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I have noob RNG questions.

The following questions refer to the process of walking 128 steps in order to increase the frame equal to the number of Pokemon in your party.

Does pressing the arrow after hitting a wall (or other obstacle) count as steps?
Does turning count as a step?

I would say just go with an Eviolite set, because Vulpix won't be killing much anyway.

Vulpix @ Eviolite
252 HP/ 176 Def/ 80 SpD (or something like that)
Fire Blast
Hypnosis/ Toxic/ Safeguard/ Roar

It really only needs to be able to show up on the field. Anything else it can do is a bonus.
I have an adamant ingame Scizor with a 29 HP iv and flawless everything else. With 252 HP/40 Atk/216 Special Defense, a flawless Scizor is supposed to be guaranteed not to be 2hkoed by focus blasts from Reuniclus and Virizion. Can my ingame Scizor do the same?
I have an adamant ingame Scizor with a 29 HP iv and flawless everything else. With 252 HP/40 Atk/216 Special Defense, a flawless Scizor is supposed to be guaranteed not to be 2hkoed by focus blasts from Reuniclus and Virizion. Can my ingame Scizor do the same?

It's only a 2 HP difference, so I'm pretty certain it still won't be 2HKO'd.

And a question of my own: After watching many 6v6 Singles Sand-team battles, I see that Tentacruel is a popular option among them. Why do people choose Tentacruel for Sand?
It's only a 2 HP difference, so I'm pretty certain it still won't be 2HKO'd.

And a question of my own: After watching many 6v6 Singles Sand-team battles, I see that Tentacruel is a popular option among them. Why do people choose Tentacruel for Sand?

Tentacruel gives a Fire, Ice, Fighting, and Water resistance; all of which are types that most san abusers hate horribly. He also packs the ability to spin and set up / absorb T-Spikes, all while having great bulk.

Edit: Let's say I'm building a SpD Ferrothorn meant to counter Latios (with the exception of HP Fire). Basicly to wall and take D-Meteors. What would I run as a filler if I have Leech Seed / Protect / T-Wave?
Tentacruel gives a Fire, Ice, Fighting, and Water resistance; all of which are types that most san abusers hate horribly. He also packs the ability to spin and set up / absorb T-Spikes, all while having great bulk.

Edit: Let's say I'm building a SpD Ferrothorn meant to counter Latios (with the exception of HP Fire). Basicly to wall and take D-Meteors. What would I run as a filler if I have Leech Seed / Protect / T-Wave?

Spikes/SR for hazards, or Gyro Ball/Power Whip so you aren't made completely useless by Taunt.
I'm a bit confused on the dream world abilities, do the pokemon that have these special abilities have dates or estimates on when they will be released?
I'm a bit confused on the dream world abilities, do the pokemon that have these special abilities have dates or estimates on when they will be released?

Well, a lot of them are already released worldwide, but nobody really knows when Pokemon like Prankster Sableye (possibly when a cave area is released) will come out.
Late answer, but i think the way to get memento onto smeargle is to taunt the memento user, and when they fail, sketch if off of them.
How can I get EV-reducing berries from the Dream World?

The best way I've found is to use the Dream Map. Whenever you access it from your home, you'll always wind up with one random person; check their Share Shelf, and if you don't already have one of the berries in your inventory, you can swap for one if they have one out. People don't usually put good stuff on the shelf, but every so often you'll find something.

Also, you can find them all randomly at the Pleasant Sky area, which is unlocked by earning Dream Points.

If you're not close to unlocking Pleasant Sky, use the Dream Map browsing method; I've wound up with Tamato and Hondew berries so far, at least.
What were the Swimming Goggles rumoured to do? I know that they boost Speed and Accuracy of Water-types, but in the Rotom thread, someone mentioned something about the item "putting its counters to sleep"? I know this doesn't really matter (and I do know that they're fake), but I didn't get around to reading the thread before it got deleted.
They were supposed to raise Speed and Accuracy while putting any non-Water that used them to Sleep. Permanently one would assume, so using Trick with a Water type on a counter would disable them for the whole match, man was it a dissapointment when it turned out they were fake...
In-game: If in a Double Battle, a pokemon Flings a consumable item at an ally with Pick-Up, and then uses Recycle, can you essentially clone items this way?
It's only a 2 HP difference, so I'm pretty certain it still won't be 2HKO'd.

And a question of my own: After watching many 6v6 Singles Sand-team battles, I see that Tentacruel is a popular option among them. Why do people choose Tentacruel for Sand?

because he absorbs water and fighting
NDenizen, kefkakrazy:

I already tried that in-game. Pickup will not work the way you described. In fact, Pickup uses the same item Recycle uses for this purpose: Once the item is restored with either, it can't be restored again.
NDenizen, kefkakrazy:

I already tried that in-game. Pickup will not work the way you described. In fact, Pickup uses the same item Recycle uses for this purpose: Once the item is restored with either, it can't be restored again.

Kind of what I figured (that the game "knew" when the item was restored and thus unavailable to be restored a second time), but it's kind of an odd spot and I could see it being a bug.
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