CAP 8 CAP 8 Stat Spread Submissions / Discussion

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I already posted some reasons against this exact reasoning of choosing special over physical in the ability discussion thread so I'll simply quote it and just to clarify the sub-punching part is a basis for my Iron Fist support. I can sort of see the merits of your argument that there are a lot of physical attackers in the current metagame, but theres a reason for that; physical has a lot of strong options.

So, you see we don't really need the special stat to support the dragon typing and as you said you support it for the electric. Which as I've tried to say is going to be the most easily blocked of our STAB attacks and the one opponents will be hoping we use. So why limit ourselves for a move with 30 more power (due to STAB calculation) when most things we'll hit for SE won't be staying in (Gyarados for example) and will be switching to a ground type, giving them a free switch and the upper hand since we ourselves may have to switch from there. Also, for those that do stay in, a STAB+SE Thunder Punch can still lay on the hurt regardless.

I keep saying Draco Meter, but I meant Dragon Pulse.
As far as moves I've been thinking T-bolt,& Dragon Pulse.

Electric is resisted by three types (one being dragon who may try to switch in on these and outspeed for STAB+SE) and utterly nullified by ground which is going to be a commonly seen counter for this poke.

Which is why I'm pulling for it to be a Physical Defender and Special Attacker, as opposed to the reverse.

Since this CAP is supposed to be Slightly Defensive, I think it would be better to have higher defenses that attack, but still give it the option of going either way.

And to re-enforce my point, Why do we need yet another physical Attacker in a metagame that's already physically focused? Adding a new special attacker brings diversity to the game.
Not to mention that most of the current physical pokemon don't have a spectacular special defense, meaning that a good special attacker can take them out. If this pokemon can take physical hits, and Use the Special Attack stat well, then this pokemon can do it's job well.

(if you switch it's physical and special defense stats, your set if fine with me. Why make it easy for it to be taken out with Earthquake when almost every pokemon is carrying the move? That defeats the purpose of it having defense capabilities.

I'm thinking paralysis here, and I still think Speed is important. The only way to paralyze the opponent is through moves or the ability Static. Now, Static isn't exactly the most reliable thing to depend on when going for paralysis. It's 30% Para rate works for only contact moves, and chances are that moves like Ice Beam will hit this pokemon the most. EQ doesn't even trigger Static.

In terms of paralyzing, you could paralyze more effectively with higher speed than lower speed. You strike first and paralyze the opponent. There is no benefit to going last for this even when you are trying to paralyze something.

If you mean that going first after the paralysis is beneficial, you could practically say that with any pokemon. With that reasoning, why not give salamence 140 attack and 50 speed? It could definitely rape under paralysis.

Speed as I've also mentioned can set up support fast such as screens if we ever do give this pokemon screens. Speed works for defense, and I don't think you are seeing that. Most people associate speed with power, but it can also mean crippling your opponent faster. Take Fidgit for example. Being fast is very beneficial and is usually maxed out when using it. Even speed there is important.

There is no downside to having high speed for CaP 8. 80/100/110 defenses are fine enough especially with a satk of 90 and good enough stab types.
Plus, you're my kinda guy. 81 HP/70 Atk/100 Def/90 Satk/110 SpD/110 Spe is cool with me if you lose a few defense points and raise the HP.
HP> either defense stat.

Here's the first draft of my submission, to definitely be changed when I get feedback, and polls are completed.

100 HP/60 Atk/110 Def/90 SP.Atk/100 SP. Def/70 Speed

Physical Sweepiness: 80: Rank -2: Moderately Bad
Physical Tankiness: 157: Rank 4: Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 111: Rank 1: Above Average
Special Tankiness: 145: Rank 4: Very Good
O/D Bias: -19.1: Moderate Bias to Defense
P/S Bias: -13.8: Moderate Bias to Special
Rating: 345: Very Good
BST: 530

Raise it's Speed, and I'm fine. Maybe switch Defense and Speed?

Here's my current spread for those who don't feel like going through the thread
I wasn't sure which thread to post this in, so I decided to go with this one.

