Anonymous Zelda Mafia - Post game wrapup [epic post itt]


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Welcome all to the grand finale of one of the great mafia games to ever be played in this community. In this thread I can finally reveal all there was to know about my game, something I have eagerly been awaiting! You can also share all your secrets too, as well as share opinions. (You guys wanted a big post? you got it. This is 60 pages in word xD)

Table of Contents (Yes this post needs one):
I) Game Breakdown
II) Personal Thoughts/Game Summary
III) Role PMs [complete with commentary]
IV) Night Logs
V) Awards Ceremony
VI) Closing Comments

If you read this whole post you are amazing (please read it xD)

I) Game Breakdown

The Anonymous idea came to me when I decided that the games were becoming too biased towards "big name" players. I figured in this format, everyone was on a level playing field, and I think it really gave people the chance to try to pretty crazy stuff, although to my dismay, a lot of people played truthfully. I do believe, however, that this game just scratches the surface of anonymous facet of mafia, and i can forsee games using this format in the future, especially now that people are comfortable with it. Everything on the technical side (forum, clauses, etc) went well, except for a few minor quips, but I think any skeptics (Brain) were quickly shot down.

Now onto the construction of teams. I really wanted to make the teams true to their name. This is especially true for the mafia factions, who were completely fundamentally different in their makeup. I wanted to Wise to be completely reliant on information and well timed strikes, while the Powerful were given no means of getting information, but given ample killing potential. I imagined them as a team that had the weapons to win but not necessarily the brains to do it (this ended up being true xD).

Many people say the Wise were much, much weaker than the Powerful, and this may be true, but at the end of the day, which team won?

I expected information to be at a premium in this game, as I really didnt expect people to be so open with their personal info. I built the Wise around this, giving them what i though was the best Triforce piece - full inspection. I then built the whole team around this information highway, and also gave them a trump card in the Moon role. To make up for this I only gave them 4 kills.

On the contrary, I gave the Powerful the inability to learn pretty much anything, but I gave them many "forceful" abilities to greatly impact the game. These include the ability to always have a kill, a silencing Triforce, a redirecting role, and of course Twinrova.

In comparing the two Mafia Teams:

Powerful (11) vs Wise (10)
Ganon - Triforce (Silencer)/Bosschoice Zelda - Triforce (Inspection)
Phantom Ganon - Triforce Protection Tael - Triforce Protection
Bongo Bongo - Theif Sakon - Theif
King Dodongo - Bodyguard Jim - Bodyguard

They share those 4 members, although I would argue that Inspection is much better than Silence. Moving on...

Koume (Twinrova) Skull Kid (Moon)
Kotake (Twinrova) Moon (Moon)

I dedicated 2 members on each team to a "trump card" ability. I would argue that the moons power was more powerful than twinrovas, and the powerful didnt know what twinrova did. Wise definitely win here. [Twinrova stopped one day lynch and instead the powerful picked a target to be lynched instead for those unaware].

Volvagia - Killer Giant - 1 Kill
Barinade - Redirect Giant - 1 Kill
Morpha - Copy Ability Giant - 1 Kill
Gohma - Sheriff Giant - 1 Kill
Iron Knuckle - Nabooru Guard

Now this is where the argument comes in that the Wise were "way worse". They only had 4 kills while the Powerful had infinite. Now, Gohma ended up being completely useless as I thought it might be, and Iron Knuckle is a hindrance to a team, as they have to worry about protecting him while the Wise do not. I admit that the redirect role was the only part that was imbalanced, I should have restricted it more.

In the end though, the teams were pretty close in terms of relative strength, although yes the powerful had the edge. Again, I expected the information the Wise would get to be their biggest weapon, and I expected the powerful to have almost no info, which ended up being the case. You can't win if you dont know whats going on...

Then there was the Courageous. Many argued they were way more powerful than any other faction, and they really thought so at first. They assembled way faster than I thought they ever could, and not one person even tried to claim courageous, making their life a TON easier than it should have been. However, even with all of this, they were quite easily dismantled with a mafia alliance. I believe I really did a good job with the balance in terms of Courageous vs Mafia, as it seemed the the courageous couldnt stop the onslaught, but they really didnt use a lot of their best roles well, especially moots.

At last, the neutrals. Earthworm as his own entity was the "wild card" in the game, and I really liked his odds with that role. He almost won it all too x)

The Gods may have been the most talked about group of the bunch. I got constant praise from many people for coming up with these roles, and I love them also, but many decided they did not have a shot to win at all.

In their defense: if they assembled sooner, got their assembled power (1 night recharge on god items and triforce check) they could have come up with a strategy and acted as a TEAM, something they never did.

Two plans for them:
1) Stay hidden. Use the three god items to just try and survive in the shadows. Trifroce check until you locate them and try to get a lynch started, especially late game. If no one knew what the gods did, how could anyone beat them? They just had to keep all their info hidden.

2) Infiltrate. They could have united to make some fake role pms, one god infiltrating each faction. They could have then known what was going on in all perspectives of the game, and worked from there. This would have been really badass and I am kinda sad I did not see it :(

I will admit it was a longshot, but it would have been a fun as hell role to play, and I believe they did have a shot at winning. At the very least their votes could have been huge, as what neutral ever does really have a GOOD shot at winning?

The final thing I will talk about here: the Triforce. I believe as a game-central mechanic, it worked very well. Making some of the best powers in the game transferable really adds an extra dynamic. The "first to post" part was the most contraversial, but I think it was the fairest way to sort it out. Also, this created utter excitement and occasionally chaos while waiting for a Day thread. However, I don't know if I would recommend something like this again as it is unfair to some people in the wrong timezone, and mafia games should discriminate!

whew part I) done...are you still with me?

II) Personal Thoughts/Game Summary

Going into the game I really didn't know who was going to win. I was proud at the way I balanced it. If I had to pick a team though, I would have said Courageous.

Night 1 started and boy things got crazy fast. People were buzzing with excitement. The powerful and courageous both assembled before the wise, which was pretty shocking for me. At this point I KNEW that everything I was expecting from the game could be thrown out the window.

Night 2 comes, and the Courageous look pretty fucking unbeatable. I was even a believer. The Wise finally assembled, and I got a PM from gouki to let EARTHRWORM of all people into his forum. This was gonna get good.

As time passed the courageous were rolling right along until the mafia finally realized, hey, we need to stop these guys asap. The courageous were very good at bragging about how good they were, which really hurt them.

From the moment the mafia teamed up, I knew the courageous were in trouble. At this point I switched and believed the Powerful would win the game under the advice of IPL. The Wise had wasted 2 kills and looked pretty weak without Shiv. The powerful were just using them...or so I thought.

Then, Iron Knuckle was a retard, got killed, and so did the Powerful BG, and i knew that team was in trouble. The Wise still looked weak, the Gods were terrible, so I guess I regained confidence in the Courageous and Brain. happened. Brain sent to the moon. At this point, all teams really looked hit, I couldnt decide which team was hit least. I noticed EW also playing a really good game. He had plenty of info and a good game sense. I really believed my wolf would win this game.

At this point the Gods were pretty much eliminated from the picture as Obi died. Each of the three factions continued to seem weak to me. The powerful and courageous were trading blows, brain vs lynches, while the wise just sat pretty, acting weak. Brain and EW had a secret alliance, which led me to believe that if the courageous couldnt win, they would at least let the wolf win: a mafia first.

As time went by, numbers dwindling...the Wise remained 8 strong. This was important for them, as they kept taking out courageous in lynches...soon they would have a majority. I started to root for them, under GreekPikachu's guidance. I realized Earthworm could not kill off 8 Wise in time, so I ruled all neutrals out.

The minute Brain died, that was pretty much it for the courageous. It became a battle between two mafias. The problem was, Brain had taken out the brains (no pun intended) of the powerful, IPL. With thunda leading the way, I had my doubts the powerful could win this, although on paper at this point, the game should have been theirs.

Dak tried valiently to lynch the great EW and bring some hope to the depleted courageous squad, but he was quickly shot down and lynched. At this point, I thought maybe EW had a shot as no one had the balls to let another team lynch him.

This quickly changed. Not only did the powerful not kill EW, they let the Wise get the first vote to lynch him. They did not even kill Koume to set Twinrova free, who they could have used to kill EW and seal the game.

All these fatal errors occuring at the same time was both sad and funny to watch, and in the end, the Wise had no trouble cleaning up with their revival of the moon.

So overall, this game was an incredible experience to watch. The subforums were fun to read, and they are now officially open for everyone's viewing pleasure! You can see how many times the lead changed, making it a game that went right down to the wire. I could not have asked for more :)

III) Role PMs + Commentary

Here I will post all the role pms in the game, as well some original commentary on how the role worked or how the player played. Enjoy!

Attention stamps,
You are Link. You are allied with the Courageous.

The protagonist of the game, you are the hero of time. The gods have entrusted you with this daunting task, but your courage will be your weapon. It is largely on your shoulders to stop the two evil factions from assembling the Triforce. The future of Hyrule is in your hands...but luckily, you have resources, and friends.

You have been embedded with the Triforce of Courage. This will stay with you barring the tragic death of a hero. With its power, you are able to completely stop someone in their tracks and battle them, mano e mano. At night, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Triforce of Courage [user]. If that user has a night role, they will be unable to preform it that night. You cannot use this power on the same individual two nights in a row.

Along with this power, you have friends, the Hylians, who are with you to stop the evil factions. However, you also have one special ally - your guardian fairy Navi. It is important that you find her, as she will protect you at every cost.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: aamto was a good link, until he got randomly suspected. He pulled off the swap with toothache, which was cool, but it didnt really have the great effect I was looking for, as people couldnt even notice something was awry. (Except EW i guess)

Attention Yaseen Mamuff,
You are Rauru. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are the Sage of Light, the one entrusted to guard the Temple of Time. This sacred temple provides a barrier to the Sacred Realm. Your powers as a Guardian will extend far beyond the Temple of Time in this game, however. You are resposible for protecting the Courageous to insure the Triforce ends up in proper hands.

At night, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Protecting [user]. Under your protective seal, that user will be protected from night kills for that night.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: lol junior

Attention xXx_Gerudo_PrincesS_13_xXx,
You are the Happy Mask Salesman. You are allied with the Courageous.

When it comes to masks, there is no one more knowledgeable than you. Masks are your life, your passion. There are only seven masks roaming around that are not part of your collection. You know what the masks are, but do not know what they do or who has them. You, of course, would like them all for yourself...but you are not oblivious to what is going on. You see there is a war, and you want the Courageous to win it. As such, you are willing to let your allies use these masks to their advantage.

The seven masks in circulation are: The Mask of Truth, Gibdo's Mask, Stone Mask, All-Night Mask, Postman's Hat, and Couples Mask, which all can be stolen or lost. And finally, there is the great Majora's Mask, which cannot be stolen, only lost.

It will be essential for you to use what you know in any way you can to assure your teams victory.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: WishJirachi was the "random" recipient of the Triforce of Wisdom and played a decent game for it being his first. He managed to survive a long time with such an annoying name!!

Attention big_bigest_winer,
You are Dampe the Gravekeeper. You are allied with the Courageous.

You walk the graveyard at night, often lonely, longing for a friend. With a face as deformed and run-down as yours, however, friends will be hard to come by. Luckily for you, your prowess in the graveyard may prove useful to the people you have wanted so long to befriend.

