The First Wheneverual Safari Festival: Better Late Than Never

You should change the rule in the OP concerning Item Clause and Leftovers, as somone is bound to have not read the posts that were discussing it..
friday is the deadline? i always thought it was wednesday

Anyways i won't be able to do my battle till wednesday because i got my ds taken away from me:(. Im going to get it back tomorrow:)
friday is the deadline? i always thought it was wednesday Anyways i won't be able to do my battle till wednesday because i got my ds taken away from me:(. Im going to get it back tomorrow:)
Could've sworn I started every round on a Friday...
T.G.I.F. :P
I just eved my stuff and thought it was level I need to level everything up...and Im still waiting to catch one poke...
friday is the deadline? i always thought it was wednesday

Anyways i won't be able to do my battle till wednesday because i got my ds taken away from me:(. Im going to get it back tomorrow:)

We should be able to get this done tomorrow. And it's a free level fight capped at 50 right? Or have the rules changed?
We should be able to get this done tomorrow. And it's a free level fight capped at 50 right? Or have the rules changed?
Yeah that is correct :]

Concerning my battle, I was unable to be on last weekend and the timezones are really conflicting to do it on the weekdays. I'll try to get to him during Thanksgiving Break if i can :]
We should be able to get this done tomorrow. And it's a free level fight capped at 50 right? Or have the rules changed?

If the group concensus wants it, I can extend the round to the end of Sunday. However, Round 2 will be from the following Monday to Saturday, and Round 3 from that Sunday to the following Friday.
That sounds good to me, extending this round till Sunday. I've been pming Kalamari but he hasn't been on while I've been on (which is a lot). My team is already to go, but just so we are clear....

Are pokemon have to be at level 50. Right? That's why Dragonair can't get DD, and Hera can't get Megahorn.
I believe so ya. I just need to finish eving something, which is like a 5 minute process then Im ready to go..

I'll PM harro sometimewhen I see him on, after I get off work tomorrow. I have all of thursday and friday to do anything I want so I'll be on and off Smogon alot to check for you.
Vivi if you like after you finish eving we could test battle our teams, we aren't in the same bracket, so we'd only run into each other in the finals. That goes for anyone else in the opposite bracket of me who might want to battle.

If the group concensus wants it, I can extend the round to the end of Sunday. However, Round 2 will be from the following Monday to Saturday, and Round 3 from that Sunday to the following Friday.

This sounds pretty good. And are we supposed to PM you our teams? I have a collection of pokes and I'm not sure which 6 I wanna use in round 1. I wish there was a way to test teams, but only people signed up have safari teams. I wonder what I'm gonna do with all the pokes I trained for this once its all over.