5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

are there moving NPCs in Celestial Tower? Because I've encountered multiple natures for the same PID frame, and it's really confusing me @_@ and it's not timer0 because my IV frame has been spot on for both natures...
Bump/more info.

Actually, I just realized that the Jolly female is this same seed. It's frame 51 of seed DD2E2C8BB82B6F29 (the same time/held buttons, but C7B for Timer0).

So.. Basically, every time I try to do this seed, I either get a Timer0 one less than what I calibrated for, or I get a pokemon with a PID that doesn't correspond to anything that I can find in either seed.

Is there any way to get the Timer0 that I calibrated for, or am I just doomed to hit the wrong one each time with this seed (since I've now hit C7B like, 3 or 4 times...). And what could possible be going wrong that I land on an unknown seed?

This is all non C-gear, btw.
are there moving NPCs in Celestial Tower? Because I've encountered multiple natures for the same PID frame, and it's really confusing me @_@ and it's not timer0 because my IV frame has been spot on for both natures...

Try RNG'ing for Litwick/Elgyem at the very top of celestial tower, no moving npc's there.
Where do you get the seed that you need to hit for the starters?

I'm confused because I don't know how you get a seed without knowing the ID.

Can some clear this up for me?
Wait, starting frames are within 40-60?

Trying to find my starting frame for this seed:

Date: 04/04/2011
Time: 20:59:42 (while holding Up)

The results I got are:
Hardy Swarm(0) Female (Durant) (No advances)
Modest Sturdy(0 or 1) Female (Boldore) (1 advance)
Rash Hustle(1) Female (Durant) (2 advances)

I can't find my PID starting frame.

1) Are you sure you hit your seed every time?
2) Which area are you in?
3) Are you walking any steps?
Okay. I am using the Standard Non C gear Method to capture a Wild Special Flawless Deino, with Timid Nature. I am using PPRNG for mac.

I got my seed by setting my parameters based off the IV's of a Durant I caught at a specified time (that I entered into the windows).

I put my Timer0, etc. (BTW they were Timer0: C7F, Vcount: 60, Frame: 6)into the configuration window along with my Mac Address (00-23-CC-BF-8A-5F) and selected my version. I am using White English with a DS Lite.

After selecting my IVs and desired frames, I generated some results. It brought up about 10, with 2 at my desired frame (6). The first was at the frame 6, the seed was 3395A35688AC5F15. I loaded the game at the provided time, and walked 128 steps in Victory Road 1F with 5 Poke's in my party, adavncing the frame by 5. I sweet scented with Syncer in the lead and got a Deino. Upon throwing my 6-9th Ultra Ball (does it matter how many balls you throw?) I caught him and checked his level 38, Careful Nature IVs:


I am unsure what to do now.

Thank you.
1.) I'm 90% sure I hit my seed each time, the first two were consistent. I'll do a couple more trials.
2.) Victory Road, the place with the two staircase, no NPCs.
3.) Nope.

Then you most likely didn't hit your seed every time. Make sure you actually hit the seed, and then keep track of what you get. Also don't use a synch for this process, as it makes it harder to find your frame.
Um, I am non-c-gear RNG manipulating and I am having the hardest time catching an adamant Zekrom. I have done multiple saves (up to 8) and I have gone up to 1540 and I haven't found my starting point.

My seed is 46566F4B7E3040DD. Can anyone help me with my situation?

edit, in order

some neutral nature
Okay. I am using the Standard Non C gear Method to capture a Wild Special Flawless Deino, with Timid Nature. I am using PPRNG for mac.

I got my seed by setting my parameters based off the IV's of a Durant I caught at a specified time (that I entered into the windows).

I put my Timer0, etc. (BTW they were Timer0: C7F, Vcount: 60, Frame: 6)into the configuration window along with my Mac Address (00-23-CC-BF-8A-5F) and selected my version. I am using White English with a DS Lite.

After selecting my IVs and desired frames, I generated some results. It brought up about 10, with 2 at my desired frame (6). The first was at the frame 6, the seed was 3395A35688AC5F15. I loaded the game at the provided time, and walked 128 steps in Victory Road 1F with 5 Poke's in my party, adavncing the frame by 5. I sweet scented with Syncer in the lead and got a Deino. Upon throwing my 6-9th Ultra Ball (does it matter how many balls you throw?) I caught him and checked his level 38, Careful Nature IVs:


I am unsure what to do now.

Thank you.

You are most likely hitting a different timer0 value (most people have two values - your second will be either be C7E or C80). You can edit your configuration to have those values (adjust min / max appropriately), and then you can use the Adjacents tab in the Seed Inspector to see what you might have hit. It's probably useful to calibrate your DS parameters a few more times so that you know which timer0 you may hit more often.

As for your seed, are you sure you want frame 6 (31/30/31/31/31/11)?

Should I posting in a different thread for help on PPRNG?

Your question is most probably not specific to PPRNG. Fluctuating timer0 values are a general problem for everyone.
You are most likely hitting a different timer0 value (most people have two values - your second will be either be C7E or C80). You can edit your configuration to have those values (adjust min / max appropriately), and then you can use the Adjacents tab in the Seed Inspector to see what you might have hit. It's probably useful to calibrate your DS parameters a few more times so that you know which timer0 you may hit more often.

