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Speaking of which, how does Counter/Mirror Coat work for doubles? Is it just the most recent damage taken that gets sent back? If both Pokemon attack it with physical attacks, do they both get countered, or does one get countered with the additive damage of both?
Question about a possible DD Lapras, although not totally viable how would someone make one?

My current version is:

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Water Absord
Item: Leftovers
-HP: 12
-Atk: 244
-Spd: 252
- Waterfall
- Outrage
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance

This is to be tested as an OU pokemon, regardless of how foolish it may seem, how would you people change it. Thanks for helping
Would Charizard/ Moltres be viable in OU?
I mean, they have useful resistances and could be potential threats to a lot of Pokemon like bulky Steels, and Swampert if they HP Grass.
I know about their 4x weak Stealth Rock weakness, but that's going to be taken care of. So, what natures/EV's should be used in OU, if they could be used?
I was thinking Modest for both since a LO boosted Fire Blast could [maybe] OHKO a Metagross/Jirachi/Celebi.

I need them pretty much as wall breakers (namely the ones I mentioned above [and yea, I know technically Metagross isn't a wall, but it's such hassle to take down]). The flying type and resistances to fighting/steel/bug also provide great synergy for my specific team.

So, any thoughts? Am I am onto something great, or am I not seeing the potential of another great Pokemon?
yayalex said earlier (much, much earlier) that rivalry may be better on occasion than poison point (for nidoking/queen). this got me thinking... since male is the default gender for pokemon on shoddy battle, wouldn't it be to the advantage of the nidoking to run rivalry?
and for chansey and other pesky female opponents, couldn't it run attract to scare them off? the opponent would be forced to keep switching, send in a male pokemon and take boosted attacks, or send in a pokemon with no gender/oblivious (and the other ability is generally more useful) if they thought to include one on their team (for whatever other reason).

i realize this is a bit of a gimmick, but it kinda sounds like a good one.
Question about a possible DD Lapras, although not totally viable how would someone make one?

My current version is:

Nature: Adamant
Ability: Water Absord
Item: Leftovers
-HP: 12
-Atk: 244
-Spd: 252
- Waterfall
- Outrage
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance

This is to be tested as an OU pokemon, regardless of how foolish it may seem, how would you people change it. Thanks for helping

If it's for OU, I suggest you go with Kingdra; it pretty much does the same thing, but it's a lot more effective. However, you could use that Lapras in UU or something.

The only thing I think you could change is the spread/nature, depending on what you want (speed, bulk, strength). Or, you could use a different item, like Lum Berry; yes, you have Substitute for protecting against status, but Lum Berry could let you switch on one (but Leftovers is a pretty good idea to use with Substitute).

Also, you could take out Outrage for Return instead; the coverage isn't as good, but it's very strong and, best of all, you won't get stuck on it.
If it's for OU, I suggest you go with Kingdra; it pretty much does the same thing, but it's a lot more effective. However, you could use that Lapras in UU or something.

The only thing I think you could change is the spread/nature, depending on what you want (speed, bulk, strength). Or, you could use a different item, like Lum Berry; yes, you have Substitute for protecting against status, but Lum Berry could let you switch on one (but Leftovers is a pretty good idea to use with Substitute).

Also, you could take out Outrage for Return instead; the coverage isn't as good, but it's very strong and, best of all, you won't get stuck on it.

I know kingdra is better, but I'm looking to use Lapras in a different but similar way, I think with some tweaking Lapras could atleast make borderline with a set like this. I agree that Return could be used, but it would probably be in place of substitute, what else could be altered, nature being the main one to change in my opinion.
Question. I am planning on using Froslass as my lead(Suicide Lead). What IVs in what stats should I look for? Also, I hear she isn't the best, so why is she ban?
What kind of EV spread should I use on a Dragon Dancing Crawdaunt, so that I may outspeed any key pokemon after one Dragon Dance.

I'm sure I will max out HP, but how many speed EVs? I assume then I would put the rest in HP.
Does Leech Seed "goes away" when you BP to a grass type?

For example:

Tropius used Leech Seed
Mr. Mime used Baton Pass

Celebi came in
Celebi used Baton Pass to whatever poke... say, Smeargle

Does Celebi got rid of Leech Seed, or it passed to Smeargle?
Technical shit huh...