You have the ability to dig up graves of users who have deceased - and anything you find is yours to keep. At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Gravedigging [user] to dig up their grave and take control of any possession you find. This, of course, is only applicable if that user is dead.

Unfortunately for you, you may find that making use of your findings may be tougher than expected. Your deformed face prevents you from wearing any sort of mask. Thus, it is essential you make alliances with the Courageous and help them win in any way you can, which will help you achieve your own personal goal: making some friends.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: what can I say about dak...played a great game. Was overall very devious and maybe had the most tricks up his sleeve out of everyone. The fact that he could not wear masks really was a nice little touch I think, as he didnt really realize it at first but this helped immensely, as he was the target of a theft several times all game. This was for his own safety. Also rofl thunda believed daks win condition was make some friends xD!!

Attention elie4bruno,
You are Kaepora Gaebora. You are allied with the Courageous.

Yes, you are that stupid fucking owl that everyone loves to hate. But really, the series would not be the same without you and your theme song and your trickery.

You fly high above the fields of Hyrule and Termina, observing the actions down below. As a result, you have great knowledge of what is transpiring.

From your observations, you have determined that there are 21 people allied with the Courageous.
Also, there are 11 people allied with the Powerful.
Furthermore, there 10 people allied with the Wise.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role is kinda sucky to get but necessary i guess :s They cant all be good

Attention SMalkmus,
You are Impa. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are the Sage of Shadows, and thus have lots of experience working with the unseen. Your ability to see through a facade is uncanny. As a sage, you plan to fight until the very end to ensure the Triforce ends up in good hands. To do this, you have a weapon at your disposal.

You have the Mask of Truth. This mask allows you to see past the surface, and reveals the truth to all matter. While this mask is equipped, you may pm Jackal AND BK Night [x] - Mask of Truth [user]. The true identity of that user will then be revealed to you (their smogon name).
~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You make unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The great Hipmonlee. His tactic to give away all his info to hide his alias was very useful at first and kinda started a trend, but he didnt realize that it would be easy for the mafia to figure out which alias seemed to be "running things". He did get a GREAT amount of info early on and really did well assembling his team. Great player.

Attention doopers,
You are the Postman. You are allied with the Courageous.

No one ever truly appreciates all the hard work you put into making sure the mail is PRECISELY on People will notice you in this game, however...

As the postman, you run around town, and you know a little something about each person. For the purposes of this war, however, you intend to use this information at your disposal wisely.

Back at the post office, there is a stash of letters about every person in town. It is your sworn duty as postman not to read them, and you plan to stick by this code, as you are an honourable man. However, you do know how important it is that your team gather all the information they can. Thus, you have decided to dip into this stash of letters.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Mailing [user's] Letter. This letter will be stored in a special postbox that only one person can open: the person with the Postman's Hat. They will, during the day, recieve the contents of the letter you mailed them, and read it for themself.

This information is extremely important, and thus it is essential that you insure the information does not fall into the wrong hands. It will be in your best interest to try and keep track of who has the Postman's Hat at all times.

Also, if you want to write a personal letter to store in the mail box, you can attach it to the letter you send by writing anything you want in the pm you send me. The person with the Postman's Hat will recieve this message as well.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: dooooop, Vampy was a good inspector, not too much to say. I thought this was one of my most clever roles concerning intertwining zelda and mafia, and the added "leave a note" feature was pretty neat imo :)

Attention im_french34,
You are the Postman's Apprentice. You are allied with the Courageous.

Now with a title like that, you may not appear to be important...however, nothing could be farther from the truth. You have been training under the Postman for a few months now and you are starting to get the hang of his crazy lifestyle. Furthermore, you have been entrusted with a great tool to help your mail office duties.

You have the Postman's Hat. With this mask enabled, you have access to a special mailbox in town that the Postman can deposit letters into. You figure these letters will be rather important. By equipping this mask, during the day you will recieve any letters that were in this mailbox at night.

~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You make unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: (BAN ME PLEASE) ALERT: doomsday sucks. Had this been stolen early on this game could have gotten crazy. I kinda prepared the courageous to cope if it did, but it never happened. I intended for the Apprentice to take over as Postman if Vampy died, but when Vampy died the Courageous knew everything already thanks to brain, so i didnt bother :x

Attention Azn Sensation,
You are Mayor Dotour. You are allied with the Courageous.

You may be running the show in town, but my God do you find it boring. You are trying to get your priorities straight in life. Upon seeing the Couple's Mask, you realized family is really the most important thing in life.

You have the Couple's Mask. With this mask equipped, one becomes two. Thus, during the day, when you vote, it will count as two votes.

~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You make unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The mayor threw some people off at first, and this ended up being a hot commodity late game for sure. I REALLY liked how the "mayor" role functioned as an item, it was a factor all game long.

Attention blackbragirl,
You are the Curiosity Shop Owner. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are pretty "in" on the black market scene, and really are just trying to make some coin. You also don't really want to be killed by some tyrant, either. As such, you have decided to use your knowledge to help the good guys.

Using your connections, you pretty much know that there are theives running around town trying to steal masks. You also know that these theives may not necessarily see eye to eye with you. Thus, you dont want to let them have an easy time of it.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - cloak [user]. That user will be protected from all theives on that night, as he will be hidden well. This does not prevent the user from doing night actions.

That is not all though! Due to your knowledge of black market, if a succesful robbery does occur, you will be the first to know about it. You have no what of finding out who the theif is, or the victim, but you can track the movement of stolen goods.

In the daytime, if a robbery occurred the previous night, you will be notified what was stolen.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role was completely unique and i love it, and how it works with zelda too. Too bad 2 of the theives died so soon, and actually so did darkie. Great role.

Attention Ernest,
You are Navi. You are allied with the Courageous.

HEY! LISTEN! HELLOOOO! Navi, most annoying son of a bitch for any gamer, but truly links savior. Especially in this game. Link is doing everything he can to stop the evil factions, and subsequently, you are doing everything you can to help Link. Everything.

At this point you do not know who Link is, but it may be in your best interest to find him. Either way, you have his back.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - [save -OR- don't save] Link. If you choose to save link, you are putting your life on the line. For if link is the target of any sort of night attack, you will take the blow in link's stead; the ultimate sacrifice. If you choose to not save, link will suffer the blow. Choose wisely.

PS: the public will not know that you died in Link's place, it will just appear as if you died, and your ability will not be revealed. This is to not give away Link's true identity, to make it so that your death is not in vain.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: HEY! LISTEN! Big Toothache did exactly what he needed to do. Well done.

Attention The Don,
You are Tingle. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are ... weird to say the least. You are a 35 year old midget who wears a green fairy suit and acts like he's 6 years old. However, you know something most people do not: the location of the portal back to the real world. Thus, it turns out you and your "fairy magic" may turn out to be very useful in this game.

At night, you can venture back into the real world, and using your magic words "Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo-Limpah!" you can reveal the true intentions of the smogon users we know and love. This will prove to be very useful indeed.

At night, you may PM Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Reveal [SMOGON USERNAME (not alias)]. This ability will allow you to see how a smogon user is alligned.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: I thought this role would be a central part of the Courageous strategy...boy was I wrong. No one was scared to give away their Alliance. TINGLLEEE

Attention fire_gym_leader,
You are Shiro. You are allied with the Courageous.

Shiro, the lonely soldier. It's a tough life being forgotten, but you have gotten used to it really. You intend to just go about your own business, not really in contact with anyone or anything. You may not like it, but hey, that's life.

You have the Stone Mask, the cause of your isolation. It is both a blessing and a curse, as it is your protection from society, but also the source of your alienation. With this mask, you become immune to inspection. However, your isolation prevents you from voting to lynch during the day.

This mask cannot be unequipped - it is a curse to the wearer. However, it can still be given away like a normal mask.

~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You make unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The stone mask was a seriously powerful weapon. People didnt quite know what to do with it all game, which made me sad. The possibilities with this were great. It can be used to remove a vote on the other team (i envisioned it going back and forth). FURTHERMORE if you knew someone was to be inspected on that night you could give it to them. Two seriously powerful powers built into one, but it never really flourished into what it could have been. I do hope this item is in future mafia games as it is amazing.

Attention StreetPKMN,
You are Nabooru. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are the Sage of Spirit, and an unofficial leader in the battle opposing Ganondorf. You are second in-line in Gerudo legacy, behind Ganondorf, and you cannot bare to see a corrupt male at the head of your fabled tribe.

However, things aren't going so well for you right now. Ganon's supporters have kidnapped you and you are now helpless in the hands of Iron Knuckle. You wish you could help your team, but that won't be possible - for the time being.

You will not be able to do much of anything until you are set free from this imprisonment. You will not be able to vote to lynch or use any night powers or masks (you can still talk and stuff). The only way to be released? The death of Iron Knuckle.

Once Iron Knuckle is deceased, you will be set free, and you will want revenge on Ganondorf, badly. And nothing will stop you. You will be a bitch on crack with a bone to pick, basically...

At night, once you are released, you may Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Kill [user]. That user will die in the morning.

You have your own reasons for wanting to kill Ganondorf, but as a sage, you do also have the best intentions of the Courageous in mind. It will be your job to kill anyone you feel is a threat to the team.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Oh Brain, you are awesome. This was my favourite role in the game due to all the storyline behind it, and no better person to get it than Brain. I told him he could make a vote but I just would not count it, but he never did, his only mistake. This is how the mafia figured him out as he was the only one to never vote. How he managed to cope with being sent to the moon and THEN manage to kill 3 people was a great feat. Not to mention figure out the whole game. Well Done.

Attention Alpha Kennywan,
You are Pamela's Father. You are allied with the Courageous.

You have had to endure a tough life, as you have lived in the basement shunned from society, and for good reason: you were half man, half mummy. Your daughter Pamela wass the only person really looking out for you.

However, Link has healed you, and now everything has changed.

You have the Gibdo Mask, a symbol of your past. With this mask equipped, you will still appear as a mummy - a distinct advantage. If you are inspected in any way, a fake result will come up. This inspection will portray you as a neutral alliance without any night abilities - overall harmless in general. You may find a way to use this to your advantage.

~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You make unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: the great evan. This masks power never came into fruition, but this is mostly because of the inspection triforce shift so early. Even with his limited role, evan still played a great game pretending to be dak. Awesome. I wish the game had more of that.

Attention Celia,
You are a Stallchild. You are allied with the Courageous.

You were once a happy Kokiri boy, frolicking in the fields of Kokiri Village. But one day, you decided to venture into the Lost Woods, and surprise, you got lost. The myths say that a boy who gets lost in the forest becomes a lonely Stallchild, and tragically for you, this myth came true.

However, this new identity does come with its perks. Stallchildren are known for mischief, and this happens to be your specialty. You especially have an affinity for masks - you are entranced by their beauty.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Theiving [user]. If that user has a mask, and it is eligible to be stolen, you will rob them of the mask and take possession of it for yourself.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: the boss avatar died early due to a random attack, but he still got plenty done in his time alive. His "show me your role pm in 15 seconds or you are a liar" tactic served him very well x) Too bad all the theives died so soon.

Attention Gobble D. Dick,
You are Anju's Grandmother. You are allied with the Courageous.

Hello, Tortus? Is that you? Tortus.

Anju's grandmother, the senile old woman who loves to tell stories, no matter the listener. She pretty much assumes everyone is her son Tortus. She might as well, she will forget their name anyways. All she can remember at this point are here stories.

