliones and Utility. It also has the word Top in it which also fits DLL. The "ïlity" part can also be referenced to Agility since this things Base Speed is high. With so many multiple meanings, the name also fits DLL's job, which is a Utility Pokemon with MANY possible movesets/moves.

One final possible name is Handigit Hand+Digit (which is a name for fingers). Short, simple and straight to the point.
Wyverii, octagon doesn't mean eight. Only 'octo' means eight. 'gonia' means 'angle' or 'gony means 'knee'. So octagon means 'eight angles' or 'eight knees'.

Hand is obvious. Kädet is Finnish for hands. Kädet also sounds quite like the English cadet, which I think works quite well.

I'm sure I'll come up with another one at some point.
X-act: I fully knew well what it meant, however I don't dwell much on the meanings of words so long as I can implant the image of what i'm portraying to the listeners. The English language is ever changing and constantly corrupted so if I choose to end the word with gon instead of octa it doesn't mean i'm following the Latin definition to the letter. Again, i'll bring up that when someone says octo people will more often than not immediately think of octopus despite it meaning eight. So with that thought people will tend to more often than not associate gon with the several words that end with it.

I hope you understood that. It was Kinda hard to explain. It may be flawed logic but it's what i'm sticking to. ;p

I'm not liking any of the ili names. Mostly because, embarrassingly, i'm having trouble not slurring the names while saying it.
Yeah, that's a problem I have - I go too much to the precise Latin meaning. When I named my original move 'OctoSludge', people told me "but it's not an octopus!". I guess I'm being too smart for my own good, and get misunderstood as a consequence.
I'd like to name this pokemon Mr. Hands. I think that name is most suitable and the most pokemonish name I can think of. It's named just like Mr. Mime but with hands intstead of mime obviously.

My other choice of name would be Mr. Legs. Same thing as the one above. It's original, simple, and fits the concept extremely well.
Octo-anything is too much like Octillary. So, that being said, here are my two.


The first one is a corruption of Manus (Hand) and Arachnid (Spider), In Latin. The second is the equivalent in Italian, Mano + Ragno.
This one is really corny, but...


I think it's pretty obvious where the name comes from, but in case you can't tell, it's from the English hand and daddy long legs.

Short, sweet, and to the point, no?

I agree with this one the most. Latin/Greek/whatever names just seem to complicated to be Pokemon names IMO.
I agree with this one the most. Latin/Greek/whatever names just seem to complicated to be Pokemon names IMO.

Gardevoir has a french origin, something like seer. Does that sound complex? Foreign names arent always complex, and no offense, but Handaddy just sounds too fanboyish and not thought out.
Hmmm... I was initially thinking someting along the lines of Digitand, but it sounds to robotic.

Suggestion one:

Dextarach. Dexterity + Arachnid. H is optional I suppose, but if you keep the idea of spiders in mind, you should avoid the "ch" sound.

Manospide. Manos (Spanish for hands) + Spider. Honestly I was fighting over the last two letters, but Manospi has too many pronunciations and Manospid sounded lame.
I realized that Handigon is probably too close to Flygon to be comfortable but I preferred my second suggestion anyway. The one thing i'd advise to people is to rarely, if ever, use scientific family names in their naming of DDL. They're almost exclusively awkward. I also dislike repeating the same meaning of a word in another language but it can work sometimes if you can attach even more meanings to the separate words (DoubleUnderscore's Handkadet springs to mind.)
All the names in forein don't sound too pokemonish. Manragno, Dextarach etc. are bit too complicated no offense. Something simple is what is probably needed in my opinion. They sound like evil super heroes... -_- But I do like the name Manospide. That's nice.
Many of the names with Latin and Greek roots are clever, but I'm concerned if they're perhaps a little ostentatious for a Pokemon name. The look of the Pokemon seems to dictate something simple and playful, and I'm liking Handkadet.

My own submissions are

Oddaplod/Audaplod (odd + applaud)

Fidgit (i think it sounds cute, and it probably has trouble finding something for all those hands to do, so it fidgets. also rhymes with 'digit')

edited: first name
I actually came up with 26 different names, one for each letter of the alphabet, but this is good because it makes me cut out all the medocre ones and pick my two absolute favorites.


It's the name of a star cluster. Beetlejuice would be preferable, I suppose, but it's been used so many times before, and in any case, it's one letter too long and Beetljuice looks silly. Plus, the star cluster's name is better because this Pokémon is just so astronomically awesome! :happybrain:


Jazz hands. Dyne sounds cool. Fits the Pokémon, I think. Not every Pokémon name has to be a combination of two words, you know. Just think about Gardevior and Kyogre!
I only have one submission, but it's a good'un.

Opilipalms (Opiliones and Palms)

Opiliones = The order of spiders that the Daddy Long Legs belongs in.
Palms = ...The center of your hands.

Hope you guys like it.

Insom sounds like insomnia, and Opilipalms has a nice ring to it.

Polyhand = poly (Greek for 'many') + hand

I was actually thinking of a cross between two of these names, Polyhand and Opilipalms. I like the idea of palms because that's the main thing that sticks out when I see it. But Poly is a cool word for many and it fits well.
So something like Polypalm, Or even make room for more references in it by shortening it to Polyalm so you can have room for a spider little deal in there too. I think it's fun to say because of the little alliteration in there (for the first iteration), and it's not too long.
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