CAP 11 CAP 11 - Art Submissions

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I've been working pretty hard trying to get a really awesome pose for my final submission piece. I would like to get your opinions on whether or not I should follow through with this pose. It's just an early sketch but I would really like to hear what you guys have to say about it.


So go through, clean, and color this one up?

EDIT: So I went through and colored it out of boredom, and I think it came out quite well. Do you guys like the pose? It's pretty amazing how much you can learn about drawing humanoids in action poses by competing in the CAP art contest.

xD I like that one. It looks funny(in a good way). Also, I think that the colors are good as they are now(maybe a little lighter). As Gasoline said, the arm is a little off. Too short, I think.

@SEO This pose is definitely better, imo. The other one´s hips looked a little... strange^^ However, the leg that is left(when looking at the screen) seems a little too long, but maybe that´s just me.

I have supporting art for my Scarf-Handed Hare(lol what a name) to give a better view on the design of the head and the use of the scarf-hands:

My favs until now are the Badger, Puffinhour´s design and the one Yilx posted about ten pages earlier. Looking forward to that one btw.
@SEO honestly my favorite pose is the one with arms spread wide and head down as though he's pushing something heavy. This effect really supports your "guardian" premise, as if he's holding back a huge onslaught. Also, 90/80/80 is often enough defenses for game freak to create a bulky looking sprite (and many sprites don't match their stats in all sorts of ways), so I wouldn't worry about stat spread mismatch with that pose.
I wanted to give this thing a shot.
This is my mon in progress. I was thinking Menacing while still looking cutesy like Azumarill, Floatzel and Breloom.

I feel that I borrowed too much from Breloom in terms of structure and pose.
The stripes design is heavily inspired by the character Kamina and his tattoos.

I feel the design seems too similar to its inspiration, and I'd like some recommendation to distance myself from that and create a more original mon.
It's dangerously close to 800X800, and I don't wanna get an infraction on my first try.

Take a rip into it!
@Yilx: Cool Pokemon! About the colors, I see two shades of red. The pinkish red on the head, arms, and lower legs, and an orangeish red on the torso and upper legs. In my opinion, it would look better if you changed the orangeish red to dark blue in order to complement Togekiss' red and blue accents.

possible final submission pose

apologys for the sloppy lineart, but its 1 in the morning and im just not really thinking straight anymore

ill add colour tomorrow or something also i reeeeeeally wish i wasnt uploading this rite after kuken and swaggersaur

okay bed nao
^^No offense but that looks like a Male Lopunny. :/

I do like the bird with sharp claws that looks like a blaziken thing. But not enough Dark type.
Final Submission

Main Design


Supporting Material

-Using the moves Sucker Punch, Aura Sphere, Earthquake, and Hyperbeam.

-Using the ability Volt Absorb/Motor Drive and using the moves Taunt, Sky Uppercut, and Flamethrower.

-Using the ability Shockproof, Ice Beam, and Seismic Toss on a badly drawn Celebi.

-Using Focus Punch.

-Approximate size as compared to a man.

-Additional artwork.


When I think of Dark/Fighting, "ninja" instantly springs to mind. They are masters of shadows and deception. Since "ninja" was the first thing I thought of, I figured I wouldn't be the only one to create a pokemon based around the concept, so I tried to do something different with it. I was heavily influenced by the show Samurai Jack in the creation of this pokemon. I wanted to make the design at least echo Togekiss a bit. The spirals on the backs of his hands are drawn from Togekiss' wings. The three pronged hood was inspired by Togekiss' three crests.


In contrast to Togekiss' angelicness, my design has a hole through it's chest, depicting the lack of a soul. When attacking, the hole in his chest, his eyes, and the spirals on his hands glow with the color of the type of attack. It's eyes and hands glow
red/orange/yellow when it's not attacking. Some of its attacks are fired and channeled through its chest hole. The chest plate design is inspired by a skull with horns.


This pokemon is very competitive and can often be found sparring with others of its species. They are known for playing tricks and scaring travelers with their glowing eyes while hiding in the forest. They display a strange obsession with the pokemon Togekiss, tracking them across long distances, doing nothing more than watching them.

Im going to have my Anubis design up in a colored version later, but I have to say,

Sentret's, Yilx's, and Doug's are by far my favorites. In my opinion, these really capture the 'Dark' side of the CAP :)
Yilx's is my favorite so far, but there are so many good ideas here that are not getting much recognition because of how high the general level of quality is in this thread, lol.

Here are some of my other favorites from the past few pages:

bag0k's Ink Fighter thing.
DjD's Voodoo, although what happened to Jack .___.
Kukem's...whatever it is (I love that I don't know)

But really in general I would be happy with basically anything in this thread. Great work by all the artists.
Here we go again...


Considering the majority of people who commented on your gorilla design said it wasn't appropriate for this CAP or whatever, I was not suprised that you've moved on to other endeavors. Oh well, I can live with that. I do like your new Voodoo doll design, though.

I love the possibilities you have given us as to how this guy can pull of special attacks (invisioning your voodoo doll using the needle in his heart as a wand is a rather intresting thought). The pre-evo is also adorable.

At first, I didn't think that the number of pins you put in your voodoo design were necessary, but after reading your backstory on that, it makes sense.

I can't say much in terms of how to improve the design without seeing it in color. I'd also like to see the pre-evo in color as well. My only suggestion for this design right now is that the design seems a touch crowded (to me) with the large number of stitches: perhaps you could find a way to keep the general gist of this design but reduce the number of stitches.


I will start of by saying this: your art is amazing, man. Up to this point, I have not been able to say much more than that, hence why I haven't said anything (not my thing to just say something's great without giving ideas on how to improve it or whatever).