And boy are they loooong.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Storytelling [user]. That user will be forced to visit you during the night and listen to your stories, which naturally will take up the whole night. As a result, if the user made a target using a night role, you become the target.

You will have no knowledge of what kind of role your target has, the effect of their role will simply happen to you.

Furthermore, you cannot use this ability on the same user two nights in a row.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role was never really used to its full potential. People just said 'yeah its a martyr' but its actually not. You could use it on any role not just killers. I invisioned moot finding a mafia theif or inspector or something and making him steal/inspect moot over and over for laughs. Never happened :9

Attention Mr. Cool,
You are Anju. You are allied with the Courageous.

You own the hotel in Termina, and you run it the best you can. This allows you to know who is checked it at the hotel.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Tracking [user]. That night, you will keep an eye on that users room. If he leaves the room, you can assume he used a night role. Otherwise, on that night, a night role was not used by that user.

Aside from your job, you are also deeply in love. The man is Kafei. He is currently in hiding due to a curse put on him, but you know his identity, and he knows yours. You will be in this game together.

Kafei is: no_blax

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role prolly caused more confusion than it was worth, as quite often people who did have night roles idled while they were being tracked.

Attention no_blax,
You are Kafei. You are allied with the Courageous.

A curse has been put on you by Skullkid that makes you a child, so you are scared to show your face. However, your lover, Anju, knows who you are, and will always be there for you.

Anju is: Mr. Cool

She has given you a special gift as well, from her grandmother: The All Night's Mask. With this mask equipped, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Stalking [user]. If that user is the target of a night role, you will know, and also get a vague idea of what kind of role targetted him.

~At the beginning of each night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Equip [mask] to equip a mask or - Unequip [mask] to take that mask off. A mask's ability can only be used once the mask is equipped. You may equip a mask and then use its power in the same night, the equip/unequip stage always comes first. If you have a mask equipped at night, it will remain so for the day as well, and your next chance to unequip it will be the beginning of the next night. You may unequip one mask and equip another on the same night. You may -not- unequip a mask on a night where you are also choosing to use its power.
You may have possession of as many masks as you please. A mask can be stolen, but only if it was equipped during the previous day. You also may give away any mask at any time to any user by pming Jekyll and Hyde Night [x] - Give [mask] to [user]. That person will be informed they recieved the mask the following day. If someone murders you, they do -not- obtain possession of your mask.~

Your mask is currently UNEQUIPPED.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: I will admit this role was completely useless...zerowing even stopped using it after a while. I wanted two people who knew each other and anju+kafei were perfect...but i couldnt think of a good role for either of them, as the courageous were strong enough already. They were the last 2 courageous roles I made.

Attention insane_gasball_wild_dog,
You are Darmani. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are a great Goron warrior who will fight to the bitter end. Luckily, your end might be a little less bitter than some of your comrades.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - battle [user]. If you are battling a user on the same night where they make a kill atempt on you, you will die but your restless spirit will live on, until you can be put to sleep for good. However, if you die at the hands of someone you are not battling, you are dead for good.

As a restless spirit, you will not be in the game, but you will still be following it. At some point a maximum of 5 nights after your death, you may pm Jackal AND BK with Night [x] - REVIVE. You will then be revived as Darmani's Spirit, and you will be able to vote to lynch. You will have to be killed again to be removed from the game.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Rogue that didnt die xD

Attention pineapple_exeggutor,
You are Ingo. You are allied with the Courageous.

You are deemed useless by most people around you, but you have a new gig, and that is masks. No one really pays attention to you, so you are able to snoop around and gather info.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - locate [mask name]. You will then be told which user currently has control over that mask during the following day.
This power does not work on Majora's Mask

This will obviously be essential for your team, as masks must be tracked at all times.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role could have been used quite cleverly to blackmail some people, but he had to die n1. Hipmonlee even claimed this role as his trump card ;o I was sad to see it die.

Attention blooper,
You are Ganondorf. You are allied with the Powerful.

You are the dreaded King of Evil, head of the Gerudo Tribe and a man great ambition. There is an entire populus who wants your neck, but few strong enough to actually ruin your plans. Your plan is simple; you want the complete triforce to yourself, in order to become undisputed king.

You have been embedded with the Triforce of Power. This sacred power will be with you until you peril. With its great magic, you have the power to completely trap someone in a "magic crystal". While inside this crystal, the user cannot speak at all or vote to lynch, effectively removing them from the game for that day. Refusal to comply will result in an auto-kill.
At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Triforce of Power [user]. That user will be prevented from speaking or voting for that day. You cannot use this ability on the same user two nights in a row.

Even with your great might, you know you need some assistance. Luckily, you are not in this alone.

You have assembled a team of bosses that will aid you in your quest of obtaining the triforce. These bosses include: Ghoma, King Dodongo, Barinade, Phantom Ganondorf, Volvagia, Morpha, Bongo Bongo, Koume, Kotake, and Iron Knuckle.
These loyal men will do your bidding, and live to server their king. However, under your advice, you have split up into four teams to remain obscure and undetected.

Your team consists of the following users:


Finally, you also have the BossChoice ability. This allows you to select which of your bosses does the killing at night, which can be switched on any night for the next night. Your replacement will inherit the BossChoice ability upon your death. Currently, the Boss with the ability to kill is: Volvagia. If for whatever reason you are compelled to change this, at night pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - BossChoice [user]. (This is not a mandatory night pm, so you will not need to inform us if you are not using it).

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Ganondorf was a great role from top to bottom. The Triforce of Power ended up killing way more people than it should have, and was easily the best used triforce of the three during the game. Silencing is a great ability. Bosschoice was also my (brilliant) way to ensure this team always had a killer until the bitter end. I originally intended to forcefully shut up the person silenced, but after junior died, i just thought it would be funnier to let stupid people die xD

Attention Hyena,
You are Phantom Ganondorf. You are allied with the Powerful.

The boss of the Forest Temple, you are Ganondorf's right hand man. And sometimes, people even think you are the real Ganondorf. This will be used to your advantage.

If you are ever inspected, your results will turn up as "Ganondorf" with a completely fake role. This could be a useful asset with some strategy.

Also, should the boss ever die, you are first in line to take over his role as leader of the Powerful. With it will come great responsibility.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Phantom Ganondorf was actually inspected BEFORE Ganondorf and got me really excited, but the powerful made it easy for brain and the courageous to see right through it. Too bad. This was the method of protection for the triforce as i didnt want to give a fairy like I gave the other two teams.

Attention keenan,
You are Queen Gohma. You are allied with the Powerful.

A menacing spider queen with a monstrous eye, you may be the first boss in the video game, but you are no pushover. You have been assigned a special task, and there is no one better than you to do it.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


In order to help this process of reuniting the team, you have a special task. Using your massive eye, you have the ability to check if a person is, in fact, your teammate.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - identify [user]. If that user is allied with the Powerful, you will be notified of this fact.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Wow this role was useless they assembled N1 somehow.

Attention Krusty Haruka,
You are Volvagia. You are allied with the Powerful.

A large and menacing, fire-breathing dragon is always a useful ally, wouldn't you say? You are hungry for gorons, but really you dont care what you eat. You just want some food. You prowl the Fire Temple, in search of some tasty innocents to munch on.

At night, you may send a pm to Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Eating [user]. That user will be killed in the morning. Note that if the boss deems you an unfit killer, he may choose to demote you.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: He got demoted right away xD Not too much to say otherwise.

Attention branners,
You are Bongo-Bongo. You are allied with the Powerful.

BOOM! boom boom boom BOOM! boom boom boom...your pulsing beat echoes throughout the Shadow Temple, your home. Ganondorf knows you enjoy lurking in the shadows, and plans to take full control of your power.

At night, you may PM Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Haunting [user]. If that user has a mask, and it is eligible to be stolen, you will scare them away, and take possession of the mask for yourself.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:

-Krusty Haruka

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Poor branners :( GTS made the banner for me but had to die right away. Bongo Bongo is awesome.

Attention GreenKirby,
You are Morpha. You are allied with the Powerful.

The shapeshifting boss of the Water Temple, you have a special power. You are masterful in the art of immitation.

If a user targets you with a night ability, you will be able to mimic that ability and use it until you get targetted by a new ability. You cannot choose to retain your old ability, you automatically switch. If you are targetted by more than one ability, one is chosen at random for you to mimic.

As a result of your nature, you cannot wear masks in this game.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:

-Krusty Haruka

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: This role was up there as one of my best "never before seen" roles. It was powerful but not broken, and also really fucking cool. At first they protected Morpha to make him a BG...good move. But then Shiney hit him with the useless Anju role. I forget the exact transition but he eventually became a rogue from Sonuis. He must have had a great time, and IPL definitely played a stellar game. IMO the only smart player on the powerful aside from SD and GTS who didnt live long...sorry to everyone else :*

Attention Umbrella_Umbreon,
You are Iron Knuckle. You are allied with the Powerful.

You are just a mini-boss, but your importance to the well being of this team cannot be understated. Koume and Kotake have managed to kidnap Nabooru, the sage of the Spirit Temple, and they have put her in your control. You guard her carefully, for fear of what she might do to hurt your team if she was let free. You know you cannot keep her under control forever though...

If you are killed at any point, Nabooru will be released, and she will do everything in her power to make life for your team a living hell. Until then however, she cannot use any night powers, or even vote. As a result, keeping you alive is of high importance.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Terrible stuff here. I know it was a shitty role but you should have shut your mouth and not gotten killed. The ultimate reason the powerful lost is because brain kiled so many of them. Sorry if this is harsh! Btw this is the role that makes up for the number discrepency, as it was someone the Powerful needed to protect in exchange for an extra vote.

Attention karate_explosion,
You are Koume. You are allied with the Powerful.

You and your sister, Kotake, have patrolled the grounds of the Spirit Temple for many years, and are ready to inflict pain on the opposition...just not in your current state.

Alone, you and your sister are rather old, and won't put up much of a fight. But together...that is a different story.

Upon both of your deaths, you will have one last "hurrah". You will form Twinrova, the powerful witch combining the magic of both you and your sister. You will be informed of Twinrovas power when the first of you dies.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:

teddy bear - Kotake

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Attention teddy bear,
You are Kotake. You are allied with the Powerful.

You and your sister, Koume, have patrolled the grounds of the Spirit Temple for many years, and are ready to inflict pain on the opposition...just not in your current state.

Alone, you and your sister are rather old, and won't put up much of a fight. But together...that is a different story.

Upon both of your deaths, you will have one last "hurrah". You will form Twinrova, the powerful witch combining the magic of both you and your sister. You will be informed of Twinrovas power when the first of you dies.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:

karate_explosion - Koume

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Team Twinrova. This role was a big breakthrough I think. I originally planned to tell them what the power was when the first one died, but he died so early that I wasnt 100% sure. Then I decided just to use it as an experiment: See how a role that no one knew the power of effected the game. And boy did it have a big impact. People were scared shitless of what this did, and were very wary. Id say my psychological experiment was a success. For the record, the roles ability was to stop the day lynch the day after the second sister died, and for Twinrova to pick who is lynched. This surely could have turned the tides at any point in the game but surely wasnt as powerful as some expected. But i mean if it was any more powerful this team would be WAY better than the wise.

Attention hazeybabes,
You are King Dodongo. You are allied with the Powerful.