For those of you in favour of the Contact move abilities:

I understand that many of you like the chance of Hax, as well as the mind games you're playing with your opponent. If our CAP has an equal defensive spread, it will mean further mind games as the opponent will not know if you're running Physical defence or Special defence initially. Sure, a higher Sp.Def means that the opponent is inclined to attack physically, allowing for more abuse of said ability, but I personally find the fact that the opponent doesn't know what to do at first to be in my favour. It might even force the occasional switch, allowing for setup.
So here's my stat spread. It's very unique in that it mixes speed with defense. The only other pokemon that comes to mind with good defensive stats that is very fast is Lugia, who is limited to uber play and crippled somewhat by stealth rock (although he does get roost).

At any rate, I was intrigued by the idea of this kind of spread, and I feel like this kind of uncharted territory is perfect for CAP.


Physical Sweepiness: 110 Above Average
Physical Tankiness: 131 Moderately Good
Special Sweepiness: 125 Moderately Good
Special Tankiness: 154 Very Good
Offense/Defense Balance: -11.4 Moderate Bias to Defense
Physical/Special Balance: -16.1 Moderate Bias to Special
Overall Rating: 382 Very Good
BST: 565

This spread fits in with the current polls on build bias (somewhat defensive and somewhat special).

Neither offensive stat is very high. However, because the speed is very high, this guy could threaten frail sweepers with his Draco Meteor, while not being able to break walls. The defenses (90/95/115) along with his typing should make him pretty bulky, while not making him an all-out wall. The combination of speed and bulk should make him ideal for support, too. The base stat total is a little high, but if you look at how the stats are laid out I really doubt this thing would be broken. I didn't do any of the BST shaving tricks that many spreads here do (making the unused attack score absurdly low, focusing defense on HP), so take that all into account when looking at the BST.

I know this is an unusual spread, so please give feedback. Thanks.
110 HP / 70 Atk / 92 Def / 92 SpA / 101 SpD / 75 Spe / 540 total

Physical Sweepiness: 93 (Average)
Physical Tankiness: 143 (Good)
Special Sweepiness: 118 (Above Average)
Special Tankiness: 155 (Very Good)

O/D Balance: -14.1 (Moderate bias to defense)
P/S Balance: -17.3 (Moderate bias to Special)

Overall Rating: 373 (Very Good)

Recently changed my spread to reflect the inevitable outcome of the build bias poll. Also dropped the BST a bit and lowered the BSR. 540 seems like a good BST, and BSR below 400 also seems apprpriate. Should the offensive stats be higher?

Anyways, for more details, including damage calcs, view the original post. It's on the first page.
Quite Good:


  • Physical Sweepiness - 80 - Moderately Bad
  • Physical Tankiness - 145 - Very Good​
  • Special Sweepiness - 111 - Above Average
  • Special Tankiness - 139 - Good
  • Offense/Defense Balance - -14.6 - Slight Bias to defense​
  • Physical/Special Balance - -15.9 - Moderate Bis to special
  • Overall Rating - 297 - Quite Good
HP - 100 is generally a very good HP number, great for subs, lefties, LO, SR, etc.

Attack - 60 is rather below average, but some pokemon are able to use stat ups to boost stats as low as that, and I'm fine with CAP8 doing that, especially with its lower speed (so long as it doesnt get DD + Outrage haha). Basically here to show that yea, it CAN do stuff with this attack, but you have better stuff to do here.

Defense - 100, again, is a rather good defense stat. We have all seen how Celebi and Jirachi can take neutral physical hits, and you can expect to see the same from this guy with my stat spread.

SpAtk - The "worthwhile" attack stat here, but with "quite good" limit on this stat spread, there isn't much to work with. 90 in itself is not half bad, especially with great neutral STAB coverage. Not exactly wall breaking, but this is definately workable.

SpDef - 95 is a good stat, just under the likes of Celebi and Jirachi. Also, Drag/Elec resists a TON of common special attacks, so the stat here is not too big of a loss with it being lower than 100.

Speed - 70 beats Tyranitar and Scizor, and ties with skarm, who usually does run speed EVs anyways. It also beats that odd no speed Metagross, though earthquake is something you don't want to switch into. What is more significant is what it loses too: the dragons. I wanted to make sure that the dragons could serve as a potential check to CAP8, while having a hard time switching in. Latias may be the only reliable one, but if it were to switch-in on an especially bulky ResTalk Outrage set (No DD or BU Mind you D:), it would have a harder time. Otherwise, all the dragons can have fun with CAP8.

