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What's the nature?
Why not clone it and just use both?

Edit: If I have an egg that will hatch as a shiny on my Pearl game, it won't hatch as a shiny on my Platinum, right?
I just figure I'll hatch all my breeds shiny so I have the option of either.
Sorry I forgot has a Naughty nature.

I want to clone it but It's in my Platinum cart so I can't wifi clone it...and I don't have an AR...

And I don't remember where this was said, but you're right about shiny eggs not being shiny when traded over to other game carts.

Isn't there a faster way to grow/obtain berries than mulch and waiting like a moron for 2 days for the thing to grow?!?!?!

Can't you reset your DS clock or SOMETHING?!?!?

It seems it would almost be faster to GTS clone the ones you already have or keep going back to the people that give them for free and Reseting your DS clock over and over again until you get the 1 you want...

My situation is that I have 4 Qualot berries and I must have a 4th. I know where 2 sprouts are, but they are just sprouts and I WILL NOT wait however many hours for them to grow. Is there any faster way?


I had 5 more in my Pearl cartridge...

But still is there a faster way? There's got to be.
should i get pokemon platinum?
wat are the benefits of spending the extra $80 as i already have diamond and im happy to stay with that

in upcoming tournaments will they be platinum only like the last one?
hey guys i just caught this bold uxie:
26-27 / 31 / 30-31 / 28-29 / 22-23 / 28-29

i want it mainly for defense purposes and as a screener
should i keep it?
should i get pokemon platinum?
wat are the benefits of spending the extra $80 as i already have diamond and im happy to stay with that

in upcoming tournaments will they be platinum only like the last one?

The absolutely only reason I bought it was for the VGCs. I can see no other reason whatsoever to buy it. All the other benefits like "other forms" are just gimicks that don't work on wifi, PBR, or Diamond and Pearl. D and P are better too because of the GTS cloning glitch in my opinion.

Stick with Diamond.



what do you mean 80$? It was like 35 for me?!
The absolutely only reason I bought it was for the VGCs. I can see no other reason whatsoever to buy it. All the other benefits like "other forms" are just gimicks that don't work on wifi, PBR, or Diamond and Pearl. D and P are better too because of the GTS cloning glitch in my opinion.

Stick with Diamond.



what do you mean 80$? It was like 35 for me?!
The extra rotom forms are hardly gimmicks, though you do need the promo secret key for them. But that can be easily remedied by temporarily trading rotom to someone who does. Also, the regis can be useful, but again you'd need the promo regigigas.
Could someone IV battle with me?

I need to check my Scyther's stats.

This question should be in the Simple Answers/Simple Requests thread in WiFi.

There is no way to make berries grow faster, you can only make them produce more berries by keeping them well watered.
should i get pokemon platinum?
wat are the benefits of spending the extra $80 as i already have diamond and im happy to stay with that

in upcoming tournaments will they be platinum only like the last one?

It shouldn't be $80, that's just ridiculous.

-Able to get the move tutors and things like Scizor's level-up Bullet Punch without having to trade for them
-Rotom formes are bamfs
It shouldn't be $80, that's just ridiculous.

-Able to get the move tutors and things like Scizor's level-up Bullet Punch without having to trade for them
-Rotom formes are bamfs
well im from aus and normal price is $70 here

yea im goin to shops later so i might get it
Holy Caterpie $70 dollars!!! Why are they ripping you off?!?!?

Oh yeah, the benefits.

Meh. I guess you're right. The move tutors are useful. But IIRC when you battle someone on PBR or with D or P the other forms don't work. I could totally be wrong though, but I believe I read that. I can get the Reggis from Emerald.

I still think even 35 dollars was too much for new Move Tutors and a handful of new forms. Just my opinion. I'm giving it to my lil bro right after St. Louis. I like Pearl Muuuuuuuuuuch better.
do the moves heatwave, or Eruption lower their power when used in doubles like surf does? or is is 100 and 150 for both enemies? Neither Serebii nor Smogon nor my guides say so I assume it doesn't lower.
He said he is from Aussie so $70 in AUS is $55 in US.
But that's still too expensive.

On getting the Platinum or not... it's entirely up to you, maybe the new stuff i enjoyed the most is the battle frontier and new move tutors. Or... maybe you can sell your Pearl?
Holy Caterpie $70 dollars!!! Why are they ripping you off?!?!?

Oh yeah, the benefits.

Meh. I guess you're right. The move tutors are useful. But IIRC when you battle someone on PBR or with D or P the other forms don't work. I could totally be wrong though, but I believe I read that. I can get the Reggis from Emerald.

