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Not so much a competitive question, but I need to know for my doubles team. Where/How does Togekiss learn Icy Wind, I have seen it used multiple times on youtube, it can be learned by Togekiss on shoddy battle, however numerous websites do not show that it can learn Icy Wind. Is it an XD move or something, I asked on the wifi section and we can't work it out right now, anyone know'? The shoddy battle thingy says it can learn it from a move tutor, I can't teach it from the normal Icy wind tutor in platinum. My personal thoughts are that it is a XD exclusive, but no real idea. Help?
Not so much a competitive question, but I need to know for my doubles team. Where/How does Togekiss learn Icy Wind, I have seen it used multiple times on youtube, it can be learned by Togekiss on shoddy battle, however numerous websites do not show that it can learn Icy Wind. Is it an XD move or something, I asked on the wifi section and we can't work it out right now, anyone know'? The shoddy battle thingy says it can learn it from a move tutor, I can't teach it from the normal Icy wind tutor in platinum. My personal thoughts are that it is a XD exclusive, but no real idea. Help?

A Move Tutor in Platinum and/or Heart Gold/Soul Silver will help you out with that. I forget which of the three in Platinum has it, though.
I'm building a Hail team and am noticing a rather massive weakness to fighting moves, what could I do to combat say... Infernapes more readily. Currently the team stands in the concept as Abomasnow Lead, Glaceon C.Scarf, Weavile Revenge Kill, Walrein Stall, Clefable Toxic Abuse, and Hitmonchan. Glaceon and Abomasnow I'd prefer to have stay on the team. Admittedly It's taking bits from UU and NU as well as OU, but for some reason I took it that avoiding Hail damage was the priority.
Avoiding Hail damage usually isn't the best priority for a Hail Stall team to have, surprisingly. Ideally, the team members should support each other and set up hazards whilst still doing well under Hail conditions. As for Fighting-resists, Slowking, Tentacruel, Nidoqueen and Rotom-A all perform really well on Hail teams, each with their own individual benefits...Slowking has a large movepool and reliable recovery, and is a pretty solid counter to MixApe and ScarfTran, two of the biggest threats to a Hail team...Tentacruel provides Toxic Spikes and spin support, both very important for a happy healthy Stallrein...Nidoqueen and Rotom both act as physical tanks, and check threats such as Scizor and Lucario.
You can ignore this, but I'd suggest replacing the Scarf with Specs for Glaceon - it doesn't make a good scarfer, and you already have a revenge killer in Weavile. Speaking of Weavile, it doesn't function any better with Hail than without it, and adds to the team's common weaknesses, so maybe could be replaced with something else? Also I'm not sure what Hitmonchan is doing there, but perhaps you are.

Does Leech Seed "goes away" when you BP to a grass type?
If I remember correctly, Leech Seed will affect the Grass-type as it would any other pokemon, so Celebi would still have its health "sapped by Leech Seed". I remember it happening in a battle once (on Shoddy), but don't hold me to that...

Question about a possible DD Lapras, although not totally viable how would someone make one?
This is to be tested as an OU pokemon, regardless of how foolish it may seem, how would you people change it. Thanks for helping
I'm not sure if this was the input you were looking for, but Lapras makes a terrible Dragon Dancer in OU. Lapras' strong points are its bulk and movepool, not speed and attack; a DD set doesn't utilise either of these.
Having said that, if you really need a DD Lapras, Jolly is a better nature...that allows it to outspeed +nature base 100s, Infernape and Gengar, something Adamant can't do.
Have you considered a Curse set instead? Lapras is one of the better cursers in the game...

Yeah, it is pretty cool; but shouldn't the on site calculator take Iron Fist into account when I check the box?
Personally I've never known the "Ability Effect" box to do anything. It just sits there and looks nice.
Curse Lapras is a good idea, how did i not consider it?!
what moveset should I use on it, along with EV's, I reckon i'll stick with an attack boosting nature to ensure decent damage after a Curse or 2.
They're very similar to the Lv. 100 rules; the general principle is that 4 EVs will boost a stat by one point, then you need 8 EVs for each future point, meaning that 252/252/4 is a common spread (although sometimes it's useful to put 4 in a bunch of stats, and sometimes, as at lv. 100, you split the EVs around a lot). (I'm not sure if sometimes a stat requires 8 EVs for its first point rather than 4; it's always needed 4 for the first point in all the Lv. 50 EVing I've done, though. If in doubt, use a stat calculator.)

