Keldeo [available from June 23rd to August 31st]

Should we consider adding Ice Beam to its moveset? This is clearly an oversight by GameFreak and should be fixed (like Acid Rain).

Anyway, I wish there were more Water/Fighting types. It's really an excellent typing. My only problem with this thing (aside from Ice Beam) is that it gets Swords Dance (physical +2) but not Nasty Plot (special +2, for its better SpA)
The only way gamefreak can make up for what they did to the ice types is by giving them resistances or reducing their weaknesses. I dont know what game freak was thinking when they designed the ice type ... Well at least they do no longer give all water types ice beam.
Kerudio is a beast. In the rain it's even more deadly with that impressive spAtk stat and good speed. He's got decent bulk can take a hit or two. The only thing that I dont like about him is that he's a pony and I never liked those
I've actually been running a mixed set with moderate success:

Kerudio@Life Orb
Nature: Naughty
EVs: 152 Atk/ 104 SpA/ 252 Spe
-Cheer Up
-Close Combat
-Aqua Jet

Aqua Jet has really helped me net a few KO's I'm not sure I would have gotten without it.
since you sacrifice a bunch of spa it's entirely possible you might have gotten them without aqua jet at all. Is there any reason to use a mixed set besides aqua jet?
since you sacrifice a bunch of spa it's entirely possible you might have gotten them without aqua jet at all. Is there any reason to use a mixed set besides aqua jet?

Usually it happened when my opponent was weakened, faster, and stronger than me or that I wasn't sure I could outspeed. I'm just saying, having a STAB priority can be handy at times. Although, like you said, I do lose out on some SpA and having a dual STAB is a little redundant.

Both its Atk and SpA hit decent levels even after just one Cheer Up.
Here's a Kerudio lead I've been testing out. It does decently enough so that the opposing lead's actions are limited.

Kerudio @ Focus Sash / Life Orb
Nature: Modest
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
~Hydro Pump
~Sword of Mystery
~Aqua Jet
~Taunt / Hidden Power Electric

I wish this post had more substance, but I just wanted to get this in there.
Burungeru will definitely be an issue for this pokemon. Unless sword of mystery is a ghost or dark type attack, or he gets some other ghost/dark/electric/grass type attack, burungeru can wall this thing all day.
Actually, Burungeru is pretty much set up fodder for CM HP Electric Kerudio unless it has Toxic. If Kerudio runs Leftovers, Burn won't take away its health fast enough before it gets plenty of Calm Minds up and can easily OHKO with HP Electric. I've run CM Kerudio and it's probably its most effective set. It's basically Offensive CM Suicune that trades some bulk for higher SpAtk and Spe and the ability to easily take out Blissey.
i must say this thing seems promising
Its as DDR said is a suicune that trades bulk for power and blissey beating without doing pp stalling. too bad he is stopped cold by coughkurimugancough
Actually, Burungeru is pretty much set up fodder for CM HP Electric Kerudio unless it has Toxic.
I wouldn't count on Burungeru not having Toxic these days. It's usually best to switch.

too bad he is stopped cold by coughkurimugancough
It's not just Kurimugan, it's the fact that his movepool is utter garbage. STAB Hydro Pump coming from his amazing Sp. Att is awesome, but Mystery Sword, outside of beating Blissey, is just a really weak move. I couldn't believe all of the stuff I had him up against and he couldn't kill. Even Erufuun takes dick for damage from that move, and we're talking about 129 base Sp. Att here. Either something's up with PO or that shit's really weak.
I wouldn't count on Burungeru not having Toxic these days. It's usually best to switch.

It's not just Kurimugan, it's the fact that his movepool is utter garbage. STAB Hydro Pump coming from his amazing Sp. Att is awesome, but Mystery Sword, outside of beating Blissey, is just a really weak move. I couldn't believe all of the stuff I had him up against and he couldn't kill. Even Erufuun takes dick for damage from that move, and we're talking about 129 base Sp. Att here. Either something's up with PO or that shit's really weak.

I thought sword of mystery had a 90 base power, that's not very weak to me!
Wow, I fucked up big time. I actually have Holy Sword instead of Mystery Sword, which isn't going to do much damage coming from 77 base Att and a Timid nature, needless to say. :/ My bad.

But I'll stand by that comment about his shit awful movepool. There isn't really a Hidden Power that'll cover everything adequately, since even if he hits it for neutral, it won't be a haymaker of any kind. Pick your poison and give him the right team support.
Not that Suicuna actually had problems with his own movepool, but maybe I'm just paranoid of Calm Minding Water-types.

