Smogon Tournament #6 Round 1

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This is the third time I have tried to contact Evisu but he is not responding to my PMs or messages. I just sent a PM right now hopefully he responds in the next couple of days.
Just an activity post to say I still haven't had a reply from Sasu. His last activity is Jan 5th, does anybody who knows him have any idea if he'll be on before the deadline?
Activity post, but still nothing from ipl. I'm not sure if he's making me wait or what, but I'd prefer not to win on a flip/have him subbed out.
Hey what the hell? I'll get to it when I'm ready, we see each other just about every day on IRC / shoddy so I don't get what you mean.
Sorry for not getting this done yet, i pm'd undisput3d again!

EDIT: He replied btw, still testing some things that don't work out apparently.
Hey what the hell? I'll get to it when I'm ready, we see each other just about every day on IRC / shoddy so I don't get what you mean.

We have until Saturday for round 1 matches. You've had plenty of time to make a team - mine's been ready for about two weeks, and I'm kinda tired of waiting.

Tomorrow or Wednesday, 9 Eastern good for you?
originally we set up the date to today, but my opponent didn´t log on. I will contact him again to arange a new date
*except for the opening thunderbolt paralysis and then fully paralyzed + next turn miss hax that allowed you to KO my best counter to over half your team* GG!
Well, vashta said I'd be getting a time from him (assuming vashta's a guy, sorry if you aren't) when he's ready since he couldn't battle earlier. Still nothing yet, but we do have about a week.
Polywrath seems to be a bit unactive..
I try to catch him tomorrow
hope we can still finish this before the 16th.
We have until Saturday for round 1 matches. You've had plenty of time to make a team - mine's been ready for about two weeks, and I'm kinda tired of waiting.

Tomorrow or Wednesday, 9 Eastern good for you?

I am on every single day, there's no need to rush. No, that's not a good time for me, if you want to set up a time for a match, just contact me instead.
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