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In Austria the price always rises and falls between 35 and 40 euros, but never gets higher than that, lucky Austria. But I was thinking of getting the US version. I think they didn´t remove Games Corner in US games?
I thought I was the only one who thought Torterra was Ash's weakest Sinnoh team member. By far. Hasn't it lost like, every match it's been in? Swellow was one of Ash's best Hoenn Pokemon, so I think it was right using it over Staraptor.

I think Torkoal was honestly there because it didn't get any screentime in Sinnoh whatsoever. Still waiting for Kingler to show up, though. Ash would have totally done better with it than Torkoal.
Uh.. i remember a Gym double battle where Swellow and Pikachu took lots LOTS of hits from Lunatone/Solrock...
That's just... wrong.

Torterra lost to Hippowdon. I mean, wtf
imagine the price at the store here on brasil? 200 bucks probably.
Exactly, Lucalibur. 200 bucks (HgSs and DPPt were at this price, and Nintendogs was more expensive).
I thought I was the only one who thought Torterra was Ash's weakest Sinnoh team member. By far. Hasn't it lost like, every match it's been in? Swellow was one of Ash's best Hoenn Pokemon, so I think it was right using it over Staraptor.

I think Torkoal was honestly there because it didn't get any screentime in Sinnoh whatsoever. Still waiting for Kingler to show up, though. Ash would have totally done better with it than Torkoal.

Unfortunately, Ash uses whatever he has. I'd use Pika (Arceus of the anime), Scepie, Raptor (Close Combat), Kingler, Muk and something else.
I still stand by that Kingler is one of his strongest team members. I mean, taking down an Exeggutor as a Krabby and then wiping up another few matches by itself is pretty awesome. Don't know why the writers copped out and gave it an "injury" when it was supposed to be used in the Hoenn league.
It'll probably be ~50$ here in Bahrain when the US version comes out. Most DS games are in the range of ~40-80$ here (estimated conversion from our currency to US dollars).
Didn't Ash have a Larvitar once? Too bad he didn't keep it and evolve it to a Ttar, since it would OBLITERATE Latios.
Didn't Ash have a Larvitar once? Too bad he didn't keep it and evolve it to a Ttar, since it would OBLITERATE Latios.

No, he helped it back to its mother who went on a rampage. This discussion shows the drought of news and its effects on us... I mean, we're discussing the anime on a competitive battling site.
No, he helped it back to its mother who went on a rampage. This discussion shows the drought of news and its effects on us... I mean, we're discussing the anime on a competitive battling site.
Who doesn't have dogs hunt with cats. Also, I liked to vary a bit...

...And I discovered that a lot of people aside me follow the anime.
Deprivation of any kind does strange things to people...

We just have to tough it out a week or two, we'll be swimming in information then.
There's not much longer to wait now. We've got the special magazine on September 10th, Corocoro on the 15th (or before) and the 18th is the big day. Of course, we've got pokemon sunday between now and then too. I just wish Nintendo would only start leaking 1-2 months before release. I've had to wait too long!!
Time will fly (in my mind) if we discuss something other than the current lack of news.

I am curious though, of the Pokemon revealed, what are your favorites and least favorites?

My favorite is definitely Tsutaja. Smug as heck but has that air of cool on him. I imagine he'll be another fast Grass starter like Treecko was.

My least favorite is probably Kibago. I find that the tusks look stupid. Having Mold Breaker is pretty nifty though.
Time will fly (in my mind) if we discuss something other than the current lack of news.

I am curious though, of the Pokemon revealed, what are your favorites and least favorites?

My favorite is definitely Tsutaja. Smug as heck but has that air of cool on him. I imagine he'll be another fast Grass starter like Treecko was.

My least favorite is probably Kibago. I find that the tusks look stupid. Having Mold Breaker is pretty nifty though.

Hihidaruma looks pretty badass. Pretty much the reason why I'm not starting with Pokabu. Least favourite is Minezumi and Miruhoggu - they make Bibarel look like Charizard. Although Gochiruzeru looks fecking terrible as well.
Time will fly (in my mind) if we discuss something other than the current lack of news.

I am curious though, of the Pokemon revealed, what are your favorites and least favorites?
Favorites so far: Desukan (I love Ghost pokémon) and Doryuuzu.

Leaast favorites so far: Mijumaru (Mr.Mime can breed with Buizel) and Giaru (looks like a digimon to me).

I agree with Gochiruzeru, and having Frisk is a meh ability as well. Hopefully it will evolve or something. I expected more out of that design.

Unless you have Switcheroo or Trick under your belt.
Hey, I have a kinda silly question(I think): I thought about ordering a Japanese version of B/W. My only concern is, that I won´t be able to read at least the moves and abilities.
How do you guys manage that, if not by learning japanese? Is there always(with each new Gen) a list with translations for new moves on the internet to look it up?

@R_N I also love those two. I´ll use them ingame no matter what^^ Screw bad stats.
Time will fly (in my mind) if we discuss something other than the current lack of news.

I am curious though, of the Pokemon revealed, what are your favorites and least favorites?

My favorite is definitely Tsutaja. Smug as heck but has that air of cool on him. I imagine he'll be another fast Grass starter like Treecko was.

My least favorite is probably Kibago. I find that the tusks look stupid. Having Mold Breaker is pretty nifty though.

Meguroko, Rankurusu, Gigaisu, Mogoryu, Doryuuzu, and Ononokosu are my favorites so far, though there were a few more I liked. Maybe I should do a sandstorm team lol.
Hey, I have a kinda silly question(I think): I thought about ordering a Japanese version of B/W. My only concern is, that I won´t be able to read at least the moves and abilities.
How do you guys manage that, if not by learning japanese? Is there always(with each new Gen) a list with translations for new moves on the internet to look it up?

@R_N I also love those two. I´ll use them ingame no matter what^^ Screw bad stats.

Those lists do pop up after while, well with DP at least IIRC. And there should be plenty of walkthroughs available shortly after release should you get stuck.
Chiraamii and Rankurusu are my favourites. I also like the Munna line a lot. And Tabunne.

My least liked ones are Gochiruzeru and Reshiram.
Time will fly (in my mind) if we discuss something other than the current lack of news.

I am curious though, of the Pokemon revealed, what are your favorites and least favorites?

My favorite is definitely Tsutaja. Smug as heck but has that air of cool on him. I imagine he'll be another fast Grass starter like Treecko was.

My least favorite is probably Kibago. I find that the tusks look stupid. Having Mold Breaker is pretty nifty though.

Favorites are Tsutaja, Shimama, Meguroko, Wooguru, Gigaiasu, Swana, Yanappu, Doryuuzu, Basurao, Tabunne, Reshiram, and Zekrom. Least favorite is Gochiruzeru.
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