Dodongooooooooooooooo. Your name echoes throughout Dodongo's Cavern, and you are the Big Kahuna. You are a force with your breath of fire and massive size. In this game, you will be using these assets to help your team.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Guarding [user]. If any user tries to kill the person you are guarding at night, you will fend them off with your breath of fire, thus offering ample protection.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: BG that could not shut his trap. Oh well. Good idea thinking to target morpha I guess.

Attention WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c(,
You are Barinade. You are allied with the Powerful.

You and your armour of electric jellyfish are a menace in Jabu-Jabu's belly, and you will be a menace in this game too. Using your Jellyfish arms, you will be able to take control of various users.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Electrify [user] to Attack [user]. With this power, if the first user you electrify has a night role target, that target will now become the second user. You may find certain individuals to be immune to your electricity.

On the advice of Ganondorf, your team has been split into four groups to remain obscure and undetected. However, at this point, locating your other teammates should be a top priority.

Those on your team are:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: ahhh thunda. Legendary game played by thunda. This role was a big risk taken by me, most likely the most broken role in the game. Thunda never really used it properly at all though ! It was only successful maybe 2-3 times, and once was the time he used it on Morpha lol. He could not for the life of him figure out it couldnt be used on killers, even though I dropped a hint in his pm. If i didnt at least try to confuse him this role would have taken over the game. (getting inspectors/theives/triforces to do all sorts of wonky shit) If someone was giving a mask away he could even make them give it to a different person. Tragic this role was wasted...ilu thunda.

Attention dong,
You are Skull Kid. You are allied with the Wise.

You were once an innocent but mischeivous forest imp, but now things have gone sour. After stealing Majora's Mask, you put it on, and the spirit of Majora has overwhelmed you, filling you with greed and ambition to complete the triforce for yourself. You know this will be no easy task however, so you have assembled a team to work for you, not necessarily by will...

The team you put together consists of:

Skull Kid - dong
Zelda - disco_stu
Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3
Tael - thebest
Northern Giant - Acredula
Eastern Giant - prince_despotar
Southern Giant - Mr. Dodrio
Western Giant - Diamond Ness
The Moon - MediCHAMP
Jim - Mike Hunt

They have no information about the team, so it is your job to assemble the team, giving whatever information you want to them. To do this, you have a subform that you control. You can add or remove a user to this subforum at any time by either letting us know through PM or on IRC.

You also have a special power: you control the Moon. You are the one who will activate his ability at night by pming Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Moon [user]. You are not quite sure of what this does or how to use it, but the moon itself will have the answers.

Finally, since Majora's Mask is the source of your greed and ambition, it can be said that the spirit of Majora is truly running the team. Upon your death, the mask will take over another user on the team.

Your mission is to assemble the Triforce, so given these resources, it is your duty to come up with the best strategy to do so.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: dong took a while to assemble his team in the forum. Shiv eventually got impatient and made a pretty big mistake. Other than this Gouki played a good game. For the record the power to use the moon was held in Majoras Mask, so it could never be lost.

Attention disco_stu,
You are Zelda. You are allied with the Wise.

Zelda, the great princess and heir to the Royal Family, and the focal point of the story. However, things have gone much different for you this time around. Skull Kid has managed to brainwash you and intrench you with the desire to obtain the Triforce...and possibly more importantly, to use your powers for evil.

You have been embedded with the Triforce of Wisdom. This will stay with you until you die. With its power, you will be able to learn everything there is to know about a user. At night, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Triforce of Wisdom [user]. It will then learn what that users role is, as well as their Smogon Forums nickname.

As the great princess, you may find that you also have some friends in high places, who will have your back.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The joke was on disco stu this game. This role was the whole central point of the team, and it got foiled night one due to a shaky role PM from dak. The Wise still won though, so we can forgive shiv!

Attention Skye_Sweetnam_<3,
You are Sakon. You are allied with the Wise.

You are a theif to the bone, and work for the Black Market in Termina. In this game, however, you will be working for SKull Kid.

At night, you prowl around, in search of easy pickings. You may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Mugging [user]. If that user has a mask, and it is eligible to be stolen, you will rob them of the mask and take possession of it for yourself.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The most successful theif in the game for sure, just for being alive long. It was a great game for his first mafia effort, well done. Also it was amusing hearing his name tossed around in all sorts of crazy allegations, but in the end he survived! Well done.

Attention thebest,
You are Tael. You are allied with the Wise.

You are the fairy that protects Skull Kid, but you secretly are much more fond of Zelda. Since you admire her so much, you plan to protect her.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - [save -OR- don't save] Zelda. If you choose to save Zelda, you are putting your life on the line. For if Zelda is the target of any sort of night attack, you will take the blow in her stead; the ultimate sacrifice. If you choose to not save, Zelda will suffer the blow. Choose wisely.

PS: the public will not know that you died in Zelda's place, it will just appear as if you died, and your ability will not be revealed. This is to not give away Zelda's true identity, to make it so that your death is not in vain.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Essentially had no purpose after night 1, and made some dumb posts in the Smogon topic, but wasnt bad overall. This role operated the exact same way Navi did.

Attention Acredula,
You are Northern Giant. You are allied with the Wise.

Once a friendly giant, you have been taken under control by Skullkid. You posses Goht's Remains, a symbol of your corruption.

You have Three companion giants, one from each direction of the compass. You will be the means of offense in Skullkid's plan. However, each of you only has so much evil in you.

ONCE this entire game, you will fall under the corruption and make a kill. At night, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Kill [user]. That user will die the next morning. You cannot use this if another giant uses it that same night, and you can only use it once all game. Be strategic.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: mm2001/Raikage was a big player in the game trying to fool people, especially thunda, and thought it didnt always work, he was one of the best players on the Wise, and could quite often see the big picture. He kinda wasted his kill though imo.

Attention prince_despotar,
You are Eastern Giant. You are allied with the Wise.

Once a friendly giant, you have been taken under control by Skullkid. You posses Twinmold's Remains, a symbol of your corruption.

You have Three companion giants, one from each direction of the compass. You will be the means of offense in Skullkid's plan. However, each of you only has so much evil in you.

ONCE this entire game, you will fall under the corruption and make a kill. At night, pm b]Jekyll and Hyde[/b] with Night [x] - Kill [user]. That user will die the next morning. You cannot use this if another giant uses it that same night, and you can only use it once all game. Be strategic.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Max also wasted his kill early cause he thought he would die, but he ended up surviving xD I cant believe max won.........oof

Attention Mr. Dodrio,
You are Southern Giant. You are allied with the Wise.

Once a friendly giant, you have been taken under control by Skullkid. You posses Odolwa's Remains, a symbol of your corruption.

You have Three companion giants, one from each direction of the compass. You will be the means of offense in Skullkid's plan. However, each of you only has so much evil in you.

ONCE this entire game, you will fall under the corruption and make a kill. At night, pm b]Jekyll and Hyde[/b] with Night [x] - Kill [user]. That user will die the next morning. You cannot use this if another giant uses it that same night, and you can only use it once all game. Be strategic.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Mr. 378 didnt try to do to much and did nothing to make me think he was stupid until BAM he killed himself. What a douche xD If the powerful were smart enough they could have made the wise lose cause of this

Attention Diamond Ness,
You are Western Giant. You are allied with the Wise.

Once a friendly giant, you have been taken under control by Skullkid. You posses Gyorg's Remains, a symbol of your corruption.

You have Three companion giants, one from each direction of the compass. You will be the means of offense in Skullkid's plan. However, each of you only has so much evil in you.

ONCE this entire game, you will fall under the corruption and make a kill. At night, pm b]Jekyll and Hyde[/b] with Night [x] - Kill [user]. That user will die the next morning. You cannot use this if another giant uses it that same night, and you can only use it once all game. Be strategic.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Amelia was the one giant who kept his kill like a smart person and used it at a choice time. I dont know why EW didnt kill him though. Amelia kind of took over as leader at the end of the game and closed it out nicely, as GP had no internet. Good job all around.

Attention MediCHAMP,
You are the Moon. You are allied with the Wise.

You are the moon, which Skullkid has put a curse on to control. This is his way of threatening the land of Termina.

As an inanimate object, you do not have a night role, but your power is great. At night, Skullkid can make use of your ability.

The premise: he can send people to the moon. This effectively removes them from the game for 3 nights. This ability can only be used three days and three nights after the moon has idled, allowing it to reposition itself. (So essentially, this can be used any time after night 3, and then again 6 nights later).

Any person on the moon is unable to use any abilities or vote, or even post in the topic. However, they can also not be the target of any abilities. If the Moon is killed while holding a user, the user dies as well.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The heart and soul of the wise, both in leadership and in role. This role was one of BK's only original ideas, but my was it a good one. It fit with zelda perfectly and was a great disabler, and not to mention it killed two people all game. This was the Wise's big weapon, and they used it amazingly. Onto GP as a leader, as you guys will find out when I open the Wise forum, he really decided to take control and outlined a plan to victory, and for the most part everyone followed it. He kept the whole team on the same page, and even didnt make EW feel threatened, the most important facet to the wise victory. A++ effort my man. (Also about the moon, this is the only ability I meddled with all game, I took out the recharge cause i realized it was far too dehabilitating for the wise, and they were weak enough as it is)

Attention Mike Hunt,
You are Jim. You are allied with the Wise.

You are the leader of the Bomber's Gang, and only you know the password to the great Bomber's Hideout. In this game, you have fallen under the control of Skull Kid, and will do his bidding.

Your knowledge of this hideout will be very useful to your team. At night, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Hideout [user]. That user will be protected from kills at night. They also still retain the ability to use their night roles.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Venom got subbed in, then died, and then wasnt even aware he was dead until a week later lol. Kinda useless, although not his fault. Its amazing the Wise got so far without a BG!

Attention darck charley,
You are Din, the Goddess of Power. You are allied with the GODS.

You are responsible for the creation of all the landmasses on earth, and you really dont plan to see your creation go to waste. You are a guardian of the Triforce of Power, and you intend to make every effort to try and keep the completed triforce out of unfit hands.

As the goddess of the Triforce of Power, you know of its great power - the ability to capture one user at night and silence them, effectively preventing them from talking or voting the next day. You know also that it cannot be used on the same person twice in a row.

You remain unalligned in terms of the war at hand - you just want to make sure the Triforce is safe. In this mission you have two allies, your fellow goddesses:

Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom
Farore, the Goddess of Courage

It is in your best interest to locate them as soon as possible to figure out how you want to go about protecting the triforce. Luckily, you have the power to find them. At night, you may send a pm to Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Godchecking [user]. If that user is a Goddess, you will both be informed.

In that you are not of a certain alliance, your win condition becomes this: Have control of the Triforce as a team at ANY point in the game, and the game ends right there.

Lastly, you have one last piece of magic to make use of. You control the power of Din's Fire. This power will protect your entire team from being lynched the day after it is used. Its magic, however, takes 2 full nights to recover until you can use it again.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: gmax played as good a game as he could given the circumstances. He picked up on Obis hint and used Dins Fire well. He was also an important vote until the powerful inexplicably killed him.

Attention indiekid,
You are Farore, the Goddess of Courage. You are allied with the GODS.

You are responsible for the creation of all the beings on earth, and you don't plan to see it all in shambles. You are a guardian of the Triforce of Courage, and you intend to make every effort to try and keep the completed triforce out of unfit hands.

