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Hello, I've been reading the Breeding Guides on the site and have found myself perplexed at the results from two of my Pokemon. Both my Teddiursa and Buneary seem to fit the ideal conditions to have superior IVs in Attack and Speed respectively.

For example, my Buneary's description read: Alerts to sounds, and it had a Jolly nature. Based on what I read, the description indicates that my buneary should have 31 IVs in Speed.

But, that doesn't seem to be the case. After using rare Candies to raise my Teddiursa and Buneary to Level 5 (no vitamins or battling), their stats were quite underwhelming. In fact, they fell between Min- to Min on their respective profiles on the site. Can anyone explain to me why this is the case, what I'm doing wrong, and how to attain these elusive 31 IV points?

A pokemon which has its characteristic "Alert to sounds" doesn't have to have 31 IVs in speed. This means that the pokemon might have 31 IVs in speed, but may also have these IVs in that stat:

1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31

In your case, it looks like you've gotten a pokemon with one of the lower IVs in the range. They cannot fall at Min- because they have a beneficial nature. You should check with the IV Judge at the Gear Station in BW or the Trainer Tower in Gen 4 to see if they have perfect IVs in the stat without spending too much time. Also it is very inaccurate to IV calculate at level 5. Pokemon must be at (minimum) level 20 to get a fair idea of their IVs. As a rule, higher the level, the better accuracy you get for calculating their IVs.

For more information on characteristics:

I highly recommend RNG manipulation so you can get 31 IVs in all stats (as many as you want) in one go without having to breed more than once.

RNG manipulation (info):

You can also find guides for older versions of the games for RNG manipulation.
Are stall teams an effective way to ladder? Its my favorite play style, especially rain stall, but usually when I'm laddering if I'm playing against someone with a really high rank, it seems the tendency is sand volt turn or heavy offense, and I find myself either getting worn down by switches or just overpowered by sheer force. Sometimes my team feels like it's held together by paperclips and rubber bands, especially when I see mons with multiple very powerful sets like terrakion, haxorus, latios, landorus, etc and one stray crit/miss/statushax or even just lead match up can doom me

When I see some of these teams my guess is that they don't necessarily perform consistently well, but rather they can win more than 50% of the time and because the battles are < 20 turns or so you can just ladder ladder ladder fast and make up for the match-up losses. I've only gotten to 1300 twice and it was with a volt turn team and a "surprise factor" offensive team

tl;dr is stall fundamentally flawed and more work than it's worth? Or does my team just need work and stall can succeed just as much as any other team.

Sorry if this isn't really the thread for theorymon/pokephilosophy
Is your team in the RMT section? Stall does face a lot of threats this gen, but it's not as if it hasn't received enough buffs of its own to be an effective playstyle. There are some very effective stall teams out there that have gone to the top of the ladder (for example, Delko's Team Benelux).

It may not be the fastest (lol) way to reach the top, but if you like it, perfecting and practicing with your team should be an enjoyable climb.
I've recently read up on the Ban list for competitive play and I am most confused about something.

I noticed that there is nothing listed for hax items like King's Rock and other items that can cause hax besides evasion items.

So if possible, can someone go through all the rules that are for standard play?
I know he's pretty much a worthless Pokemon, but I was wondering if there's any viable set for Heatmor. I know he has better SPA than ATK but would it be better to make a mixed set or just shoot for one that's strictly either SPA/ATK?

Also he wouldn't be in doubles or anything, just 1v1 in the Battle Subway.

Any advice would REALLY be appreciated!!! :D

Edit: I just found out that one of the ones I recently obtained can give me HP Electric at 70 BP and was wondering if that's workable or would it be better to simply go for a Sunny Day set? Like Fire Blast, Solarbeam, Sunny Day and I dunno, Substitute?
Regarding Challenge Cup, I noticed that the random Pokemon you receive is off different levels. For example, a Dragonite is level 67, while a Slugma is level 93. Is this random? Or does the server generate these levels according to a certain rule. If so, how does CC assign these levels?
In University Smogon PO Statistics, what is the difference between "Percent" and "Real Percent"? And why is used "Percent" and no "Real Percent"?. Thanks
The weaker a pokémon is, the higer level it will be, I believe

I figured as much. What I'm trying to ask is, how exactly does the server assign these levels? Are these numbers calculated in a certain way? If yes, how exactly? I'm very interested to know, and if someone could answer, or at least tell me where I could get the answers, that would be highly appreciated.
In University Smogon PO Statistics, what is the difference between "Percent" and "Real Percent"? And why is used "Percent" and no "Real Percent"?. Thanks

Percent is the number of teams the Pokemon appeared on, whereas Real Percent is the number of battles they actually hit the field in. Percent is what everything is decided on, as some Pokemon hit the field less often than others due to their role (weather starters are very likely to hit the field in most games, whereas clean-up sweepers might not appear at all if the battle goes badly for their team, for example). I hope that clears things up for you.
I was wondering and this is not an inquiry to AR codes, but if anyone has purchased an, Action Replay Ultimate Cheats For Use With Pokemon, cartridge and was wondering if anyone else had one and knew how to add codes as it did not come with a USB device...?
First, use the edit button next time instead of triple posting.
Second, dunno about ARs so can't help you there.
Third, The gts method cloning is usually accepted here as long as you list it in the pokemon you're trying to trade (same applies for AR cloned pokemon actually).
Guess what people? I'm actually ASKING a question for once instead of answering it.

I've been doing a Scramble of Colosseum, and I need to know whether or not there are Shadow Pokemon that can only EVER be encountered once or not. If that IS the case then it's too late, but it's been bugging me for so long now because I've frequently heard people tell me that you can reobtain them during the post game... but no one has ever said WHERE. Furthermore, I have been unable to find this information by looking at various guides and other websites.

Could someone PLEASE settle this for me once and for all? It's driving me crazy.
Jimera0... I believe after the end game Mirror B runs around with what's left of the Shadow Pokemon. I don't know if any are one time onlies for sure, There might be one or two. You should try asking down in the Ruins Of Alph. I know there are some experts on Colosseum down there. I can;t remember if I'm thinking XD or Colosseum with my thoughts on Mirror B though.
I was wondering and this is not an inquiry to AR codes, but if anyone has purchased an, Action Replay Ultimate Cheats For Use With Pokemon, cartridge and was wondering if anyone else had one and knew how to add codes as it did not come with a USB device...?

You NEED a USB cord to add or create cheats on your Action Replay device. It doesn't have to be a cord for that specific model though, my AR DSi cord doesn't work so I use the AR DS cord with my AR DSi
Alright, so I always lose to my buddy in battles because his pokemon seem to be on some sort of super-steroids. I just have a question about whether these stats can be legit, because 3 stat calculators say they aren't.

These are his stats:

Lv 65 Infernape (Naive, 252atk evs, 252 spd evs)
HP - 234
Attack - 201
Defense - 158
Sp. Atk - 200
Sp. Def. - 142
Speed - 226

I put those into the calculators and all of the IVs come up as invalid except for atk and speed. Do I just suck or are there some sort of shenanigans going on here?
Yep, hugecrush. According to a stat calculator, a Naive Infernape at level 65, assuming each stat has perfect IVs and is completely EV'd out in each stat (illegal), gets 234/201/158/201/142/226 stats. Shenanigans are that your friend is sticking on too many EVs than you can legally get.
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