Very Good (The fun one):


Physical Sweepiness - 93 - Average
Physical Tankiness - 151 - Very Good
Special Sweepiness - 127 - Moderately Good
Special Tankiness - 151 - Very Good
Offense/Defense Balance - -9.4 - Slight Bias to defense
Physical/Special Balance - -17.1 - Moderate Bis to special
Overall Rating - 413 - Very Good

Hp - 100 is... wait I did this already. See above ;P

Attack - This spread has room for some extra strength, while still being relatively low. 70 means mixed sets are viable (i.e. like swampert).

Defense/SpDef - 105 stats means bulkier than Celebi, and with great resistances, you know it can be a team player (will run calcs soon enough).

SpAtk - 100 means it can actually DO something other than set around and take hits, while shooting around average ones. It can actually Tank quite a bit now, but its noteworthy that it is lower than Salamence's and latias', so if you can handle those at the moment this guy should be a piece of cake still.

Speed - Now you outspeed Skarm with no EVs, and metagross quite a few, and you more easily outspeed Jollytar or SD scizor. Nothing else of note here.

Currently a WIP, open to suggestions.
OK guys, here's v2:

100 HP/60 Atk/110 Def/90 SP. Atk/100 SP. Def/85 Speed

Physical Sweepiness: 86: Rank -1: Below Average
Physical Tankiness: 157: Rank 4: Very Good
Special Sweepiness: 122: Rank 2: Moderately Good
Special Tankiness: 145: Rank 4: Very Good
O/D -13.9 (Moderately Defensive)
P/S -15.1 (Moderately Special)
Rating: 384: Very Good
BST: 555

Damage Calcs
Max Atk. Tyranitar's Earthquake vs. Max/Max CAP8: 252-296 (62%-73%)
SpecsTran's Earth Power vs. Max/Max CAP8: 174-204 (43%-50%)
CBMamo's Earthquake vs. Max/Max CAP8: 271-319 (67%-78%)
Max Atk. Deoxys-A's Extremespeed vs. Max/Max CAP8: 89-105 (22%-26%)
Max SP. Atk CAP8's Draco Meteor vs. Min/Min Salamence: 328-386 (109%-129%)
Max Atk +2 Scizor's Superpower vs. Max/Max CAP8: 214-252 (52%-62%)
Max Atk +2 Rhyperior's EQ vs. Max/Max CAP8: 377-444 (93%-110%)
New [Very Good] Variant:

Very Good gives enough statistical playaround to do what the original Quite Good Spread was trying to do. See if you can spot some similarities to previously existing pokemon:

108/60/118/112/70/80 BST: 548

PSweep: 83, Rank -2: Moderately Bad
PTank: 175, Rank 6; Amazing
PSweep: 144, Rank 4: Very Good
PTank: 113, Rank 1: Above Average
ODB: -10.7, Moderate Bias to Defense
PSB: -6.2 Slight Bias to Special.
BSR: 417 (Very Good)


Hippowdon Defense:
108/118 is the same as Hippowdon's, although unlike the Hippo it is often more advantageous to run a +SA nature to score some crucial KOs. 70 is also similar to Hippowdon's 72, except Electric/Dragon fares far better against most special attacks than Pure Ground did. Combined with the standard Electric support option Light Screen and you have a beast to take down.

Great SA: A suitable offensive stat to strike opponents with. Makes great use of special STABs.

inTimidating Speed:
With maximum speed and a +Nature, you can outspeed any neutral natured Base 90 pokemon. Without EVs you sit at a comfortable 196. Add 8 EVs and Agility allows you to outspeed any pokemon with Base 130 or less.

For Defensive Calculations basically assume Hippowdon and apply weakness/resistance, the differences are negligible. I will have Offensive calculations out shortly.
Erm, just a suggertion, but i think we should make this cap into something that can make 404 hp subs without any, or minimal hp investemeny. That would allow it to focus more on the attacking stats while retaining bulk.
Erm, just a suggertion, but i think we should make this cap into something that can make 404 hp subs without any, or minimal hp investemeny. That would allow it to focus more on the attacking stats while retaining bulk.

130 base HP requires only 12 HP EVs to reach 404. To compare that to other OUs, Cresselia has 120 base, Vaporeon has 130 base, and Snorlax has 160 base.
Finally, a response...

