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Haven't the third wheel legendaries always been dramatically different from the initial two?

Also that picture is obviously fake; it's just some really bad fanart.

Yes, they have. Kyogre and Groudon --> Rayquaza. A whale, a giant land monster-thing, and a sky dragon. Palkia and Dialga --> Giratina. Weird pink dinosaur, a large steel horse, and a centipede-like lizard (if I have to explain the centipede part one more fucking time I'll pull my hair out).

Also, the picture is obviously not real, but it doesn't say it is real. It's a drawing of what someone saw.
what does it have to do with yin and yang though. rayquaza has to do with weather, and giratina has to do with dimensions.

I asked you that very same question in my last reply however you did not give me an a:nerd:nswer. Let's just say it were up to you, what would you have the third legendary represent? There's only two colors in a yin yang.

The way I see it, its clear body can represent nothingness which can be the
middle of black and white. And if this is all true, I wonder what the third game will be called...
This is slightly dated (earlier today), but I think its worth mentioning that graphical power and calculating power are NOT the tech issue that Black and White are really facing. The real issue is MEMORY. Most graphics intensive DS games use very few models, while Pokemon is forced to use 600+ completely different models.

Considering that Pokemon DP when it came out was the first DS game to ever use the 512 megabit card (I can't remember my source on this), and they are adding more Pokemon, I'm very surprised that they aren't being forced to remove features left and right.
That last bit is incorrect--the largest DS Card out there is like 1 GB, though the DS has support for a 2 GB card, but no game has ever used one, or something like that. In any case though, Diamond and Pearl didn't even fill up the standard sized Nintendo DS card, so size really isn't a worry.

Can someone tell me all the names of the games at 4:42 ?
I see Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Black, White, but whats that other one?
It's just all of the 4th gen games (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver):
This is slightly dated (earlier today), but I think its worth mentioning that graphical power and calculating power are NOT the tech issue that Black and White are really facing. The real issue is MEMORY. Most graphics intensive DS games use very few models, while Pokemon is forced to use 600+ completely different models.

Considering that Pokemon DP when it came out was the first DS game to ever use the 512 megabit card (I can't remember my source on this), and they are adding more Pokemon, I'm very surprised that they aren't being forced to remove features left and right.

We are not 5 years back, memory is hardly is an issue anymore,

512 megabits = 128 megabytes - Pokemon 4th gen games use.

There have been many games using 256 megabytes and even 512megabytes lately. That is four times the account of a 4th gen game.
Technically you can have a 1Gigabyte game on a DS.

They can easily use the 512MB card over the standard 128MB they use if they wanted to created some really good 3D graphics and are need of holding large ammount of data, that is like four times more. It's possible.
There are people who seriously still don't know Mr. Mime, initially, had no gender distinction in the Japanese games? Its name is "Barrierd" there...
You dun Barrier'd. Seriously though, Male Lopunny is the best thing ever.

Farfetch'd needs to turn into a lucky duck

He can have Super Luck and everything.

Or he can evolve into a pot with duck and green onion in it.
Farefetch'd will never, ever ever in the whole world will evolve.
Its just too dangerous, we have been neglecting it, teasing it, and all this stuff, so if it has enough power, it will slash our heads off.
Another one of my whats the chance of .................. questions! Before I go to sleep

Whats the chance of Farfetch'd evolving?
Whats the chance of there being another female champion?
Whats the chance that Pokemon Black is going to be the fav. over Pokemon White?
Whats the chance that the first few weeks of Gen 5, the competitive scene will be dominated by Zoroark?
Whats the chance of there having more complex (harder) words in the dialogue this time?
Whats the chance the 5th gen RNG, be near impossible to crack?
Whats the chance that thr 4th gen competitive battling will continue to be popular, about a year into Pokemon BW release in the Western World (Australia too :))
Whats the chance that some people will complain a lot, about the new pokemon but will buy the game anyway o.o?
Whats the chance that Skarmory gets a pre-evo?

Put your answers as percentages please :)
I guess we really don't expect much from pokemon sunday this time. Maybe just the trailer again and stuff about the anime but nothing too big.

In any case...only a little bit over a week till the master list (probably less considering leaks) :X *is excited*
Whats the chance of Farfetch'd evolving? 60%
Whats the chance of there being another female champion? 0%
Whats the chance that Pokemon Black is going to be the fav. over Pokemon White? 100%
Whats the chance that the first few weeks of Gen 5, the competitive scene will be dominated by Zoroark? 90%
Whats the chance of there having more complex (harder) words in the dialogue this time? 50%
Whats the chance the 5th gen RNG, be near impossible to crack? 0%
Whats the chance that thr 4th gen competitive battling will continue to be popular, about a year into Pokemon BW release in the Western World(Australia too :)) 0%
Whats the chance that some people will complain a lot, about the new pokemon but will buy the game anyway o.o? 100%
Whats the chance that Skarmory gets a pre-evo? 80%
Looks like the website posted a picture of a sketch drawn by the Japanese person who sent them the rumor. Is anyone able to translate the Japanese text? I'm interested in what it has to say. I really hope this is real. A hydra dragon would be kick ass!


Here's the link to the original post btw: http://pokemonblackandwhite.net/201...okemon-white-third-legendary-mascots-picture/

They claim they saw the picture from an upcoming Pokemon TCG ad. hmm...

Dialga evo anyone?
Holy...that looks like a badly drawn Chernobyl Dialga.
A Skarmory prevo would be great, just don't let it bring new awesome cards to the table, like Swords Dance or something vaguely offensive.
Holy...that looks like a badly drawn Chernobyl Dialga.
A Skarmory prevo would be great, just don't let it bring new awesome cards to the table, like Swords Dance or something vaguely offensive.

You know Skarmory is already perfectly capable of Swords Dancing, right?
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