How did you create your username?

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I wanted a name that made me seem that there was more than met the eye.

I tried Optimist Prime. Failed.

So I settled for !.
So, I had no idea what to put for my username, I was looking around the house for names of stuff when I come across a ruler with the "Panamax" on it. Panamax is a drug and my dad is a GP, so the drug companies give him stuff to prescribe their products, anyway.... It was the best I could find so I just stuck an "is" on the end and..

Voila, panamaxis.

No capital P because I'm too lazy to press the shift button every time I log in:P.
Well, when I signed up for Smogon.. what, two years ago? I needed a name, and what came to my mind was something along the lines of "HOMG WADUR+FYIER=COOLZORZZZ!!1" Then I decided I needed some letters and numbers (and an underscore, because underscores are pimp), and TEH COOLEREST LETTERS EVAR were X and Z and TEH COOLZOREST NUMBER was 18. Thus, Hydro_Flame XZ18 was born. :D

I'm now trying to get it changed to Mizuumi (BECAUSE HOMG JAPANESE IS TEH AWESOMEZXXZXZXZ18). Though I've gone through a lot of different usernames on a number of websites (a lot of them are picked on a whim only for me to realize later that they're terrible), so I don't know how long I'll be using Mizuumi either. It's actually my newest name, up until now I've been registering to sites as "Kyon-Kun" or "Evolutiation".

Not sure if I've posted this or not. So many people ask me how I came up with it.

Gary Oak + Mayhem(Black Metal band) = GaryMayhem

I'm not really sure how I created my user name =/

I guess I wanted something that sounded ancient and philosophical =D
Lol, I've had this username at every online thing I've done, besides email.

Poke-Pokemon; Wiz-Wizard; 708(used to be 7o8)- I have no idea..
Originally I was called I dnot haev dsylexia. But I found this to be childish and Perspex was the first thing I could come up with when thinking of a new name.
My two favorite Pokemon, Eevee and Skitty. Uncreative I know, but I made it up when I was new to the Internet and I'm somewhat half known for it so I kept it. Plus, I have a banner and everything for the particular name so...yeah.
Perspex, I thought I dnot haev dsylexia was childish also, but also made me lol everytime I saw it. Please make that your sig.
My favorite pokemon Riolu.
Riolu + Lucario = Riolucariolucario. I thought it was cool how they looped.
So Inserted my name (Luke) into that and got Rioluke.
Espeon... well it's kinda obvious. The purple cat thing based off a mythological Japanese demon that brings your dead relatives back to life to haunt you if you piss it off.
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