Admiral_Stalfos19 (if you switch it's physical and special defense stats, your set if fine with me. Why make it easy for it to be taken out with Earthquake when almost every pokemon is carrying the move? That defeats the purpose of it having defense capabilities.

The reason why I had the physical defense as low as it was is because I wanted Dugtrio to be a check, and at the time I forgot that Duggys usually at least carry Life Orbs anyway. I'm working on a new spread now.
109 HP/90 ATK/85 DEF/85 SpA/110 SpD/71 SPE

BST: 550
ODB: -19.6 (moderate bias to defense)
PSB: -9.2 (slight bias to Special)
BSR: 405 (Very Good)

Physical Sweepiness: 116 [Rank 1 (Above Average)]
Physical Tankiness: 133 [Rank 3 (Good)]
Special Sweepiness: 110 [Rank 1 (Above Average)]
Special Tankiness: 165 [Rank 5 (Extremely Good)]

Offensive CAP8:
252 ATK/252 HP/4 SPE

Defensive CAP8:
252 HP/40 DEF/216 SpD

Damage Calculations:

V. Max SpA+1 Modest Latias Dragon Pulse: 302-355 damage (2HKO)
V. Max SpA Modest Adaptibility Specs Porygon-Z Tri Attack: 257-302 damage (3HKO-2HKO)
V. Max SpA Modest Specs Gengar Shadow Ball: 151-178 damage (3HKO)


Offensive Volt Tackle:

V. Max HP/DEF Skarmory: 194-228 damage (2HKO)
V. Max HP/DEF Suicune: 223-262 damage (2HKO)
V. Max HP/DEF Dusknoir: 100-117 damage (3HKO)

Offensive Outrage:
V. Max HP/DEF Latias: 262-308 damage (2HKO)
V. Max HP/DEF Celebi: 122-144 damage (4HKO-3HKO)

Intentionally using the "worst case scenario" builds to demonstrate what this thing does.
It's my turn now. I wanted to make it defensive while still allowing it to abuse those two amazing stabs, similarily like swampert and rotom-a.

95 HP/ 70 ATK/ 100 DEF/ 95 SpA/ 105 SpD/ 90 SPE

  • Physical Sweepiness - Rank 0: Average
  • Physical Tankiness - Rank 3: Good​
  • Special Sweepiness - Rank 3: Good
  • Special Tankiness - Rank 4: Very Good
  • Offense/Defense Balance - -5.3: Slight Bias to Defense
  • Physical/Special Balance - -17.8: Moderate Bias to Special
  • Overall Rating -395 Very Good​
  • 555(a little high but the stats are balanced out)
95 HP: Achieving a max of 394, it allows our CAP to utilize hp to help stall while also keeping it bulky for offense.

70 ATK:
Not all dragons can utilize Outrage can they. I basically kept this low so absolutely no complaints about too high of an atk for Outrages power. It is still useful though.

100 DEF:
with a max of 328, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 236, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

95 SpA:
It'd be a shame if it didn't have a good special attack. Electric and Dragon are both one of the best attacking types in the game. It can utilize Thunderbolt and dragon pulse, while also being able to use Draco Meteor well(although without the destructive power like specsmence). 317(modest, 289 timid or other nature)Sp atk is nothing to scoff at, and 226(w/o any evs) is still pretty good to rack up some damage.

105 SpD:
with a max of 339, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 246, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

90 SPE:
fast but not too fast at 309(timid) it outspeeds neutral natured base 100's while hitting 279 for all the other base 90's out there.

There you have it. btw, I was thinking about cartoons! drawing when I did this. I expect critisism ;)
Come on. I don't really know what I can do to make this any better. Maybe we should just make it a top dragon and give it 600 bst like the rest of them(Salamence, lati@s, Dragonite). NEED feedback guys!!!
Well seeing as how my last set was nullified by the PSB poll I now need a new set. At first I was just going to swap special and physical attack. But I felt that was boring.


So instead I decided to go with a solid defensive build. Seeing as how a lot of electric types pick up light screen and reflect, well it could be a pain to take down. Particularly if we can get it roost/recover.

Base Stat Total = 550

Let us look at it defensively.
Hit Points/132 - This thing has 405 base HP(if I counted right) which both adds bulk and gives it 'free' access to 101 Subs. As a bonus with a bit of playing I found out it is very economical as well for the defenses(this combination used the same or less number of stat points for the same Tankiness(for example if the Hippo were to try and match my physical/special it would spend 18 total more stat points)).

