Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

No luck at all, I am not even getting the right natures -.- and I know that its not due to miscounted Happiness checker taps, I got a ridiculously low delay which only required me to tap it 63 times. I don't know what's going on.

I wrote down the initial seed, and then in the main menu screen, I typed the seed into the "initial seed" box. Then I clicked Generate and followed all instructions from there. No luck :(
Now that I look at it closer, I think the program just simply isn't working on my computer (must have been a coincidence that I got the right natures/genders o.0). I just noticed it says 'the application isn't responding' when I look at it. So... Something's wrong, but I'm not sure how to fix it. =(
What's the program used to find a good shiny spread for something like mesprit, azelf, uxie, cresselia? From the description it seemed like pokeRNG in the first post was the one to use but both download links at filefront are 404'd.. any help?
Potentially stupid question:
I'm trying use a good Spread for Naive Giratina, but I don't wanna do all those frame advancements :S
Is there a way to hit a high delay and still get the same seed for it...?
Or am I just dreaming too big? >.>
Potentially stupid question:
I'm trying use a good Spread for Naive Giratina, but I don't wanna do all those frame advancements :S
Is there a way to hit a high delay and still get the same seed for it...?
Or am I just dreaming too big? >.>
On the RNG reporter, go to seed finder and do an open search with your spread. It should give you various seeds for that spread with different delays.
On the RNG reporter, go to seed finder and do an open search with your spread. It should give you various seeds for that spread with different delays.

How do you do an "open search."
I'm looking at all the functions, and I can't seem to figure it out :S

EDIT: Wow, nvm.
Found it :P
Hey I was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to help me out on how to rng in heartgold I know some stuff but i'm pretty much new to it if you would be willing to teach me pm/vm me thanks :)
What's the difference between a "Frame" and a "Target Frame?"

I have a Frame of 6, but don't have any idea how to get my Target Frame so that I may flip the journal the correct number of times.

If there is a difference, how would I find my Target Frame?
Frame is what you have in your game after you hit continue; target frame is what you want to reach to catch/hatch your pokemon.

You find your target frame by using Time Finder (for breeding - I'm not sure where for catching, but I suspect the same place).
Frame is what you have in your game after you hit continue; target frame is what you want to reach to catch/hatch your pokemon.

You find your target frame by using Time Finder (for breeding - I'm not sure where for catching, but I suspect the same place).

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I suppose my Target Frame is actually 6 and I start with a Frame of 0 assuming 0 journal flips.
I can really only help with breeding, since I have no experience in catching.

If you're breeding, there's an actual step where you determine your starting frame. Your target frame is what you receive when you use time finder. Just make sure that if your starting frame is even, then your target frame is even; if it's odd, then odd.
I can really only help with breeding, since I have no experience in catching.

If you're breeding, there's an actual step where you determine your starting frame. Your target frame is what you receive when you use time finder. Just make sure that if your starting frame is even, then your target frame is even; if it's odd, then odd.

Yeah, this is for breeding. I don't think I found my Starting Frame yet (If I did I don't remember unfortunately). Using Seed Finder, I found out my "Save Frame" to be 6/7 (so far). I'm guessing the "Save Frame" is the same as the "Starting Frame" then.

I can show you the video I'm watching to be more clear:
Yes, indeed. You should narrow it down to one number though...or else it will give you grief...I guarantee it. If you can't narrow it down on your save frame that you are on, then save again and try that.

Here's an example of why:
Your target frame = 12
Starting frame = 6 or 7

IF it's 6, then you're wonderful. If spend all that time trying to hit your delay and find out that you're on 7 when you do Nothing more frustrating than that imo.

And that's an awesome video - it's how I learned ^_^
Yes, indeed. You should narrow it down to one number though...or else it will give you grief...I guarantee it. If you can't narrow it down on your save frame that you are on, then save again and try that.

Here's an example of why:
Your target frame = 12
Starting frame = 6 or 7

IF it's 6, then you're wonderful. If spend all that time trying to hit your delay and find out that you're on 7 when you do Nothing more frustrating than that imo.

And that's an awesome video - it's how I learned ^_^

Haha good point, I did another round of experimenting and managed to not get an NPC to move before I acquired the egg (a given). I had a Frame of 6 again and I hit one of the "sister" spreads that is only 1 delay higher (also Frame 6) - 628 Delay - than my target Delay of 627! I think I'm getting closer.

Edit: On my second attempt I got the same Delay (627) as the Target Delay (627), but Frame 7.

Thank you for your help Bakus!
Thanks a lot for that link, VileTung. =]

Is it possible to use Pandora's Box in the RNG reporter just to figure out if a certain ID/SID combination is possible (don't care about the seed) without having to wait a very long time?
Is there anywhere you can catch Snover in Pokemon Diamond without snow falling...?
Unless I'm mistaken, snow does count as weather, which would mess up the RNG, right...?
Is there anywhere you can catch Snover in Pokemon Diamond without snow falling...?
Unless I'm mistaken, snow does count as weather, which would mess up the RNG, right...?
unfortunately no, and yes snow does count as weather but it only screws up the IRNG therefore coin flips.
unfortunately no, and yes snow does count as weather but it only screws up the IRNG therefore coin flips.

So, hypothetically speaking, if I hit my seed but didn't check using the coin flipper, I could advances the frames to what I needed to hit and still catch the correct Pokemon...?
In SS, I'm supposed to be hitting 20:06:50 with a delay of 639, but I've been hitting 20:06:49 with delays from 630-680. How would I adjust PikaTimer to hit the right second?