
ZEBURAIKA IS C00L! Nice sets you got there I don't have any in mind atm, but I probably will try 0UT A L0T of stuff with him.
Zeburaika is a really interesting pokemon. With its great speed stat, it has potential to check many of the new dragons of Gen V with Hp Ice if it can fit it onto its set.(Its movepool is narrow like all electric types.) Hp Grass would take precedence though because otherwise Swampert totally counters this set. If I did the calc right, HP Grass doesn't OHKO so you have to rely on some prediction skills or a lot of Entry Hazard damage to beat Swampert. Overheat is really cool on mixed set. Also once the BW simulator comes out, I'll probably play around with a ballon or rechargable battery set.
I'm guessing it's unlikely since it's never exactly been a competitive move to begin with, but could Me First have some merit on an Herbivore set?

Zeburaika has some pretty nice speed to run it with and at a x1.5 boost to both Zeburaika's Attack and the move itself, it could help deal with certain counters.
Use herbivore, grass is a really useful immunity to have, it can switch in on leech seed, spore, stun spore, bullet seed and a variety of other moves. Nattorei and Erufuun just become set-up fodder, since he can hit them with SE Nitro Charge and go for +1/+1, turning him into quite a powerful pokemon.
I agree, Herbivore is the best ability for Zeburaika, at least in this Grass-ridden metagame as of now. Like Scicky said, Nattorei and Erufuun are everywhere, then when Dream World abilities come to play we'll have stuff like Perversity Jarooda and Sun Teams.

Anyway, Zeburaika is cool and I'll probably try it out in whatever tier it ends up in. (:
The movepool is small but has the right moves to be effective, I think.
Yeah, Herbivore's gonna be one of it's best tools without a doubt. If Swampert and Breloom are as prominent as they were in 4th gen, it'd make a good partner for the former and counter for the latter respectively.
He gets Overheat for all that shit you mentioned, except it hits twice as hard. HP Grass meanwhile does a ton to Water/Ground type Pokemon, and no matter where this guy ends up, there will likely be one of them. His best set is the mixed set, imo. Nitro Charge is just way too weak, and Overheat from 80 base special attack does good damage. The set the OP posted is probably his best one. Btw, Rechargeable Battery seems too unreliable and it doesn't boost 3/4 of its moveset... so Life Orb is the best option. He seems really mediocre to me, but he's really cool.

Fair point, I had no idea he learned Overheat, or how awesome Gastrodon was going to be. :P
I've been using the special set of Zeburaika with a Lum Berry instead of Life Orb and its been pretty amazing. I get the feeling that no one ever suspects it learns Overheat and they just keep their Nattorei in to get fired. As for its ability, since I went with the special set Lightningrod is preferred and I'm usually able to get at least one boost. I don't really see a use for Motor Drive on him since hes so fast anyway but all of his abilities are really good. I love this thing.
^I wouldn't call 95 base Speed shitty. It outspeeds a lot of good Pokemon.

And Electivire does hit much harder on both sides of the spectrum.
I think this zebra is gonna compete with Guts Luxray. Not only did Luxray obtain Wild Bolt but Luxray also boasts higher Attack and Sp. Attack and happens to be bulkier. Then again Zeburaika also has MUCH higher speed and WAY wider move-pool. I think Zeburaika can run a Life Orb set with Overheat, Charge Beam, and let's not forget the new, Electric-typed, Special U-Turn.

I beg to differ. Luxray has access to Ice Fang, Superpower and Crunch, which are all key moves to strike down bulky Ground types, Steelix and Chansey, and bulky Psychic types respectively, something Zeburaika cannot do.
It's got good speed and a decent movepool, and can boost its stats by switching in. Luxray can kill ground types, but Zeburakia can kill them too with Hidden Power or even Me First (If you're ballsy). Or just bash them with return, ground doesn't resist normal. Has similar base power to ice fang.
It's got good speed and a decent movepool, and can boost its stats by switching in. Luxray can kill ground types, but Zeburakia can kill them too with Hidden Power or even Me First (If you're ballsy). Or just bash them with return, ground doesn't resist normal. Has similar base power to ice fang.