Posting again to see if any good soul could help me out...
What's the point of Speed EVs on Vaporeon to outrun CBGross? It can't come in on TPunch or EQ, so if it comes in on a Meteor Mash, can't it just Wish on the switch? What use do Speed EVs serve there? And don't Skarmories normally use more defensive spreads?
Expert Belt vs Muscle Band
Expert Belt Super effective attacks are 20% stronger.
Muscle Band Raises power of physical moves 10%.

Assuming I have a physical attacker, say Pikachu using Volt Tackle against Pigeot, Holding Expert Belt will increase attacks by 20%.
But if I hold Muscle Band, will I get 20% increase after multiplied by type advantage?
If I run Giga Impact with Slaking's monstrous 460 attack and a choice band, will the Loafing-Truant turn count as the recharge turn?
What kind of EV spread should I use on a Dragon Dancing Crawdaunt, so that I may outspeed any key pokemon after one Dragon Dance.

I'm sure I will max out HP, but how many speed EVs? I assume then I would put the rest in HP.

Need an answer

I'm running an Adamant Crawdaunt w/ max Attack and Speed EVs. I know on the article they recommend 204 Speed EVs because it allows Crawdaunt to outspeed some key minimum speed pokemon. But since this one is going to run Dragon Dance I want to know if I can use less speed EVs and invest more in HP so it can take the first hit better and outspeed key pokemon after a single Dragon Dance.
Expert Belt vs Muscle Band
Expert Belt Super effective attacks are 20% stronger.
Muscle Band Raises power of physical moves 10%.

Assuming I have a physical attacker, say Pikachu using Volt Tackle against Pigeot, Holding Expert Belt will increase attacks by 20%.
But if I hold Muscle Band, will I get 20% increase after multiplied by type advantage?
You mean 10% for the muscle band right? so the power is 120 * 1.5 (STAB) * 1.1 (M Band) = 198

But seriously, Light ball is far superior for Pikachu, since it multiplies BOTH sp atk and phy atk by 2.

I am about to make an RMT. Anyone know where I can get sprites and images? Oh, and how do you insert your own images into the posts?
Would Charizard/ Moltres be viable in OU?
Yes, but you have to get rid of Stealth Rock. That means running a Rapid Spinner and a spin-blocker counter. Alternatively, you MIGHT be able to manage by providing Wish support to counteract the rocks.

HGSS Pokeballs appear as a regular Pokeball in DPPt, but the 'real' type is 'remembered' and upon trading back to HGSS will show again.
I know EV spread is different between like a lvl 5 and a lvl 100 (hence the little cup guide and stuff) but I was wondering what's the difference in EV spread between a lvl 50 and lvl 100. I usually play PBR, so the rules are lvl 50.
I hope I made sense... D:
They're very similar to the Lv. 100 rules; the general principle is that 4 EVs will boost a stat by one point, then you need 8 EVs for each future point, meaning that 252/252/4 is a common spread (although sometimes it's useful to put 4 in a bunch of stats, and sometimes, as at lv. 100, you split the EVs around a lot). (I'm not sure if sometimes a stat requires 8 EVs for its first point rather than 4; it's always needed 4 for the first point in all the Lv. 50 EVing I've done, though. If in doubt, use a stat calculator.)
IIRC whether a stat requires 4 or 8 EVs for the first point depends on whether the IV in that stat is odd or even respectively.
Alright, just trying to make sure of something. When using the on site calculator, I was trying to determine if Hitmonchan could 1HKO Torterra with Ice Punch. I used Tank set in my calculation, figuring it was the bulkiest set on site. This was my result;

Adamant Choice Banded Hitmonchan Ice Punch (75 Base Power) vs. Tank Torterra: (4x SE) 84.4% - 100%

Initially, there's nothing wrong with that. I noticed I didn't check the box for "ability effect" in the boosts section, thinking it would make a difference. Nothing happened. Then, I tried switching the ability to Keen Eye and redoing the calc. Same result as the one shown above. I switched it to a choice banded Floatzel, who hits the same attack stat when using adamant (seeing as they both have a 105 base attack stat). The result?

Adamant Choice Banded Floatzel Ice Punch (75 Base Power) vs Tank Torterra (4x SE) 84.4% - 100%

The result is the same, but, logically, Iron Fist should give Hitmonchan a higher damage output due to raising the base power of fist based moves by 20%. So, Ice Punch should be hitting Torterra for 90 base power, not 75. Changing the attack to 90 Ice Physical, I get a much better result;

Adamant Choice Banded Hitmonchan 90 Ice Physcial vs. Tank Torterra: (4x SE) 101% - 119.8%

This makes more sense, right? Or am I still missing something?
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