Water + Fighting is all Kerudio really needs, provided he gets pivots for our pleasant guests, Burungeru, Tentacle, Starmie, and friends. Electivire or a strong Electric or Ground type must be good in this area.
why would you run hp electric? the only thing I can think of that ghost/dark won't be better for is gyarados, while electric leaves you open to latias and celebi.
why would you run hp electric? the only thing I can think of that ghost/dark won't be better for is gyarados, while electric leaves you open to latias and celebi.

Correctly stated. Hence Hidden Power Bug is an option to ward off such attackers. Let's face it. Kerudio's a bit hopeless against the Jellyfishes and Starmie, so Hidden Power Electric isn't essential (Bug hits Starmie anyway).
Enough with every pokémon getting cheer up have someone say that it can have cheer up.

Cheer up is a sucky move in general. Electivire has a meditate set, yes, but that's because his hits are always just a bit short. It's specialized for him.

For 95% of the pokemon, 1 turn for +1 isn't worth it. It would MAYBE be good for lickilicki, if it weren't for the fact that that he has too good of a movepool to fit it in in a moveslot.

Oter than that, cheer up shouldn't be touched.
HP Ghost hits Lati@s and Celebi, while HP Electric hits Gyarados.

Lati@s are faster and comfortably OHKO, while Celebi takes HP Ghost and OHKOs. Gyara, on the other hand, is a counter that you can actually kill.
HP Ghost hits Lati@s and Celebi, while HP Electric hits Gyarados.

Lati@s are faster and comfortably OHKO, while Celebi takes HP Ghost and OHKOs. Gyara, on the other hand, is a counter that you can actually kill.

Actually, Timid Specs Latios fails to OHKO when using Draco Meteor assuming Kerudio is at +1 SpD, the strongest attack it can wield.

Meanwhile, LO HP Bug OHKOs with Stealth Rock. Basically, Kerudio will always lose with Leftovers and a single CM, while LO versions will manage to KO Latios (but not Latias) and then die to LO recoil.

Celebi OHKOs with Modest LO Leaf Storm regardless (Tinkerbell set).
Correctly stated. Hence Hidden Power Bug is an option to ward off such attackers. Let's face it. Kerudio's a bit hopeless against the Jellyfishes and Starmie, so Hidden Power Electric isn't essential (Bug hits Starmie anyway).

ghost hits all of those and bunkuru. bug would only help against celebi who kerudo outspeeds

I'm fairly sure a +1 kerudio would have no problems taking a hit from starmie/bunkuru.
Burungel walls special variants while Gyarados walls physical variants.

A +1 Hp Electric can 2 hit ko Burungeru and 1-shot Gyrados, why would they wall it? Latios/Latias are more concerning being faster and ohkoing with Draco Meteor before Calm Mind, and nearly ohkoing after +1 of which Kerudio can't really do much to them (outside of Hp Dark/Ghost to still hit Burungeru) of which Life orb is needed to kill Latios and still takes Kerudio with it and Latias barely survives but will finish you off. Still...where is this idea that Burungeru beats Kerudio coming from when it does have Hidden Power which is massive after a Calm Mind boost?
Hidden Power is hardly worth using for a 2x weakness, especially on bulky guys like the Latis and Celebi (and of the three, really only Latios is used often). The other only HP I would use over Electric is Ice, for Chomp/Mence/Dnite, since dragons wall him fairly well. But yet again it isn't really effective on Latis/Celebi, it's too weak.

Electric on the other hand ohkos Gyara and gives him an attack that can actually hit Burungeru while also hitting a few bulky waters harder than Mystery Sword (Starmie and also guys that are more physically defensive).
Starmie's hit SE by dark as well. The pretty much the only pokemon that is hit harder by hp ele is gyarados.

EDIT: and tentacruel, who can't really do much back.
I've found HP Ghost (or Dark) to be most effective on Kerudio. It still hits Starmie and Burungeru (not that the latter is going down anytime soon without multiple boosts), but also hits the Lati twins, Celebi, and is a more reliable hit on Shandera so that you don't need to rely on Hydro Pump's accuracy. Gyara is not doing anything to Kerudio anytime soon without Bounce, and the pony can take a Thunderbolt and similar attacks with its good bulk and a CM boost.