
I just got my 1st quarter grades, so I'm going to show off.

I got an 3.5 GPA just barely, because my teacher uploaded my grades before she put an assignment which would've made my grade a C, and I would've gotten killed by my mother if I got less than a 3.5 GPA. I despise english I mean I'm good at it, but I hate it.

Anyways, what's your GPA and the subject/s you hate most?
I'm too tired to do the math to figure out my GPA but I have a b, A-, b-, a, a-,b and a-.

B- is fucking Intro to Computer Programing which I had to bullshit a couple projects.
This is basically a who's e-penis is biggest thread, but still. 98 In Honors Physics, ~93 in Honors Chem, 99 in URI Writing, 88 in Enriched Pre-Calculus (My teacher is a souless bastard who takes pleasure in failing kids and making rediculous tests.), 100 in Gym/Peer Tutoring (lol), and an A in Italian III.

I made a deal with my parents that if I kept my grades up they'll get me an iPhone.

C+ was from a language class. The teacher did a piss poor job at keeping assignments organized. She lost one of my assignments forcing me to do it over in a very limited amount of time. The result was a shoddy piece of crap, resulting in my grade dropping down to a C+.

All my courses with the exception of the last two (electives) are honors classes. So thankfully the C+ did not effect my GPA too much. Still above the 4.0's I believe. The highest possible GPA is 4.5 right now.

I am hoping I do better next time. Luckily I found some extra help for my language class. I should be able to maintain an A in it this quarter.
We dont weigh honors classes at my school, so the highest you can get is a 4.0. As a softmore, they dont tell you your GPA yet for some reason. But,

B+ Honors Algebra 2
A Spanish III
B- Chemistry Honors
B Ceramics (Lmao my teacher pulls grades out of her wide ass)
A- History
A- English

not amazing not bad
I'm too tired to do the math to figure out my GPA but I have a b, A-, b-, a, a-,b and a-.

B- is fucking Intro to Computer Programing which I had to bullshit a couple projects.

this is arounda 3.7 GPA, in my school at least, where the top GPA is 4.0.
For this quarter my gpa was a 5.125 because my school does AP's as 6.0 and Honors as 5.0.

I am a Junior in HS:

AP United States History - A
Honors British Literature - A
AP Statistics - A
Religion - A
AP Psychology - A
Honors Calculus - B
Honors Physics - A
Honors Spanish III - A
A, A, B, B,B, C, C

the two C's belong in AP physics which is a double period class so it counts as two grades which is a blower.

I'm a senior in high school btw
This is basically a who's e-penis is biggest thread, but still. 98 In Honors Physics, ~93 in Honors Chem, 99 in URI Writing, 88 in Enriched Pre-Calculus (My teacher is a souless bastard who takes pleasure in failing kids and making rediculous tests.), 100 in Gym/Peer Tutoring (lol), and an A in Italian III.

I made a deal with my parents that if I kept my grades up they'll get me an iPhone.

I made a deal with my parents too. If I keep my grades up, I won't get punished/tortured/hit (this was when I was 9, I think now it is like they won't give me a lecture) by them, and they'll get me anything I want ever if my grades never sink :)
I'm guessing the GPA is some estimation on your overall academic performance? I'm in the UK so I don't have it here. Could someone explain how it is calculated? What's an 'average' GPA, and the lower it is the better it is?
Haha 3 questions in a row. Pretty good...

Maths 70 Maths 70 Chemistry 82 Biology 69 Physics 75 Social Studies 69 Chinese 63 English 66 Literature 66

3.38~ which is fucking bad but since I'm in an escalator school it's alright, I guess.
I would rather talk about grades alot more than read a list of random grades maybe that's just me though.

It's rough being a kid because you're not really put in a position where you can choose what to learn at all, maybe a little bit in high school, and then all of a sudden you're thrust into university where you have to pretty much choose everything, usually on the premise of "i did well in this subject in school"

that happened to me with chemistry and i ended up hating it two years later. fault of the educational system or product of a world obsessed with choice??
4.3 up from last year :) Need to do better though!

@Legacy Rider. It's calculated a tad differently in different places. In my school, you have a "weighted" and "unweighted" GPA. Weighted classes include Honors and Advanced Placement, and are scored higher (for example, a 90 in regular English is ~3.6, a 90 in honors is ~4.0)

The higher, the better. The absolute max (in my school) is around 4.5, but you'd have to be taking all honors classes and getting near perfect in them. The actual formula to calculate the GPA is somewhat complex and I don't really feel like explaining the whole thing. The better you do, combined with if the class is honors/AP and how long the class is (one quarter, a semester, a term, etc.) factor into how many points each grade is worth.
I think that any GPA above 4.0 is fake, the damn thing is based on a set 0-4 scale.

Also, GPAs are historically only used in college, not high schools.
I'm guessing the GPA is some estimation on your overall academic performance? I'm in the UK so I don't have it here. Could someone explain how it is calculated? What's an 'average' GPA, and the lower it is the better it is?

GPA's are the average of all the grades with As being worth 4, Bs being 3, Cs being 2, Ds being 1, and Fs being phail. For my school, they don't calculate the B-/B+ differently. For an example,take my grades.


Now considering the values, I have 3 As and three Bs, which ends up to me calculating=4+4+4+3+3+3 divided by 6 because that's the number of classes that I have. In the end, after calculating the average, I end up with 3.5. In some schools, they have different values for B minuses(2.8) and B pluses(3.2),etc. Other schools, like Fabbles, they calculate grades in certain classes higher.

Hope this helps.
This brings up an interesting topic that most of us pokemon players seem to have an average GPA around 3.5 or so. So does pokemon make you smarter or are smart people attracted to pokemon? I remember that back in the days of Red and Blue that pokemon helped me learn some vocabulary.

Anyways, my GPA is probably around a 4. Not quite sure though, my report card for the 1st quarter is not quite out.
Ehh, I only have 3 classes this semester since I'm in grade 12 and I'm in Canada.

I do however, have the marks that will show up on my midterm report card:

87% in Data Management math
82% in English
66% in Advanced Functions math (fuck it)

Yeah, I don't feel like reading a list of grades either, so I'm going to get a little bit of discussion here too.

For those of you in grade 11 and 12, what universities are you planning to go into, and do you think it's possible with your grades?

Personally, I really want to go to either:

University of Ottawa (1st choice)


University of Toronto (2nd choice)

I think I will be alright to get into either of those, though the 66% in AF is really going to hinder my chances at getting a decent-sized scholarship if it doesn't go up. By the way, does anyone have any experiences with University of Ottawa or University of Toronto that they'd like to share? I'm leaning toward U of O right now, but U of T sounds really good as well. Right now I want to get in for mathematics and most likely try to get a minor in Spanish, so that I can teach both.

However, though I've had 2 bros graduate from uni already, I'm not actually entirely sure how hard it actually is, since they didn't go in for math, so I suppose it would be cool to see just how much harder I'll have to work. :P