P. Defense/101 - This combined with the HP really lets it tank. It is just a small bit less physically tankish than the Hippo. It takes 800'ish attack to have a chance to ohko with a non-stabbed earthquake on a no HP EV build. A stabbed Earthquake still needs a minimum of 530 attack behind to have a chance to score a ohko. Basically it will likely never be 1 hitted by an earthquake. However, you still will not want to sit in on repeated STAB'ed EQ's most of the time. And this isn't even taking into account Reflect(if it gets it).

S. Defense/73 - This when combined with resists gives it excellent Special tanking abilities. With Light Screen in place you may even survive Choice Spec'ed Max SpA Salamence's Draco Meteor!

Speed/104 -It just misses the 105 tier. However, there really isn't much in the 105 tier that I see this thing really needing to outrun(though I suppose outrunning fidget could be handy). From the defensive stand point this allows it to screen/reflect before a good number of pokes that threaten it(Weavile/Latias, However, it isn't doing much to Latias regardless and if Weavile is carrying shard instead of punch it will lose(if I recall right).

On the Offensive end we have suck.
P. Attack/60 - I suppose we could have a subpunch(with recover/Roost/Slack-off and Special attack of choice) set to down blissey. It could also possibly work with Dragon Dance(it is bulky enough to take a hit or two afterall).

S. Attack/80 - Not really much, but it is workable(particularly if we get a set up move like Nasty Plot or Calm Mind). It gives it enough power to 2hko Salamence/Flygon with ease(and Salamence/Flygon can generally only manage the same to Cap8, but Cap8 is faster). It ain't touchy Latias or Blissey with this stat. However, utilizing Physical attacks it could break through(Subpunch for Blissey and Outrage on Latias, though in Latias's case you still won't win(both of you can 2hko each other, but Latias is generally faster, unless you T-Wave on the switch :D)).

Speed/104 - As has been addressed before Speed is great for both Defense and offense.

Unless this is well liked, or I get ultra busy, I'll probably switch it around at some point.
My stat spread:

I'll elaborate on this later, way to tired, so think it over and give whatever feedback is necessary. Thanks. My only fear in this is creating a weaker form of Latias.
New [Very Good] Variant:

108/60/118/112/70/80 BST: 548

I must say, I love this one much more than your last one. If mine gets nowhere I have a feeling this may be one I will support. Spatk is sorta scary given its bulk, but that is dependant on movepool.

gooey, odds are this thing will NOT be excellent, so consider tuning down some of the stats. I recommend HP, simply because a nice even number like 100 or 110 will significantly drop the overrall rating compared to what you have now, while still keeping good defenses.

Physical Sweepiness: 110 Above Average
Physical Tankiness: 131 Moderately Good
Special Sweepiness: 125 Moderately Good
Special Tankiness: 154 Very Good
Offense/Defense Balance: -11.4 Moderate Bias to Defense
Physical/Special Balance: -16.1 Moderate Bias to Special
Overall Rating: 382 Very Good
BST: 565
I am definitely in favor of something like this. Good special defense, decent physical defense, I don't think it has to be so fast but whatever I still like it alot
Admiral_Stalfos19's Base Stat Spread v2.0


Base Stat Total: 555



These stats are left unchanged, and for a good reason. As you can see, this gives CAP8 a 'Very Good' score in Special Tankiness, which is good as it allows CAP8 to take hits from both sides of the spectrum. The 95Spe is also unchanged to prove that fast =/= not bulky. I mean look at Gliscor; it has 95Spe and it doesn't have any problems tanking.


This is the stat that I didn't want to downgrade, but had no choice because of problems with staying under Excellence. But let me assure you, 84Atk IS usable. Hell, Duggy makes do with only 80Atk, albeit he also has a more powerful STAB move (Earthquake has 100BP), while this guy to make do with Thunder Bolt (95BP) and Dragon Pulse (90BP). Draco Meteor is also an option, as it has 140BP.


