June 2010 Status of Shoddy Battle 2

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while looking through the code titles i noticed some things that said "preliminary work on generations" or other things with similar titles, i was wondering if this was referring to older generations of pokemon or if generations meant something completely different in programming.
while looking through the code titles i noticed some things that said "preliminary work on generations" or other things with similar titles, i was wondering if this was referring to older generations of pokemon or if generations meant something completely different in programming.

While I said generations, it applies more to server mods. Generations could be implemented in the future through that though.
What's up with the repository? hg pull isn't working... Did someone just rebase/linearize the history, or is there more to it?
@San_Pellegrino - The client will be written in Java, which means it can be used on all operating systems. The server is written in C++ (as far as I know). So, yes it will be a Java simulator.
Duck is correct. However, we aren't going to be using Java Web Start anymore - it has caused a huge number of problems and is just bad in general.
Is Shoddy Battle 2 going to support rotation battles as featured in Pokemon Black and White, or is it not a priority right now?
Has anyone else had any luck in compiling the shoddy 2 server? Even after getting all the libraries together and linking them properly I get tons of errors, particularly related to tracemonkey, even though I'm using the version linked to in the server guide.

The amount of libraries you have to compile is daunting to say the least...
More recent versions of Tracemonkey work again. I think it may be still backwards compatible, but there's no reason to use the old tracemonkeys anymore.

Also, note that you may have to create a couple symbolic links/duplicates of library files. You may be using a different version of boost, and the linker checks for -lnspr but not -lnspr4.

EDIT: duplicates/symbolic links are if you plan on programming. If you only want it for personal use, do as Bearzly says and change the linker flags.
More recent versions of Tracemonkey work again. I think it may be still backwards compatible, but there's no reason to use the old tracemonkeys anymore.

Also, note that you may have to create a couple symbolic links/duplicates of library files. You may be using a different version of boost, and the linker checks for -lnspr but not -lnspr4.

I originally downloaded Boost 1.43 before looking at the source but when I looked at it and noticed the embedded linker paths, I downloaded Boost 1.38 instead and started using that.

However, the tracemonkey tip is very helpful, I will get right on that when I have time. Thanks!
Newer versions of boost work fine, you just have to change the linker flags etc to match your environment.
^^I'd like to know too, will the beta be full community, or only a select few? (If this has been answered already, just ignore me.)
@Delta 2777 - Shoddy Battle 2 will not be using Java Web Start. I am unsure if you can do this, but it is likely that you can.
@YoshiX - Only if you have a java that runs on Windows 98.

EDIT: (didn't see Ice-eyes question)

@Ice-eyes - I don't know yet.
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