As the soul of the Triforce of Courage, you know of its great power - the ability to stop a user in his tracks at night, and prevent them from moving.

You remain unalligned in terms of the war at hand - you just want to make sure the Triforce is safe. In this mission you have two allies, your fellow goddesses:

Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom
Din, the Goddess of Power

It is in your best interest to locate them as soon as possible to figure out how you want to go about protecting the Triforce. Luckily, you have the power to find them. At night, you may send a pm to Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Godchecking [user]. If that user is a Goddess, you will both be informed.

In that you are not of a certain alliance, your win condition becomes this:

Have control of the Triforce as a team at ANY point in the game, and the game ends right there.

Lastly, you have one last piece of magic to make use of. You control the power of Farore's Wind. This power will protect your entire team from night roles OTHER THAN killing the night it is used. Its magic, however, takes 2 full nights to recover until you can use it again.

To use it, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Farore's Wind.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: he told me his plan was not to drop some big subtle hint in the main topic, rather just wait for Godcheck to work lol...meanwhile obi was dropping all sorts of clues to try and find him. He also gave away his PM to the courageous, changing only the alliance, a terrible move to do having not found his team yet to discuss how to play it. Hes a good guy and i hate to eat him up but yeah he kinda blew it :(

Attention Oliver Klosov,
You are Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom. You are allied with the GODS.

You are responsible for the creation of all the landmasses on earth, and you really dont plan to see your creation go to waste. You are a guardian of the Triforce of Wisdom, and you intend to make every effort to try and keep the completed triforce out of unfit hands.

As the soul of the Triforce of Wisdom, you will know who is entrusted with the Triforce of Power at all times. You also know of its great power - the ability to capture one user at night and silence them, effectively preventing them from talking or voting the next day. You know also that it cannot be used on the same person twice in a row.

You remain unalligned in terms of the war at hand - you just want to make sure the Triforce is safe. In this mission you have two allies, your fellow goddesses:

Din, the Goddess of Power
Farore, the Goddess of Courage

It is in your best interest to locate them as soon as possible to figure out how you want to go about protecting the triforce. Luckily, you have the power to find them. At night, you may send a pm to Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Godchecking [user]. If that user is a Goddess, you will both be informed.

In that you are not of a certain alliance, your win condition becomes this:

Have control of the Triforce as a team at ANY point in the game, and the game ends right there.

Lastly, you have one last piece of magic to make use of. You control the power of Nayru's Love. This power will protect your entire team from death the night it is used. Its magic, however, takes 2 full nights to recover until you can use it again.

To use it, pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Nayru's Love.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: The great Obi himself, anonymous mafia was designed for him. He couldnt make a big splash though cause he couldnt find his team :( Too bad. Also him using Nayrus love night one proved huge as it saved indiekid.

Attention icicle_kinght,
You are Dark Link. You are allied with YOURSELF.

You don't get much attention, but you like it better that way. You lurk around the shadows, avoiding detection at all costs, only coming out when necessary.

You are witnessing this whole war, and you are impartial. You dont feel like taking sides: the truth is, you just want the triforce for yourself. And you will stop at nothing to get it.

You have no allies in this game, but you find teamwork overrated, anyways. You can trust no one but yourself. You plan to cause havoc in this game, however.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Stabbing [user]. That user will be killed.

However, you do not want to simply be a crazed killer, you want to be stealth. You know the triforce will not just fall into your lap, every move you make has to be careful and calculated if you are to survive this game. You also have a means of keeping safe.

Alternatively, at night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Lurking in the Shadows. If you choose to go this path, you will spend the night in the shadow world, immune to all night roles.

Choose wisely which ability you want to use, it will take great cunning to win this game. You will be declared the victor if you have possession of the completed triforce, and there is no one left alive to steal it from you. If you take the time to consider what that means, you have no choice but to be the last man standing.

You have the resources to accomplish this task, it is now your job to go out there and do it.

Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: Last and certainly not least, EW. Earthworm was at the absolute centre of this game, as he decided the fate of more than a third of the game i believe. This was my favourite role in terms of ability, and dark link is cool as fuck. For the record, he did not hide in the shadows ONE time, not even n1. I know some people who may have just hidden in the shadows all game, making this a great role imo. People could have played this so differently. EW had a great stragtegy, and he was going smoothly, but he realized too late that he needed to start letting some wise die. Also he gave too much info too the wise, he gave them EVERYTHING. He should have hid some stuff for himself. Overall, if any one person "ran the game", it was him. Well done, you made this fun for me man :)

Here is a copy of the Phantom Ganondorf Inspection results.

You are Ganondorf. You are allied with the Powerful.

You are the dreaded King of Evil, head of the Gerudo Tribe and a man great ambition. There is an entire populus who wants your neck, but few strong enough to actually ruin your plans. Your plan is simple; you want the complete triforce to yourself, in order to become undisputed king.

You have been embedded with the Triforce of Power. This sacred power will be with you until you peril. With its great magic, you have the power to control others.

At night, you may pm Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Triforce of Power [user] - [user2]. With this power, if the first user you select has a night role target, that target will now become the second user.

Even with your great might, you know you need some assistance. Luckily, you are not in this alone.

You have assembled a team of bosses that will aid you in your quest of obtaining the triforce. These loyal men will do your bidding, and live to server their king. However, under your advice, you have split up into four teams to remain obscure and undetected.

Your team consists of the following users:


Please read the game description post for complete game details, it is in your best interest to do so.

Comments: As you can see there were some clues to it being fake, but the powerful were way too honest in saying what the triforce did. Oh well.

Reunited God PM:

You have both Godchecked each other this night, and are the remaining two gods. This means that you have assumed reunited form.

indiekid - Farore
darck charley - Din
Oliver Klosov - Nayru [DEAD]

In this new phase, you lose the Godcheck ability - but you can a new checking ability - the Triforce Check.

At night, PM Jekyll and Hyde with Night [x] - Triforce Check [user]. If that user has any triforce piece, you will be informed which one.

Also, your recharge time is now only 1 night on your respective magic spells. Both of your spells are fully charged.

It is up to you guys to use these resources to find a way to assemble the triforce. Once you do that, the land of Hyrule will be safe, and victory will be yours.

Have fun :)

Comments: If the gods reached this state n2 or so, I believe they would have had a legitimate shot. They had the weapons to protect themselves amply, and they had the weapons to locate the triforce. They just had to start a bandwagon. My plan for them was for people to not even know the gods existed, and this was the best way they could win, but Mr Esc blew it by giving up the role PM.

Whew, that's it for all the role PMs :)

IV) Night Logs

And now for my brilliant night checklist. Some of you may completely skip over this, but for the die hards here it is. I hope you guys can understand it xD If you have any questions to what happened on a certain night, hopefully these can shed some light!


/ = didnt happen (idle)
x = did happen
0 = couldnt be used (reason)
I = interference
NA = did not get a PM


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - UE
Gibdo Mask - Aplha Kennywan - UE
All Night Mask - no_blax - UE
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation - UE
Mask of Truth - SMalkmus - UE
Stone Mask - fire_gym_leader - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [/ ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [/ ]

--Skull Kid - dong-- [/ ] (activate the moon)

Link - stamps [x ] = DISCO_STU
Anju's Grandmother - Gobble D. Dick [x ] = Skye_Sweetnam_<3

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = indiekid - FAILED (cannot shock gods)

Priority 3: Mask Protection

Curiosity Shop Owner - blackbragirl [x ] = Celia [useless]

Priority 4: Mask Theives

Stallchild - Celia [x ] = Acredula [nothing to steal]
Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [I ] = target = Gobble D. Dick [nothing to steal]
Bongo Bongo - branners [0 ] = DEAD

Priority 5: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [x ] E
Gibdo Mask - Aplha Kennywan [x ] E
All Night Mask - no_blax [x ] E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [NA ] UE
Mask of Truth - SMalkmus [x ] E

Priority 6: Protections

Rauru - Yaseen Mamuff [x ] = Disco_stu
King Dodongo - hazeybabes [x ] = GreenKirby
Jim - Mike Hunt [NA ]

Navi - Ernest [x ] = SAVE link
Tael - thebest [x ] = DONT SAVE zelda

Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Protect) [x ] - God Team [good move]

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [NA ]

Priority 7: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = Branners (Bongo Bongo) [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN (after event) [/ ]
Volvagia (for now) - Krusty Haruka [x ] = indiekid (Farore) [ALIVE - nayrus love protection]
A Giant - Acredula [/ ]
prince_despotar [x ] = Pineapple_Exeggutor (Ingo) [dead]
Mr. Dodrio [/ ]
Diamond Ness [/ ]

Priority 8: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [/ ]
Postman - doopers [/ ] - cautious move!
Mask of Truth - Smalkmus [x ] = The Don (porygon3)
Tingle - The Don [x ] = Hipmonlee (Courageous)
Anju - Mr. Cool [x ] = Mr. Dodrio (Did NOT leave room)
Ingo - pinapple_exeggutor [0 ] (DEAD)
All Night Mask - no_blax [x ] = The Don (targetted once, information type role)

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = disco_stu [silenced] (Bosschoice [x ] = Next Night killer = teddy bear)
Ghoma - keenan [x ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = im_french34 (NOT POWERFUL)

Zelda - Disco_stu [0 ] = targetted by Link

Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Godcheck) [x ] = MediCHAMP (NON god)
Farore - indiekid (Godcheck) [x ] = MediCHAMP (NON god)
Din - darck charley (Godcheck) [NA ] (Dins Fire [NA ])


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - Aplha Kennywan - E
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation - UE
Mask of Truth - SMalkmus - E
Stone Mask - fire_gym_leader - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [BODYGAURD ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [/ ]

--Skull Kid - dong-- [/ ] (activate the moon)

Link - stamps [x ] = GreenKirby
Anju's Grandmother - Gobble D. Dick [x ] = xXx_Gerudo_PrincesS_13_xXx

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = Acredula [FAILED (cannot shock giants)]

Priority 3: Mask Protection

Curiosity Shop Owner - blackbragirl [x ] = im_french34 [good job]

Priority 4: Mask Theives

Stallchild - Celia [0 ] = thebest [nothing to steal]
Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [/ ] = [why is a theif idling]

Priority 5: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [x ] E
Gibdo Mask - Aplha Kennywan [x ] - UE - GIVE TO STAMPS
All Night Mask - no_blax [x ] E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [x ] E
Mask of Truth - SMalkmus [x ] E

Priority 6: Protections

Rauru - Yaseen Mamuff [x ] = SMalkmus
King Dodongo - hazeybabes [x ] = WHY NOT HERE
Jim - Mike Hunt [NA ]

Navi - Ernest [x ] = SAVE link

Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Protect) [/ ]

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = Krusty Haruka

Morpha - GreekKirby [x ] = hazeybabes

Priority 7: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = teddy bear (Kotake)
Nabooru - StreetPKMN (after event) [/ ]
Kotake (for now) - teddy bear [0 ] = Acredula
A Giant - Acredula [x ] = Celia
Mr. Dodrio [/ ]
Diamond Ness [/ ]

Priority 8: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [/ ] = pineapple [nothing]
Postman - doopers [x ] = StreetPKMN [Nabooru]
Mask of Truth - Smalkmus [x ] = hazeybabes [lawman]
Tingle - The Don [x ] = AvatarST (Courageous)

