Elagune's Art V2

as far as the shedinja i think it could be easily worked into the story so the player is properly akin to its ability and ways to defeat it. like said player meets Jasper, has to do some mission (double battles or something) through some scary ghost ridden place. He uses shedinja and tells you some story about it and so on.

level 60s in the 8th gym, sounds like an epic pokemon journey! haha
Haha, hopefully I'll be able to finish off the entire thing. Oh well, it's just pictures, right? I can do that.

EDIT: Just to make sure this doesn't get lost in the first page.

Hmm, I guess I might change the Shedinja thing later if more people ask about it, but for now I'll just leave it be.

Thanks for all the comments! Hope you guys keep looking back for the Gym Leaders. Actually, now that I've gotten this far, I feel I might as well draw up most of the essential characters anyway. That means a Pokemon Professor, main characters and the rival, Elite 4, Champion, and maybe a criminal team or two...

Well, here are the main characters.


Teal is the male main character, Violet the female main character, and Orange the rival. I suppose if this was an actual game it'd be Teal Version and Violet Version. The reason I gave Teal a fez is because all of the main characters have had hats so far, and it's pretty clear with Lucas's beret they were running out of ideas. So the fez is fair game.
OMG those characters look so great! I'd love to be the Teal guy. I dunno if you noticed but, Violet looks a bit pale. Maybe too pale. But that's just IMO :/
For some odd reason, Violet looks very much like the girl in the OP. Same facial features a bit, but her hair is tied back or something.

The next one, and the first Gym Leader's twin brother. When I finished drawing him I realized he looked a lot like a businessman, and so made him the guy who gives out Poketchs. Part-time Devon Corporation agent, full-time Gym Leader.

Miscellaneous Info: He's got a Bonsly on his desk that he recieved from the fifth Gym Leader. It stays still most of the time, and he keeps it in a little pot.
Elagune, it's great to see you back. I really love this trainer project you have started, and using the CAP pokemon as the basis for it. Very creative stuff, and the art is top notch. I'm definitely subscribing to this thread to keep tabs on your updates. Fantastic thread!
Yeah, I just noticed that looking at Leif juxtaposed with Pyroak like that shows a drastic change in style for you.

Are you intending on switching over to this style permanently?
i really like your new style. i loved all your artwork for CAP3 and i also like your ideas for CAP8 too. i think i like your Leif gym leader the best out of all of them so far. do you take requests?
Well, then again, we don't know anything about Syclant's evolution line anyway. For some reason Syclant seems to me to be the type without an evolution line, which is why I put it this way. Revenankh as well.


Anyway, here's the second one.

If this makes it, alot of people will make a fuss about the exorcised reference.
I dont get the mass suiside thing. Could someone explain?

Because early-game the movepools are very limited, so if you battle a Shedinja, and you dont have a super-effective type, or in case of the little 10 year old kids, dont know about the ability or what hits it super-effective, it can get frustrating for them.

The suicide thing is scarcasm in reference to what i just pointed.
For some odd reason, Violet looks very much like the girl in the OP. Same facial features a bit, but her hair is tied back or something.

lol it's supposed to be the same girl

I'm agreeing that Shed should probably be removed, though Bohn6CFC had a cool idea. Also bear in mind that Nincada isn't supposed to evolve until level 20.

By the way, did you know about CAP version? Cyberzero's putting it together from a FireRed hack.
Wow, this stuff is addictive, I can't get enough of it.
The art is top notch and the design and concept is excellent, you also organized the Gym Leader sheets exceptionally well, they grab attention and hold it so well. I'm totally subscribing to this, I can't wait to see more.
You should consider having some gym leaders use prevos; for example, Fidgit has a very significant prevo that is the source of its Tailwind move. But then again, that is a bit more complex considering the prevos lack official namese.
Ooh boy. Been rather busy, and so I haven't had a chance to check this thread for a bit.

Haha, chances are I will be switching over to this style permanently. It's more like something that happened without me noticing it, rather than a conscious decision on my part to change. I don't even think I'd be able to make it back without feeling strange.

As for requests. I'm not adverse to doing them, but they won't really be my priority, so please don't complain if I'm slow at getting them out. Go ahead and post some requests, if you want.

As for the Shedinja thing, looks like I'll be removing it after all, with how many people seem to be worried about. I guess I'll add it into a rematch with Jasper, if there are Gym Leader rematches in this. I didn' t know about the CAP Version though, hmm. Wonder if they'll accept my trainers?

As for the prevo thing; yeah, it's kind of complicated. I don't even know what moves they should have, their abilities, and I don't think they have sprites anyhow. The name thing is probably the most important.
Personally think the Shedinja thing was a great idea, this is for the Smogon community after all correct? That would mean they should know how these Pokemon. There is always a flying type available before you reach even the first gym. Not to mention you usually have a rock type by the time you reach the second so it does not seem threatening to me, just a nice surprise. Also, for people pointing out the level, I would like to point out Falkner used a Pidgeotto in the first gym and I believe it was only level nine. Due to the above reasons, I think you should really consider keeping Shedinja in there to spice things up.

Another idea would be to just move the Ghost gym leader until later and up the levels, unless you are dead set on the order ? Revenankh feels like a Pokemon that would come later in the game (though the same could be said about Shedinja, of course).

Good job by the way, it looks really great. I also liked your CAP 8 design and hope you try and grab more support for it.
You should consider having some gym leaders use prevos; for example, Fidgit has a very significant prevo that is the source of its Tailwind move. But then again, that is a bit more complex considering the prevos lack official namese.
  • Syclar
  • N/A
  • Embirch / Flarelm
  • Breezi
  • Rebble / Bolderdash
  • Arghon (being voted on)
  • Bonkit (being voted on)
That's what they are in the CAP game, so I'm assuming we're following their lead.

Nice bad guys.
Elagune, it's great to see you back. I really love this trainer project you have started, and using the CAP pokemon as the basis for it. Very creative stuff, and the art is top notch. I'm definitely subscribing to this thread to keep tabs on your updates. Fantastic thread!

Doug could have not said it better. I love all the designs, and wish you luck with your thread!
Thanks, guys. I'll look into those prevos for the future Gym Leaders, I guess. They seem interesting enough. Oh, and can somebody give me a link to the CAP game project? I've looked around, but I can't seem to find it.


Anyway, here's Team Lux's Boss, Lumiere. After the first female champion in D/P, I wanted to see if a female boss would work. I wanted her to be a more sympathetic character as well.
Lumiere is awesome. Finally a character with some depth.
Team Lux also looks smexy. Maybe they would actually strike fear into some hearts. If you put this to an actual game, please, please, please, don't make the evil team chumps that use 3 interchangable Pokemon the entire game :P