Hidden Power? Yeah, Luxray can do the same, but with a higher special attack, and it's not that the speed Zeburaika has will matter against Ground types since most of them are pretty slow anyway, except for Dugtrio, which outspeeds Zeburaika, so Luxray is looking better in this respect. Return? Yeah, Luxray can also do the same with higher attack >_> The only advantages Zeburaika has is the speed to troll Starmie and Azelf and the Grass immunity. Luxray has the bulk, and the offensive stats with the movepool.
Think the Zebra's problem is whilst he is possibly one of the best grass counters available he has little to counter his own classic problem of Ground types still screw him over thanks to his lame movepool.

The grass immunity is huge don't get me wrong, with Breloom and Nattorei dominating in Wifi and Nattorei, Smuglord, Breloom and Ludicolo dominating in DW environment its a great thing to be able to switch in and threaten with Overheat.

Ultimately the main problem is in terms of move coverage, power its simply outclassed by both Luxray and Manectric.
unfortunately, herbivore zeburaika is illegal on wi-fi. it passes the first check and is allowed past the counter, but you get kicked off when looking for a battle due to the ability not being released.

stuff like drought ninetales, drought politoed, and multi-scale dragonite are allowed on, which sucks because herbivore zebra would be great on rain teams, as it shits all over erufuun and most chlorophyll users. venusaur, however, still rapes it if it carries earthquake, and will likely be the most popular chlorophyll user (also currently allowed on wi-fi).
Think the Zebra's problem is whilst he is possibly one of the best grass counters available he has little to counter his own classic problem of Ground types still screw him over thanks to his lame movepool.

The grass immunity is huge don't get me wrong, with Breloom and Nattorei dominating in Wifi and Nattorei, Smuglord, Breloom and Ludicolo dominating in DW environment its a great thing to be able to switch in and threaten with Overheat.

Ultimately the main problem is in terms of move coverage, power its simply outclassed by both Luxray and Manectric.

Very true, but I think Lightningrod is the better choice then. I can't tell you how many times people try to paralyze me or hit me with an electric attack, then switch to Nattorei and eat +1 Overheat.
here is a set for complete phsical power

Zeburaika@ rechargable battery(now confirmed by serebii) / choice band
motor drive( to make him a better sweeper)
252 speed/ 252 attack / 4hp

Wild bolt
nitro charge
return/ volt change
if going with return you may like the idea of rechargable battery to give it boost, or if choice banded you would want volt change to get out if something nasty comes in
here is a set for complete phsical power

Zeburaika@ rechargable battery(now confirmed by serebii) / choice band
motor drive( to make him a better sweeper)
252 speed/ 252 attack / 4hp

Wild bolt
nitro charge
return/ volt change
if going with return you may like the idea of rechargable battery to give it boost, or if choice banded you would want volt change to get out if something nasty comes in
As stated earlier, Return still does more Grass Pokemon than Nitro Charge would, but it's still useful for the Bug/Steel Pokemon and Nattorei out there. Wild Bolt also out-damages NC against Bug and Steel (but not a combination of both) types. If you're using Volt Change, you'll have to use Hasty or Naive.
This guy is one of my favorite PKMN, and I can't wait for the third installment on the B/W series, which might give this guy a boost.

I was thinking this set:

Ability: Hebivore

Nature: (+Atk)(-Def/SpDef)
Nitro Charge
Wild Bolt
Overheat / Volt Change

Can't actually try this 'cause I don't have the game, but can someone tell me there opinion on it.
Definitely my favorite new Pokemon, it just sucks that it's movepool is so terrible. I don't know why people are saying it's so outclassed by Manectric and Luxray, it can do lots of interesting things. It's abilities are all amazing, and Me First is actually interesting if you can manage to steel something like an EQ coming from a counter. Obviously not top tier, but not bad, in my books.
It looks like a mix of manectric and giraffirig :P

Stop making me *facepalm*

I love how the three electric types who got a fire type move(that's use full) all have small movepools(or in electrivires case and "weak movepool") this guy would love to have jump kick...oh and me first is assume guys, he out speeds ALL the dragons(I think) and can hit them with a powerful, BOOSTED dragon attack. Unless their scarfed...which most are...and I don't think it's very predictable because some slow people(like me :P) might not have known he even learned me first!