Thanks for your help!

IIRC whether a stat requires 4 or 8 EVs for the first point depends on whether the IV in that stat is odd or even respectively.

Let's just say I had perfects IVs, so 31, and they were lvl 50, do you know the pattern to EV spreads? (I'm guessing you were talking to me but it wasn't quoted)
Let's just say I had perfects IVs, so 31, and they were lvl 50, do you know the pattern to EV spreads? (I'm guessing you were talking to me but it wasn't quoted)

The formula for finding stats is ((Base*2 + IV + EV/4)*Lv/100 + 5)*Nature for anything other than HP. At Lv 50, the first part gets cut in half and rounded down so since Base*2 must always be even, if the IV is odd, you will end up with (some whole number).5 which will be rounded down. So you need to still only put 4 EVs into that stat in order to raise it by one. So if you have 31 IVs then you only need to put 4 EVs into that stat to make it go up by one point.
Does anybody know if there's an Action Replay code to find out your secret ID? I live in the UK, can only find North American and Japanese codes :/

Thanks in advance

Edit: Preferably for SoulSilver, but I also have Platinum and Pearl
Also, if I have a Gyarados holding an EXP share, and pokemon is fighting who is holding a lucky egg (thats the one that increases EXP right?) does Gyaraod with EXP Share gain extra EXP because of the pokemon in battle with the Lucky Egg?

I reckon say, the pokemon gives you X exp, then the Pokemon not battling with EXP share would get X/2 exp, while the one with lucky egg (or whichever item that is) gets X*Lucky egg modifier/2.
Does anybody know if there's an Action Replay code to find out your secret ID? I live in the UK, can only find North American and Japanese codes :/

Thanks in advance

Edit: Preferably for SoulSilver, but I also have Platinum and Pearl
Read the rules at the start of the thread, you're not allowed to ask for Action Replay codes here.

You might try using Google 'from the UK' to get relevant results.
If a Pokemon with Liquid Ooze is holding a Big Root uses the move Giga Drain (specifically Tentacruel) will that further increase the damage done?

I'm asking because the damage calculator doesn't seem to take Liguid Ooze into account at all. I at first I thought that Big Root might just not stack into Liquid Ooze's extra damage but then, just to check, I changed Tentacruel's ability to Clear Body and the percents did not change at all. I'm guessing it is such a bad combination that nobody bothered to take it into account for the calculator (and, presumably, shoddy as well).

Does anyone happen to know?

Yes it would, since Big Root increases the "amount of HP the holder gains" due to its use of a life-draining move like Giga Drain. (Note however, that this assumes that the opponent has Liquid Ooze, not the holder.)
Well, if I could read I might not have needed to ask.
Thank you for reminding me to pay attention, I probably would not have noticed that for a week or so.
Speaking of which, how does Counter/Mirror Coat work for doubles? Is it just the most recent damage taken that gets sent back? If both Pokemon attack it with physical attacks, do they both get countered, or does one get countered with the additive damage of both?

According to this:

"If the last physical attack to hit the user was from an opposing Pokémon, this attack deals double the damage done to that Pokémon. Does not affect Ghosts, but hits everything else for the same damage."

That would suggest that it will only counter the LAST physical attack, and only on the single enemy that dealt the damage.

Posting again to see if any good soul could help me out...
That was the Leech Seed thing, right? Do you want to test this?
Is there a pokemon that can learn both Fake Out and Explosion/Self Destruct?

Shiftry and smeargle can learn both Explosion and fakeout. I dont beleive theres any that can learn both selfdestruct and fakeout.

Now for a question: How long after Black and Whites release in Japan will all the pokemon/moves e.t.c. be on the smogon server for shoddy battle? Also, how will the tiers be determined before this occurs?
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