Create Your Own Adventure - Comic

Dude, come on. Either you've stopped working on it, or it's SO epic that it takes longer than normal. Which is it, Studio?
Just noticed this thread now, very solid comic! Sorta wish you had chosen to try to explain though. The protagonist is a gentlemen, not a rabbit =D
I can't take it any longer.

WHAT HAPPENED! You said it would be just a little while...
Slimman is feeling sad.
I can't take it any longer.

WHAT HAPPENED! You said it would be just a little while...
Slimman is feeling sad.
Yes I am.
Seriously, Studio.
This better be one hell of a chapter when it gets released.

I sound so pretentious, though. Studio doesn't have to gift us with good comics.
Maybe he actually has a life outside of drawing this comic that sometimes takes importance. A job. A school. I dunno, real stuff.

I hope this wasn't addressed to me. Because if it was, then I would direct you to my post directly above yours.

Regardless, wouldn't you agree that making comics for a group of people you've never met takes FAR greater priority than working a job or studying your courses?
Hey guys! *dodges angrily thrown objects*

Sorry I have been absent for so long! The beginning of the year has been CRAZY in the real world! The end of winter break meant I was back to working full time, finishing up my degree full time and on top of all that I have my ball and chain to attend to...

Some of you guessed this and have been understanding and I am sorry that I have not been able to post a new comic or give you guys any kind of updates. I promise it will be VERY soon as I have a reprive from all of my craziness this weekend and intend to crank out this chapter.

Thanks everyone and sorry again!
Hey guys! *dodges angrily thrown objects*

Sorry I have been absent for so long! The beginning of the year has been CRAZY in the real world! The end of winter break meant I was back to working full time, finishing up my degree full time and on top of all that I have my ball and chain to attend to...

Some of you guessed this and have been understanding and I am sorry that I have not been able to post a new comic or give you guys any kind of updates. I promise it will be VERY soon as I have a reprive from all of my craziness this weekend and intend to crank out this chapter.

Thanks everyone and sorry again!

As of now, I officially apologize for almost trolling you to death via vm's.
Which I would've done prolly tomorrow.

And now for my actual reply:
lol explosive gas /immature

AWESOME comic. Officer Jenny should've known not to burn evidence though.


It's not like the trainer is ever actually at his house anyway :P

I know damn well no one's gonna let a bloody fat guy and a sociopathical baby kangaroo-thing into their house. You think Nurse Joy will? Please, only for some "cheap labor", if you catch my drift.

I know damn well no one's gonna let a bloody fat guy and a sociopathical baby kangaroo-thing into their house. You think Nurse Joy will? Please, only for some "cheap labor", if you catch my drift.

Good point. I can think of a few people who might though, within the context of the game. lol.