
I think NP could work since Blissey isn't as common as she once was, really. Besides this thing can afford going mixed and has priority, which is always nice to have in this metagame.
Infernape's use has been severely diminished this gen with the dragons and ground-types running around. I'm always relieved when I see my opponent using Infernape instead of Blaziken, because if you can deal with the latter Infernape should be a problem due to its weaker stats and lower speed.
The lower Speed is definitely one of the things that kills Infernape. Because it can't outspeed Lati@s nor the genies and only speed ties with the musketeers, it is rightfully passed over in favor to Blaziken, who can outspeed all of those Pokemon after a speed boost.
Even when I used Infernape in a heavily priority reliant role with Iron Fist Mach Punch, it just didn't pull its weight in the new meta, even though it wasn't outclassed by Blaziken. I think that this is another part of the issue - the new meta in general doesn't give it a good enough niche overall, making it an inferior choice to other things.
is iron fist viable at all on this thing? maybe something like with thunderpunch/firepunch/mach punch/swords dance

It's viable, for the reason that it's a better ability than Blaze if you're running at least one punch attack.
Because it's too frail to ever reliably make use of Blaze in the first place.
It's outclassed as a Mach Puncher by Roobushin and Breloom, and outclassed at pretty much everything else by Blaziken. Solid UU, possibly BL depending on how strong that tier ends up.
But there is a DW tier and an OU tier, and they are quite different. In OU Nape isn't outclassed by Blaziken. Blaziken outclasses nape with its DW ability so if the metagame is OU we should analyse this and no only the DW one
But there is a DW tier and an OU tier, and they are quite different. In OU Nape isn't outclassed by Blaziken. Blaziken outclasses nape with its DW ability so if the metagame is OU we should analyse this and no only the DW one

Problem is, Speed Boost Blaziken is now legal and can be used in OU AND Dream World. OU also uses Pokemon with released Dream World abilities, which is why you dont see Shadow Tag Shandera in OU. Yeah, Infernape has serious competition, it's not funny.
NPApe and LeadApe still leave Blaziken gasping for breath as it attempts to match the special sweeping and leading SRer potential of Infernape. It's outclassed in literally every other set, yes, but it absolutely has a niche over Blaziken.
Aside from sandstream leads Leadape is still really soild with Focus Sash. Being able to Fake Out and throw out Blaze boosted Overheats is great and can still be used later if you prevent hazards from coming up. It's really its most viable set atm. That's pretty damn niche as opposed to before though.
So it's reverted to Gen 4 movesets, then? If I remember most Infernapes carried Stealth Rock, Close COmbat, Grass KNot and a special Fire move or Flare Blitz.
Is a Nasty Plot set a bad idea then? :(

Not at all. Infernape's dual 120 BP special STAB, with excellent coverage and the ability to OHKO Blissey after a single turn of setup is something that is very difficult to stop outside of Infernape's frailty, and can never be usurped by Blaziken.
Noooo! I'm just asking, because it seems like after all the creative ideas people are having last Gen's common Nape seems the most popular. I've been swept 4-1 by an NP Nape, so I can attest to its awesomeness.
NPApe can still carry CC for Blissey and other special walls. Fire Blast and HP Ice gets pretty good coverage with CC I think.