What are we allowing in Ubers?

I've seen some analyses on pokes that are pretty subpar, yet have an analysis. Yet, there have been things that are somewhat useful but have been rejected.

What I mean is, stuff like jumpluff get an analysis but tentacruel, gyrardos and jellicent don't.

Exactly what is the cutoff?
Jellicent is plain outclassed in Ubers, the defensive stats it's trying to wall things with comparable to that of Mewtwo, who's classed as a "frail sweeper" in the Uber metagame. Water Absorb is nice, but unless it's Choiced Kyogre will just Thunder your ass, Palkia can do the same, and both Kingdra and Palkia can hit you hard with Dragon moves.

Jumpluff is decent because if you have sun up (thanks to Groudon, this can be frequently so) you can basically put one of their most threatening pokémon to sleep almost regardless of their speed boosts, which isn't really possible with Erufuun's 55 accuracy Grasswhistle. Grass/Flying also gives it an immunity to switch in on.
Technically, if you can justify its use, anything is allowed in Ubers. Take Jellicent for example, the analysis that got rejected, to be frank, was utterly horrible. It gave absolutely no reason why it may even be useful in Ubers. If you can actually find a niche for a Pokemon and prove that it works (logs are helpful), there is no reason for it to be rejected.
Jumpluff is now largely outclassed by eru, though, which can really do better. Tenta is like the forry alternative, absorbs tspikes, sets up and spins. Jelli is a spinblocker AND kyogre check. It can burn the crap out of stuff. They all have uses. And for gyara, it can tank and sweep (ask trickroom)!!!!!!!!
Lol whenI saw this I thought this was a ban Arceus thread and was about to banhammer !

I think common sense be the deciding factor. I mean, some Pokemon are completely terrible until someone discovers an amazing moveset that dominates in the current metagame. Its very hard to make a list for something like this, because stuff like Quagsire may be awful in OU, when in Generaton 4 it could shut down a Pokemon that had a 50% chance of being on the opponents team.
Facepalms myself for forgetting about the OU version of this thread. Sorry Firecape and thanks for the heads up.

calze6 said:
Jumpluff is now largely outclassed by eru, though, which can really do better. Tenta is like the forry alternative, absorbs tspikes, sets up and spins. Jelli is a spinblocker AND kyogre check. It can burn the crap out of stuff. They all have uses. And for gyara, it can tank and sweep

That said i dont agree with you calze. Jumpluff still has its niche in the form of being able to spread sleep which Whimsicott cannot(well it can do so by GrassWhistle which has 55 Acc). Tentacruel is by no means a Forry alternative. Tentracruel can set up only T Spikes while Forry sets up all of them. Forry also has that ever useful Steel typing which means he resists a huge amount of stuff. Jellicent is NOT a Kyogre counter. Thunder coming from Max Special Attack Timid Kyogre 2HKOes Jellicent. And Ghost Arceus and Giratina can spin block better than Jellicent. I'm neutral on Gyarados since i've really never used it to be able to speak about it.

PS: And once again sorry Firecape. :(
Jumpluff is now largely outclassed by eru, though, which can really do better. Tenta is like the forry alternative, absorbs tspikes, sets up and spins. Jelli is a spinblocker AND kyogre check. It can burn the crap out of stuff. They all have uses. And for gyara, it can tank and sweep (ask trickroom)!!!!!!!!

Jumpluff is way better than Eru. Haters gon' hate. Sleep Powder Ground Immunity and Tspikes immunity is nothing to scoff at >=[
Jumpluff is way better than Eru. Haters gon' hate. Sleep Powder Ground Immunity and Tspikes immunity is nothing to scoff at >=[

Untrue. But the fact that eruffun is better than pluff is also false. Both have their own pro's and con', like the ones both of you listed.
If you have sun support, yeah definitely it is.

Answering the question, so far as I can see if there's a reasonable niche that such and such a pokemon can fill in Ubers then there's no reason it shouldn't get an analysis. Things like Jellicent and Gyarados don't have that niche; Jellicent is mostly outclassed by Giratina and Ghost-Arceus, Gyarados has a pretty awful chance of sweeping and its defenses are just too poor to switch into almost anything.
I Things like Jellicent and Gyarados don't have that niche; Jellicent is mostly outclassed by Giratina and Ghost-Arceus, Gyarados has a pretty awful chance of sweeping and its defenses are just too poor to switch into almost anything.

Not really, Gyarados can sweep and wall. I even stalled out Ubers team with it and swept through walls. +1 Waterfal in rain hits harder than +1 Salamence's Outrage.

Gyarados still has passable defenses, combine with Intimidate and the Ground immune, it can provide support to a rain team other rain abusers can only dream of. Gyarados has that Intimidate to annoy Groudon and Ho-Oh too.

Gyarados can survive a Draco Meteor from Palkia after Stealth Rock damage. That Electric weakness can easily be abused by Ground types such as Garchomp. Jibaku probably hates this, but I am still mentioning Gyarados because it worked and I liked it!

In fact I think Gyarados has a pretty good chance of sweeping. Earthquake demolishes support Dialga and Steel Arceus who otherwise walls Kingdra.

Salamence has shitty defenses and horrible weaknesses but it worked. Gyarados can act as Kingdra's partner.

Jellicent probably sucks because Kyogre can just Thunder it to death and Thunder is a common move on Kyogre.
Jelli is an appropriate specs ogre switch in and tenta has extra resistances with tspikes absorption since it is so much harder to spin now.
What is and isn't allowed is part of the job of QC. It is up to their discretion entirely.

That said, there is no reason to have a thread for this. It just seems like you are trying to argue for the analysis of a Pokemon that has already been rejected with ample reasoning posted in that thread. There is no need to appeal it here, so I am locking this thread.