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If I use Thunder Wave with a fast Pokémon in a doubles battle, does the target instantly go last this same turn? Assuming no Pokémon have less than 1/4 Speed of that enemy Pokémon obviously.

Wow, thanks for the link!

If I use Thunder Wave with a fast Pokémon in a doubles battle, does the target instantly go last this same turn? Assuming no Pokémon have less than 1/4 Speed of that enemy Pokémon obviously.

I'm pretty sure the speed is calculated before pokemon use moves (otherwise how would the game know you T waved before the target attacked?), so the next time the game would calculate speed (and hence when Twave would be taken into account) woul dbe the start of next turn. Hence, this turn it will be as if Twave had no effect.

Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that's how it is.
I'm pretty sure the speed is calculated before pokemon use moves (otherwise how would the game know you T waved before the target attacked?), so the next time the game would calculate speed (and hence when Twave would be taken into account) would be the start of next turn. Hence, this turn it will be as if Twave had no effect.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but i think that's how it is.
Confirming that this is correct, as I've had this happen to me today in-game.
What is the score range for the Pelipper game on DW that is needed for a Super Fang Nidoran-F/M? I have been only able to get Sucker Punch ones :(
A quick dreamworld question concerning the eeveelution-event. I have both games, and was wondering if it's possible to get one eeveelution for both games? (ex: vaporeon for white and espeon for black)

If it is, how do you get the site to recognize your second game? (I've allready added both games to the same account)
I don't think it is possible to get different eeveelutions as the eeveelution you get is sync'd to your Global Link account, which is your PTC account...
What is the score range for the Pelipper game on DW that is needed for a Super Fang Nidoran-F/M? I have been only able to get Sucker Punch ones :(

i think it is somewhat random because i get about the same score (55000) each time i play but sometimes i get super fang and sometime counter.
I'm planning on making a team involving a Baton pass/Specs Jolteon, Technician Breloom and Rapid spin/Life orb Starmie, probably also a Dragon Dance Salamence, which other 2/3 Pokemon would benefit the team most? Help with synergy, setting up and helping set up and all that.
Does international breeding work with Everstones now? I've heard it does but looking for confirmation.

Yeah, I bred a JP Ditto w/Everstone & Modest nature w/male Nidoking, and the Nidoran spawn, 50% had Modest nature.

Could this be a decent set?
Zwelious @ Choice Scarf
Adamant + Hustle
252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
Head Smash
Body Slam

A bit of risk, with Hustle accuracy drop, but could be worthwile with the Hustle Attack boost. BTW, couldn't find anything better for the fourth moveslot.
Ah ok, I heard that it changed from 2-5 turns to 1-3. But I just wanted to make sure I was right since I couldn't find anything confirming it. ._.
Does Damp (the ability, of course) block Memento from being used?

I'm trying to set up a suicide-lead Smeargle, and I'm trying to figure out how to get it to sketch Memento. (The idea goes Spore->Simple Beam->Memento; I don't care if it's a good idea or not, I just wanted to try it out).
no a pokemon can be frozen for unlimited turns, it only has a 20% chance of being defrosted every turn and being hit by a fire attack will defrost a pokemon.

Or using one of the moves that can be used out of freeze; I believe Flame Wheel/Flare Blitz/Scald all work and thaw you out.
Does Damp (the ability, of course) block Memento from being used?

I'm trying to set up a suicide-lead Smeargle, and I'm trying to figure out how to get it to sketch Memento. (The idea goes Spore->Simple Beam->Memento; I don't care if it's a good idea or not, I just wanted to try it out).
It appears that it does not. However, according to Bulbapedia, Sketch can be used to copy moves such as Metronome if the Pokemon attempts to use the move but fails, because of sleep or other reasons. The same might apply to Memento - you could have a sleeping Pokemon attempt to use Memento but fail, then Sketch it. It sounds a bit odd, since the Pokemon never actually uses the move, but it's worth a try. The oddity of it could be explained by that it wasn't added until Gen 3, probably intentionally on the part of the designers for the exact purpose of allowing it to copy such moves.

That said, while there might be merit in using suicide-lead Smeargle, there's no sense in using Simple Beam on it. Memento's drops are enough; Simple Beam will waste a turn you can't afford.
Eh, I was kind of iffy on Simple Beam either way. Part of why I'm playing around with this batch of Smeargles is to try out different movesets.

What else would you suggest, then? If we have Memento, Spore... there's two move slots I need to work out.

Maybe Leech Seed or Confuse Ray? Or maybe a Reflect or Light Screen? I'm well aware Smeargle isn't going to survive long enough to put up dual screens, but I'd hate to leave those two slots blank, and there's gotta be something useful to fill them with.
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