5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

I've been going after a shiny Dratini for a couple of hours now, but I can not hit the frame!
Seed is 23D2D85FB7965ECA, ID 15179 SID 36015. I should get a shiny on frame 227. My starting frame is 52, so I advanced 175 times. I landed 1 frame late, so I tried 174 advances. Still a frame late. I'm down to 173, and then I land on frame 226. This never stops happening. Is it just impossible to get an even frame or something? Or should I just keep trying?
I've been going after a shiny Dratini for a couple of hours now, but I can not hit the frame!
Seed is 23D2D85FB7965ECA, ID 15179 SID 36015. I should get a shiny on frame 227. My starting frame is 52, so I advanced 175 times. I landed 1 frame late, so I tried 174 advances. Still a frame late. I'm down to 173, and then I land on frame 226. This never stops happening. Is it just impossible to get an even frame or something? Or should I just keep trying?

Are you hatching the dratini, sweet scenting, running, surfing, fishing, etc..?
I tried the same seed I mentioned before two times in a row, and each time around the 60th step(it's exact both times but I'm not sure what number it is) a dust cloud appears in the same spot, and on my 128th step each time I sweet scent I run into A F Deino level 38. What does this mean? Also, It's really late here and I'm going to ixnay the Rng for tonight. What times are you on so we can meet online again?
Yes, you can RNG Victini. You better act fast, the event ends tomorrow.

Um, are you saying you can ONLY catch Victini until April 10th? I thought that if you have the Liberty Pass, you can catch it anytime.

Also, can I check what I actually hit after I caught my Victini? The stats are wrong, but they are the same thing each time.
Is there something wierd about Twist Mountain BF1, because I am not hitting anything but no I haven't been checking because it's usually so easy for me. So with that, I wanted to know if BF1 messes with the frame or something.
Um, are you saying you can ONLY catch Victini until April 10th? I thought that if you have the Liberty Pass, you can catch it anytime.

Also, can I check what I actually hit after I caught my Victini? The stats are wrong, but they are the same thing each time.
I was saying to download the event as it ends tomorrow.
so.... ive been having a bit of trouble RNGing... imwondering if there is a way to check what seed you hit after advancing frames and catching a poke (I have been going for victini.. advance the frame... and then catch it... I find out its IVs are wrong... but how can I check what seed i DID hit? because when I check adjacents... the results are for pokes on frame 3)...

also... its 128 steps to advance the RNG by number of pokes in my party correct?
Anybody help me on the second part? I'm using standard method 5, non-cgear, and I got my calibration, got my times for the spreads, am doing everything right, but the stats are wrong.

So how can I check what is apparently being hit instead?

EDIT: I think the guy above me is having the same problem if he is also doing non-cgear.
So I'm doing like I have been today, I'm choosing Method 5 PIDRNG in the Main Window, choosing an Adamant Synch, Choosing Adamant for the Nature, and choosing any for Ability (Cubchoo) I'm in spring so Cubchoo is encounter slot 5. My starting PID is 47 and I have a Frame of 1 for IVs. I find the PID Frame 52 so I look up Chatot 5 times, and I'm having a problem. Again, I'm in Twist Mountain BF1.
Can someone explain this part about the Egg RNG.

So I find my Seed 31/31/31/x/31/31 in time finder
I copy the full seed in to the main window on RNG Reporter
Set it to BW(breading)

I get result of frame 1 Jolly M/F/x/x/x/M I understand what the M and F stand for but how do I know what the blanks or X in my case will be?

Or how do I make it be what I want it to be?
Anybody help me on the second part? I'm using standard method 5, non-cgear, and I got my calibration, got my times for the spreads, am doing everything right, but the stats are wrong.

So how can I check what is apparently being hit instead?

EDIT: I think the guy above me is having the same problem if he is also doing non-cgear.

Same here. It's staring to really piss me off, I'm trying to RNG Zekrom.
I think I found the problem. Earlier with Adamant spread, I was able to capture a Bouffalant believing it was the same Initial PID Frame, but I seem to be on a different one. Is it generally a good idea to do PID Calibration for every new seed? I was under the impression that you only need to do it once.
I just RNG Zekrom without any problem. If you're doing everything right and your Iv's don't come out right your just not hitting your Timer0 just keep trying.

I think I found the problem. Earlier with Adamant spread, I was able to capture a Bouffalant believing it was the same Initial PID Frame, but I seem to be on a different one. Is it generally a good idea to do PID Calibration for every new seed? I was under the impression that you only need to do it once.

Yes you will have to do it every time for different seeds.
I just RNG Zekrom without any problem. If you're doing everything right and your Iv's don't come out right your just not hitting your Timer0 just keep trying.

yes, but iv'e been trying for over 3 hours. It gets a little annoying.
Is there any way to check if you've hit your seed in N's castle, or to more accurately hit your timer0?