112Def is the absolute MAXIMUM defense I can give it with the amount of HP it has while still allowing Duggy to 2HKO it with EQ, not 75Def that I had in my last spread, 'cause at the time I made that spread, I forgot that Duggies usually come equipped with Life Orbs or Choice Bands. As I said at the time, I want him to be a check, and all Pokes make better checks when they're able to at least 2HKO their enemies or wall them to death (since Dugtrio's a revenge killer, he has to suffice on the former). On the plus side, this does allow CAP8 (with 252HP and 252Def EVs) to survive a DDDos's Earthquake before putting it out of its misery via an item boosted TBolt.


I put the rest of the base stats into Atk, making this number 56. This is just to keep the biases in check, make sure this spread doesn't venture into Excellence territory and to keep the base stat total at 555, what I like to call the 'pseudo-limit' that no-one bar Deck Knight has gone above lately, 'cause there's no true limit in which CAP can make a base stat total.

Calculations of Defense

These calculations assume that CAP8 has 252 EVs to HP, 252 EV to Def and a +Def nature and all Pokemon listed have 252 EVs to Atk and a +Atk nature, but with no items to boost attack power, or if a Pokemon in question is using a special attack (which I'll indicate with a *), that CAP8 has 252 EVs to HP, 252 EV to SDf and a +SDf nature and that Pokemon has 252 EVs to SAt and a +SAt nature, but with no items to boost attack power

Rhyperior's Earthquake: 60.48%-71.43%
Rhyperior's Avalanche: 48.57%-57.14%
Salamence's Outrage: 70.00%-82.86%
Salamence's Dragon Claw: 47.14%-55.71%
Salamence's Draco Meteor:* 79.05%-93.33%
Salamence's Dragon Pulse:* 51.43%-60.48%
Salamence's Earthquake: 39.05%-46.19%
Metagross's Earthquake: 39.05%-46.19%
Metagross's Ice Punch: 29.52%-34.76%
Blissey's Ice Beam:* 28.10%-33.33%
Jolteon's HP Ice:* 26.67%-31.43%
Gliscor's Earthquake: 46.19%-54.76%
Gliscor's Ice Fang: 20.00%-23.81%
Dugtrio's Earthquake: 41.43%-49.05%
Magnezone's HP Ice:* 30.00%-35.17%
Kingdra's Outrage: 55.71%-65.71%
Kingdra's Draco Meteor:* 71.90%-84.76%
Kingdra's Dragon Pulse:* 46.19%-54.76%
Kingdra's Ice Beam:* 32.38%-38.57%
Snorlax's Earthquake: 33.81%-40.00%

Calculations of Physical Offense

These calculations assume that CAP8 knows the moves Thunder Punch, Outrage, Brick Break and Aqua Tail. They also assume that CAP8 has 252 EVs to Atk and a +Atk nature and all Pokemon listed have 252 EVs to HP, 252 EV to Def and a +Def nature


Thunder Punch: 0.00%-0.00%
Outrage: 17.51%-20.97%
Brick Break: 11.29%-13.36%
Aqua Tail: 26.96%-31.80%


Thunder Punch: 17.01%-20.05%
Outrage: 53.81%-63.96%
Brick Break: 5.58%-6.60%
Aqua Tail: 6.60%-7.87%


Thunder Punch: 13.46%-15.93%
Outrage: 10.44%-12.36%
Brick Break: 13.46%-15.93%
Aqua Tail: 15.93%-18.96%


Thunder Punch: 20.17%-23.95%
Outrage: 32.07%-37.96%
Brick Break: 26.89%-31.93%
Aqua Tail: 16.11%-19.05%


Thunder Punch: 0.00%-0.00%
Outrage: 37.72%-44.31%
Brick Break: 15.57%-18.56%
Aqua Tail: 18.86%-22.46%


Thunder Punch: 0.00%-0.00%
Outrage: 22.32%-26.55%
Brick Break: 4.80%-5.65%
Aqua Tail: 22.03%-26.55%


Thunder Punch: 0.00%-0.00%
Outrage: 50.36%-59.49%
Brick Break: 21.17%-25.18%
Aqua Tail: 50.36%-59.85%


Thunder Punch: 7.56%-9.01%
Outrage: 12.21%-14.24%
Brick Break: 20.35%-24.42%
Aqua Tail: 12.21%-14.53%


Thunder Punch: 16.95%-20.34%
Outrage: 53.11%-63.28%
Brick Break: 11.30%-13.56%
Aqua Tail: 3.39%-3.95%


