Zari's Odd Art

Awesome, I'm looking forward to it. ^.^

If it's possible, could you do a version of a Giratina/Palkia/Dialga battle from the games? That would sound amazing. o.o

Hmmm. I think I can create that. That will be my biggest project yet, but it most likely take a long time to complete. (good thing I have back up music stored!)

@Arcticblast my art so far has been pencil sketch->Ink it->scan it->color on the computer, but that may change when I get a tablet. However, that method takes loads of time to color it, since my art program has a weird fill tool.

EDIT: about the DP music, it will take longer than I thought because I need to learn the music on the piano first, before I can record it. I'm setting that request on the back burner for now. :(

EDIT2: Fuzznip's request is here!!: Mini Rock Extended
Posting to say that my music has collectively reached 100 listeners! Thanks for the support guys.
also, experimenting with a new pen, here are quick sketches of Larvitar:

and Sceptile:

will start coloring my art when I get the chance.
I have a bit of a music request.

Care to take a crack at Castlevania's legendary "Bloody Tears?"

That is bar none my favorite theme eve and to hear it remixed would tickle my ears with glee. ;0
I have a bit of a music request.

Care to take a crack at Castlevania's legendary "Bloody Tears?"

That is bar none my favorite theme eve and to hear it remixed would tickle my ears with glee. ;0

Guys, I can try, but if you can provide me with a link to what you want, that will help me loads. Thanks! These will take a while, since as of now i'm not using software, its just me on a piano, but i'll do my best.

EDIT: thanks cyber for that.
My bad, here's bloody tears in its first installment on the NES. (Might be easier to learn from this version)

Ok this will do. Thanks! I play castle too so I know some of this theme.
I'm hoping to have them done in a week~ish, but i can't make gurantees.
I am closing music requests for now while i work on these two. Sorry guys.

EDIT: with the requests, I'm putting this up as well: Space
EDIT2: KoA: DONE! will put it up (easy since I found bloody tears on my DoS cartridge, which has it in an easier key ^_^)
EDIT3: More quick sketches! gonna be long.



Nice to hear you finished. I will eagerly await the upload!

Do you learn songs by ear, or do you read sheet music? i don't know how to read music myself, so I learn entirely by ear. :(
Nice to hear you finished. I will eagerly await the upload!

Do you learn songs by ear, or do you read sheet music? i don't know how to read music myself, so I learn entirely by ear. :(
It is here: Bloody Tears, for a castlevania fan.

Actually, I do both. I perform in a band and learns things by ear. For this stuff I do here it's all by ear. Cyber's will take a little while because of that.
Putting up Game Over as well
Nice job. I will try to jot down my thoughts here.

The intro came off excellently. I like how you used the DoS version for inspiration. However, after the opening rift the background melody quickly becomes overpowering throughout the rest of the song.

However, it is still a nice job considering the timeframe you completed it in. I look forward to hearing more from you.

(also whenever you have time for requests again I'd love to hear someVampire Killer done in your style ;) )
I love your style of music, is like, different... It relaxes me and makes me want listen again, and again, and again...

I like your music, keep the good work =)

Also, those last 2 songs were pretty damn good ^^
Nice job. I will try to jot down my thoughts here.

The intro came off excellently. I like how you used the DoS version for inspiration. However, after the opening rift the background melody quickly becomes overpowering throughout the rest of the song.

However, it is still a nice job considering the timeframe you completed it in. I look forward to hearing more from you.

(also whenever you have time for requests again I'd love to hear someVampire Killer done in your style ;) )
Thanks for the comments! this is really helpful, but I'm not quite certain what you meant: by the background melody, you mean the long notes? or do you mean the main melody? Because I know how to change either one to make it better. Again, this kind of criticism is what I need!
Anyway, I'll pick away at cyber's piece for now.
(i'll keep that request in mind)

EDIT: UPLOADED SIX PIECES so i'll add another ^_^:
its the fourth dungeon, the Sky Temple
(god this will make me beat DoS all over again.....)
Yeah, I was referring to the long notes that support the main melody. In particular, right after the into riff ends and kicks it into the first part of the song. It seems to just overhang and it really detracts from the main song.

I think that keeping it long for the first part, (and where it repeats) and shortening it up for the main melodies would make it sound a lot better.
Yeah, I was referring to the long notes that support the main melody. In particular, right after the into riff ends and kicks it into the first part of the song. It seems to just overhang and it really detracts from the main song.

I think that keeping it long for the first part, (and where it repeats) and shortening it up for the main melodies would make it sound a lot better.
Ok good. All I have to do then is drop the base note in line. Will do this soon! Thanks for the clarification. will post more art shortly.
EDIT: Empoleon is here!

also, more quick sketches:




hmm ok more music for people who scroll all the way down:Echoes (yes there is a typo on box)

Man, that is the worst Umbreon I've ever seen.

Heh, I'm kidding of course. I love it. Were you... erm... thinking of anyone in particular when you drew it?

Also, the Dragonite and Jolteon are very good (but they can't be as good as Umbreon, sorry.)
Just a little constructive criticism on what I've heard in the music.

Every thing doesn't need to start on one (beat one) In mini rock, all the chords came in on one, and the main riffs all started on one. Try mixing it up. Throw in a riff starting on 2 to get some contrast. Also, don't end on one always either the beats are guides. You don't need to adhere to them.

Also, trying fooling around with dynamics too. Keep up the good work though. Composing is not easy.
Just a little constructive criticism on what I've heard in the music.

Every thing doesn't need to start on one (beat one) In mini rock, all the chords came in on one, and the main riffs all started on one. Try mixing it up. Throw in a riff starting on 2 to get some contrast. Also, don't end on one always either the beats are guides. You don't need to adhere to them.

Also, trying fooling around with dynamics too. Keep up the good work though. Composing is not easy.
This is good to know! Thanks for the suggestions; I'll probably be able to incorporate it in the next few pieces. As the OP says, I'm still new at this (though not to music), and its great to have this kind of support. Will post more soon I hope. Any coloring requests out there?
I agree with Fuzznip's sentiment.
I'd avatar it, but it's not really the right shape. Besides, then Elevator Music would have to take me off his cool kids list.
you sure?
I made this for you:

when i saw your other post it was already colored.