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = indiekid [silenced] (Bosschoice [/ ])
Ghoma - keenan [x ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = stamps (NOT POWERFUL)
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [I ] = targetted by Gobble D. Dick [Anju's Grandmother]
Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Godcheck) [NA ]
Farore - indiekid (Godcheck) [x ] = Ernest (NON god)
Din - darck charley (Godcheck) [NA ] (Dins Fire [NA ])

All Night Mask - no_blax [x ] = Alpha Kennywan (Not targetted)
Anju - Mr. Cool [x ] = GreenKirby (Did leave room)


BK has these...this was the "interesting" night lol ilu BK ;)


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - stamps - UE
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation - E
Mask of Truth - SMalkmus - E
Stone Mask - fire_gym_leader - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [ANJU ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [x ] = TEAM PROTECTED

--Skull Kid - dong-- [x ] (activate the moon) = StreetPKMN

Link - stamps [x ] = WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c(
Anju's Grandmother - Gobble D. Dick [x ] = Hyena

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [0 ] = StreetPKMN [FAILED (Triforce of Courage)]

Priority 3: Mask Protection

Curiosity Shop Owner - blackbragirl [0 ] = im_french34 [DEAD]

Priority 4: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = SMalkmus [there you GO]

Priority 5: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ]
Gibdo Mask - stamps [x ] E
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ]
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [/ ]
Mask of Truth - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [/ ]

Priority 6: Protections

Rauru - Yaseen Mamuff [x ] = StreetPKMN

Navi - Ernest [x ] = save link

Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Protect) [x ] = Team Protected

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = dong

Priority 7: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = blackbragirl [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [I ] = WHY NOT HERE [(Cant kill = on moon) Failed]
Volvagia (for now) - Krusty Haruka [x ] = Gobble D. Dick [dead]
A Giant - Mr. Dodrio [x ] = SMalkmus [dead]
Diamond Ness [/ ]

Priority 8: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [/ ] = idle
Postman - doopers [x ] = dong [Skullkid]
Mask of Truth - Smalkmus [0 ] = DEAD

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = Yaseen Mamuff [silenced] (Bosschoice [x ] = Krusty Haruka)
Ghoma - keenan [x ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = dong (NOT POWERFUL)
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [NA ] = didnt get pm =\
Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Godcheck) [x ] = Ernest (NON god)
Farore - indiekid (Godcheck) [x ] = Skye (NON god)
Din - darck charley (Godcheck) [x ] = Azn Sensation(NON god) | (Dins Fire [x ] = Team protected)

All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] = idling
Anju - Mr. Cool [x ] = big_bigest_winer (did not leave room)
Anjus role - Greenkirby [x ] = Oliver Klosov (did leave room)


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - stamps - E
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation - E
Mask of Truth - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 - UE
Stone Mask - fire_gym_leader - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [ANJU ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [0 ]

--Skull Kid - dong-- [0 ] (activate the moon) = StreetPKMN still there

Link - stamps [x ] = Krusty Haruka [nothing]

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = GreenKirby to i_g_w_d

Priority 3: Mask Protection

Priority 4: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = big_bigest_winer [nothing]

Priority 5: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - stamps [/ ] E
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [/ ] E
Mask of Truth - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = give to Mr. Dodrio

Priority 6: Protections

Navi - Ernest [x ] = save link
Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Protect) [0 ]
Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = Krusty Haruka

Priority 7: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = Oliver_Klosov [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [0 ] = [(Cant kill = on moon)]
Volvagia (for now) - keenan [x ] = Azn Sensation [dead]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] = idle

Priority 8: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [x ] = SMalkmus [nothing]
Postman - doopers [x ] = Mr. Dodrio
Mask of Truth - Skye [0 ] = Given Away to Mr. Dodrio

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = Alpha Kennywan (Bosschoice [x ] = keenan)
Ghoma - keenan [x ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = no_blax
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [x ] = thebest
Nayru - Oliver Klosov (Godcheck) [0 ] = dead
Farore - indiekid (Godcheck) [NA ] = no pm idiot
Din - darck charley (Godcheck) [ ] = Oliver Klosov | (Dins Fire [0 ])

All Night Mask - no_blax [NA ] = idle
Anju - Mr. Cool [0 ] = Oliver_Klosov [dead]
Anjus role - Greenkirby [I ] = i_g_w_d [did leave room]


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - stamps - E
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - dead
Mask of Truth - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 - UE
Stone Mask - Alpha Kennywan - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [BARINADE ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [0 ]

--Skull Kid - dong-- [0 ] (activate the moon) = StreetPKMN still there

Link - stamps [x ] = karate_explosion [nothing]

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = Medichamp to GP13 [nothing]
Morpha - GreenKirby [x ] = prince_despotar to GP13 [nothing]

Priority 3: Mask Protection

Priority 4: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = GP13 [nothing]

Priority 5: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - stamps [/ ] E
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [corpse]
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio [/ ] = E
Stone Mask - Alpha Kennywan [x ] = E - give to WHY NOT HERE

Priority 6: Protections

Navi - Ernest [x ] = save link [awesome]
Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = GreenKirby [nothing]

Priority 7: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = stamps [navi saved]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [0 ] = [(Cant kill = on moon)]
Volvagia (for now) - keenan [x ] = stamps [navi saved]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] = idle

Priority 8: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [/ ] = idle
Postman - doopers [x ] = blooper [send Ganon PM]
Mask of Truth - Mr.Dodrio [x ] = blooper [Kumar]

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = indiekid (Bosschoice [/ ] = keenan)
Ghoma - keenan [/ ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!)
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [x ] = DiamondNess

Farore - indiekid (Godcheck) [x ] = darck charley [hey hey]
Din - darck charley (Godcheck) [ ] = indiekid [hey hey] | (Dins Fire [0 ])

All Night Mask - no_blax [NA ] = idle
Anju - Mr. Cool [x ] = icicle_knight [DID leave room]


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - dead
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - dead
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio - E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE >|:-c( - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

***check for Morpha - Greenkirby [DARUNIA ] and put where applicable***
**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
*Farore's Wind - indiekid (hiding) [/ ]

--Skull Kid - dong-- [/ ] (activate the moon) = empty

Link - Ernest [x ] = WHY NOT HERE

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [0 ] = [ToC]

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = doopers [nothing]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - stamps [corpse]
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - Azn Sensation [corpse]
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio [/ ] = E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE [0 ] = [ToC]

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = im_french34
Morpha - GreenKirby [x ] = DiamondNess

Priority 6: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = Ernest [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [x ] = GreenKirby [dead]
Volvagia (for now) - keenan [x ] = indiekid [dead]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] =

Priority 7: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [x ] = Azn Sensation [couples mask]
Postman - doopers [x ] = icicle_knight [dark link]
Mask of Truth - Mr.Dodrio [x ] = karate_explosion [fishin]

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = Alpha Kennywan (Bosschoice [/ ] = keenan)
Ghoma - keenan [/ ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = finally
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [x ] = Skye_Sweetnam [Sakon]

Farore - indiekid (Tricheck) [0 ] = dead
Din - darck charley (Tricheck) [0 ] = Ernest is dead | (Dins Fire [/ ])

All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] = zerowing sucks
Anju - Mr. Cool [x ] = Mr. Dodrio [does leave room]


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - dead
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - big_bigest_winer - UE
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio - E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE >|:-c( - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

**Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
--Skull Kid - dong-- [/ ] (activate the moon) = empty
Triforce of Courage - icicle_knight [x ] = Krusty Haruka [nothing]

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [/ ] = idle [why?]

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = Alpha Kennywan [nothing]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - stamps [corpse]
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - big_bigest_winer [x] - give to doopers
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio [/ ] = E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE [/ ] = E

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = Acredula [nothing]

Priority 6: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = Alpha Kennywan [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [x ] = keenan [dead]
Volvagia (for now) - keenan [0 ] = StreetPKMN [NOT dead]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] = idle

Priority 7: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [x ] = Ernest [gibdo mask]
Postman - doopers [x ] = karate_explosion [koume]
Mask of Truth - Mr.Dodrio [x ] = doopers [Vampy34]

Ganondorf - blooper [x ] = doopers (Bosschoice [/ ] = keenan)
Ghoma - keenan [0 ] (useless i hope he doesnt bother!) = finally
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [x ] = Krusty Haruka [Volvagia/COF]

Din - darck charley (Tricheck) [x ] = doopers[nope] | (Dins Fire [x ] = Protection from lynch)

All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] = zerowing sucks
Anju - Mr. Cool [/ ] = idle


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - big_bigest_winer - UE
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - dead
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio - E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE >|:-c( - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
Skull Kid - dong-- [x ] (activate the moon) = Krusty Haruka
Triforce of Courage - icicle_knight [I ] = blooper -> MEDICHAMP

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = icicle_knight TO medichamp
Ganondorf - blooper (Bosschoice [x ] = Hyena)

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = Gerudo Princess [nothing]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - big_bigest_winer UE
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - doopers corpse
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio [/ ] = E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE [/ ] = E

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [/ ] = idle

Priority 6: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = blooper [dead]
Nabooru - StreetPKMN [x ] = MediCHAMP [dead AND krusty haruka DEAD]
Volvagia (for now) - Hyena [x ] = StreetPKMN
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] = idle

Priority 7: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [x ] = doopers [couples mask]
Mask of Truth - Mr.Dodrio [x ] = im_french34 [doomsday]
Ganondorf - blooper [0 ] = dead
Tri of Wisdom - Gerudo Princess [x ] = icicle_knight
Din - darck charley (Tricheck) [x ] = Gerudo [yes] | (Dins Fire [x ] = Protection from lynch)
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] = zerowing sucks


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - big_bigest_winer - UE
All Night Mask - no_blax - E
Couples Mask - big_bigest_winer - UE
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio - E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE >|:-c( - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
Triforce of Courage - icicle_knight [x ] = Diamond Ness

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = diamond ness to skye [cant redirect]
Ganondorf - Hyena (Bosschoice [/ ] = Hyena)

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = big_bigest_winer [nothing]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Gibdo Mask - big_bigest_winer [/ ]UE
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - big_bigest_winer [x ] UE = give to i_g_w_d
Mask of Truth - Mr. Dodrio [/ ] = E
Stone Mask - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = give to karate_explosion

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = karate_explosion [nothing]

Priority 6: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = Acredula [dead]
Volvagia (for now) - Hyena [x ] = thebest [dead]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [0 ] = ToC [WHY NOT HERE] [notdead]

Priority 7: Everything Else

Dampe - big_bigest_winer [x ] = WHY NOT HERE [nothing]
Mask of Truth - Mr.Dodrio [/ ] = idle
Triforce of Power - icicle_knight [x ] = Mr. Dodrio
Tri of Wisdom - Diamond Ness [0 ] = ToC [i_g_w_d]
Din - darck charley (Tricheck) [x ] = dong [nothing] | (Dins Fire [x ] = Protection from lynch)
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] = zerowing sucks


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - out of game
All Night Mask - out of game
Couples Mask - insane_gasball_wild_dog - E
Mask of Truth - out of game
Stone Mask - karate_explosion - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

Dark Link - icicle_knight (hiding) [/ ]
Triforce of Courage - icicle_knight [I ] = karate_explosion to skye

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [x ] = icicle knight to skye
Ganondorf - Hyena (Bosschoice [/ ] = Hyena)

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [0 ] = im french34 [Triforce]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
All Night Mask - no_blax [/ ] E
Couples Mask - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] E
Stone Mask - karate_explosion [/ ] = E