I still think even 35 dollars was too much for new Move Tutors and a handful of new forms. Just my opinion. I'm giving it to my lil bro right after St. Louis. I like Pearl Muuuuuuuuuuch better.
well i found out a neat little place which can give it to me for $59 aud
btw we get overcharged for games etc. i call it the better beaches/weather tax :D
It shouldn't be $80, that's just ridiculous.

-Able to get the move tutors and things like Scizor's level-up Bullet Punch without having to trade for them
-Rotom formes are bamfs
You forgot the best one:

-Being able to get more than 1 fire type before the Elite 4.

Always the most retarded part of D/P.

well i found out a neat little place which can give it to me for $59 aud
btw we get overcharged for games etc. i call it the better beaches/weather tax :D

No, that's what Yahtzee calls it.
What are your best strategies for snagging the Rare Candy from Liam's/Celeste's Blissey? Here's the best one I've come up with:

Abomasnow (lead)
@ Wide Lens

Abomasnow reliably gets through the maid battles in the given number of turns thanks to Snow Warning. How ever many "extra" turns you have, "waste" them on the first battle since the first Clefairy's signature stall technique (they all have a different one, in addition to Endure) is Minimize, which is nullified by Blizzard's 100% accuracy in Hail. The others have Sing, Encore, Swagger, and Bounce, respectively, which can present problems. Blizzard should OHKO all the Clefairys in one turn, thanks to Hail ruining their Endure strategy.

Once you meet the Blissey in battle, the next part, unfortunately, is a bit up to luck. Use Grasswhistle, whose horrible accuracy is slightly aided by the Wide Lens, to try to put it to sleep before it can Fling its Rare Candy. Once it is asleep, immediately switch to someone with Thief/Covet/Trick/Switcheroo, hope it stays asleep on the switch, and then grab it. Your efforts are obviously ruined if Grasswhistle misses and it Flings, or if it awakens on the switch and Flings.

Obviously, this strategy is far from foolproof. You can, of course, be guaranteed to snag the Rare Candy if you lead with something (faster) that knows Thief/Covet/Trick/Switcheroo, or Embargo, but no Pokémon that can learn any of those moves can also induce auto-weather, which seems to be the only reliable way to get through the first 5 battles in the necessary number of turns. You would think that Tyranitar would be able to learn Thief, but he can't. Does anyone have any better ideas?
do the moves heatwave, or Eruption lower their power when used in doubles like surf does? or is is 100 and 150 for both enemies? Neither Serebii nor Smogon nor my guides say so I assume it doesn't lower.

All moves in doubles lower their power if they hit multiple opponents.
I don't get this IRC stuff, I don't want to pay for the windows IRC stuff, so I tried Mibbit. I put in all the info "#stark, etc." But, no one is there. I tried a lot, #stark, #smogon, etc. Is the info wrong, or is just no one there? thanks.
1) When in a 1 vs 1 situation, should I stack defenses to one side of the spectrum (like all def EVs and HP EVs) or should I balance it out?

2) How about in a 2 vs 2 situation?

Terribly sorry. I didn't realize it was that vague. The Pokemon I'm talking about are Forretress, Hippowdon, Aerodactyl, and Spiritomb/Dusknoir. This is a gimmick team there I lay down 3 spike layers and stealth rock with forretress and Hippowdon respectively, then roaring/whirlwinding with hippowdon and aerodactyl respectively. Spiritomb/Dusknoir is supposed to be a rapid spin blocker.
Are pokemon in the Mineral breeding section able to breed with anything?

Yes. Rocks breed with rocks, and I'm not sure what useful attacks could come of it, but Snorunt, Glalie, and Froslass are also in the Fairy group.

Here's my question. For determining an SID, a non-chained shiny is required; if my starter pokemon turned out to be a shiny, does that qualify as well for determining an SID? (It may not be Platinum, where I wanted to breed, but I almost forgot my Diamond game started a year and a half ago had a shiny Chimchar for a starter... (now an Infernape, but still.))
@Misdreavus: I use an Azelf with Extrasensory (any attack move will do) / Imprison / Endure / Filler (which should be Thief but I don't have the TM). It works most of the time if the # of turns are 7 or higher. Just try to OHKO the specific # of times, and then the rest, just use imprison before attacking, for 2HKO. I just switch to an Illumise with covet when facing the Blissey and hope that she doesn't fling (or sing does not hit) first turn.

Obviously doesn't work every time, but usually after 2 or 3 soft resets I'll get the rare candy. I haven't done it in a while though since I got lazy.
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