Looking at your final submission, I would have to say that your color scheme is good and works well with this design. However, I have mixed feelings about how you've cast a lot of this design into shadow: on one hand, that shadow emphasizes the secondary dark type (though not to the point of completely obscuring the fighting element), but on the other hand, it makes it difficult to tell what this guy looks like. If you are going to keep the artwork that way, I would have to say that supporting material is mandatory just so we can see what he looks like (though you already have some, so that shouldn't be much of a problem).

In terms of the comments you are fishing for in regards to the pose, here's a bite for you. I'd either pose is fine: some poses in the Sigamouri artwork are more dynamic than others. Whichever pose you are more comfortable with working with is the one you should use in your final submission.


Again, great work you guys. I love what I am seeing and everything you guys have been working on has been turning out great.
Final Submission

Wellllll..... Here's mine:
Main Design:

Supporting Material:

Using Super Power on Electivire:

Using Night Slash on rotom-O:

Well when the main type was decided I was thinking what would look make a good fighting/dark pokemon so I decided maybe a black panther could pass for a dark type and the clawed knuckles on his paws and tail allow him to fight using a difficult-to-predict style.
Final Submission



When designing Togekiss' perfect mate I wanted them to balance each other out, kind of like a Yin and Yang concept rather than them being "best friends." My creation is inherently evil, loving to get into fights with any random trainer it encounters to test its own power. It is incredibly selfish and seeks only to improve upon its combat skills. Wherever there is tension in the world, this pokemon is sure to be found looking for a fight. Because of it's aggresive nature it often finds itself in situations it cannot handle alone. This is why it often pairs up with Togekiss when it can, but only to cover it's own weaknesses.


A dark seed is born in the alternate dimension. As it grows, its very existence begins to fracture the realm creating a rift between the pokemon world and the alternate dimension. The Unown, sensing this growing evil, seek to contain it. They swarm the infant pokemon in an attempt to stop its growth, however, this evil knows it cannot be contained and simply waits...

The perfect balance the Unown maintain are the only thing keeping CAP11 contained. Even while trapped, its powers develop to the point where it begins to corrupt the Unown with its darkness... Using the Unown's powers as its own, CAP11 makes telepathic contact with two Ruin Maniacs, knowing that their presence at the dimensional rift will destroy the Unown's balance. CAP11 will soon be freed.

The Ruin Maniac's follow the telepathic voice in their head as it guides them deeper within the ruin. They Gaze upon the dimensional rift and reach out to touch it.. As the balance is destroyed a large explosion of energy rips through the rift. The Ruin Maniacs can only look on in fear as CAP11 emerges from the smoke and darkness into their world.


Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Fighting with Rotom, Volt Absorb/Lightning Rod, General Defensive Pose.
Even though I mentioned this earlier before my post was deleted, I'm just going to point out once again that Kukem's, Wyverii's, and Yilx's designs are my favorites. Kukem's has that superhero thing going on, Wyverii's looks like some sort of badger Lucario (which is cool) and Yilx's design has a bit of a goth chick look (I love it, please don't change it). I will have a tough time deciding which one to vote between them.
Just saying this right now. I love a lot of entries for the art for CAP11, but none strikes me quite as amazingly as Darkmattr's. Like, "it is the Dark-type that I've always wanted" and it fits so perfectly with how I envisioned CAP11 since the result of the typing stage. That support comic is just killer awesome. I hope to hell that it goes all the way, and as much as I like a lot of other entries, I'm going to be pushing for Darkmattr all the way until it wins or loses out of the polls. (And I hope the latter doesn't come to pass)
Posting to say that you guys have maybe four to six days left until the art poll is set up (the art poll opens after the abilities are officially chosen). So if you haven't already made your final submission, it's in your best interest to do that soon if you want a shot at the polls. :)

There's some excellent art in here too by the way. Fantastic job artists, as usual.
It's a bit late and I'm pretty sure I won't submit a final design anyway buuuut:

Also, just wanna say there's a LOT of good stuff this CaP. This is why I love CaP so much. The art quality always seems to rise~
Final Submission

Wanted to go for something distinctly female from the start. Probably blowback from the amount of Gochizeru I've seen. What I had in mind was something that looked like it could easily be misunderstood for something inherently evil but is actually has a pure heart, since Togekiss' pokedex entry says it 'only appears where there isn't any strife'.




Getting ready to kick ass (Action Pose)
Take that Specs Jolteon Thunderbolt like a champ, girl (Volt Absorb #1)
Volt absorb that bugger (Volt Absorb #2)
No Blissey's gonna wall Air Slashes on her watch (Taking out Blissey)
Kick that Rotom's ass... corner? (Night Slash vs Rotom)
Silly friendship (Silly Pic)
Holy shit. Darkmattr's design is perfect. He even has an explanation drawing for Volt Absorb! Everything about it is completely kickass. Kudos!

That and SEO's design are definitely my top two favorites.

@SEO: The current pose isn't as cool as the last one you did. I'm sure whatever you end up choosing for your final submission will be awesome. You've been doing great thus far.

Keep up the great work, artists!

EDIT: @Yilx: your second pose is much cooler than the first. I like it, but I'm not sure how it absorbs Electric attacks.
Wanted to go for something distinctly female from the start. Probably blowback from the amount of Gochizeru I've seen. What I had in mind was something that looked like it could easily be misunderstood for something inherently evil but is actually has a pure heart, since Togekiss' pokedex entry says it 'only appears where there isn't any strife'.
Wow, I am now completely in love with this idea.

Does she just use some kind of mysterious power to nullify Electric attacks? lol
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