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = karate_explosion [nothing]

Priority 6: Kills

Dark Link - icicle_knight (killing) [x ] = no_blax [dead]
Volvagia (for now) - Hyena [x ] = darck charley [dead]
A Giant - Diamond Ness [/ ] = idle

Priority 7: Everything Else

Triforce of Power - icicle_knight [I ] = im_french34 to skye
Tri of Wisdom - Diamond Ness [x ] = insane_gasball_wild_dog
Din - darck charley (Tricheck) [0 ] = dead | (Dins Fire [x ] = Protection from lynch)
All Night Mask - no_blax [0 ] = zerowing sucks and is dead


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - out of game
All Night Mask - out of game
Couples Mask - insane_gasball_wild_dog - E
Mask of Truth - out of game
Stone Mask - karate_explosion - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

Moon - dong [x ] = karate_explosion
Triforce of Courage - dong [x ] = WHY NOT HERE

Priority 2: Switchers

Barinade - WHY NOT HERE [0 ] = ToC
Ganondorf - Hyena (Bosschoice [/ ] = Hyena)

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = insane_gasball_wild_dog [Couples Mask Get]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - im_french34 [/ ] E
Couples Mask - insane_gasball_wild_dog [/ ] E
Stone Mask - karate_explosion [x ] = give to Amelia

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = Diamond Ness

Priority 6: Kills

A Giant - Diamond Ness [x ] = Hyena
Volvagia (for now) - Hyena [0 ] = dead

Priority 7: Everything Else

Triforce of Power - prince_despotar [x ] = insane_gasball_wild_dog
Tri of Wisdom - Diamond Ness [x ] = im_french34


Mask Details(from previous day):

Postmans Hat - im_french34 - E
Gibdo Mask - out of game
All Night Mask - out of game
Couples Mask - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 - E
Mask of Truth - out of game
Stone Mask - Diamond Ness - E

Priority 1: Disablers etc

Moon - dong [/ ] = karate_explosion [still there]
Triforce of Courage - dong [/ ] = doesnt matter

Priority 2: Switchers

Priority 3: Mask Theives

Sakon - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] = im_french34 [postmans hat]

Priority 4: Mask Equips

Postmans Hat - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [/ ] UE
Couples Mask - Skye_Sweetnam_<3 [x ] E
Stone Mask - Diamond Ness [/ ] = E

Priority 5: Protections

Darmani - insane_gasball_wild_dog [x ] = karate_explosion

Priority 6: Kills

Volvagia (for now) - Fishin [0 ] = moon

Priority 7: Everything Else

Triforce of Power - prince_despotar [x ] = im_french34
Tri of Wisdom - Diamond Ness [x ] = dong

And that was the game!!

V) Awards Ceremony

~Mafia Awards~

After a long, hard fought game, I thought i would be nice to give out some awards. Here we go!

Most Valuable Player:

-Courage: Brain
Dak and Hip were candidates, but this HAD to go to brain. His spreadsheet was almost flawless, he survived 3 nights longer than he should have an most of his plans were great. He has an impeccable understanding for the game.

-Powerful: IPL
Imperfectluck was the brains on the team into n3 and had good plans. His reference list was pretty impressive considering the powerful teams limited weapons, so I commend him.

-Wise: GreenPikachu
He really took control at around n3-4 and never looked back, getting the whole team on the same page and coming up with great plans. And most importantly, he did a good job in making EW feel safe and "part of the plan", not letting EW see that he could not take down the wise simply due to numbers. He did well at making his team seem weak.

-Neutral: Earthworm
He controlled most of the casualties and was the second most informed player aside from Brain. His knowledge was astounding, but he gave too much away to the wise. Also, he was almost always the first person to post in lynches, and had a great enthusiasm about the game.

OVERALL MVP OF ZELDA MAFIA: GreenPikachu - Well Done!

Least Valuable Player:

-Courage: Junior
What needs to be said? he didnt check his pms. His team could have used a bodyguard imo.

-Powerful: puggy
He needed to stay alive to control brain, but he foolishly ran his mouth, starting a chain of events that lead to a major collapse for the powerful. Not good.

-Wise: Shiv
The only person on the team to actually play a bad game. He was just too impatient and had no faith in his own team - a huge mistake as they ended up being possibly the smartest team!

-Neutral: Mr. Esc
He did more than his part to hinder the Gods' chances at victory


Most Improved Player: Earthworm
-Considering his preformance in Mafia Mafia by letting BK into the forums and blowing his teams shot, this game was a complete reversal, as he was the one who got into a mafia forum.

Best Newcomer: IPL
-While Andenken made a good case, IPL had a great mafia sense and knew a lot that his team didnt. And as we see in SD's mafia, he is already becoming a huge nuissance xD

Best Move: Wise
-I could also pick many here, but I think the way they let Earthworm do all the work for them was their best move, whether they knew it or not. He really gave them all they needed to win.
Other Considerations: Seeming weak to the courageous, teaming up with the powerful.

Worst Move: Powerful
-I could pick many here, but i think even after all the bad ones you made, you still could have won by killing EW instead of gmax. What. were. you. thinking.
Other considerations: IPL not targetting Brain with the rogue power, Iron Knuckle deciding to run his mouth, thunda always targetting killers...i could go on with stupid powerful moves.

Most Elaborate Lie: NONE
-This is my only gripe with the game. There was not one elaborate lie. In a game like ANONYMOUS mafia, how could no one lie?? it's unthinkable. But it happened. There were small white lies, but 0 elaborate ones. I was crushed. Maybe it was because I wasn't playing?
Nominees: Master Sword (IPL), Saria (dak). Thats about it, and neither of these were even that good. Sucks.

Worst Executed Lie: Mr. Escalator
-Good intention trying to fool the Courageous into thinking Farore was with them, something very believeable, but this could have been done so much better ;(

Best Gimmick: Doomsday
-I was hoping more people would have alias gimmicks, doomsday was really the only one, but it was a funny one lol. (BAN ME PLEASE) ALERT!!!

Most Indecisive: thunda
-Oh my god over the course of the game you must have changed your night action 50 times, and most of the time it was just changing from a smart target to a stupid one lol. To illustrate:

night 10 WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c( [ Add to Buddies ] Aug 26 2008, 03:46 PM
night 10 WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c( [ Add to Buddies ] Aug 26 2008, 10:24 AM
night 10 WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c( [ Add to Buddies ] Aug 26 2008, 10:22 AM
night 10 WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c( [ Add to Buddies ] Aug 26 2008, 10:21 AM
night 10 WHY_NOT_HERE_>|:-c( [ Add to Buddies ] Aug 26 2008, 09:50 AM


electrify medichamp
to attack xXx_Gerudo_PrincesS_13_xXx

I think I sent this pm less than five minutes ago but I really aren't sure

sorry if I am being silly

Thunda is the best!

Shut Me the Fuck Up Please!: evan
-goes to the person who was silenced the most, who was without a doubt evan. At last count i think it was 4-5 times! Clearly no one wanted to hear what you had to say xD

Biggest Nagger: Earthworm
-Ew always would bug me about "when the night was over" or about random questions regarding the game. This could also be most enthusiastic, as i enjoyed his enthusiasm, but lol was he impatient!

Detective: Brain
-The detective award goes to the person who assembled information the most efficiently, which was evidently brain who had a spreadsheet detailing the whole game pretty much complete before he could even kill. I was astounded.

Most Consistent: Good - dak, Bad - thunda
-Dak made almost no mistakes all game, and made several good moves, earning him this award.
-Thunda could not figure out his role's restriction, even after it failing several times, earning him this award.

Best use of alias: dak/Alpha Kennywan
-This was easy, as it was really the only good use of alias, and the only time people in the game were genuinely tricked.

And that's it! If you didn't get an award...better luck

VI) Closing Comments

I know many of you are even wondering why I took the time to make a post this big, but the truth is I felt like I had to, not even for you guys but for myself. I did everything I could to make this game as good as possible and I hope you can all appreciate that, and with this done I finally feel like my game is complete.

I hope you all enjoyed what I had to offer, and once again congratulations to the wise team for winning!

Advice to any future mafia hosts: talk to me for some in depth info, but as general stuff...the anonymous idea definitely works, I hope to see someone run with it and make it the best it can be. Balance is important, make sure you consider it. And last of all, make sure you know the priorities of every little thing before hand, because some crazy shit happened in this game that I was often put into a tough spot trying to get out of! Ways to improve for starters: remove posting times, somehow manage a way to give the good team a forum without making a leader.

With all this said, I want to thank you all for a great time, and I hope you had as much fun as I did. What a wild ride.

Dr. Jekyll signing off!



You wake up from your slumber...back in the room with just a chair and a machine. You cannot believe what a great game of mafia you just played...but then you realize...

"How am I going to get out of this room?!"

all you hear is laughter...maniacal laughter.
i'm really sad i didn't get to play more in this game--i was briefly mentioned as one of the powerful's smart players (ego booooost) and i think that if i had lived, IPL, Kumar, myself, and (thunda) the rest of the powerful would have played a much better game in general.

seriously how did you guys lose by not killing ew lol
Awesome game. I really liked a lot of the elements here; the roles, the anonymous factor, the way all the Zelda lore was integrated into the game, the USERNAMES. Having all the information right now, I actually believe that the Powerful had the best set of tools to work with; lack of inspector is a bit of a pain, but consistent night kills and several useful roles (rather than a bunch of 1-shot killers) like Barinade, Morpha and Twinrova made up for it in spades. Still, that doesn't really prove much seeing as the Wise were the actual winners. I'd like to say that part of this was due to the Powerful being seen as a bigger threat and thus targeted first (night 8 in particular was brutal), but really, our playing wasn't the greatest, and I don't really have anyone besides myself to blame for this since I really didn't do much. Having a mafia group with a limited amount of kills is a really unique idea, and I definitely compliment you for trying it out.

As far as Twinrova went, I was really expecting something that could be used for several nights (like a hooker or additional killer) since you mentioned on IRC that you would create a "Twinrova" account that both SD and I could use (it would be pretty pointless for you to create an account for us if we were only going to use it once!). Given that I had that suspicion, I can't really say why I was hesitant to bust out Twinrova, except that I was at first relying on the Stone Mask to do it for me without Powerful having to waste a kill and/or Ganondorf's silence, neither of which ended up working, and by the time I realized both of those were unusuable it was a bit late.

Also, as far as silences go, since it was on another forum, couldn't you just strip that member of their posting abilities in the public forum? It wouldn't be nearly as fun not seeing Junior suicide so early, but it would probably work.

The one real complaint I had with the game was the way Triforce pieces were redistributed if the holder died due to a lynch; letting whoever can post first isn't exactly a fair way to determine such an important part of the game, though I can't exactly say what would exactly be "fair" in that case (maybe giving the Triforce piece to whatever team has the most votes put in? That wouldn't work with Gods at all, but is otherwise pretty feasible).

-Neutral: Earthworm
He controlled most of the casualties and was the second most informed player aside from Brain. His knowledge was astounding, but he gave too much away to the wise. Also, he was almost always the first person to post in lynches, and had a great enthusiasm about the game.
how DOES he always post first both there and on the tours, it's getting a bit unnerving :/
O_O big post...

Well, I was a bystander for all of this game because I didn't make the cut, but whatever.