Thunder Punch: 14.50%-17.18%
Outrage: 22.90%-27.10%
Brick Break: 19.47%-22.90%
Aqua Tail: 11.45%-13.55%

Calculations of Special Offense

These calculations assume that CAP8 knows the moves Thunder Bolt, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower and Energy Ball. They also assume that CAP8 has 252 EVs to SAt and a +SAt nature and all Pokemon listed have 252 EVs to HP, 252 EV to SDf and a +SDf nature


Thunder Bolt: 0.00%-0.00%
Draco Meteor: 44.24%-52.07%
Flamethrower: 9.91%-11.75%
Energy Ball: 50.46%-60.14%


Thunder Bolt: 26.65%-31.47%
Draco Meteor: 78.17%-92.89%
Flamethrower: 8.88%-10.41%
Energy Ball: 3.55%-4.31%


Thunder Bolt: 26.65%-31.59%
Draco Meteor: 19.78%-23.08%
Flamethrower: 35.71%-42.31%
Energy Ball: 7.42%-8.79%


Thunder Bolt: 10.50%-12.32%
Draco Meteor: 15.27-18.07%
Flamethrower: 7.00%-8.26%
Energy Ball: 5.88%-7.00%


Thunder Bolt: 0.00%-0.00%
Draco Meteor: 41.32%-48.80%
Flamethrower: 18.86%-22.46%
Energy Ball: 15.87%-18.86%


Thunder Bolt: 0.00%-0.00%
Draco Meteor: 45.20%-53.67%
Flamethrower: 20.62%-24.58%
Energy Ball: 17.51%-20.62%


Thunder Bolt: 0.00%-0.00%
Draco Meteor: 61.31%-72.26%
Flamethrower: 27.74%-32.85%
Energy Ball: 46.72%-55.47%


Thunder Bolt: 13.95%-16.57%
Draco Meteor: 20.93%-24.42%
Flamethrower: 37.79%-44.77%
Energy Ball: 7.85%-9.30%


Thunder Bolt: 26.55%-31.64%
Draco Meteor: 77.97%-92.09%
Flamethrower: 4.24%-5.08%
Energy Ball: 14.97%-17.80%


Thunder Bolt: 16.62%-19.47%
Draco Meteor: 24.05%-28.24%
Flamethrower: 10.88%-12.98%
Energy Ball: 9.16%-10.88%

Like I said in my last stat spread, any comments/critiques are welcome as long as they're constructive. I'll be waiting for them...
Just posting this for kicks while it's still legal:

A most [Fantastic] spread:

132/70/108/115/70/105 BST: 600

PSweep: 108, Rank 0: Average
PTank: 184, Rank 6: Amazing
SSweep: 179, Rank 6: Amazing
STank: 128, Rank 2: Moderately Good
ODB: -1.5 No Bias, (leans Defensive)
PSB: -7.8, Slight Bias to special
BSR: 780 (Fantastic)


Auto 101HP Subs: No EVs necessary, 405 HP minimum.

Eat this SpecsMence:
More Speed and SA than Salamence for great justice.

Fat as a Hippowdon:
Only a little bit moreso.
I don't see the purpose of the 115 speed there for scoopapa, and 90/95 isnt exactly something to boast about; for something defense it is average at best against physical attacks it doesnt resist, of which the most common is 100 base and se. Maybe if the defences were switched, it might be good, just because elec/drag resists so many common sp. attacks. The speed is just ridiculous for me and blows any chance of me supporting it out the window =/
This obviously wouldn't get any support but I figure, lets see some people wonder what the *bleep* was going through my head(or wondering how long I have been without sleep, either or works).

Base Stat Total = 600
Base Stat Rating = 402 Very Good

There is our 600 BST Somewhat Defensive Special Oriented Dragon! Dropping the speed to 140 has surprisingly little impact on it(other than putting it at 555 BST... it goes from 402 to 397, I suppose that means speed is NOT important after all :D).

So what is the joking explanation?
HP/132 - For bulk and 101 subs
Atk/35 - Something had to give.
Def/101 - For bulk and physical switch ins
S.Def/45 - Something else also had to give. However it still scores an average special tanking ability. Combine this with resists and it ain't too shabby.
Spe/185 - Why are you looking at me like that?! This is OBVIOUSLY to make it so that you need around 344 speed PLUS a scarf to outrun it! Nothing will beat your Thunderwave(wait.. why are we paralysing people again?) or screens! Though I suppose you could also just sit at your minimum speed of 406... and focus on defenses instead.