As for your seed, are you sure you want frame 6 (31/30/31/31/31/11)?

Your question is most probably not specific to PPRNG. Fluctuating timer0 values are a general problem for everyone.

Ahaha. this whole time I was RNGing for a non flawless Deino. Thanks for the catch! :)

And so, in my configuration window, input C7E (Min) and C80 (Max) and then switch to Adjacents, right? (No more calibrating, and lol, is calibrating= finding parameters)? Once I'm in Adjacents, I fill in seconds with the displayed one for my seed or the ACTUAL seconds (when I pressed A on the DS Menu) And do I need to mess with the PID anything?

And once I hit generate in the Adjacent frame, what do I do with the results?

I'm terribly sorry, but I am still forcing myself to learn these terms/theories/methods.
ok I am having a huge problem non c gear rnging. when do i start holding the button down. and does my steps restart after i start the game? because i keep getting patches way before 128 steps..
Ahaha. this whole time I was RNGing for a non flawless Deino. Thanks for the catch! :)

And so, in my configuration window, input C7E (Min) and C80 (Max) and then switch to Adjacents, right? (No more calibrating, and lol, is calibrating= finding parameters)? Once I'm in Adjacents, I fill in seconds with the displayed one for my seed or the ACTUAL seconds (when I pressed A on the DS Menu) And do I need to mess with the PID anything?

And once I hit generate in the Adjacent frame, what do I do with the results?

I'm terribly sorry, but I am still forcing myself to learn these terms/theories/methods.

Calibrating = Finding DS parameters

You generally won't have both of those other values I told you, so if you don't do more calibrating, you won't know which you have. That means that you'll find seeds that you won't actually be able to hit.

In Adjacents, seconds is the difference in seconds before and after the seed's time to generate adjacent seeds. For most people, setting it to 1 is fine. For locating your IVs, you don't need to worry about the PID frames.

Note that the Adjacents tab won't work if you just copy/paste the seed value (3395A35688AC5F15) into a Seed Inspector. You would need to either have opened the Seed Inspector by double-clicking on a result row in the Seed Searcher, or manually enter the information such as Date / Time, key presses, etc. and click Calculate Seed in order for it to work. This is not a bug, but rather it is due to the fact that it's not possible to know those values from just the raw seed. Without those values, there's no way to generate adjacents.
Calibrating = Finding DS parameters

You generally won't have both of those other values I told you, so if you don't do more calibrating, you won't know which you have. That means that you'll find seeds that you won't actually be able to hit.

In Adjacents, seconds is the difference in seconds before and after the seed's time to generate adjacent seeds. For most people, setting it to 1 is fine. For locating your IVs, you don't need to worry about the PID frames.

Note that the Adjacents tab won't work if you just copy/paste the seed value (3395A35688AC5F15) into a Seed Inspector. You would need to either have opened the Seed Inspector by double-clicking on a result row in the Seed Searcher, or manually enter the information such as Date / Time, key presses, etc. and click Calculate Seed in order for it to work. This is not a bug, but rather it is due to the fact that it's not possible to know those values from just the raw seed. Without those values, there's no way to generate adjacents.

Okay. I'm going to start a fresh, new RNG Abuse...run....?....and get back to you.
Is it possible to Non C Gear abuse for shiny Wild Pokemon via Sweet Scent? If so, what does "Nearest Shiny" mean in RNG Reporter? Does it mean the frame of the shiny? If so hitting that frame hasn't worked for me... I have my SID too.
Quick question...in generating Frame types for PID, what option should be chosen for a Kyurem?

Also, what do the Synch column numbers mean? For example, using a wild Pokemon, sometimes a value shows as 0 or 1. (this is all for PPRNG).

EDIT: Never mind, found my answer.
Okay. Just started the game to calibrate at 4/10/11 at 20:30:40 (easy time to remember) and caught a Timid Durant with 9-11/26-27/22-24/29-31/29-31/20-22. Vcount 60, Frame is 6, and funnily, the actual second is +1 (:41), and the Timer0 is C7F, like the last calibration. Will update as I get more info.


Searched Standard Seeds (between dates 4/7 and 4/9). Got one result.
4/9/2011 20:47:30 Timer0 is C7F Keys Start Seed:4A14CF662AFC3C76 Frame 6
so.... ive been having a bit of trouble RNGing... imwondering if there is a way to check what seed you hit after advancing frames and catching a poke (I have been going for victini.. advance the frame... and then catch it... I find out its IVs are wrong... but how can I check what seed i DID hit? because when I check adjacents... the results are for pokes on frame 3)...

also... its 128 steps to advance the RNG by number of pokes in my party correct?
Anyone know what method you use to hatch shiny eggs and whether or not the surrounding NPCs near the daycare advance the PID?

Method is gift pokemon. Starting frame is 8, so make sure your target frame is atleast 8.
Only NPC's that turn or move advance the PID.
Frame 8 spreads generated under "Wild Pokemon" will be the same as if I searched them under "Gift Pokemon", right?