It's nice to see what went behind the scenes and how everybody played. I also wanted to see how Janiar died actually (tight with Jackal my ass but ilu still). I had no clue that the Wise were at a decent disadvantage and it's nice that they won through.

Earthworm not hiding at all was just O_O because of the 2 inspectors around and the wolf role.

Well it was interesting to watch, and it was surprising how everything turned out.
I'll share something Jackal shared with me, since I was a big nuisance for him I think during that Junior mess.

He MEANT to check the box when creating the forums that would automatically prevent any user he chose from posting. It would be a temporary ban or something. He forgot to do that, however, and thus Junior, despite being silenced, was able to post.

I was FURIOUS when I found out that Jackal was thinking of letting Junior live, even though he deserved to be auto-killed. I think Jackal was equally furious, lol. I don't have that interaction anymore, but if Jackal does, I'd ask him to post it, because looking back on it now, I'm sure it was hilarious.

Jackal left it up to Junior to decide what should happen, and Junior being the noble and gracious person he is, accepted his deserved fate of auto-kill.

Also, i'll be posting tons of stuff later most likely. This was a great read. Thanks for the MVP award. I'd like to share it with Amelia especially, since he did some great shit when I went down temporarily. And MOST of the other wise as well. :-P
Well, here's my side of the story.

To be honest, i had real DIFFICULTY to get my team to listen to me, they were all like "hey listen to EW instead". The breakthrough came when i got in touch with Pillowrath who (took over his team) and got him to kill off people. The one thing he didn't bother to check was whether i had a kill or not, which i think in the end decided their actions. On the day Earthworm was lynched, we actually had an agreement.

We both knew that EW was going to win this sooner or later if we didn't stop him so the plan was simple. The day, we both lynch EW. Whoever who received the triforces win. As you guys know, i got the first lynch, which essentially finished the game.

The one reason why powerful killed gmax was because i told them EW was using his secondary power, which was to hide in the dark, and for some reason Pillo trusted me. He decided to take out another courageous (note: lol) so that they wouldn't be a factor in the final showdown.

I had my own reasons for choosing Gmax. For some reason, we thought that he was permamently immune to lynches (for each god dead the recharge is faster by 1 night) so if he was the last one alive and we had no way to kill, we would badly lose.

They killed Gmax because they knew he was immune to lynches (but no idea why here, i mean, they had a night kill).

So on the fateful day, EW was lynched, and as far as i know he never knew why he was lynched. His plan was to manipulate the game so that the teams will never want another team to get the triforces. However, the powerful were confident enough with their kill that they thought we could have the triforces and still win. (They had a kill, while we had a hooker/silencer only, and furhtermore they can change their kill so that we hook the wrong guy, not knowing i have my kill left)

Finally, Pillo, i don't understand why. We both knew what the completed triforce did. It revived a person. I had that in my plans all along to revive GP and destroy all three of your members outright. In the end you still decided to allow me to win.

And thanks GP for sharing the MVP award to me.
First off:Nice post Jackal.

GG everyone. It was a great game and I would like to give 3 shout-outs to my teammates:

First off:Earthworm, Our victory would not have been possible with out him. He is also the reason I suicided. I went on the fourm, saw I was silenced, and saw that two other Wise members were dead. I then thought "OH SHIT! I'm GANNA DIE!!!" and decided I neded to die in a "unique" way. It was completely on impulse though, and I should of thought of it more.I honestly thought we were going to lose because of EW. So GG earthworm.

Next off: Greenpikachu, you were the other reason we won.As jackal Said: You planed everything for the wise perfectly, and for that, we won. Enough said.

Lastly Amelia: You were our back-up leader whenever GP wasn't around. You planed the end of the game out so the wise would win it all.You also predicted not to use you kill until the end right too.Good Job!

All though it took most of the wise working together to win. These three in particular led the Wise to victory. I really did nothing noteworthy though the game. I just listened to whoever was the leader.I liked my role as a One-Time-Killer. It stuck with the Wise theme of the team.
As a small note. I was originally going to kill captkirby. But then I heard the powerful said they were doing it. so I swithed at the last second.

All-in-all: Amazing game that I'm glad to have been part of this game.Thank you Jackal and Blue Kirby for hosting it.

I'm going to play though Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask to commemorate such a great game of mafia.
There were some people who tried to lie to us. People like mm2001 claiming that he would join our team if he died. But I had specifically told you to have as few neutrals or side changes as possible, so I decided this was total baloney.

COTH and Andenken both made obvious false claims. MAybe it was cardsoftheheart, im not sure, I get those two confused..

But the one that was convincing, was EW saying he was Flat. He said he could join us, so I thought he could well be lying, but if he isnt, it is in our best interests to appear to be as dominant as we possibly can, as we could potentially pick up two extra members.

I also was hoping to find Sharp and not tell EW, and just make it so they could only communicate through me.

This was all pretty minor, but it did have a big impact on my thinking in that we knew there were 4 neutrals, but that meant that if the gods were neutral then there were 5. I dont know why it didnt occur to me that EW was lying about sharp, but it didnt, so I was totally confused about who the neutrals were.

Tingle was pretty significant tbh, he died the night it became relevant though..

Also my brilliant plan to infiltrate the gods, who seemed to be a huge threat, because we couldnt believe someone so shitty would be in the game, I was so dissapointed when this wasnt continued with..

Also I think that in the games we have had, since my game at least, the mafia have been overpowered. Honestly, the mafia in this game got to a woeful start. They were dreadful. The fact they managed to come back from that, was basically entirely down to the Moon being able to ignore bodyguards. If that hadnt been the case, we would have breezed home.

Also about my identity, I was aware I would be taking a huge risk by posting when I did, but we needed to save Junior. It wasnt a case of being unable to protect my identity as much as not really caring.

Have a nice day.
it's clear I dominated this game. Jackal would agree!

PS. ilu Jackal for asking me about the auto-kill first, but hey, it's just a game right? i'll repay you by doing everything to you n1 on irc mafia... unless we're both mafias; junijackal bestttt

PPS. ilu too hobojoe.

I was obviously the best because I was the Rogue who didn't die.

It was horrible. I can't figure out how I didn't manage to die at all.
Yeah good game guys. I'm glad I got some acknowledgment which is pretty good yea???? Our team did well and while I did disagree with GP (mostly over the man you suck comments) I can't actually say that he didn't do well; after all, he played a brilliant game, and I don't think anyone can disagree with that.

Good job Wise, better luck next time, everyone!
I think the only reason I survived that long was because of my (BAN ME PLEASE) gimmick, lol, though I myself have to admit it got pretty stale by the end. The first (BAN ME PLEASE) ALERT was a completely random move; I was bored with this mafia (read reasons below) and just decided to express my discontent, and also hoped people would read too much into that.

I wish I could have appreciated this mafia more. First and foremost, I am not a Zelda fan. Then, I have found out that I dislike the alias system, it's just a huge mess (imo), and my night role was just... checking out random pm's. Don't get me wrong, Jackal and BK, because after reading this thread I felt this was very well organized and put together, especially with all the alias.

Good work (BAN ME PLEASE)s!
I idled because I was so confused and not really sure who my team was. I think so anyway. Either that or I probably would have tried to steal from a powerful member by sheer bad luck. Points to EW for actually getting me in contact with Gouki, or it would have been sad indeed.

Very sad.


Yes, the comment sums up my game in a nutshell. I'm apparently a Wise Bodyguard who is a very high-ranked member of the Courageous. Among other things.


Apologies to GTS, guess who kinda suggested that you die. >>

Apologies to Dak for putting on that awful front in an attempt to save myself. I still feel dirty because of it. I might have gotten away with it to if it weren't for Hip and his logic, and you probably guessed anyway. T_T

My false claim sucked because I was pressed for time until I had to hop into IRC and 'ask for my role PM', which I did do. And my PC really was messing up, but it wasn't that bad.


It depresses me that UU was a member of the Powerful. We kinda got an emergency about partway through and I'm just watching how the beginnings of a counterattack (which I lay partial claim since I was offended at the attempted bandwagon on me) slowly bring out Nabooru. Oops. >>


I um... I actually didn't really deceive EW, for anyone reading through GP's shoutout. We had a pre-game agreement not to turn on each other, hence why I tried to save him when he was going to die before. It was just sheer dumb luck that Thunda shocked the Silence onto me, or that could have led to a whole new level of awkward.

And EW got the first post because he literally sat there waiting for the thread, or so I believe. Tell us your strategy, people are literally dying to know.


Anyway, shout outs to my team for being awesome and winning. And to the other three survivors who all got a Triforce. T_T

I had really bad luck on the masks. Then suddenly I get a suggestion from someone 'Why don't you try Smalkmus?"

So I did. And finally got something. Which I quickly got rid of. And then had more bad luck until I stole the Couple's Mask and sealed our victory. Which totally wasn't sealed before. >>

I had fun for my first ever mafia game. Next time I try something new, I'm looking up a vocab. Having info like 'Wolf' and Rogue' thrown at me did nothing since the terms had no meaning for me. ._.

And getting no info from Dak other than that he was a scavenger was fun as well. IT could have gone better if I hadn't spent the entire 'infiltration period' hiding from IRC. Or just not being there when Dak was.
And Hip at least saw through me anyway. What were the chances of Shiro actually being an identity? I was going to pick Malon, but then I thought she'd be a Hooker, underage though she might be. And we kinda needed/wanted something mask-related so I could get mask info.
So we picked Shiro and gave him the role of the Curiosity Shop Owner. What were the chances? :P


Anyway, that made for an awesome Mafia game. Shout outs to my team again for saving me from the first attempted lynch. Especially GP for his leadership, and Raikage as well as Gouki for keeping in contact with me early on in the game. And EW for reasons mentioned before.

Awesome fun. See you after Super Mafia. >>
Heh, I'm not going to chew out Esc over this again (I've already done more than enough), though it would've been nice if he hadn't gone and handed his PM over to Hip and co., also relying on Godcheck...look at the odds yourself. There were a bunch of people who didn't speak much and heck if you already had the Goddess PM, you could see that Obi was pretty much yelling his head off in the thread.

Brain, it was fun working with you, and I'd have had just about zero info, and been separated from Esc right until he died. Sorry I didn't turn out to have a kill power or something like you expected lol. Sucks that you were mooned the night your powers were activated though...You're the best!

Earthworm it was fun while it lasted :) wish you'd have lasted longer, I'd rather you'd have won this than the Wise/Powerful/Courageous after Brain died. You were doomed to fail lol, though the powerful proved themselves doubly retarded by first killing me instead of you and THEN backing up a lynch against you which they knew would give the Wise all three triforces.

Pillowrath. Pillowrath is retarded. Pillowrath is just DUMB. Killing me was pointless. I wasn't a good target no matter what, sheesh you could've just gone for a Wise instead ffs. Or maybe you could've picked off another Courageous. Well obviously the best pick was Earthworm, I don't see why you would trust Amelia. Heck I don't see why you wouldn't PICK Amelia over me.

Oh yeah, thanks Jackal and BK for organising such an excellent game of mafia!

Ok well this was a really great game to be a part of, and having a cool role that helped my team a lot was awesome! (even if we didn't win)

Yea so not much to say other then fantastic game guys!

ps hi5 apprentice doomsday (dont worry you will learn that being a postman isnt about the fame and glory soon enough!)
pps i wasnt a good inspector i was a great one ok