On a somewhat serious note, how fast is too fast for most of ya? I have had a bit of a headache trying to decide on that bit. What I do know is that beating the plethora of 100 base speeds could be handy on more than one occasion.


Defense Calculation:

Physical (PV: 252, Def: 252):

Adamant CB Scizor
Bullet Punch: 14.85%-17.57%
U-Turn: 34.90%-41.09%
X-Scissor: 39.60%-47.03%
Superpower: 39.60%-46.78%
Pursuit (No Switch): 19.80%-23.51%
Pursuit (Switch): 26.49%-31.44%

Adamant CB Metagross
Meteor Mash: 25.25%-29.95%
Bullet Punch: 10.40%-12.13%
Earthquake: 67.82%-80.20%
Zen Headbutt: 40.84%-48.27%
Thunder Punch: 6.19%-7.43%
Ice Punch: 50.99%-60.40%
Pursuit (No Switch): 13.86%-16.34%
Pursuit (Switch): 27.23%-32.18%

Adamant CB Tyranitar

Stone Edge:50.74%-60.15%
Earthquake: 67.82%-80.20%
Fire Punch: 12.62%-15.10%
Crunch: 40.84%-48.27%
Pursuit (No Switch): 20.79%-24.50%
Pursuit (Switch): 40.84%-48.27

Adamant LO Salamence
Dragon Claw: 71.29%-83.66%
Earthquake: 58.91%-69.80%
Stone Edge: 29.46%-34.90%
Brick Break: 22.28%-26.24%

Adamant LO Salamence (1 Dragon Dance)
Dragon Claw: 105.94%-125.25%
Earthquake: 88.12%-103.96%
Stone Edge: 44.06%-51.98%
Brick Break: 33.17%%-39.11%
I'm currently drawn to the spreads that still offer a workable Attack stat to work with, such as Low-Phone, petrie, and Afti's.

I don't believe CAP has attempted a Pokemon with mixed offensive capabilities since Syclant (which admittedly didn't work out). Because Dragon offers raw neutrality across the board, the ability to go mixed with the tools available to him seem especially appealing.
OKAY. I'm doing this for the lulz and to be serious at the same time.

110 HP/ 80 ATK/ 105 DEF/ 110 SpA/ 105 SpD/ 90 SPE

  • Physical Sweepiness - Rank 1: Above Average
  • Physical Tankiness - Rank 5: Extremely Good​
  • Special Sweepiness - Rank 4: Very Good
  • Special Tankiness - Rank 5: Extremely Good
  • Offense/Defense Balance - -2.2: No Bias
  • Physical/Special Balance - -16.7: Moderate Bias to Special
  • Overall Rating -660 fantastic​
  • 600(Definitely a top tier dragon I say!! )
110 HP: Achieving a max of 424, it allows our CAP to utilize hp to help stall while also keeping it bulky for offense. Hp is alot. And tbh a base 132 hp just to get 404 with out hp investment is kinda pushing it...

80 ATK:
Gotta love mixed. Outrage ftw.

105 DEF:
with a max of 339, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 236, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

110 SpA:
you got to have a high spatk to abuse those amazing STABs. Dragon pulses and Draco Meteor's rival the power of specsmence >:)
350 is powerful.

105 SpD:
with a max of 339, it can wall stuff like no other Cap. without any evs it still hits 246, allowing it to set up with ease(assuming it gets dragon dance nasty plot, a special version of DD, etc...).

90 SPE:
fast but not too fast at 309(timid) it outspeeds neutral natured base 100's while hitting 279 for all the other base 90's out there.

BST 600 version. Everybody should seriously consider bumping up there spreads to 600 just to rival the other dragons.
BST 600 version. Everybody should seriously consider bumping up there spreads to 600 just to rival the other dragons.

Usually, we set the limit at 555 (Flygon's is only 520) and it's highly unlikely that people will want to vote for a BST 600 spread. I highly recommend reducing it.
Ok, I updated my spread to account for responses. Speed has been dropped to 100, which is still pretty high. I allocated those 15 points elsewhere, 5 to attack to make it less unusable, and 10 to defense, because although the polls clearly show the build bias should be special, some people thought the defense was too low.

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